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School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Profiles

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Steven Nielsen

Associate Professor - Chemistry and Biochemistry

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Bruce Novak

Francis S. and Maurine G. Johnson Chair; Professor - Chemistry and Biochemistry

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Tomoki Ohsawa

Associate Professor – Mathematical Sciences

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Ramesh Padmanabhan

Assist. Prof. of Instruction - Biological Sciences

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Kelli Palmer

Cecil H. and Ida Green Chair in Systems Biology Science

Professor - Biological Sciences

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Jing Pan

Assistant Professor of Instruction - Biological Sciences

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Nimanka Panapitiya

Senior Lecturer I - Chemistry and Biochemistry

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Paul Pantano

Associate Professor - Chemistry and Biochemistry

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Jigarkumar Patel

Professor of Instruction - Mathematical Sciences

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Ajaya Paudel

Assistant Professor of Instruction - Mathematical Sciences

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Kaloyan Penev

Assistant Professor - Physics

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Luis Felipe Pereira

Professor - Mathematical Sciences

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Emile Pessagno

Professor Emeritus - Geosciences

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Elizabeth Pickett

Associate Professor of Instruction - Biological Sciences

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Steven Pirouz

Assistant Professor of Instruction

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Dean Presnall

Professor Emeritus

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Ignacio Pujana

Professor of Instruction - Geosciences

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Yanping Qin

Professor of Instruction - Chemistry and Biochemistry

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Dmitry Rachinskiy

Professor - Mathematical Sciences

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Diarisoa Mihaja Rakotomalala

Assist. Prof. of Instruction - Mathematical Sciences

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Viswanath Ramakrishna

Professor - Mathematical Sciences

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Ruben D. Ramirez

Assistant Professor of Instruction- Biological Sciences

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Lawrence Reitzer

Professor - Biological Sciences

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