Inga Musselman
Professional Preparation
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC - 1988
Gettysburg College, Gettysburg PA - 1982
Research Areas
Research Interests
Current research in the Musselman Group has 4 emphases with a microscopy theme in common. Projects include:
- Mechanisms of contrast and limits of contrast resolution in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) images of molecular adsorbates
- Peptide/single-walled carbon nanotube interactions explored using STM and atomic force microscopy (AFM)
- Fabrication and testing of polymer-based mixed-matrix membranes for gas separations
- Development and testing of high temperature proton exchange membranes for fuel cells
The University of Texas at Dallas [2008–Present]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2008–Present]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2003–2008]
The University of Texas at Dallas [1998–2008]
The University of Texas at Dallas [1992–1998]
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC [1991–1992]
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC [1988–1991]
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC [1984–1988]
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD [1983–1988]
Center for Analytical Chemistry
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC [1982–1984]
Identification of Halogen Atoms in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Images of Substituted Phenyloctadecyl Ethers
1999–1999 Department of Chemistry Seminar, Baylor University, Waco, TXMorphology of Poly(3 dodecylthiophene) Gas Separation Membranes
1998–1998 215th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Dallas, TXAtomic Force Microscopy and Related Techniques: Introduction, Instrumentation and Application to Polymeric Materials
1998–1998 Microscopy and Microanalysis '98, Atlanta, GAIdentification of Halogen Atoms in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Images of Substituted Phenyloctadecyl Ethers
1999–1999 Microscopy and Microanalysis '99, Portland, ORAtomic Force Microscopy and Related Techniques: Introduction, Instrumentation and Application to Polymeric Materials
1997–1997 3M Technical Forum, St. Paul, MNAdditional Information
Ser vice - r eviewing, r efer eeing and administr ative work with pr ofessional societies and organizations; departmental, college, university committees; community ser vice, etc.
Academic Year 1991-1992
Research Grants Science Review Panel for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Air Chemistry and Physics.
Academic Year 1992-1993
Reviewer for Microbeam Analysis.
Reviewer for Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B.
MicroNews Editor of Microbeam Analysis, published bimonthly, ISSN 1061-3420
Prepare ~16 page camera-ready document containing news of Microbeam Analysis Society.
department / university
Health Professions Advisory Committee, University of Texas at Dallas.
Board of Directors, Green Faculty Commons Club, University of Texas at Dallas.
Graduate Student Committees
Apprenticeship Practicum:
Scott Riley
Derek Smith Committee Chair
Laura Sotille
Diego Torres
Academic Year 1993-1994
Reviewer of Research Grants, Special Study Section, National Institutes of Health.
MicroNews Editor of Microbeam Analysis, published bimonthly, ISSN 1061-3420
Prepare ~16 page camera-ready document containing news of Microbeam Analysis Society.
Member of Long-Range Planning Committee for Microbeam Analysis Society.
department / university
Safety Committee, University of Texas at Dallas.
Parking and Security Committee, University of Texas at Dallas.
Board of Directors, Green Faculty Commons Club, University of Texas at Dallas.
Faculty Committee to interview candidates for President of the University of Texas at Dallas, April 1994.
Graduate Student Committees
Apprenticeship Practicum:
Jimmy Chow
Mona Eissa
Thomas Jacob
Jan Makos
Jean Martino Committee Chair
Scott Riley
J. Shawn Roach Committee Chair
Derek Smith Committee Chair
Deepta Varadarajan Committee Chair
Fundamental Practicum: Houston Smith
community service
"Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy", Lecture presentation and
laboratory demonstration for ~80 students from Richardson High School, Richardson, TX,
February 3, 1994.
"Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy", Presentation to local area
secondary school science teachers, September 18, 1993.
ACES 93 (Access to Careers in Engineering and Science), Texas Woman's University,
Presentation to ~50 young women from across the state of Texas, ages 16-18, about a career as
an analytical chemist, July 21, 1993.
Academic Year 1994-1995
Co-Chair of Symposium at Joint Meeting of Microscopy Society of America and Microbeam Analysis Society
(with J. Hoh, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine) Scanned Probe Microscopies New Orleans, LA, August 4, 1994.
MicroNews Editor of Microbeam Analysis, published bimonthly, ISSN 1061-3420
Prepare ~16 page camera-ready document containing news of Microbeam Analysis Society.
Member of Long-Range Planning Committee for Microbeam Analysis Society.
department / university
Through Bill Stancliff Arranged for Fire Extinguisher Training at Fall 1994 Safety Training Seminar for Students and Staff of Chemistry Program, University of Texas at Dallas, June 2, 1994.
Arranged and Hosted Short Course "Scanning Electron Microscopy: An Introduction" Given by Ove Thompson and Jo Long of Philips Electronic Instruments Company for Faculty, Staff, and Students of the University of Texas at Dallas, July 26, 1994.
Board of Directors, Green Faculty Commons Club, University of Texas at Dallas.
Safety Committee, University of Texas at Dallas.
Parking and Security Committee, University of Texas at Dallas.
Graduate Student Committees
Apprenticeship Practicum:
Thomas Jacob
Jean Martino Committee Chair
Brian Reid Committee Chair
J. Shawn Roach Committee Chair
Deepta Varadarajan Committee Chair
Lisa Washmon Committee Chair
Xuehuan Tan
Industrial Practicum: Mona Eissa
Derek Smith Committee Chair
Fundamental Practicum: Laura Ball
Jan Makos
Houston Smith
Academic Year 1995-1996
Reviewer of Research Grants for National Science Foundation.
Secretary of Microbeam Analysis Society.
MicroNews Editor of Microbeam Analysis, published bimonthly, ISSN 1061-3420
Prepare ~16 page camera-ready document containing news of Microbeam Analysis Society.
department / university
Committee to Select and Interview Candidates for Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Texas at Dallas, January, 1996.
Safety Committee, University of Texas at Dallas.
Graduate Student Committees.
Apprenticeship Practicum:
Jimmy Chow
Suman Iyengar Committee Chair
Thomas Jacob
Lin Li Committee Chair
Jeannie Martino Committee Chair
Brian Reid Committee Chair
Deepta Varadarajan Committee Chair
Lisa Washmon Committee Chair
Yadong Zhou
Industrial Practicum: Mona Eissa
Jan Makos
J. Shawn Roach Committee Chair
Mark Russell
Laura Ball
Fundamental Practicum: Jan Makos
Derek Smith
Jamie Yang
Academic Year 1996-1997
Reviewer of Research Grants for National Science Foundation.
Reviewer of manuscripts for Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B.
Co-Chair of Symposium at Microscopy and Microanalysis 1996 (with P. E. Russell, North Carolina State University)
Scanning Probe Microscopy: Instrumentation and Applications Minneapolis, MN, August 15, 1996.
National Tour Speaker for the Microbeam Analysis Society
Scanning Probe Microscopy: Introduction and Industrial Applications.
Secretary of Microbeam Analysis Society.
department / university
Health Professions Advisory Committee, University of Texas at Dallas.
Coordinated Task Force to Determine Instrumentation Needs for Chemistry Teaching Laboratories. Arranged for Bids from Vendors for Purchase of 2 UV/Vis Instruments, 4 Gas Chromatographs, and 3 FT-IRs for Lower Division Laboratory Courses.
Graduate Student Committees:
Apprenticeship Practicum:
Thuc Dam
Suman Iyengar Committee Chair
Darren Lee
Lin Li Committee Chair
Bingcan Liu
Brian Reid Committee Chair
Ziad Shaker
Abdu Shumburo
Chien-wen Tien Committee Chair
Industrial Practicum: Jimmy Chow
Jan Makos
Jeannie Martino Committee Chair
Deepta Varadarajan Committee Chair
Fundamental Practicum: Mona Eissa
Jan Makos
Jeannie Martino
Shawn Roach
Derek L. Smith
Jamie Yang
Academic Year 1997-1998
Reviewer of manuscripts for Microscopy and Microanalysis.
Director, Executive Council, Microbeam Analysis Society (1997-2000).
department / university
Library Representative for Chemistry Department.
Coordinated Installation of Perkin Elmer Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Demonstration Site.
Graduate Student Committees:
Master's: Heidi Nottleman
Apprenticeship Practicum: Thuc Dam
Chien-wen Tien Committee Chair
Industrial Practicum: Darren Lee
Lin Li Committee Chair
Suman Iyengar Committee Chair
Brian Reid Committee Chair
Abdu Shumburo
Lisa Washmon Committee Chair
Fundamental Practicum: Jimmy Chow
Jeannie Martino
Deepta Varadarajan
Lisa Washmon
Jamie Yang
community service
"Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy", Lecture presentation and
laboratory demonstration for ~20 students from Fairhill School, Dallas, TX, April 3, 1998.
Science Fair Judge, Southwest Association of Episcopal Schools, April 24, 1998.
Academic Year 1998-1999
Reviewer of manuscripts for Microscopy and Microanalysis and Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology.
Director, Executive Council, Microbeam Analysis Society (1997-2000).
department / university
Academic Senate (1998-1999)
Committee on Educational Policy (1998-1999)
Project Kaleidoscope F21 Member. Attended 1998 PKAL F21 National Assembly, Arlington Park, IL, September 18-20, 1998.
Graduate Student Committees:
Master's: Chien-wen Tien Committee Chair
Apprenticeship Practicum: Luis DeLeon
Von Howard Ebron Committee Chair
Karen Fortune Committee Chair
Sudha Madhugiri Committee Chair
Frederick Tejada
Industrial Practicum: Thuc Dam
Darren Lee
Lin Li Committee Chair
Suman Iyengar Committee Chair
Brian Reid Committee Chair
Abdu Shumburo
Fundamental Practicum: Jimmy Chow
Jeannie Martino
Deepta Varadarajan
Lisa Washmon
Jamie Yang
community service
"Women in Chemistry: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Career Preparation", Lecture presentation to chemistry students at J. J. Pearce High School, Richardson, TX, December 11, 1998.
Girl Scout Leader for 2nd Grade Brownies at The Parish Day School, Tejas Council, Service Unit 161, Troop 805.
Academic Year 1999-2000
Reviewer of manuscripts for Microscopy and Microanalysis and Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology.
Director, Executive Council, Microbeam Analysis Society (1997-2000).
Co-Chair of Symposium at Microscopy and Microanalysis 1999 (with Mary Buckett, 3M Corporation)
Developments in Scanned Probe Microscopy of Polymers Portland, OR, August 5, 1999
department / university
Academic Senate (1998-1999, 1999-2000)
Chair of Committee for the Support of Women and Minorities (1999-2000)
Attended Graduation Ceremonies (August 1999, December 1999)
Secretary for Chemistry Faculty Meetings
Adhoc Committee for 3rd Year Review of Michael Biewer (Fall 1999)
Search Committee for Assistant Professor of Chemistry (Fall 1999)
Project Kaleidoscope F21 Member. Attended 1999 PKAL F21 National Assembly, College Park, MD, October 22-24, 1999.
Health Professions Advisory Committee (Spring 2000).
Graduate Student Committees:
Master's: Karen Fortune Committee Chair
Catherine Kleber
Apprenticeship Practicum: Soo-Kim Quah
Industrial Practicum: Luis DeLeon
Von Howard Ebron Committee Chair
Sudha Madhugiri Committee Chair
Frederick Tejada
Fundamental Practicum: Thuc Dam
Suman Iyengar
Darren Lee
Lin Li
Brian Reid Committee Chair
Scott Riley
Abdu Shumburo
Deepta Varadarajan
Lisa Washmon
community service
Performed Science Experiment for 4 Year Old Preschool Class at The Parish Day School, Dallas, TX.
Girl Scout Leader for 3rd Grade Brownies at The Parish Day School, Tejas Council, Service Unit 161, Troop 805.
Academic Year 2000-2001
Reviewer of manuscripts for Microscopy and Microanalysis and Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology.
Program Co-Chair for Microscopy and Microanalysis 2001, Long Beach, CA
Co-Chair of Symposium at Microscopy and Microanalysis 2001 (with Ratnesh Lal, University of California Santa Barbara)
Can Scanning Probe Microscopes Do Microanalysis? Long Beach, CA, August 6, 2001
department / university
Committee for the Support of Women and Minorities (2000-2001)
Attended Graduation Ceremonies (December 2000)
Secretary for Chemistry Faculty Meetings
Adhoc Committee for Tenure Review of Jeff DeJong (Fall 2000)
Project Kaleidoscope F21 Member. Attended 2000 PKAL F21 National Assembly, Tucson, AZ,
November 30 - December 3, 2000.
Graduate Student Committees:
Master's: Hadi Yehia Committee Chair
Apprenticeship Practicum: Kyle Cattanach Committee Chair
Kim Kangasniemi Committee Chair
Angelo Lubag Committee Chair
Gabriella Luta
Alfonzo Ortiz
Fundamental Practicum: Luis DeLeon
Von Howard Ebron
Suman Iyengar
Darren Lee
Sudha Madhugiri
Frederick Tejada
community service
Performed Science Experiment for Kindergarten Class at The Parish Day School, Dallas, TX.
Girl Scout Leader for 4th Grade Junior Girl Scouts at The Parish Day School, Tejas Council,
Service Unit 161, Troop 805.
Academic Year 2001-2002
Reviewer of manuscripts for Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology.
Secretary, Executive Council, Microbeam Analysis Society (2001-2003).
Co-Chair of Symposium at Microscopy and Microanalysis 2002 (with Dorothy Erie, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Scanning Probe Microscopy: Technical Advances and Applications Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, August 4 - 8, 2002
department / university
Secretary for Chemistry Faculty Meetings
Chair of Adhoc Committee for Tenure Review of Paul Pantano (Fall 2001)
Adhoc Committee for 3rd Year Review of Gregg Dieckmann (Fall 2001)
Outside Chair for Ph.D. Defense of Tracy Lynn Greer, Human Development, June 27, 2002.
Graduate Student Committees:
Apprenticeship Practicum: Kyle Cattanach Committee Chair
Shook-Fong Chin
Harsha Kolla
Angelo Lubag Committee Chair
Jim Simpson
Hadi Yehia Committee Chair
Industrial Practicum: Kim Kangasniemi Committee Chair
Angelo Lubag Committee Chair
Gabriella Luta
Alfonso Ortiz
Fundamental Practicum: Luis DeLeon
Von Howard Ebron
Suman Iyengar
Gabriella Luta
Sudha Madhugiri
Frederick Tejada
community service
Girl Scout Leader for 5th Grade Junior Girl Scouts at The Parish Day School, Tejas Council,
Service Unit 161, Troop 805.
Academic Year 2002-2003
Reviewer of manuscripts for Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology.
Reviewer of Grant Proposals for National Science Foundation.
Secretary, Executive Council, Microbeam Analysis Society (2001-2003).
department / university
Secretary for Chemistry Faculty Meetings.
Member of Adhoc Committee for 3rd Year Review of Matthew Leybourne, Geosciences (Fall 2002).
Member of Search Committee for Dean of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Texas at Dallas (Spring 2003).
Graduate Student Committees:
Master's Dilek Balkanli
Harsha Kolla
Greg McGovern
Ming-Hui Yang
Apprenticeship Practicum: Lana Alagha
Edson Perez
Thomas J. Pisklak
Hadi Yehia Committee Chair
Leiliang (Renée) Zheng Committee Chair
Industrial Practicum: Kyle Cattanach Committee Chair
Shook-Fong Chin
Angelo Lubag Committee Chair
James Simpson
Fundamental Practicum: Kim Kangasniemi
Gabriella Luta
Alfonso Ortiz
community service
Girl Scout Leader for 6th Grade Junior Girl Scouts at The Parish Episcopal School, Tejas Girl
Scout Council, Service Unit 161, Troop 805.
Academic Year 2003-2004
President-elect, Microbeam Analysis Society (December 2003-August 2004).
Secretary, Executive Council, Microbeam Analysis Society (2001-2003).
Reviewer of manuscripts for Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology.
Reviewer of Grant Proposals for National Science Foundation.
department / university
Associate Head of Chemistry, University of Texas at Dallas (October 2003-present).
NS&M School Council.
Member of Search Committee for Dean of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Texas at Dallas (2003-2004).
University Committee on Effective Teaching.
Secretary for Chemistry Faculty Meetings.
Graduate Student Committees:
M.S. Carlos Barcena Committee Chair
Elfrida Ginting Committee Chair
Vasiliki Zorbas Committee Chair
Industrial Internship: Edson Perez
Hadi Yehia Committee Chair
Ph.D.: Shook-Fong Chin
Kyle Cattanach
Kim Kangasniemi
Angelo Lubag
Alfonso Ortiz
Thomas J. Pisklak
community service
Girl Scout Leader for 7th Grade Cadette Girl Scouts at The Parish Episcopal School, Tejas Girl
Scout Council, Service Unit 161, Troop 805.
Academic Year 2004-2005
President, Microbeam Analysis Society (August 2004 - August 2005).
Reviewer of manuscripts for Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Journal of the American Chemical Society.
department / university
Associate Head of Chemistry, University of Texas at Dallas (October 2003-present).
NS&M School Council.
University Committee on Faculty Mentoring
Graduate Student Committees:
M.S. Carlos Barcena Committee Chair
Elfrida Ginting Committee Chair
Ann Chacko
Monica Talbot
Industrial Internship: Hadi Yehia Committee Chair
Ph.D.: Shook-Fong Chin
Kyle Cattanach
Kim Kangasniemi
Angelo Lubag
Alfonso Ortiz
Thomas J. Pisklak
Lana Alagha
Vasiliki Zorbas Committee Chair
Edson Perez Committee Chair
Hadi Yehia
Yanfeng Zhang
community service
Girl Scout Leader for 8th Grade Cadette Girl Scouts at The Parish Episcopal School, Tejas Girl
Scout Council, Service Unit 161, Troop 805.
Academic Year 2005-2006
Past-President, Microbeam Analysis Society (August 2005 - August 2006).
Reviewer of manuscripts for Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Journal of the American Chemical Society.
department / university
Associate Head of Chemistry, University of Texas at Dallas (October 2003-present).
NS&M School Council.
Member of Search Committee for Dean of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
Member of SACSCOC Steering Committee.
Graduate Student Committees:
M.S. Carlos Barcena Committee Chair
Elfrida Ginting Committee Chair
William Kaberle Committee Chair
Ma. Josephine Ordonez Committee Chair
Pooja Bajaj Committee Chair
Ann Chacko
Fern Edwards-Ferguson
Grace Kalaw
Industrial Internship: Carlos Barcena Committee Chair
Ph.D. Alfonso Ortiz
Thomas J. Pisklak
Lana Alagha
Vasiliki Z. Poenitzsch Committee Chair
Edson Perez Committee Chair
Hadi Yehia
Yanfeng Zhang
community service
Girl Scout Leader for 9th Grade Senior Girl Scouts at The Parish Episcopal School, Tejas Girl
Scout Council, Service Unit 161, Troop 805.
Academic Year 2006-2007
Reviewer of Manuscripts for Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Journal of the
American Chemical Society.
Editorial Board Member, Experimental Biology and Medicine
department / university
Associate Head of Chemistry, University of Texas at Dallas (October 2003-present).
Liaison to UTD Facilities Management for Renovation of Berkner Hall.
NS&M School Council.
Member of SACSCOC Steering Committee.
University Committee on Faculty Mentoring.
Programming Committee for Math, Science, Engineering, Technology Learning Center.
Member of Chemistry Graduate Student Recruiting Committee
Graduate Student Committees:
M.S. William Kaberle Committee Chair
Ma. Josephine Ordonez Committee Chair
Pooja Bajaj Committee Chair
Ann Chacko
Fern Edwards-Ferguson Leave of Absence
Grace Kalaw
Ph.D. Lana Alagha
Vasiliki Z. Poenitzsch Committee Chair
Edson Perez Committee Chair
Hadi Yehia
Yanfeng Zhang
community service
Girl Scout Leader for 10th Grade Senior Girl Scouts at The Parish Episcopal School, Tejas Girl
Scout Council, Service Unit 161, Troop 805.
Academic Year 2007-2008
Editorial Board Member, Experimental Biology and Medicine
department / university
Associate Head of Chemistry, University of Texas at Dallas (October 2003-present).
Member of NS&M School Council
Liaison to UTD Facilities Management for renovation of Berkner Hall
Prepared reports for certification/credentialing (e.g. ACS Certified B.S. Degree in Chemistry, NRC Assessment of Doctoral Programs; SACSCOC; Department of Chemistry Self-Study)
Recruited and prepared offer letters to potential graduate students
Assigned TA duties to graduate students
Determined semester course offerings, made teaching assignments, monitored faculty workload
Prepared SACSCOC program plans and assessment reports for chemistry
Approved purchases in chemistry (purchase orders, SOS forms, Staples orders, Central Stores, Printing Services)
Provided Updates to Graduate and Undergraduate Catalog Copy
Member of MSET Advisory Committee
SACSCOC Steering Committee (2005 - present)
University Committee on Faculty Mentoring (2007 - 2008)
Member of Chemistry Graduate Student Recruiting Committee
Graduate Student Committees:
M.S. Pooja Bajaj Committee Chair
Annie Chacko
Fern Edwards-Ferguson Leave of Absence
William Kaberle Committee Chair
Ma. Josephine Ordoñez Committee Chair
Ph.D. Lana Alagha
Grace Kalaw
Alfonso Ortiz
Edson Perez Committee Chair
Vasiliki Z. Poenitzsch Committee Chair
Chunrong Xiong
Yanfeng Zhang
community service
Girl Scout Leader for 11th Grade Senior Girl Scouts at The Parish Episcopal School, Tejas Girl
Scout Council, Service Unit 161, Troop 805.
Academic Year 2008-2009
Editorial Board Member, Experimental Biology and Medicine
Reviewer for Journal of Membrane Science
department / university
Associate Provost
Supervision of the Faculty Records Office
Supervision of administration and oversight of the processes of hiring and evaluating faculty
and academic staff
Administration and oversight of faculty review processes
Member of MSET Advisory Committee
Graduate Student Committees:
M.S. David Bushdiecker Committee Chair
William Kaberle
Ma. Josephine Ordoñez Committee Chair
Dinushi Samarajeewa Committee Chair
Ph.D. Grace Kalaw
Edson Perez Committee Chair
community service
Girl Scout Leader for 12th Grade Senior Girl Scouts at The Parish Episcopal School, Tejas Girl
Scout Council, Service Unit 161, Troop 805.
Professional recognitions, honors, memberships, etc., (study, teaching, research, service)
Recognitions and honors:Departmental Honors in Chemistry, 1982, Gettysburg College
Student Travel Award, 1985 and 1987, Microbeam Analysis Society
Castaing Award for Best Student Paper, 1985, Microbeam Analysis Society
Title of paper: "The Use of Laser Microprobe Mass Analysis for Nickel Speciation in Individual Particles of Micrometer Size
Travel Exhibit Award for Best Poster, 1990, Electron Microscopy Society of America
Title of poster: "Correlative STM, FESEM, and TEM Studies of Fibrillar Structures in Liquid Crystalline Polymers"
Honorary Member, 2001, Golden Key National Honor Society
Presidential Service Award, 2003, Microbeam Analysis Society
Memberships and offices: American Chemical Society 1986- Member American Vacuum Society 1990- Member Experimental Biology and Medicine 2006-2012 Member of Editorial Board Microbeam Analysis Society 1984- Member 1992-1995 MicroNews Editor 1995-1997 Secretary, Executive Council 1996-1997 National Tour Speaker 1998-2000 Director, Executive Council 2001 Program Co-Chair for Microscopy and Microanalysis 2001 (M&M 2001) August 5-9, Long Beach, CA 2001-2003 Secretary, Executive Council 2003-2006 President-Elect, President, Past-President North American Membrane Society 1996- Member
News Articles
Musselman Named UT Dallas Provost, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dr. Inga Musselman, professor of chemistry at UT Dallas, has been named provost and vice president for academic affairs for the University. She has been the interim provost since 2015.UT Dallas President Richard C. Benson said the choice for the University’s chief academic officer was made after a national search and an extensive interview process involving top candidates. The appointment was effective Dec. 1.
“Dr. Musselman emerged from an extraordinarily strong pool of candidates. She has a stellar record as an educator, researcher and administrator, along with a deep understanding of UT Dallas,” Benson said. “She has served with distinction during her time as interim provost, and I am delighted to continue working with her in leading our University.”
Musselman to Expand Administrative Role as Senior Vice Provost for the University

Musselman, an analytical chemist, joined the UT Dallas faculty in 1992 and since 2008 has been associate provost. In the Office of the Provost, she has overseen the process of faculty review, promotion and tenure. In her new expanded role, Musselman will continue to lead that process while assuming additional important responsibilities in the areas of personnel and finance.
U. T. Dallas’ Dr. Inga Musselman New President of Microbeam Analysis Society

Musselman assumed the group’s top leadership position at the annual MAS scientific meeting, “Microscopy and Microanalysis 2004,” held in Savannah, Ga., after having served as president-elect of the society for the past year. She will preside over next year’s annual meeting, to be held in late July and early August in Honolulu.
Musselman Receives Distinguished Alumni Award

“These awards are the highest ones given by the Alumni Association, and we are proud to recognize these alumni for their accomplishments and service,” said Susan Pyron, associate vice president for annual giving, alumni and parent relations at Gettysburg.
Two UTD Researchers Win Grants Worth $300,000

The two scientists - both from UTD's Department of Chemistry - each received three-year grants of $150,000. The grant recipients and the titles of their respective research are:
- Dr. A. Dean Sherry, professor of chemistry, "Lanthanide DOTA-tetraamide Complexes as Biological Sensors."
- Dr. Inga Holl Musselman, associate professor of chemistry, "Chemical Contrast in STM Images of Materials for Molecular Scale Sensors and Device Structures."