Ph.D. - Humanities - Aesthetic Studies; Dissertation Title: Emergent Pedagogical Agents as Assistive Technology in Creative, Collaborative and Expansive Projects. Dissertation advisor: Thomas E. Linehan, Ph.D.
University of Texas at Dallas; Richardson, Texas - 2007
Marjorie Zielke
Research Professor — Modeling and Simulation
Professional Preparation
M.S. - International Management Studies, Secondary emphasis in corporate finance
University of Dallas: Irving, Texas - 1993
University of Dallas: Irving, Texas - 1993
MBA - Business Administration
University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington Texas - 1980
University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington Texas - 1980
B.S. - Journalism
University of Illinois: Champaign, Illinois - 1977
University of Illinois: Champaign, Illinois - 1977
Zielke, M., Orr, N. Zakhidov, D., Rizzo, J., Parmanand, S., Sillero, J. “The Emotive Virtual Patient –Research Progress.” IEEE SeGAH (Serious Games and Applications for Health). Online, 2020. 2020 - Conference Proceedings
Zielke, M., Zakhidov, D., et al. “Using Design-based Research to Develop a Virtual Human Interface for Police Nystagmus Training.” IEEE SeGAH (Serious Games and Applications for Health). Kyoto, Japan. 2019. 2019 - Conference Proceedings
Zielke, M., Zakhidov, D., Hardee, G., Evans, L., Pradeep, J., Lodhi, Z., Zimmer, K., Ward, E. “Exploring Medical Cyberlearning For Work At The Human/ Technology Frontier With The Emotive Virtual Human System Platform.” IEEE SeGAH (Serious Games and Applications for Health). Vienna, Austria. 2018. 2018 - Conference Proceedings
Zielke, M., Zakhidov, D., Hardee, G., Evans, L., Lenox, S., Orr, N., Fino, D., Mathialagan, G. (2017). “Developing Virtual Patients with VR/AR for a Natural User Interface in Medical Teaching.” IEEE SeGAH (Serious Games and Applications for Health). Perth, Australia. 2017. 2017 - Conference Proceedings
Zielke M., Zakhidov. D., Jacob, D., Hardee, G., “Beyond Fun and Games: Towards an Adaptive and Emergent Learning Platform for Pre-Med Students with the UT TIME Portal.” IEEE SeGAH (Serious Games and Applications for Health). Orlando, FL. 2016. 2016 - Conference Proceedings
Zielke, M., Zakhidov, D., Jacob, D., Lenox, S., “Using Qualitative Data Analysis Software NVivo 10 to Measure User Experience in a Serious Game for Premed Students.” HCI (Human Computer Interaction) International 2016. 2016 - Publication
Trost, Z., Zielke, M, Guck, A., Nowlin, L., Zakhidov, D, France, C. R., & Keefe, F. (2015). The Promise and Challenge of Virtual Gaming Technologies for Chronic Pain: The Case of Graded Exposure for Lower Back Pain. Pain, 5(3), 197-206. 2015 - Publication
Zielke M., Zakhidov, D., Kaiser, M., Hardee, G. ”Game-based Simulation for Philippine Post-Typhoon Stability Operations Training.” IITSEC (Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference). Orlando, FL. December, 2014. 2014 - Publication
Finalists - AFWERX Challenge [2020]
First Place in Education/Human Performance - Interservice, Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (IITSEC) [2018]
First Place - Poster - International Meeting of Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) [2015]
First Place Faculty Game - International Meeting of Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) [2015]
First Place Faculty Game - International Meeting of Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) [2014]
First Place (Tie) Demonstration - Eighth Annual Innovations in Health Science Education Conference [2012]
First Place, Government Category, Serious Game Competition - Interservice, Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (IITSEC) [2011]
First Place Emerging and Innovative Technologies & Methods - International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) [2011]
Director - Center for Simulation and Synthetic Humans
University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) [2014–Present]
University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) [2014–Present]
Professor of Research
University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) [2017–Present]
University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) [2017–Present]
Professor of Practice - Arts and Technology
University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) [2014–2017]
University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) [2014–2017]
Associate Director - Institute for Interactive Arts and Engineering - Arts and Technology Program
University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) [2011–2014]
University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) [2011–2014]
Assistant Professor - Arts and Technology
University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) [2008–2014]
University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) [2008–2014]
Visiting Assistant Professor - Arts and Technology
University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) [2007–2007]
University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) [2007–2007]
Research Associate - Arts and Technology
University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) [2007–2007]
University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) [2007–2007]
Graduate Teaching/Research/Assistant
University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) [2004–2007]
University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) [2004–2007]
EVP - Emotive Virtual Patients
2016/06INSITE - Individual Nystagmus Simulated Training Experience
2015/06Virtual Dyslexia Therapist
2016/04–2020/08VRGE - Virtual Reality Graded Exposure
2016/09–2019/08UT TIME Portal - Transformation in Medical Education
2014/08–2017/08Additional Information
University Service
- University Research Steering Committee: University of Texas at Dallas, Fall 2013 to Spring 2015
- Undergraduate Steering Committee: Arts and Humanities, University of Texas at Dallas, Fall 2012 to Spring 2013
- Emerging Media and Communications Graduate Committee: University of Texas at Dallas, Fall 2012 to Fall 2013
- Distance Education Committee: University of Texas at Dallas, Fall 2011
- Faculty Advisor: ATEC Website, Fall 2009 to Fall 2011
- Graduate Studies Committee: University of Texas at Dallas, School of Arts and Humanities, Fall 2009 to Fall 2011
- Executive Committee and Advisory Board: Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IIE), University of Texas at Dallas, School of Management, January 2008 to August 2009.
Personal Statement
Marjorie A. Zielke, Ph.D., is Director of the Center for Simulation and Synthetic Humans and Professor of Research at the University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas). Working primarily in emerging forms of simulation focused on virtual humans, the future of work, advanced networks and learning portals, she is the UT Dallas principle investigator on several innovative simulation research projects in the education, medical, and military/law enforcement sectors. Under Dr. Zielke’s direction, the Center has formed numerous research partnerships particularly in education and training with support from the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, American Medical Association, Southwestern Medical Foundation, Sam Houston State University, and the Texas Department of Transportation. The Center’s projects with colleagues have won first place for faculty twice at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH); the U.S. Army’s Modeling and Simulation Training Team Award; the government category in the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) Serious Games Competition; the National Training and Simulation Association (NTSA) Cross-Functional Simulation Award; and the NTSA award for Education and Human Performance. Dr. Zielke served a fellowship in 2018 with the Special Operations Command as a Donovan Fellow through SOFWERX. Dr. Zielke is a member of the NTSA Advisory Committee. Dr. Zielke has a Ph.D. focused on Arts and Technology, Brain Science and Marketing through the UT Dallas Arts and Humanities school, a Masters in International Business from the University of Dallas and an MBA from UT Arlington focused on Management Information Systems and Marketing. Dr. Zielke has several years of industry as well as academic administration leadership experience.
News Articles
Augmented Reality: Next Generation of Medical Training?

New UTDallas Tech Helps Officers Spot Impaired Drivers

Virtual Patient Project Aims To Develop Smarter Medical Students

The research, funded by a $750,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), will look at a number of virtual interactions, such as virtual peers, virtual professors and virtual patients, with a goal of determining the best methods for social learning.
“Augmented reality means you’re taking reality and adding something virtual to it,” said Marjorie Zielke PhD’07, research professor and director of the Center for Modeling and Simulation/Virtual Humans and Synthetic Societies Lab. “In this research, we are exploring what role real peers, virtual peers, real professors and virtual professors play in learning about patient communication.”
UT Dallas Lab Helps Create Virtual Impaired Driver for Identifying DUIs

Brian is the star performer of a project called Individual Nystagmus Simulated Training Experience (INSITE), which helps identify horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN). This condition — evaluated in a standard field sobriety test — is the involuntary jerking or twitching of a driver’s eyes as they follow an officer’s finger as it moves from side to side in front of the driver’s face. How soon the eyes begin to twitch as the officer conducts the horizontal gaze nystagmus test indicates the driver’s impairment level.
ATEC Team Receives Healthy Dose of Grants for Virtual Medical Work
A research team from the School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication at The University of Texas at Dallas has received two grants — one each from Southwestern Medical Foundation and the National Institutes for Health — to fuel ongoing research into virtual reality-based medical experiences.The Center for Modeling and Simulation and the Virtual Humans and Synthetic Societies Lab, both led by ATEC professor Dr. Marjorie Zielke, are developing an emotive “Virtual Reality Patient,” or VRP, in conjunction with Southwestern Medical Foundation, that medical students will be able to use to improve their patient communication skills.
The center also has received a clinical trial planning grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to explore virtual reality-graded exposure therapy for those with chronic back pain.
“Both of these new projects continue to establish the center’s growing presence in the medical simulation space,” Zielke said. “Serious games for health and medicine along with our virtual humans program are both critical research areas that we want to continue to grow and nurture.”
Undergraduate Teaching
- Spring 2015, ATEC 4340, Managing and Implementing Interactive Media Projects, Undergraduate, ATEC
- Fall 2014, ATEC 4340, Managing and Implementing Interactive Media Projects, Undergraduate, ATEC
- Spring 2014, ATEC 4340, Managing and Implementing Interactive Media Projects, Undergraduate, ATEC
- Fall 2013, ATEC 4340, Managing and Implementing Interactive Media Projects, Undergraduate, ATEC
- Spring 2013, ATEC 4340, Managing and Implementing Interactive Media Projects, Undergraduate, ATEC
- Fall 2012, ATEC 4340, Managing and Implementing Interactive Media Projects, Undergraduate, ATEC
- Spring 2012, ATEC 4340, Managing and Implementing Interactive Media Projects, Undergraduate, ATEC
- Fall 2010, Management and Teaching of ATEC 4340 Online Curriculum: Managing and Implementing Interactive Media Projects, E-Marketing Design, Transformational Technology, Undergraduate, ATEC
- Spring 2010, ATEC 4340, Managing and Implementing Interactive Media Projects, (Online and Classroom) Undergraduate, ATEC
Graduate Teaching
- Spring 2016, Big Data for Advertising and Media Design, ATEC
- Fall 2015, Cyber-psychology as a Design Construct in Interactive Media Design, ATEC
- Spring 2015, Screen-less Interface Design, ATEC
- Fall 2014, Big Data for Advertising and Media Design, ATEC
- Spring 2014, Creating Autonomous Technology, ATEC
- Fall 2013,
- Spring 2012, Designing Transformative Technology, Graduate Seminar, Arts and Technology (ATEC)
- Fall 2011, Virtual Humans and Synthetic Societies, Graduate Seminar, ATEC
- Spring 2010, Cyber-psychology as a Design Construct in Interactive Media Design, ATEC
Invited Papers and Demonstrations
- Zielke, M., Hardee, G., Evans, L. "Using Distributed Augmented Reality for Teaching Patient Interaction. 2018 Smart Cities Connect Conference & Expo and US Ignite Application Summit. Kansas, City, March 2018.
- Zielke, M., Hardee, G., Zakhidov, D., Evans, L. "The Medical School Virtual Campus." 2017 Smart Cities Connect Conference & Expo and US Ignite Application Summit. Austin, June 2017
- Zielke, M., Houston, S., Mancini, M. E., et al., "A Serious-Game Framework to Improve Physician-Nurse Communication." HCI 2015. Los Angeles, CA Published in Springer Proceedings. August 2015.
- Zielke, M., Johnston, J., Kaiser, M., "Position Paper for NSF Cloud," National Science Foundation. Made public on January 2015
- Zielke, M., Hardee, G., Scherer, S. et al, "Using A Game-based Simulation to Complement Face-to-Face Medical Education." Society for Simulation in Healthcare & Institute of Medicine's Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education (IHPE) - Envisioning the Future of Health Professional Education. Washington, D.C. April 23, 2015
Invited Talks
- Zielke, M., Zakhidov, D., "The Virtual Patient," Effective Teacher Series hosted by the Office of Medical Education at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Dallas, TX. November 5, 2019.
- Zielke, M., "Medical Applications - The Future, the Intelligence and the Network" UT Southwestern, "The Emotive Virtual Patient" National Modeling and Simulation Conference. Omaha, NE. September, 2018.
- Zielke, M., "Medical Applications - "The Future, the Intelligence and the Network" Simulation-based Quality Improvement and Research Forum. UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX. May, 2018.
- Zielke, M., "Using US Ignite's High Speed/Low Latency Layer 2 SDN to Empower a Medical School Virtual Campus Community. 2017 Smart Cities Connect Conference and Expo. Austin, TX June, 2017
- Zielke, M., "Creating Micro-expressions and Nuanced Nonverbal Communication Game-Based Simulations for Urban Operations. "ITEC 2012 (Defense Training, Simulation, Training). London, England. May, 2012
- Zielke, M., "Emergent Virtualism: Human Enhancement through Game-Based Simulation." Exploring Human Enhancement: A Symposium. Dallas, TX. April 2011
- Zielke, M., "The First Person Cultural Trainer." iFest (Department of Defense). Orlando, FL. August, 2011
- Zielke, M., "Cultural Training with Serious Game Design. "Presentation, ITEC 2009 (Defense Training, Simulation, Training). Brussels, Belgium. May, 2009.
- LeFlore, J., Zielke, M., et al. "Virtual Infant Patients, Families and Staff Collaboration: Simulating Situational Medical Outcomes with the 3-D Asymmetric Domain Analysis and Training Model." Round-table Talk on Gaming Technology. 2nd International Pediatric Simulation Symposium. Florence, Italy. April, 2009
- Zielke, M., Hardd, G., Shen, C., et al. "A Web-Based 3D Learning Portal for Pre-Med Students". Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine. Poznan, Poland. June, 2014
- Zielke M., Xiao, Y., Mancini, M.E., Hardee, G., Houston, S., et al. “An Experiential Workshop on teaching Soft Communications Skills through the GLIMPSE Game,” 10th Annual Innovations in Health Science Education Conference. Austin, Texas. February 2014.
Poster Presentations
- Rizzo, J., Lowe, K. Mentor: Zielke, M., “Individual Nystagmus Simulated Training Experience.” The Academy of Medicine, Engineering & Science of Texas (TAMEST) Innovating Texas Conference. Dallas, Texas. January 2020. (selected as representative for the University of Texas at Dallas).
- Orr, Nickolas, Mentors: Zielke, M., Lodhi, Z., Zakhidov, D., Defries, E., Rodriguez, S., “Comparing Usability and Presence in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Monitor-Based Devices Used as Training Tools for Medical Students.” Undergraduate Research Scholar Awards. Richardson, Texas. April 2018.
- Zielke, M., Hardee, G., Zakhidov, D., Evans, L. “The Evolution of Walter: The Emotive Virtual Patient System App.” 2017 Smart Cities Connect Conference and Expo. Austin, TX. June 2017.
- Zielke M., Hardee, G., Zeigler, R., Kaiser, M., Lewis, T., Zakhidov, D. et al.
“Using A Game-based Simulation to Complement Face-to-Face Medical Education: Preliminary Findings,” Seventh Annual Healthcare Simulation Conference, Kansas City, KS, September 2014. - Zielke M., Xiao, Y., Mancini, M.E., Hardee, G., Houston, S., Cole, L., Zeigler, R.
“Physician/ Nurse Communication Education Using the GLIMPSE Game – Early Findings,” University of Texas system, Innovations in Health Science Education, Austin, Texas. February, 2014. Note: poster selected for oral presentation. - Zielke M., Xiao, Y., Mancini, M.E., Hardee, G., Houston, S., et al. “An
Asynchronous Social, Web-Enabled Serious Game for Improving Physician-Nurse Communication,”14th International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH 2014), San Francisco, California. Note: Poster won 4th place out of approximately 60 entries and research team was invited to give a podium talk. - Zielke, M., LeFlore, J., et al. “,” University of Texas system, Innovations in Health Science Education, Austin, Texas. April 2013.
- Zielke, M, LeFlore, J., et al. “ Early Findings on Implementation,” University of Texas system, Innovations in Health Science Education, Austin, Texas. February 2012.
- Cole, L., Zielke M., Houston, S. Fisher U., Bond, M.L., Mancini, M.E. and Xiao, Y. “Translating Physician/Nurse Communication Research into a Social Web-enabled Serious Game,” AHRQ 2012 Annual Conference, Moving Ahead:
Leveraging Knowledge and Action to Improve Health Care. Bethesda, Maryland. September 2012.