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Professional Preparation
Ph.D. - Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology - 1988
M.S. - Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology - 1983
B.S. - Electrical Engineering Rutgers University - 1982
Research Areas
Voice recognition
Speaker recognition
Speaker analysis
Speech modeling
Smart cars
Driving behavior
Digital speech processing
Speech forensics
Speech enhancement
Human-computer interaction
Speech analysis
Founded The Center for Robust Speech Systems (CRSS) at the Univ. of Texas at Dallas in 2005 which is focoused on interdisciplinary research in speech processing and human computer interaction.Oversees the CRSS - Speech & Speaker Modeling Group. Originally founded the Robust Speech Processing Laboratory in 1988 at Duke University, which became the Robust Speech Processing Group at CSLR in 1999, Univ. of Colorado, now the Center for Robust Speech Systems (CRSS-UTD). Research has focused on interdisciplinary areas in robust speech processing and recognition, digital signal processing, speech and speaker analysis, human-computer interfaces/interaction, speech enhancement and processing in noise, and voice communications. Specific research accomplishments include analysis and modeling of speech for voice and telecommunications applications, robustness issues for speech recognition in adverse conditions, speech enhancement, spoken document retrieval, in-vehicle voice navigation dialog systems, and voice modeling in noise, stress, accent, and Lombard effect. Has also had extensive collaborations on research in telemedicine, resulting in numerous contributions in medical speech processing involving detection and quality assessment of speech under stress and pathology. At Univ. of Colorado, he co-founded the Center for Spoken Language Research, which is now CRSS at UTD and has focused on rich transcription for spoken document retrieval, hands-free robust recognition for in-vehicle voice navigation, advanced human-computer interaction, speaker/speech analysis for stress, accent/dialect analysis and modeling, and Lombard effect. While at Duke University Dept. Electrical Engineering, established collaborative research program with Duke Medical Center (Dept. of Pediatrics, Speech & Language Pathology), Johns Hopkins Medical Center, Scottish Rite Children's Medical Center. At University of Colorado, he has established collaborations with Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, NATO ITO/RSG.10, Nagoya University (Japan), Aalborg University (Denmark), Helsinki Univ. of Technology (Finland), Vincent Voice Library (Michigan State Univ.), Collaborative Digitization Program (Colorado), and Tufts University Digital Library. At University of Texas-Dallas, he established/continued collaborations with Nagoya University (Japan), Koc Univ./Sabanci Univ. (Turkey), Aalborg University (Denmark), Collaborative Digitization Program (Colorado), SRI , IBM TJ Watson Research Center, Texas Instruments, University of Zaragoza (Spain), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, (Spain).
The majority of research in the field of speech processing for telecommunications focuses on formulating algorithms for ideal laboratory conditions. As many have shown, the resulting algorithms do not perform well in real or actual voice communication environments. The systems we develop focus on addressing issues relating to robustness issues of speech applications in telecommunications. Some of these issues relate to speech produced in noise, high stress, accent, or Lombard effect. The future of Multimedia human/machine interfaces will depend on system approaches which are capable of addressing the wide range of adverse conditions in which speech may be produced for applications in speech recognition, communications, language identification, speaker recognition, and other telecommunication applications.
Formulated the first class of constrained iterative speech enhancement algorithms based on novel properties of speech production and auditory processing. Established the only working framework based on Source Generator Theory for characterizing speech production under stress, resulting in novel stress equalization and noise suppression algorithms for robust speech recognition in noise, stress, and Lombard effect. NSF funded collaborative research program (with Michigan State Univ.: Electrical Engineering [Prof. Deller] and Vincent Voice Library [Prof. Seadle]) resulted in the development of SpeechFind [] --- spoken document retrieval system which spans audio from the past 110 years. Research also in the area of smart vehicle systems for improved human-vehicle interaction. Includes DARPA sponsored CU-Move and NEDO/UTD supported UTDrive [], and international collaboration with Japan, Turkey, Singapore, Italy.
The Robust Speech Processing Laboratory was established in 1988, and continued on as the Robust Speech Processing Group at CSLR, and now CRSS at UD-Dallas.. Has served as Principal Investigator on more than $12M in external funded research from such sources as NSF, Whitaker Foundation, DoD/DARPA, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, TSWG, IBM (T.J. Watson Research Center, Voice & Telephony; MWave DSP Development), AT&T Bell Labs (Government Systems, Wireless), Motorola, HRL, SpeechWorks, Visteon/Ford, Voice Signal Technologies, Mishubishi, Toyota CR&D, Working Solutions, Texas Instruments, and others. Author of more than 300 journal and conference papers and 8 textbooks in the area of speech and signal processing, and is coauthor of the textbook Discrete-Time Processing of Speech Signals, IEEE Press, 2000, DSP for In-Vehicle and Mobile Systems, Springer, 2004, and the research monograph Automatic Recognition of Speech in Stressful Environments, published by DoD, 1991, and was lead author of the monograph "The Impact of Speech Under "Stress" on Military Speech Technology," NATO Research and Technology Organization, RTO-TR-10 AC/323(IST)TP/5 (ISBN 92-837-1027-4).
Areas of concentration
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, July, 1988.
Digital Signal Processing, Speech Processing,
Thesis title: Analysis and Compensation of Stressed and Noisy Speech with Application to Robust Automatic Recognition.
Thesis advisor: Mark A. Clements.
Thesis committee chairman: Ronald W. Schafer
M.S. Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, (with highest honors), December 1983. Digital Signal Processing,
Voice Communications.
B.S. Electrical Engineering Rutgers University, College of Engineering, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, (with highest honors), May, 1982.
Digital Signal Processing,
Communications, and
Biomedical Engineering.
F. William, A. Sangwan, J.H.L. Hansen, "Automatic Accent Assessment Using Phonetic Mismatch and Human Perception,"IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 1818-1828, Sept. 2013 2013 - Publication
J.H.L. Hansen, J.-W. Suh, M. R. Leonard,"Leveraging the Speaker and Noise Space for Effective In-Set/Out-of-Set Speaker Recognition," Speech Communication, vol. 55, pp. 769-781, April 2013. [Accepted Jan. 24, 2013] 2013 - Publication
O. Sadjadi, J.H.L. Hansen,"Unsupervised Speech Activity Detection using Voicing Measures and Perceptual Spectral Flux," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 197-200, March 2013 [Accepted Dec. 7, 2012] 2013 - Publication
A. Sathyanarayana, J.H.L. Hansen, "Impact of Secondary Tasks on Individual Drivers: Not All Drivers are Created Equally," SAE Inter. Journal on Passenger Cars - Electronic & Electrical Systems, vol. 5, issue 2, pp. 414-420, doi:10.4271/2012-01-0486, Sept. 2012 2012 - Publication
J.-W. Suh, J.H.L. Hansen, "Acoustic Hole Filling for Sparse Enrollment Data using a Cohort Universal Corpus for Speaker Recognition,"Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 131, no. 6, pp. 1515-1528, Feb. 2012 2012 - Publication
A. Das, J.H.L. Hansen, "Phoneme Selective Speech Enhancement using Parametric Estimators and the Mixture Maximum Model: A Unified Approach,"IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech & Language Processing, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 2265-2279, Oct. 2012 2012 - Publication
J.H.L. Hansen, E. Ruzanski, H. Boril, J.. Meyerhoff, "TEO-based Speaker Stress Assessment using Hybrid Classification and Tracking Schemes," Inter. Journal Speech Technology, vol. 15, issue 3, pp. 295-311,Sept. 2012 2012 - Publication
A. Das, J.H.L. Hansen, "Constrained Iterative Speech Enhancement Using Phonetic Classes,"IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech & Language Processing, a vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1869-1883, Aug. 2012. 2012 - Publication
Department Head and Professor The University of Texas at Dallas [2005–Present]
Distinguished University Chair in Telecommunications Engineering The University of Texas at Dallas [2005–Present]
Professor The University of Texas at Dallas [2005–Present]
Founder and Director The University of Texas at Dallas [2005–Present]
Center for Robust Speech Systems
Professor University of Colorado at Boulder [2004–Present]
Professor University of Colorado at Boulder [2004–Present]
Department Chairman University of Colorado at Boulder [2003–2005]
Co-Founder and Associate Director University of Colorado at Boulder [1999–2003]
Director University of Colorado at Boulder [1999–2005]
Associate Professor University of Colorado at Boulder [1999–2004]
Additional Information
Technical Review For
National Science Foundation: Division of Information, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems
National Science Foundation: Division of Circuits and Signal Processing
National Science Foundation: Division of Bioengineering & Environmental Systems
DoD Polygraph Institute
NRC - Canada
The Whitaker Foundation
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, (IEEE-SP)
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, (IEEE-ASSP)
IEEE Transactions on Speech & Audio Processing, (IEEE-SAP)
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing, (IEEE-ASLP)
IEEE Transactions on Communications, (IEEE-Com)
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing Letters, (IEEE-SPL)
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, (IEEE-BME)
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, (IEEE-PAMI)
Speech Communication
Information Systems
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
EURASIP Journal of Audio, Speech and Music Processing
EURASIP Journal of Applied Digital Signal Processing
Conference & Workshop organization
UTD-IIE Workshop: "Wireless Long Term Evolution: The Connected World".
1-day workshop organization (w. H. Minn.), in coorperation with IIE/School of Management; 6 invited talks; 6-member panel; 15student oral/poster session, Oct. 15, 2010.
Conference Organizer & Technical Program Chairman: IEEE ICASSP-2010.
Served as Co-Organizer and Technical Program Chair for IEEE ICASSP-2010: International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Dallas, Texas. March 2010 [2100 attendees; 1127 reviewers who completed 9682 blind reviews for 2,855 submitted papers, resulting in 70 oral sessions and 83 poster sessions].
Biennial Workshop: DSP for In-Vehicle Systems & Safety: General Chair and Organizer, Dallas, Texas, June 26-28, 2009.
Organized with Technical Program Chair Pinar Boyraz; 50 attendees including Keynote Addresses from Bruce Magladry [Director of Office of Highway Safety, U.S. National Transportation Safety Board -NTSB, Wash. DC], Jon Hankey [Director, Virginia Tech. Transportation Institute - VTTI], Gerhard Schmidt [Harman International, SVOX, Germany]; Panel Speakers: Bruce Magladry, Jon Hankey, Gerhard Schmidt, Hanseok Ko [Korea Univ., South Korea], Kazuya Takeda [Nagoya Univ., Japan].
UTD-IIE Workshop: "Technologies for Understanding Human Language Technologies".
1-day workshop organization with IIE/School of Management; 6 invited talks; 5-member panel; 25 student oral/poster session, Jan. 23, 2009.
Biennial Workshop on DSP for In-Vehicle and Mobile Systems: Technical Program Chair and Co-Organizer, Istanbul, Turkey, June 17-19, 2007.
Biennial Workshop on DSP for In-Vehicle and Mobile Systems: Technical Program Chair and Co-Organizer, Sesembra, Portugal, Sept. 2005.
SWIM-2004: Special Workshop in Maui - Master Lectures in Speech Processing.
Served on Organizing Committee. This Workshop brought together 9 of the fathers of the field of speech processing who have helped shape the field over the past 30 years. In addition to the Master Lectures, four paper sessions were also included in the 3 day meeting. Maui, Hawaii, Jan. 10-12, 2004.
Conference Organizer & General Chairman: ICSLP-2002/Interspeech-2002.
Organized ICSLP-2002: International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (Interspeech-2002). The conference took place over 5 days, with 1100 attendees, 6 tutorials, 2 keynote speakers, and 735 peer reviewed conference papers presented.
Special Session Organizer: IEEE ICASSP-99.
Organized Special Session on "Speech Under 'Stress'", for NATO and IEEE Speech Technical Committee. Served as Session Co-Chair with H, Steeneken, for IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Phoenix, Arizona, March 1999.
Tutorials Chairman, ICASSP-96.
Organized 8 Tutorials spanning such areas of signal processing as: speech processing, image processing, wireless communications, VLSI DSP chip design, fuzzy logic based signal processing, multi-media DSP.IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,  Atlanta, Georgia, May 1996.
Inveited Session Chariman
Session Chairman: Speech Enhancement I.
EUSIPCO-2010: European Signal Processing Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, Aug. 23-27, 2010.
Invited Panel Member: Workshop on Child Computer Interfaces
MIT Media Laboratory, Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 4-5, 2009
Dr. John Hansen, professor of electrical engineering at The University of Texas at Dallas, will be honored with the 2021 Leo L. Beranek Meritorious Service Award from the IEEE Signal Processing Society for his service and leadership in the professional organization.
Dr. John H.L. Hansen of UT Dallas has been named a fellow of the International Speech Communication Association, which recognized him for “significant contributions to the field of speech communication science and technology.” It is one of the organization’s highest honors. Hansen’s research interests span the areas of digital speech processing, speaker trait assessment, speech and speaker recognition, and human-computer interaction. But perhaps most important is the very practical twist he’s brought to his work.
Dr. John H. L. Hansen, chairman of the Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder, has been named head of the Electrical Engineering Department in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science at The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). He will assume his new responsibilities in the fall semester. In announcing the appointment, Jonsson School Dean Dr. Bob Helms described Hansen as a “world-class scholar, educator, leader and administrator” who would help Jonsson “accelerate its move toward attaining tier one status as one of the top 50 engineering schools in the United States.”
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 15 percent of adults report some degree of hearing loss. It’s the third-most common chronic physical ailment, twice as prevalent as diabetes or cancer.
Those kinds of numbers haunt Dr. John Hansen, professor of electrical and computer engineering at The University of Texas at Dallas. “Losing your hearing disconnects you from family, friends and society,” said Hansen, who holds the Distinguished Chair in Telecommunications in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science. “That’s why we need to make sure we are providing the best hearing devices we can.”
1. Mr. Yun Lei:
PhD candidate (ECE), Area: Unsupervised Dialect Modeling & Recognition. Univ. of Texas Dallas, CRSS.
Summer Internship Alelo TLT, 2009; Summer Internship AT&T Research Labs, 2010. Presently employed at SRI International.
2. Mr. Tao Yu:
PhD candidate (ECE), Area: Speech System Normalization via Array Processing for Noise and Channel Effects. Univ. of Texas Dallas, CRSS.
Summer Internship Starkey (2009). Summer Internship Motorola (2010).
3. Mr. Jun-Won Suh:
PhD candidate (ECE), Area: In-Set Speaker Recognition based on Cohort Modeling & SVMs. Univ. of Texas Dallas, CRSS.
4. Mr. Chi (Leo) Zhang:
PhD candidate (ECE), Area: Speech Analysis and Detection of Whispered Speech. Univ. of Texas Dallas, CRSS..
Summer Internship Starkey Labs, 2010.
5. Ms. Xing Fan:
PhD candidate (ECE), Area: Modeling and Normalization of Whispered Speech. Univ. of Texas Dallas, CRSS.
Summer Internship LumenVox (2009). Summer Internship Microsoft Research, 2010.
6. Mr. Keith Godin
PhD candidate (ECE), Area: Speech Analysis and Modeling of Speakers under Cognitive/Physical Stress. Univ. of Texas Dallas, CRSS.
Jonsson School Distinguished Scholar. Summer Internship USAFRL, 2010.
7. Mr. Omid Sadjadi
PhD candidate (ECE), Area: Speaker Normalization for Robust Speech Systems. Univ. of Texas Dallas, CRSS.
8. Mr. Taufiq Hasan Al Banna
Ph.D. candidate (ECE), Area: Channel and Noise Normalization for Speaker Recognition. Univ. of Texas Dallas, CRSS.
9. Mr. Gang Liu
Ph.D. candidate (ECE), Area: Voice Normalization for Synthesis; Applications for Dialect Normalization. Univ. of Texas Dallas, CRSS.
10. Ms Mahnoosh Mehrabani
PhD candidate (ECE), Area: Dialect Classification - Train/Test Data Purity Assessment, CRSS, Univ. of Texas at Dallas.
11. Mr. Ali Ziaei
PhD candidate (ECE), Area: Speaker Modeling for Massive Data Corpora: Impact of Real Acoustic Environments. Univ. of Texas Dallas, CRSS.
12. Mr. Freddy William
MSEE candidate (ECE), Area: Dialog Based Speech Systems: Robust Interactive Systems for Knowledge Discovery. Univ. of Texas Dallas, CRSS.
13. Mr. Amriteshwar Singh
MS candidate (CS), Area: Integrative Software/Communications/Networking Design for Robust Sorting of Data: integration of speech and optical text knowledge. Univ. of Texas Dallas, CRSS.
14. Mr. Seckin Uluskan
MS candidate (EE), Area: Acoustic and Language Modeling for Keyword Recognition in Diverse Conditions. Univ. of Texas Dallas, CRSS.
15. Mr. David Ortiz-Lopez
PhD candidate (ECE), Area: Real-time System Research for Wireless Speech Capture in Unknown Environments. Univ. of Texas Dallas, CRSS.
Ph.D. Theses Supervised
1. Dr. Srivinas Nandkumar:
Ph.D. candidate, Area: Dual-Channel Adaptive Speech Enhancement Techniques
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Dual-Channel Iterative Speech Enhancement with Constraints based on the Auditory Process,'' completed May 1993.
Research experience at RSPL via AT&T Bell Labs support. Originally employed as a Member of the Technical Staff, Lockheed-Martin Laboratories, Speech Research Group, Baltimore, MD; also employed as Member of the Technical Staff, Hughes Network Systems, Baltimore, MD; previously employed at Armillaire Technologies, Bethesda, MD; Mercury Computer Systems. Presently employed at FDA-U.S. Food and Drug Administration (Communication Assist Devices), Wash.D.C.
2. Dr. Tun-Wen Pai:
Ph.D. candidate, Area: Morphological Based Image Analysis with Application to Image Communications
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Shape Analysis and Classification for Mathematical Morphology Based Image Communication Systems,'' completed May 1993. Originally employed by Taiwan National Telephone Corporation, Taipai, R.O.C.; also employed as Assistant Professor at Van-Nung Institute of Technology, Taiwan, R.O.C.; Presently employed as Associate Professor at National Taiwan Ocean University.
3. Dr. Douglas A. Cairns:
Ph.D. candidate, Area: Nonlinear Speech Modeling for Recognition of Speech Under Stress and Pathology;
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Detection and Classification of Non-Neutral Speech Using a Nonlinear Operator," completed December 1994. Presently employed by Northrop Grumman - Information Systems, Morrisville, NC (2009-present). Previously employed by Northrop-Grumman, Research Triangle Park, NC (2010-present). Ericcson Wireless Communications, Research Triangle Park, NC (1998-2009); I.B.M., Mwave Signal Processing Group, Research Triangle Park, NC (1993-1998).
4. Dr. Liliana Gavidia-Ceballos:
Ph.D. candidate, Area: Glottal Source Analysis and Modeling for Detection of Speech Under Pathology
Ph.D. Thesis (BME): "Analysis and Modeling of Speech for Laryngeal Pathology Assessment," completed August 1995. Presently serving as Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela.
5. Dr. Levent M. Arslan:
Ph.D. candidate, Area: Analysis of Accent and Hidden Markov Model based Segmentation and Detection
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Analysis and Classification of American Accent," completed July 1996. Presently employed as Tenured Associate Professor Bogazici Univ., Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey 1998-present). Previous employed by Texas Instruments, Speech Technology Group, Dallas, Texas (summer 1995, 1996); Entropic Research Laboratory, Speech Research Group, Washington, D.C. (1996-1998).
6. Dr. Sahar Bou-Ghazale:
Ph.D. candidate, Area: Source Generator Modeling of Speech Under Stress for Normalization and Synthesis
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Source Generator Based Modeling, Analysis, and Perturbation of Speech Under Stress with Applications to Synthesis and Recognition," completed November 1996. Summer research experience at SPAWAR Systems (1993); Previously employed as Assistant Research Professor, Duke Univ. Robust Speech Processing Laboratory; Member of Technical Staff, Conexant Technologies (Formerly Rockwell International). Presently employed at Broadcom
7. Dr. Brian D. Womack:
Ph.D. candidate, Area: Multi-Dimensional Stressed Speech Classification and Recognition
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Classification and Recognition of Speech under Perceptual Stress using Neural Networks and N-Dimensional HMMs," completed December 1996. Previously employed at Glaxo (now GlaxoSmithKline); also previously employed at Philips Digital Video Systems, and at Comprehensive Technologies.Presently employed at SAIC.
8. Dr. Bryan Pellom:
Ph.D. candidate, Area: Speech Analysis and Markov Model Characterization for Speaker Assessment and Normalization
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Enhancement, Segmentation, and Synthesis of Speech with Application to Robust Speaker Recognition," completed September 1998. Summer research experience at SPAWAR Systems (1993); previously employed as Research Associate in Robust Speech Processing Group - CSLR (1998/00); Assistant Research Professor (CS), Center for Spoken Language Research, Univ. of Colorado Boulder (2000-2006); presently employed at Rosetta Stone, Inc.
9. Dr. Goujon Zhou:
Ph.D. candidate, Area: Nonlinear Speech Analysis for Speaker and Speech Characterization
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Nonlinear Speech Analysis and Acoustic Model Adaptation with Applications to Stress Classification and Speech Recognition," completed November 1999. Previously employed as Research Scientist, INTEL, Portland, OR; presently employed in Patent office - INTEL, Portland, OR.
10. Dr. David Chappell:
Ph.D. candidate, Area: Auditory Based Measures and Analysis of Speech for Segment Based Speech Synthesis
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Advances in Speaker-Dependent Concatenative Speech Synthesis," completed June 2000. Previously employed as Researcher, LipSinc, Cary, NC. Employed as Assistant Research Professor, Dept. Computer Science, N.C. State University.
11. Dr. Ruhi Sarikaya:
Ph.D. candidate, Area: Speech Recognition in Noise
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Robust and Efficient Techniques for Speech Recognition in Noise," completed March 2001. Summer internship at Panasonic - Speech Technology Lab, Santa Barbara, CA; Presently employed as Member Technical Staff., IBM Watson Research Center, Yorktown Hts., NY.
12. Dr. Bowen Zhou:
Ph.D. candidate, Area: Spoken Document Retrieval.
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Audio Parsing and Rapid Speaker Adaptation in Speech Recognition for Spoken Document Retrieval," completed March 2003. Presently employed as Member Technical Staff., IBM Watson Research Center, Yorktown Hts., NY.
13. Dr. Pongtep Angkititrakul:
Ph.D. candidate (ECE), Area: Accent Modeling and Classification for Improved Speaker Recognition.
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Accent and Speaker Recongition for Advanced Automatic Speech Recognition," completed Sept. 2004. Presently employed as Research Scientist, Toyota Central Research, Nagoya, Japan. Previously employed as Research Staff - CRSS, Univ. of Texas at Dallas; Research Staff - RSPG-CSLR, Univ. of Colorado Boulder.
14. Dr. Umit Yapanel:
Ph.D. candidate (ECE), Area: Model adaptation for speech recognition in Noise.
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Acoustic Modeling and Speaker Normalization Strategies with Application to Robust In-Vehicle Speech Recognition and Dialect Classification," Jan. 2005. Presently employed at Infoture, Inc. (Boulder, CO); Internship at IBM - TJ Watson (2003); Internship at IBM - TJ Watson (2004)
15. Dr. Xianxian Zhang:
Ph.D. candidate (ECE), Area: Multi-Channel Microphone array processing for Improved Speech Recognition in Car Environments; In-Set Speaker Recognition for Interactive Speech Systems
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Robust Speech Processing Based on Microphone Array, Audio-Visual, and Frame Selection for In-Vehicle Speech Recognition and In-Set Speaker Recognition," May 2005. Presently employed at Previously employed at Texas Instruments, Inc. (Dallas, TX)
16. Dr. Ayako Ikeno:
Ph.D. candidate (Linguistics), Area: Prosodic Based Research on Accent and Dialect. (Prof. Hansen (SLHS/ECE), Prof. B. Fox (Linguistics) co-advisors)
Ph.D. Thesis (Linguistics & Congitive Sciences): "Perceptual Cues in English Accent Variation: The Role of Prosody and Listener Accent Background," Oct. 2005. Presently employed as Research Staff Member at Center for Robust Speech Systems, Univ. of Texas at Dallas (Richardson, TX).
17. Dr. Sharmistha (Das) Gray:
Ph.D. candidate (SLHS), Area: Analysis and Modeling of Speech Under Accent.
Ph.D. Thesis (SLHS): "Speech Science Modeling for Automatic Accent and Dialect Classification," Nov. 2005.
Presently employed at Infoture, Inc. (Boulder, CO); Previously employed at Avaya, Inc.
18. Dr. Rongqing Huang:
Ph.D. candidate (ECE), Area: Dialect Modeling and Classification; Audio Stream Segmentation and Classification for Spoken Document Retrieval Univ. of Colorado Boulder.
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Automatic Dialect Classification: Advances in Read and Spontaneous Speech and Printed Text.," Sept. 2006.
Research Intern - CRSS, Univ. of Texas at Dallas. Summer intern at Motorola Labs, Inc (2005); Presently employed at Nuance, Inc. (Boston, MA).
19. Dr. Nitish Krishnamurthy:
PhD candidate (ECE), Area: Speech & Noise Modeling for Robust Speech Systems, Univ. of Texas at Dallas, CRSS.
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Noise Characterization with Applications to Speech and Audio," Aug.. 2009.
Summer internship at Texas Instruments, Inc (2007), Summer internship at Texas Instruments, Inc. (2008). Presently employed at Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX.
20. Dr. Abhijeet Sangwan:
Ph.D. candidate (ECE), Area: Phonologocal & Acoustic Feature in Speech Modeling for Robust Speech Recognition. Univ. of Texas Dallas, CRSS.
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Speech System Advancements based on Phonological Features," Aug.. 2009.
Summer internship at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (2008). Presently employed as Research Associate at CRSS - UTD.
21. Dr. Murat Akbacak:
Ph.D. candidate (ECE), Area: Rapid Transition to New Languages for Speech Recognition and Spoken Document Retrieval; Environmental Noise Classification and Assessment Univ. of Colorado Boulder. Research Intern - CRSS, Univ. of Texas at Dallas.
Summer internship at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (2005). Internship at SRI International (2006-07).
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Robust Spoken Document Retrieval in Multi-Lingual and Noisy Acoustic Environments." Nov. 2009.
Presently employed at SRI International.
22. Dr. Sanjay Patil:
Ph.D. candidate (ECE), Area: Speaker Modeling for In-Set Speaker Recognition and Stress Detection. Univ. of Texas Dallas, CRSS.
Ph.D. Thesis (ECE): "Alternative Sensor Based Speech Systems for Speaker Assesment and Robust Human Communication." Dec. 2009.
Presently employed as Assistant Professor at Maharashtra Academy of Engineering (MAE)
UTDrive In-Vehicle Driver Behavior and Microphone Array Corpus
$30,000.00 - MERL (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories): UT-Drive Corpus [2011–2012]
Hybrid Voice Coding: Robust Speech Recognition for Improved Automatic Address Processing of U.S. Postal Mail
$33,502.00 - Siemens [2010–2010]
Non-Native Speaker Systems: Analysis and Development of Automatic Recognition of Non-Native Speakers
$100,000.00 - Li Creative Technologies [2010–2012]
UTDrive In-Vehicle Noise Corpus
$10,000.00 - SVOX: CSLR Center Corpus Membership [2010–2011]
SCENIC - Robust Speech Processing for SAD, SID, LID, KWS