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Zhiang Lin

Zhiang Lin

Professor - Management
UTD Webpage

Professional Preparation

Ph.D. - Organizations and Policy Analysis
Carnegie Mellon University - 1994
M. Phil. - Public Policy and Management
Carnegie Mellon University - 1992
M.S. - Human and Quantitative Geography
East China Normal University - 1988
B.S. - Computer Science
East China Normal University - 1986

Research Areas

Main Research Interests
  • Strategic Networks
  • Corporate Governance
  • Strategic Decision Making
  • Computational Organization Theory
Main Teaching Interests
  • Strategic Management
  • Social Networks of Organizations
  • Organizational Decision Making
  • Organizational Design and Theory
  • Organizational Modeling


David Weng and Zhiang Lin, (2012), "Beyond CEO Tenure: The Effect of CEO Newness on Strategic Changes," Journal of Management, Forthcoming. 2012 - Publication
Haibin Yang, Zhiang Lin, and Mike Peng, (2011), "Behind Acquisitions of Alliance Partners: Exploratory Learning and Network Embeddedness," Academy of Management Journal, 54(5): 1069-1080. 2011 - Publication
Yasuhiro Yamakawa, Haibin Yang, Zhiang Lin, (2011), "Exploration versus Exploitation in Alliance Portfolio: Performance Implications of Organizational, Strategic, and Environmental Fit," Research Policy, 40(2): 287-296.  2011 - Publication
Haibin Yang, Li Sun, Zhiang Lin, and Mike Peng, (2011), "Behind M&As in China and the United States: Networks, Learning, and Institutions," Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28: 239-255.  2011 - Publication
A Multi-Level Framework of Firm Boundaries: Firm Characteristics, Dyadic Differences, and Network Attributes. With H. Yang and Y. Lin. Strategic Management Journal. 31(3): In press. 2010 - Publication
Alliance Partners and Firm Performance: Resource Complementarity and Status Association. With H. Yang and B. Arya. Strategic Management Journal. Forthcoming. 2009 - Publication
How Do Networks and Learning Drive M&As? An Institutional Comparison between China and the United States. With M. Peng, H. Yang and L. Sun. Strategic Management Journal. 30(10): 1113-1132. 2009 - Publication
Alliance Partners and Firm Performance: Resource Complementarity and Status Association. With H. Yang and B. Arya. Strategic Management Journal. 30(9): 921-940. 2009 - Publication


Full Professor
The University of Texas at Dallas [2010–Present]
Associate Professor
The University of Texas at Dallas [2001–2010]
Assistant Professor
The University of Texas at Dallas [1998–2001]
Senior Research Analyst
Management Science Associates, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania [1997–1998]
Assistant Professor
the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology [1994–1997]
Teaching Assistant/Research Assistant
Carnegie Mellon University [1989–1994]
Sales Engineer
Shanghai Wang Computer Company, Ltd [1988–1989]

Additional Information

  • 2004 - Strategic Management Society (SMS);
  • 2001 - International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR);
  • 1993 - Academy of Management (AOM);
  • 1993 - Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS);
  • 1993 - International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA);
  • 1992 - 94 American Sociological Association (ASA).

Classroom Teaching

  • 1998 - The University of Texas at Dallas (average teaching ratings in parentheses)
    • Undergraduate Level:
      • Social and Political Environment of Business/ Strategic Management (4.2/5.0);
      • Organizational Behavior (3.9/5.0).
    • Master’s Level:
      • Managerial Decision Making (4.3/5.0);
      • Strategic Management (4.0/5.0);
      • Foundations of Organization Theory (4.3/5.0);
      • Comparative Management Methods (4.1/5.0).
    • Ph.D. Level:
      • Social Networks of Organizations (4.0/5.0);
      • Organizational Decision Making (4.2/5.0);
      • Organizational Simulation (with Richard Harrison and Steven Phelan) (4.0/5.0).
  • 1994 - 97 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (average teaching ratings in parentheses)
    • Undergraduate Level:
      • Organizational Design and Change (4.7/5.0);
      • Organizational Behavior (3.5/5.0).
  • 1990 - 94 Carnegie Mellon University (average teaching assistant ratings in parentheses)
    • Master’s Level:
      • Data Analysis for Managers (4.3/5.0);
      • Empirical Methods for Public Policy and Management (4.2/5.0).
  • 1987 - 87 East China Normal University (no formal teaching evaluation conducted)
    • Undergraduate Level:
      • Quantitative Geography (n/a).

Ph.D. Student Supervisions

  • As Dissertation Chair
    • David H. Weng, “A Multilevel Framework of Strategic Changes: CEO Influences, Firm Conditions, and Network Embededness,” University of Texas at Dallas. Proposal defended in May 2010. Dissertation defense expected in May 2011.
    • Bindu Arya, “Knowledge Diffusion and Organizational Effectiveness from Collaborative Relations in Multi-relational Networks,” University of Texas at Dallas. Proposal defended in February 2005 and dissertation defended in June 2006. Currently an assistant professor at the University of Missouri – St. Louis.
    • Haibin Yang, "Interfirm Distances as Channels for External Resources: The Choice between Alliances and Mergers & Acquisitions,” University of Texas at Dallas. Proposal defended in May 2004 and dissertation defended in April 2005. Currently an associate professor at the City University of Hong Kong.
  • As Dissertation Committee Member
    • Li (Sunny) Sun, “Internationalization, Diversification and Privatization in China,” University of Texas at Dallas, Proposal defended in June 2009 and dissertation defended in April 2010. Currently an assistant professor at the University of Missouri – Kansas City.
    • Irem Demirkan, “Essays on the Evolution of Networks in the U.S. Biotechnology Industry,” University of Texas at Dallas. Proposal defended in June 2006 and dissertation defended in July 2007. Currently an assistant professor at Northeastern University.
    • Kiram Ismail, “Networking and Leadership Approaches in Post-Soviet Countries: Essays on Relationships among Institutional, Organizational, and Individual Factors from A Macro and Micro Perspective”, University of Texas at Dallas. Proposal defended in March 2005 and dissertation defended in August 2006. Currently an assistant professor at St. Johns University.
    • Xia Zhao, “The Voluntary Adoption of Corporate Governance Reforms in the Post-Enron Era”, University of Texas at Dallas. Proposal defended in February 2005 and dissertation defended in June 2006. Currently an assistant Professor at the California State University – Dominguez Hills.
    • Nancy Kucinski, "Interest, Institutions, and Friends of the Court: An Analysis of Organizational Factors related to Amicus Curiae Participation," University of Texas at Dallas. Proposal defended in February 2001 and dissertation defended in March 2004. Currently an assistant professor at the Hardin Simmons University.
    • Alix Valenti, "Determinants of Board of Directors Composition: It's Who You Know," University of Texas at Dallas. Proposal defended in November 2001 and dissertation defended in June 2003. Currently an assistant professor at the University of Houston – Clear Lake.
    • Lei Li, "Multinationality and Performance Efficiency, Endogeneity, and Dynamics," University of Texas at Dallas. Proposal defended in February 2001 and dissertation defended in November 2002. Currently an assistant professor at the University of Portland.
  • As Senior Co-Author for Papers
    • David Weng: One conference presentation (AOM) and four journal submissions (OS(2), AMJ, JMS);
    • Hao Chen: Two conference presentations (AOM, SMS);
    • Li (Sunny) Sun: One conference presentation (SMS) and one journal publication (SMJ);
    • Yasuhiro Yamakawa: One journal submission (RP);
    • Irem Demirkan: Three conference presentations (AOM(2), SMS) and one journal publication (MS);
    • Kiran Ismail: One journal publication (OS);
    • Bindu Arya: Three conference presentations (AOM(3)) and four journal publications (APJM, JOM(2), SMJ);
    • Xia Zhao: One journal publication (OS);
    • Haibin Yang: Twelve conference presentations (AOM(9), SMS(3)) and seven journal publications (AOMBP, CMOT, JOM, MS, SMJ(3));
    • Lei Li: Two conference presentations (AOM, IACMR) and one journal publication (APJM);
    • Dan Li: Four conference presentations (AOM, CSOS, SUNBELT(2)) and three journal publications (GOM, JMS, JOM);
    • Zhi Huang: Three conference presentations (AOM, SUNBELT(2)) and one journal publication (JOM).

Journal Editorial Services

  • 2007 - Co-Chief Editor:
    • Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory;
  • 2007 - Editorial Board Member:
    • Organization Science;
  • 2002 - 06 Associate Editor:
    • Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory;
  • 1994 - Ad hoc Reviewer:
    • Academy of Management Journal,
    • Asia Pacific Journal of Management,
    • Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory,
    • International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance, and Management,
    • Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation,
    • Journal of Business Research;
    • Journal of Business Studies,
    • Journal of International Business Studies,
    • Journal of Management,
    • Journal of Management Studies,
    • Journal of Mathematical Sociology,
    • Journal of World Business,
    • Management Science,
    • Organization Science,
    • Simulation Modelling Practices and Theory,
    • Strategic Management Journal.

Other Academic Services

  • Faculty Advisor: Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal Workshop, The 2010 Biannual Meeting of the International Association for Chinese Management Research, Shanghai, China, June 16-20, 2010.
  • Presenter (as Journal Editor): Professional Development Workshop on Applied Agentbased Modeling in Management Research, The 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, August 7-11, 2009.
  • Panel Member: National Science Foundation, Disasters and Decision-Making Panel, 2008.
  • Session Chair: The Strategic Management Society Special Conference on China Strategies, Shanghai, China, May 28-30, 2007.
  • External Reviewer: Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, 2004-2006.
  • Session Chair: The Inaugural Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research, Beijing, China, June 17-20, 2004.
  • Founding Member: The International Association for Chinese Management Research, 2001.

University Services

  • The University of Texas at Dallas
    • Chair of Doctoral Dissertation Examination Committee, School of EPPS (2008);
    • Teaching Committee, School of Management (2002 - present);
    • Faculty Search Committees of OSIM, School of Management (1999 - present);
    • Ad hoc Committees for Faculty Promotion, School of Management (2002 – present);
    • Ad hoc Committees for Faculty Promotions, School of Social Sciences (2001, 2006);
    • Ph.D. Sub-committee of OSIM, School of Management (2001 - present);
    • Area Coordinator of OSIM, School of Management (2001 - 2002);
    • Academic Policy and Planning Committee, School of Management (2001 - 2002);
    • Instructional Resources and Responsibilities Committee for AACSB, School of Management (2000 - 2001);
    • Ph.D. Program Committee, School of Management (1999 - 2001);
    • Ph.D. Coordinator of OSIM, School of Management (1999 - 2001);
    • Coordinator for BA 4305 - Social & Political Environment of Business, School of Management (1999 - 2001);
    • Ph.D. Sub-committee of OSIM, School of Management (1998 - 2001);
    • Master's Sub-committee of OSIM, School of Management (1998 2001);
    • Undergraduate Sub-committee of OSIM, School of Management (1998 - 2001);
    • Master's Program Committee, School of Management (1998 - 1999).
  • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    • Extended Faculty Search Committee of the Department of Management of Organizations (1995 - 1997);
    • Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Committee of the Department of Management of Organizations (1995 - 1996);
    • Undergraduate Program Committee of the Department of Management of Organizations (1995 - 1996);
    • Teaching Coordinator for Organizational Behavior - MGTO221 (1995 - 1996);
    • Technical Resources Coordinator for the Department of Management of Organizations (1995 - 1996).

News Articles

CEO Compensation Study Examines Factors in Excess Returns
Of many issues associated with CEO compensation, excess returns are likely among the most controversial. UT Dallas researchers examined how boards face pressures when trying to control this problem. 

Excess CEO returns are the financial returns from a CEO’s firm-related wealth and compensation that exceed the shareholders’ financial returns, said Dr. Mike Peng, O.P. Jindal Distinguished Chair of Global Strategy in the Naveen Jindal School of Management.