Professional Preparation
USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute for Spectroscopy - 1988
Tashkent Polytechnic Institute - 1982
Research Areas
Research Interests
Yuri Gartstein's research interests cover various aspects of theory and modeling of electronic, optical, transport and mechanical properties of novel and synthetic materials and structures, such as carbon nanotubes, organic solids, conjugated polymers, disordered molecular systems and unconventional superconductors. He is also interested in physics of devices on the basis of such materials, examples being organic light emitting diodes, solar cells and electromechanical actuators. A more recent addition to his interests is left-handed (negative refraction) materials.
Among Yuri Gartstein's representative contributions are the work done in collaboration with M.J. Rice and E.M. Conwell on excitons, optical absorption and charge separation in conjugated polymers and on Monte Carlo simulations of high-field hopping transport and charge carrier injection in molecular systems that have been featured in the last edition of M. Pope's and C. Swenberg's monograph "Electronic Processes in Organic Crystals and Polymers."

As a result of collaboration with scientists of UTD-NanoTech Institute, Yuri Gartstein's recent research has been geared towards physics of carbon nanotubes, which is exemplified here with the theory of electro-mechanical actuation in single-wall carbon nanotubes. Our study of charge-induced deformations of carbon nanotubes showed that deformations are anisotropic and strongly depend on the nanotube geometry, the latter represented in the illustrative figure by difference (N-M) of nanotube indices on the x-axis. The upper panel of the figure displays changes in the nanotube length per doping level, the middle panel shows changes in the nanotube radius, and the lower panel shows torsional shear. The conceptual insight achieved in our analytical analysis has been later confirmed by full-blown ab-initio calculations. As is transparent from the picture, the model predicted a much stronger longitudinal response for nanotubes of certain geometries (especially so called zig-zag tubes) making them potentially attractive candidates for (nano) actuators. At the same time, the model explains why enhanced actuation cannot be utilized until efficient separation of nanotubes of different geometries becomes experimentally feasible in the currently available bundles of nanotubes, the effect is averaged out.
The University of Texas at Dallas [2003–Present]
DARPA-sponsored project \Multifunctional Carbon Nanotube ChargeTransfer Composites [2000–Present]
Xerox Wilson Center for Research and Technology, Webster, NY [1996–2003]
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY [1993–1996]
Chemistry Department
Xerox Wilson Center for Research and Technology, Webster, NY [1993–1996]
Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk - Moscow [1991–1992]
Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences [1988–1996]
Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences [1984–1988]
Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences [1982–1984]
Additional Information
Academic- Prof. V.M. Agranovich, Institute for Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow region, 142092, Russia; Currently at the following address: UTD NanoTech Institute, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083; Ph. (972)
- 883-6545; E-mail:
- Prof. E.M. Conwell, 200 Hutchison Hall, Chemistry Department, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627; Ph. (585) 275-5841; E-mail:
- Prof. M. Pope, Department of Chemistry, New York University, Brown, 29 Wash Pl,453A, New York, NY 10003; Ph. (212) 998-8414; E-mail:
- Prof. H. Baessler, Inst. f. Physik. Chemie, Kern- und Makromolek. Chemie Hans-Meerwein-Str., D-35032 Marburg, Germany; Ph: +49-6421-28-22190; Email:
- Prof. A.A. Zakhidov, UTD NanoTech Institute, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083, USA; Ph. (972) 883-6218; E-mail:
- Dr. M.S. Jackson, 0147{59B, Xerox Wilson Center for Research and Technology,Webster, NY 14580; Ph. (716) 422{4893;;
Seclected Contributions
- Theory of soliton-like states with an internal structure in 1d electron/excitonphononsystems | A first demonstration of possibility of competing internal structures in selftrapped solitonic states and of splitting of the latter from the band states at arbitrary wavevectors
- Theory of instability of polarons and bipolarons in quasi{1d systems | The results have been widely quoted and used in later studies of this problem by D. Baeriswyl, D. Campbell, E. Conwell, K. Maki, Y. Onodera et al.
- A model for photoconductivity of nondegenerate{ground{state polymers from intrachain polaron pairs|The model has been later used by E. Ehrenfreund and A. Epstein in interpretation of their experimental data
- A study of the superconductivity in a model system of 2d bosons with attraction - I demonstrated that the mean field pairing state proposed earlier (by groups of M.J. Rice and P.W. Anderson) as a model for high{Tc superconductivity was in fact unstable
- A quasi{particle model for excitations in polyphenylenes | This simplifed model established a relationship between the elective electron{hole interaction and the features of the absorption spectra, thereby enabling experimental access to the microscopic parameters. The model has been actively discussed in the context of the experiments on poly(phenylene vinylene)s used in LED devices
- A Monte Carlo study of highfield hopping mobility in molecular systems with spatially correlated energetic disorder|A pioneering study of a profound efect that established a basis for the long-awaited explanation of the Poole{Frenkel-like field dependence observed experimentally in a variety of disordered molecular systems
- A basic microscopic model of the injection of charge carriers from a metal electrode into a disordered molecular solid | this and the previous contributions have been praised in the recent edition of M. Pope's monograph on electronic processes in organic systems and sparked numerous studies in the field
- Theory of space charge between parallel plate electrodes with arbitrary injection velocity |- A kinetic study fully revealing a nonlinear-dynamical-system nature (including a chaotic behavior) of this classical system
- A first study of many-particle effects in traveling electrostatic wave transport of charged particles showing how previously unknown transport modes arise. For technological applications, new driving waveforms have been invented for separation of opposite sign particles that could be used in various (MEMS) devices. Those waveforms were subsequently confirmed experimentally and patented by Xerox
- A study of charge-induced deformations of carbon nanotubes that showed how such deformations can be anisotropic and depend on the nanotube geometry. The model predicted a much stronger response for nanotubes with a gap at the Fermi level that could be used in (nano) actuators. A model for effective 2-d deformations of carbonbased nanotubes that unifies the picture electromechanical and mechanical couplings, the latter exemplifed by the stretch-induced torsion which depends on the symmetry and anisotropy of elastic properties (this work was mentioned as "Editor's choice" in Science 302, October 2003)
- A theoretical demonstration of the importance of the polaronic effect for charge carriers on semiconducting nanotubes immersed in polar media. The effect leads to a substantial decrease of the exciton thermal ionization energy which should result in increased photoconductivity and contribution to photovoltaics.
Research and Technology work at Xerox
- System-level and microscopic modeling of complex xerographic systems and subsystems
- Manipulation of microscopic charged particles, including theory of space charge limitedcurrents in ballistic systems and theory of traveling wave transport of charged particle
- Image quality, including color modeling
- Modeling and implementation of lean manufacturing in printing industry, including combinatorial optimization and Web-enabled modeling