Ph.D. - Physics
University of Colorado - 1976

Professional Preparation
B.S. - Physics
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena - 1973
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena - 1973
Research Areas
Research Areas
- Electron transport in semiconductor devices, high-performance devices, quantum devices.
- Quantum transport theory, kinetic theories.
- Physics of semiconductor heterostructures, band lineup, size quantization, resonant tunneling, electron waveguides.
- Device simulation techniques, development of interactive modeling tools.
- Application of computer graphics and object-oriented software design.
Research and Development Accomplishments in Industry
(1984-90) Developed theory and computer-modeling tools for quantum-effect heterostructure devices. Established a quantum-transport theory for such devices which contributed to fundamental understanding of the physics of open systems.(1985-86) Developed GaAs hetero-bipolar transistor IC technology for A/D converter.
(1982-83) Managed DARPA program to develop novel, vertically-oriented GaAs FET and monolithic IMPATT technologies for millimeter-wave applications. MBE,RIE, and E-beam lithography were combined to produce working vertical FET devices with 0.3 ?m minimum features.
(1980-82) Developed fabrication technology for the permeable base transistor (PBT). Discovered submicron voids in epitaxially overgrown layers. Demonstrated 0.2 m lines on 0.5 ?m pitch by electron-beam lithography.
(1981) Developed first IC layouts for heterojunction-bipolar integrated injection logic (HI2L) circuits.
(1979-80) Studied power-limiting breakdown effects in GaAs MESFETs. Identified site of breakdown which was verified by observation of visible light emission under power-saturated operation. Studies involved twodimensional numerical simulation and analytic conformal-mapping modeling.
(1978) Initiated development of ion-implanted GaAs FETs at TI and demonstrated power microwave operation of these device.
Research and Development Accomplishments in Academia
(1991) Developed first direct numerical technique for evaluating resonant quantum states in an arbitrary potential.(1990- ) Supported heterostructure and quantum device development at SNL, TI and UCSB by delivering device design tool computer codes.
(1974-77) Developed first microscopic theory for the prediction of semiconductor heterojunction band alignment.
Contractual Research in Industry
- Few-Electron Lateral Resonant Tunneling Semiconductor Devices, Office of Naval Research, N00014-89-C-0128, Mar. 1989-Apr. 1990 (Program manager).
- Research on GaAs Quantum-Coupled Structures that Can Be Used as Electron Devices, Office of Naval Research, N00014-87-C-0700, 1984-1988.
- Quantum Device Development, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, N00014-87-C-0363, Sept. 1987-Feb. 1990.
- Nanoelectronics, U. S. Army Research Office, DAAG29-84-C-009, June 1984-June 1987.
- Heterojunction Bipolar A/D Converter Technology, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, N00014-83-C-0338, Mar, 1985- June 1986.
- EHF Monolithic Arrays, Vertical FET and Monolithic IMPATT Development, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, N00123-81-C-1228, Aug. 1981- Feb. 1984 (Program manager).
- Permeable Base Transistor Development. Office of Naval Research, N00014-80-C-0246, Feb. 1980 -June 1982 (Program manager).
- X-band GaAs FET Amplifiers, Air Force Avionics Laboratory, F33615-78-C-1510, 1978-1980.
X. Yang, W. Frensley, D. Zhou, and W. Hu, "Performance Analysis Biosensor By Numerical modeling for Charge Sensing." IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 11, no. 3 pp. 501-12 [2012]. 2012 - Publication
M. Rodwell, W.R. Frensley, S. Steiger, E. Chagarov, S. Lee, H. Ryu, Y. Tan, G. Hegde, L. Wang, J. Law, T. Boykin, G. Klimeck, P. Asbeck, A. Kummel, and J.N. Schulman, "III-V FET Channel Designs for High Current Densities and Thin Inversion Layers," 68th IEEE Device Research Conference Digest, Notre Dame, Indiana, pp. 149-52 [2010]. 2010 - Publication
M. Asahara, C. F. Campbell, andW. R. Frensley, An In-Depth, Theoretical Investigation into Modeling MIM Capacitors using Symmetric Coupled Lines in a Homogeneous Medium Model, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 18, pp. 37-39,[Jan. 2008]. 2008 - Publication
W. R. Frensley, “Development of electronic device simulations for educational purposes,”
J. Computatational Electronics, vol. 7, pp. 494–9 [2008]. 2008 - Publication
M. Asahara, C. F. Campbell, and W. R. Frensley, "A Novel Approach to Modeling Metal-Insulator-Metal Capacitors over Vias with Significant Electrical Length," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 55, pp. 709-14 (2007). April 2007. 2007 - Publication
W. R. Frensley, Review of Applied Quantum Mechanics by A. F. J. Levi, Physics Today, vol. 58, pp. 55-6 (Jan. 2005). 2005 - Publication
Systematic Properties of Active Technologies: The Elements of Successful Systems, Condensed-Matter Physics Seminar, University of Southern California, Sept. 10, 2004. 2004 - Publication
C. Rivas, R. Lake, W. R. Frensley, G. Klimeck, P. E. Thompson, K. D. Hobart, S. L. Rommel, and P. R. Berger, Full Band Modeling of the Excess Current in a Delta-Doped Silicon Tunnel Diode, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 94, pp. 5005-13 (2003). 2003 - Publication
University of Texas at Dallas [1990–Present]
University of Texas at Dallas [1990–Present]
Member, Technical Staff
Texas Instruments, Inc. [1977–1990]
Texas Instruments, Inc. [1977–1990]
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of California at Santa Barbara [1976–1977]
University of California at Santa Barbara [1976–1977]
Additional Information
"Consulting, Patents, Etc."
- U. S. Patent 6,359,520, G. A. Frazier and W. R. Frensley, Optically Powered Resonant Tunneling Device,'' issued Mar. 19, 2002.
- U. S. Patent 5,059,545, W. R. Frensley and M. A. Reed, Three Terminal Tunneling Device and Method,'' issued Oct. 22, 1991.
- U. S. Patent 4,959,696, W. R. Frensley and M. A. Reed, Three Terminal Tunneling Device and Method,'' issued Sept. 25, 1990.
- U. S. Patent 4,866,488, W. R. Frensley, Ballistic Transport Filter and Device,'' issued Sept. 12, 1989.
- U. S. Patent 4,803,537, A. J. Lewis and W. R. Frensley, Infrared Detector System Based Upon Group III-V Epitaxial Material,'' issued Feb. 7, 1989
- U. S. Patent 4,705,361, G. A. Frazier, W. R. Frensley and M. A. Reed, Spatial Light Modulator,'' issued Nov. 10, 1987.
- U. S. Patent 4,539,528, B. Bayraktaroglu, B. Kim and W. R. Frensley, Two-Port Amplifier,'' issued Sept. 3, 1985.
7. U. S. Patent 6,359,520, G. A. Frazier and W. R. Frensley, Optically Powered Resonant Tunneling Device, issued Mar. 19, 2002.6. U. S. Patent 5,059,545, W. R. Frensley and M. A. Reed, Three Terminal Tunneling Device and Method, issued Oct. 22, 1991.
5. U. S. Patent 4,959,696, W. R. Frensley and M. A. Reed, Three Terminal Tunneling Device and Method, issued Sept. 25, 1990.
4. U. S. Patent 4,866,488 W. R. Frensley, Ballistic Transport Filter and Device, issued Sept. 12, 1989. (TI 10535A)
3. U. S. Patent 4,803,537, A. J. Lewis and W. R. Frensley, Infrared Detector System Based Upon Group III-V Epitaxial Material, issued Feb. 7, 1989. (TI 9847B)
2. U. S. Patent 4,705,361, G. A. Frazier, W. R. Frensley and M. A. Reed, Spatial Light Modulator, issued Nov. 10, 1987. (TI 10953)
1. U. S. Patent 4,539,528, B. Bayraktaroglu, B. Kim and W. R. Frensley, Two-Port Amplifier, issued Sept. 3, 1985.