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Wen-Ho Yu

Wen-Ho Yu

Associate Professor of Instruction - Biological Sciences

Not currently accepting undergraduate students


Professional Preparation

Ph.D. - Physiology
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center - 1988
B.S. - Biology
National Taiwan Normal University - 1978

Research Areas

Research and Expertise
Dr. Yu's primary responsibility is to teach human anatomy and physiology and biology II to the pre-professional healthcare and graduate students.

He received a Ph. D. in Physiology from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas in 1988. Prior to his joining the faculty in 2006, Dr. Yu was a member of the physiology faculty at UT Southwestern Medical School and assistant professor of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana State University.

He is interested in the research of neuro-endocrinology, reproductive physiology and obesity.


Mastronardi C.A., V. Srivastava, W.H. Yu, W.L. Dees and S.M. McCann. Lipopolysaccharide-induced leptin synthesis and release are differentially controlled by alpha-MSH. Neuroimmunomodulation, 12:182-188, 2005. 2005 - Publication
Karanth S., W.H. Yu, C.A. Mastronardi and S.M. McCann. Inhibition of melatonin-induced ascorbic acid and LHRH release by a nitric oxide synthase and cyclic GMP inhibitor. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 229: 650-656, 2004. 2004 - Publication
Karanth S., W.H. Yu, C.A. Mastronardi and S.M. McCann. Inhibition of stimulated ascorbic acid and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone release by nitric oxide synthase or guanyl cyclase inhibitors. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 229: 72-79, 2004. 2004 - Publication
Karanth S., W.H. Yu, C.A. Mastronardi and S.M. McCann. Vitamin E stimulates luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone and ascorbic acid release from medial basal hypothalami of adult male rats. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 228:779-785, 2003. 2003 - Publication
Yu, W.H., S. Karanth, C.A. Mastronardi, S. Sealfon, C. Dean, W.L. Dees and S.M. McCann. Lamprey GnRH-HI acts on its putative receptors via nitric oxide to release follicle-stimulating hormone specifically. Experimental Biology and Medicine 227: 786-793, 2002. 2002 - Publication
Lamprey GnRH-III acts on its putativ receptors via nitric oxide to release follicle-stimulating hormone specifically 2002 - Publication
Hiney, J.K., S.A. Sower, W.H. Yu, S.M. McCann and W.L. Dees. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons in the preoptic-hypothalamic region of the rat contain lamprey gonadotropin-releasing hormone III, mammalian luteinizing hormone-releasing homrone, or both peptides. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99: 2386-2391, 2002. 2002 - Publication
Mastronardi, C.A., W.H. Yu and S.M. McCann. Resting and circadian release of nitric oxide is controlled by leptin in male rats. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99: 5721-5726, 2002. 2002 - Publication


Adjunct Professor
Richland College
Assistant Professor
Pennington Biomedical Research Center [1995–2004]
University of Texas Southwestem Medical Center [1990–1995]
Assistant Instructor
University of Texas Southwestem Medical Center [1988–1989]
Graduate Student and Research Assistant
Department of Physiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center [1982–1987]
Teaching Assistant
National Yang- Ming Medical College [1980–1982]
Second Lieutenant
Anny of the Republic of China in Taiwan [1978–1980]
Intern Teacher
Chiang-Zuway High School [1977–1978]

Additional Information

Additional Information



Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society


The Endocrine Society


Society for Neuroscience



Patent: McCann, S.M. and W.H. Yu. "FSH-releasing peptides", Patent No.: 6,300,471 B1, Date of Patent: Oct. 9, 2001.


Patent: McCann, S.M. and W.H. Yu. "FSH-releasing peptides", Patent No.: US6,407,205 B1, Date ofPatent: Jun. 18, 2002.


Patent: Enright, F.M., J.M. Jaynes, W. Hansel, K.L. Koonce, S.M. McCann, W.H. Yu, P. A. Malrose, L.D. Foil and P.H. Elzer. "Ligand/lytic peptide compositions and methods of use". Patent No: US 6,635,740 B1, Date of Patent: Oct. 21, 2003.

  Ad Hoc Manuscript Reviewer:


The J oumal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. Denis G. Baskin (ed.): Mar., 2000.


European J oumal of Endocrinology. Peter Clayton (ed.): Nov., 2000.


European J oumal of Endocrinology. Peter Clayton (ed.): July, 2001.


American Joumal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism. Charles Burant(ed.): May, 2002.


Hormone Research. M. B. Ranke (ed.): April, 2003.
  Community Service:


Judge for Baton Rouge Junior High School Science Fair: Mar. 1, 2000.



Teaching "Biology" in Chiang-Zuway High School, Taipei, Taiwan (1977-1978).


Teaching "Physiological Experiments" in National Yang-Ming Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan (1980-1982).


Teaching "Physiological Experiments" for medical and allied health science students in UT Southwestem Medical School (1988-1995).


Postdoctoral Fellows Supervised: Claudio Mastronardi (1998-2002).


Teaching "Anatomy & Physio1ogy" in Richland College, Dallas, TX (2005-present).

1. Dr. Samuel M. McCann (retired):
  Home address: 7502 Hillgreen Circle, Dallas, TX 75214
  Tel. 214-823-7988
2. Dr. Donna Ryan:
  Associate Director, Pennington Biomedical Research Center,
  Louisiana State University
  6400 Perkins Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70808
  Tel. 225-763-2514
3. Dr. W. Les Dees
  Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Public Health
  Texas A&M University
  College Station, TX 77845
  Tel. 979-845-2828
4. Dr. Raymond P. Canham:
  Executive Dean, Division of Math, Science and Behavioral Sciences
  Richland College,
  12800 Abrams Road, Dallas, TX 75243-2199
  Tel: 972-238-6249


NIH 2R01 MH51853, Mechanism of action of cytokines on brain and pituitary. Investigator: Wen H. Yu (PI-Samuel M. McCann), 1995-2003
- [1995/01–2003/01]