Post-Doc - Electrical Engineering
"University of Michigan, Ann Arbor" - 2005

Professional Preparation
Ph.D. - Electrical Engineering
University of Notre Dame - 2004
University of Notre Dame - 2004
M.S. - Electrical Engineering
University of Notre Dame - 2001
University of Notre Dame - 2001
B.S. - Electronics
Peking University - 1999
Peking University - 1999
Research Areas
Research Interests
- Nanolithography, Nanofabrication of low dimensional nanostructures
- Si NanoWire Bio-sensor for environmental monitoring and disease early diagnostics
- Nanostructured Biomaterials for Nanomedicine and Tissue Engineering
- Nanostructured Organic Electronics: OFETs and solar cells
- Micro-, Nanofluidics, Nanoelectronic-Mechanical Systems.
Suresh Regonda , Ruhai Tian , Jinming Gao , Serena Greene, Jiahuan Ding, Walter Hu, "Silicon multi-nanochannel FETs to improve device uniformity/stability and femtomolar detection of insulin in serum", Biosensors & bioelectronics. 02/2013; 45C:245-251. DOI:10.1016/j.bios.2013.01.027. 2013 - Publication
Achanta Rajasekhar, Barjor Gimi, and Walter Hu, “Applications of Semiconductor Fabrication Methods to Nanomedicine: A Review of Recent Inventions and Techniques, ” Recent Patents on Nanomedicine, 3, Pages: 9-20, 2013 2013 - Publication
Xinrong Yang, W. Frensley, Dian Zhou, and Walter Hu “Performance Analysis of Si Nanowire Biosensor By Numerical modeling for Charge Sensing, ” IEEE Trans. Nanotech. 11(3), pp.501-512, 2012. PDF 2012 - Publication
Yaling Liu ; Qingjiang Guo ; Shunqiang Wang ; Walter Hu; "Electrokinetic effects on detection time of nanowire biosensor" APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, Volume: 100 Issue: 15 Article Number: 153502 DOI: 10.1063/1.3701721, 2012. PDF 2012 - Publication
Yang, Yi; Mielczarek, Kamil; Aryal, Mukti; Zakhidov, Anvar; Hu, Walter; " Nanoimprinted Polymer Solar Cell", ACS NANO, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, Pages: 2877-2892, DOI: 10.1021/nn3001388, 2012. PDF 2012 - Publication
(Invited) L. Tao, W. Hu, Y. Liu, G. Huang, B. D. Sumer, and J. Gao, “Shape-specific polymeric nanomedicine: emerging opportunities and challenges,” Experimental Biology and Medicine 236: 20–29, 2011. PDF 2011 - Publication
K. Trivedi, H. Yuk, C. Floresca, M. J. Kim, and W. Hu, “Quantum Confinement Induced Performance Enhancement in Sub-5-nm Lithographic Si Nanowire Transistors”, Nano Lett.11, pp.1412–1417, 2011. PDF (featured in the news: .) 2011 - Publication
S. Shah, Y. Liu, W. Hu, J. Gao, “Modeling particle shape-dependent dynamics in nanomedicine”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 11, 919-928, 2011.PDF 2011 - Publication
Tenure-track assistant professor
University of Texas Dallas [2005–Present]
University of Texas Dallas [2005–Present]
Post-doctoral research fellow
"University of Michigan, Ann Arbor" [2004–2005]
Solid State Electronics Lab
"University of Michigan, Ann Arbor" [2004–2005]
Solid State Electronics Lab
Research/teaching assistant
University of Notre Dame [1999–2004]
University of Notre Dame [1999–2004]
Fabrication of Large-area Periodic Polymer Nanopillars for Organic Solar Cells
2008–2008 M. Aryal, F. Buyukserin, X. Zhao, J. Gao, and W. Hu, Fabrication of Large-area Periodic Polymer Nanopillars for Organic Solar Cells, MRS Spring Meeting, EE2.4, March 25, 2008.Polymeric Composite Nanorods as Multifunctional Therapeutic Agents
2008–2008 F. Buyukserin, M. Aryal, W. Hu, X. Zhao, and J. Gao, Polymeric Composite Nanorods as Multifunctional Therapeutic Agents, MRS Spring Meeting, AA3.8, March 25, 2008.Stability of nanostructured DLC molds for nanoimprint lithography
2008–2008 L. Tao, C. Nelson, S. Ramachandran, L. Overzet, M. Goeckner, G. Lee, and W. Hu, Stability of nanostructured DLC molds for nanoimprint lithography, MRS Fall meeting, Nov. 2007.Fabrication of uniform and shape-specific polymer particles for nanomedicine
2007–2007Surface energy induced patterning of polymer nanostructures for cancer diagnosis and therapy
2007–2007Additional Information
Professional Recognitions, Honors, Memberships
- Elected Member of Sigma Xi, since 2005
- Elected Member of American Chemical Society (ACS), 2007
- Recognized in Nanotechnology in Focus on, 09/2006.
- Member of American Vacuum Society (AVS), since 2003
- Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), since 2002
- Member of Material Research Society (MRS), since 2006
- Member of International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), since 2003
- Founder of SPIE student chapter at the University of Notre Dame, 2003-2004
- Student Travel Award, IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, 2004.
- Outstanding Leadership Award for Oversea Students and Scholars, Consulate General of the People's Repulic of China in Chicago, 2001.
Professional Services
- Session chair of Nanoimprint lithography, 54th International conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN), Anchorage, AK, June 2010.
- Steering committee member of Nanoimprint Session for 54th International conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN), 2010.
- Session chair of Nanobiology, 53rd International conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN), Marco Island, FL, May 2009.
- Technical Director of Bioelectronics, Chinese Institute of Engineering - DFW Chapter, 2009-2010.
- UTD coordinator for Metroplex Day, TX, 2008
- Session chair, TexMEMS VIII conference, Richardson, TX, 2006.
- Panelist of National Science Foundations program: Nanoscale Interdisciplinary Research Teams (NIRT), 2006
- Member of Undergraduate Education Committee, Electrical Engineering, UT Dallas
- Reviewer of the Journal: Nanotechnology, ACS Nano, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Biomaterials, IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials, Microelectronics Engineering, Applied Physics Letters, Lab on a Chip, Langmuir, Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS (JM3),Surface and Coatings Technology, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Materials Letters, Chemical Communications, Macromolecules,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
Funding Awards
- $330K, National Science Foundation (NSF), "Lithographically defined nano-morphology in polymer-fullerene solar cells", P.I., 05/15/2009-05/14/2012.
- $200K, Texas Instruments, Additional funding to "Defined nanoscale Si sensors as cancer diagnostic devices", P.I. (with E.M. Vogel, Yves Chabal, and J. Gao), 5/01/2009-5/01/2010.
- Material donation ($158K), ST Microelectronics Inc, 06/2009.
- $223K of $2.2M, Department of Defense, "Nanotechnology in cell therapy", co-P.I. (with J. Willson, J. Gao), 2009-2011.
- $50K of $100K, Medical Technologies Consortium, "Microfluidic Assays Embedded with Silicon Nanowire Sensors for Assessment and Prognosis of Prostate Cancer Metastasis," Co-P.I. (with Jung-Chih Chiao, Sanjay Awasthi, Jinming Gao), 1/01/2010-12/31/2010.
- $40K out of $200K, NIH-SBIR subcontract from Lynntech Inc, "Ultrasensitive, Label-free Silicon Nanowire Biosensing Arrays", 02/2009-02/2010.
- $15K, American Academy of Otolaryngology, "Functionalized nanotubular polymeric particles for targeted cancer imaging", Co-P.I. (with B. Sumer, J. Gao, K. Brown), 7/2008-7/2009.
- $200K, Texas Instruments Inc., "Defined nanoscale Si sensors as cancer diagnostic devices", P.I. (with E.M. Vogel and J. Gao), 4/01/2008-4/01/2009.
- $35K, NIH-SBIR, "Portable Pesticide Monitor", subcontract from Lynntech Inc., TX, 02/2008-08/2008
- $250K, Moncrief Foundation, Dallas, "Nanotubular Capsules for Ultra-sensitive Breast Cancer Detection", P. I. (multi-PI with J. Gao), 10/06-open.
- $150K, Air Force through AFOSR/Spring Program, "High-density nanoscale organic light emitting diodes by nanoimprint technology for near-field biosensing", P.I., 10/06-4/08.
- $100K, Texas Advanced Research Program, "Controlled cell growth on biomimetic multi-level nanoscale polymer scaffolds", P. I. (with K. Luebke), 06/06-05/08
- $15K, UT Dallas-UT Arlington collaboration fund, "Advanced DNA Microarray Technologies based on Homologous Strand Exchange and Magnetic Nanomanipulation", Co- P.I. (with S. Levene and P. Liu), 04/06-04/07.
- $35K, NIH-SBIR, "Portable Pesticide Monitor", subcontract from Lynntech, TX, 02/08-08/08,
- $360K of $6M, Consortium Of Semiconductor Advanced Research, Korea, "Next Generation Semiconductor Technology - Equipments/Materials", Co-P.I.(with 6 others), 09/07-08/11.
News Articles
Solar Cell Researcher Explores Nanotech Possibilities

Sensitive Biosensors Could Transform Diagnostics

Tech Commercialization Efforts Set Records

The numbers tell the story. According to UT Dallas’s Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC), in fiscal year 2012 the University had:
- 66 invention disclosures, a 40 percent increase over FY11.
- 60 patent applications.
- 10 patents issued.
- 10 licenses and option agreements.
Tech Commercialization Efforts Set Records

The numbers tell the story. According to UT Dallas’s Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC), in fiscal year 2012 the University had:
- 66 invention disclosures, a 40 percent increase over FY11.
- 60 patent applications.
- 10 patents issued.
- 10 licenses and option agreements.