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Tevfik Dalgic

Tevfik Dalgic

Clinical Professor - Management

Professional Preparation

Ph.D. - Economic and Commercial Sciences
Gazi University - 1979
Ph.D. - Commerce and Economics Science
Gazi University - 1979
M.S. - Business Administration
Middle East Technical University - 1975
The Middle East Technical University - 1975
BS - Marketing
The Middle East Technical University - 1968


La Responsabilit?? Sociale de l'Entreprise ?? l'??preuve de l'Europe. With C. Egri, and D. Ralston, et al. Revue Fran?aise de Gestion. January (2008): 109-130. 2008 - Publication
Managerial Values in the Evolving European Union: Social Orientation or Market Orientation? With L. Milton. European Management Journal. 25.2 (2007): 132-145. 2007 - Publication
The Development of Entrepreneurial Networks - A Necessary Condition for International New Ventures. With Lydia Li and Steven Phelan. Strategic Management Society Conference. Vienna, Austria: October 28 - November 1, 2006. 2006 - Publication
The Development of Entrepreneurial Networks: A Necessary Condition for International New Ventures. With S. Phelan, D. Li. and D. Sethi. Strategic Management Review. 1.2 (2006): Online Journal. 2006 - Publication
Niche' Marketing Handbook: Principles and Practices. Dalgic, Tevfik (ed). New York, The Haworth Press Inc. 2005 and the paperback version published in 2006. 2005 - Publication
Cyber-Based International Consumer Communities. Consortium of International Marketing and Rsearch (CiMAR) Annual Conference. Barcelona, Spain: 2005. 2005 - Publication
How to Climb the Corporate Ladder. With Carolyn Egri, David Ralston, and Laurie Milton. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii: August 5-10, 2005. 2005 - Publication
Internationalization Process of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Toward a Hybrid Model of Experimential Learning and Planning. With L. Li, and D. Li. Management International Review. 44.1 (2004): 93-116. 2004 - Publication


Clincial Professor
University of Texas at Dallas [2003–Present]
Professor and Distinguished Scholar in Residence
University of Texas at Dallas [2002–2003]
Visiting Professor
University of Texas at Dallas [2000–2002]
Visiting Professor
University of Sheffield [1994–2000]
Head of School of Accountancy and Business Studies
Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) [1994–1997]
Professor of Marketing
Henley Management College-The Netherlands [1991–1994]
Visiting Professor
Maastricht Management School [1989–1991]
Lecturer (L1, L2 and Senior), and Head of Department, Media and Communications
Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) [1981–1989]
Trinity College Dublin [1980–1981]
Assistant Professor of management
The Ankara Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences-AITIA [1976–1980]

Additional Information


A. Master of Science Theses:

1980-1982 4 Students at Trinity College, Dublin, Systems Development Program. Degrees conferred by Dublin University, Trinity College Dublin.

B. Master of Business Administration (MBA) Theses:

1991-1997 72 Students for Henley Management College-Netherlands. Degrees conferred by Brunei University, London

1994-2000 28 Students for University of Sheffield.

C. Supervisor of Doctoral (PhD) Dissertation:

Mr. Maarten Leuw-"Niche' Marketing Strategies and Their Applications-The case of Dutch company strategies". Started in 1992-completed by the end of November 1997 and conferred by Henley Management College and the Brunei University of London, England.


E. Supervisor of Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Dissertations:

1-Mr. Paul Breman, "Are Market Orientation and Learning Organizations- investigation among the Dutch Exporting Firms". Started in 1993 and completed by the end of August 1998 and conferred by Henley Management College and Brunei University of London, England.

2-Mr. Jack van Minden, "Sales Force Effectiveness Analysis in the Dutch Paper Industry". Started in 1993 and completed by the end of May 1999 and conferred by Henley Management College and Brunei University of London, England.

  • 2005 Best paper award at the Academy of Management Annual Conference
  • 2004 Best paper award at the Academy of Management Annual Conference
  • 2002 Invited Professor of International Marketing for Summer School by the School of Management, The Bosphorus University, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • 2000 Best Paper award at AMA Winter Educators' Conference for the Global Marketing Track with Dr. Gary Knight, San Antonio, Texas.
  • 1988 Presidential Fellow by the President of American Graduate School of International Management (AGSIM-Thunderbird) to attend to Winter Term Sessions and meet with the Master Students, Glendale, Arizona, USA.
  • 1977 Fellowship from Salzburg Seminar in American Studies to attend to the Post- Industrial Society Course, Salzburg, Austria.
  • 1975 OECD Fellowship for research in Industrial Information at UNIDO, Vienna, Austria,.
  • 1974 OECD Fellowship to attend to R&D Strategy and Management Course at Urwick Management Center, England
  • 1974 OECD Fellowship to attend to a training program for Marketing Intelligence at Co-Op Wholesale Society, Manchester, England.

1985 Founding Editor, Advances in Business Studies - An Irish Review, Dublin: DIT, Ireland.


Review Board Memberships:

2006-Present-Thunderbird International Business Review 2003-Present Journal o f International Business Studies (JIBS). Occasional reviewer.


2002-Present Multinational Business Review, University of St. Louis, Boeing Center 1994-2000 Journal of International Marketing, American Marketing Association, USA.

2006-Present-G/obal Business & Organizational Excellence, a review of research and best practices

1997-Present 1995-Present 1993-1996 1990-1996

International Marketing Review, MCB Press, England

European Journal of Marketing, MCB Press, England.

Advances in International Marketing, JAI Press, New York, USA.

Journal of Teaching in International Business, The Haworth Press Inc. New York, USA.