Professional Preparation
Southern Methodist University - 1974
Texas A&M University-Kingsville - 1973
The Strategic Government Services [2010–Present]
The Waters Consulting Group [2006–2008]
University of Texas at Dallas [2005–Present]
City of Dallas, Texas [1998–2004]
City of Denton, Texas [1996–1998]
City of Dallas, Texas [1990–1996]
The University of Texas at Dallas [1990–1992]
City of Dallas, Texas [1986–1990]
City of Dallas, Texas [1986–2018]
City of Dallas, Texas [1983–1985]
Additional Information
2005-Present Executive in Residence / Senior Lecturer
Instructor at the School of Social Sciences, Public Affairs Program with expertise in city management, financial management, budgeting, leadership and community planning.
1998 -2004 City Manager, City of Dallas, Texas
Responsible for the day-to-day operations of the City and directed the City's comprehensive municipal programs and services through the administration of a 12,500 City workforce. Planned, organized and directed activities which supported the goals and objectives of the organization. Responsible for the development and expenditure of the City's annual $1.9 billion budget to ensure the financial integrity of the City. Implemented and recommended policies to the City Council and developed short and long range plans for the city government to improve efficiency and effectiveness of operations.
1996-1998 City Manager of Denton, Texas
Responsible for the day-to-day operations of the City and directed the City's comprehensive municipal programs and services through the administration of a 1,000 City workforce. Planned, organized and directed activities which support the goals and objectives of the organization. Responsible for the development and expenditure of the City's annual $174 million budget to ensure the financial integrity of the City. Implemented and recommended policies to the City Council and developed short and long range plans for the city government to improve efficiency and effectiveness of operations.
1990-1996 Assistant City Manager, City of Dallas, Texas
Responsible for supervision of the Dallas' business and economic development functions: economic development, international affairs, minority and women owned business opportunity, planning and development, public works and transportation services. Supervised 1,000 employees with budgets totaling over $65 million. Special appointments included: staff support for Council's Business and Commerce Committee, the Council's Minority and Women Business Committee, the Council's Privatization Committee, and the Council's Transportation Committee. Also served in the following capacities: Vice-President of the Dallas Multifamily Housing Acquisition Corporation, City's Minority and Women Business Opportunities Compliance Officer; and City's liaison to the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) Agency.
1986-1990 Director of Budget and Research Department, City of Dallas, Texas
Responsible for the development the City of Dallas' annual budget totaling $1.9 billion from 1986-1990. Supervised a staff of 32 employees responsible for preparation, coordination, monitoring, and administration the annual operating, capital improvement, community development, grants and trust budgets. The Budget and Research Department also included such activities as policy research, marketing and media relations, community relations, long-range financial forecasts for the City for presentation to the City Council. The department, in addition, prepared and distributed the weekly City Council agendas.
1986 Assistant Director of Human Services, Health and Human Services Department, City of Dallas, Texas
Responsible for the development and delivery of human service programs to eligible citizens of Dallas. Supervised a staff 65 employees responsible for the administration and delivery of the following services: job training, older adult, childcare assistance, handicapped, homeless and summer food feeding. Also served as the staff support for the Human Services Commission, the Job Training Partnership Act Board, and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center Board.
1983-1985 Assistant Director of Capital Programs, Budget and Research Department, City of Dallas, Texas
Responsible for the coordination, development and implementation of Dallas' annual capital budget. Responsible for the management of 38 capital construction funds with a daily cash balance of $350 million, coordination of bond sales, conducted cash flow analysis, conducted feasibility analysis on a wide range of capital projects, coordination of the City Council's agenda process, the administration of the debt service budget and the development of the City's indirect cost allocation plan and supervised a staff of eleven. In addition, developed and administered the eleven (11) successful ballot propositions of the $428 million 1985 Capital Improvement Bond Program.
1981-1983 Capital Budget Administrator, Budget and Research Department, City of Dallas, Taxes
Responsible for the day-to-day administration, preparation, and fiscal controls of the City of Dallas' capital budget. Supervised four employees and actively participated in the development of the voter approved $247 million 1982 Capital Improvement Program.
1978-1981 Budget Analyst, Budget and Research Department, City of Dallas, Texas
Responsible for the budget analysis and fiscal oversight of 12 departmental budgets including police, fire, streets and sanitation services. Also administered the City revenue sharing budget and coordinated the activities of the City of Dallas "FIRMS" accounting system.
1975-1978 Administrative Assistant, Fort Worth Fire Department, City of Fort Worth, Texas
Responsible for all the fiscal administrative functions of the Fort Worth Fire Department including the development and management of the department's operating, capital and grants budgets and the supervision of the department's payroll process
1974 Program Assistant, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, U. S. Department of Justice, Dallas, Texas
Responsible for the administration and monitoring of the law enforcement grants awarded within the region (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas).
1973 Management Intern, City Managers Office, City of Portland, Texas
Provided day to day administrative support to the City Manager on a wide variety of administrative and fiscal duties.
Named Public Administrator of the Year 2004 by the North Texas American Society of Public AdministrationTEACHING EXPERIENCE
The University of Texas at Dallas 2005-PresentExecutive in Residence / Senior Lecturer
- City Management, Financial Management and Budgeting, Leadership and Community Planning
- Developed syllabus and overall course structure, and administered all grades
Adjunct Instructor 1990-1992
- Financial Management and Budgeting
- Developed syllabus and overall course structure
News Articles
Former Dallas City Manager Ted Benavides To Join Faculty of U. T. Dallas’ Public Affairs Program

Dr. Larry D. Terry, UTD executive vice provost for academic affairs, said Benavides would teach in the university’s Public Affairs degree program and work with faculty and administration colleagues to increase recognition of “this important new addition to UTD’s educational offerings.
Public Administration Society Honors Professors

Dr. Meghna Sabharwal, program head of public and nonprofit management, has earned the 2020 Rita Mae Kelly Distinguished Research Award.
Teodoro Benavides, associate professor of practice of public and nonprofit management, won the 2020 Paul Van Riper Award for Excellence and Service.
Sabharwal was recognized for her work on gender-related issues and subjects significant to women’s roles in public administration and for making an impact through research on women’s lives.