Ph.D. - Inorganic Chemistry
Kansas State University - 1971

A. Dean Sherry
Cecil H. and Ida Green Distinguished Chair in Systems Biology
Cecil H. and Ida Green Distinguished Chair in Systems Biology; Professor - Chemistry and Biochemistry
Professional Preparation
B.S. - Chemistry
Wisconsin State University - 1967
Wisconsin State University - 1967
Research Areas
Research Description
Our chemistry group at UT-Dallas is involved in the design of novel MR imaging agents that are responsive to physiology and metabolism.- High relaxivity Gd(III)-based agents that respond to binding events in vivo.
- Slow water exchange paramagnetic complexes that introduce MR contrast by a novel mechanism called chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST). Paramagnetic CEST agents are now widely referred to a PARACEST agents.
Differentiation and characterization of healthy versus pathological tau using chemical exchange saturation transfer 2024 - Journal Article
Enhancing r1 Relaxivity in GdDOTA-Monoamide Complexes through Polar Group-Mediated Ordering of Second-Sphere Water Molecules 2024 - Journal Article
Prospects and limitations of paramagnetic chemical exchange saturation transfer agents serving as biological reporters in vivo 2023 - Journal Article
Investigations into the Signaling Pathways Involving Glucose-Stimulated Zinc Secretion (GSZS) from Prostate Epithelial Cells In Vitro and In Vivo 2023 - Journal Article
Prospects and limitations of paramagnetic chemical exchange saturation transfer agents serving as biological reporters in vivo 2022 - Journal Article
Manganese(II)-Based Responsive Contrast Agent Detects Glucose-Stimulated Zinc Secretion from the Mouse Pancreas and Prostate by MRI 2021 - Journal Article
The Roles of ZnT1 and ZnT4 in Glucose-Stimulated Zinc Secretion in Prostate Epithelial Cells 2021 - Journal Article
Interim Dean
School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics [2020–Present]
School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics [2020–Present]
Associate Editor
The journal "Contrast Media for Molecular Imaging", John Wiley [2005–2016]
The journal "Contrast Media for Molecular Imaging", John Wiley [2005–2016]
Distinguished Chair
The University of Texas at Dallas [2005–Present]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2005–Present]
UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas [2005–Present]
UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas [2005–Present]
Cecil & Ida Green Honors Chair
The University of Texas at Dallas [2002–2005]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2002–2005]
Scientific Founder
Macrocyclics, Inc. [1997–1997]
Macrocyclics, Inc. [1997–1997]
UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas [1991–Present]
UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas [1991–Present]
NIH Senior Fellow
UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas [1983–1984]
UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas [1983–1984]
The University of Texas at Dallas [1982–Present]
The University of Texas at Dallas [1982–Present]
The University of Texas at Dallas [1979–1990]
The University of Texas at Dallas [1979–1990]
Additional Information
- NSF Research Trainee, 1970-1971, Kansas State University
- NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, 1971 -1972, New Mexico State University
- AWU-AEC Summer Faculty Fellowship, 1975, Los Alamos Scientific Lab.
- NIH Senior Fellow, 1983-1984, University of Texas Health Science Center
- W.T. Doherty Award, 1990, DFW Section of the American Chemical Society
- UT-Dallas Chancellor's Council Outstanding Teaching Award, 1994
- American Chemical Society, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Lambda Upsilon
- NIH Study Section Member, Biophysical Chemistry (BBCB), 1999-2003
- Advisor for establishing the NIH Imaging Agent Roadmap database
- Extemal Advisory Board, NIH Molecular Imaging Program
- Executive Advisory Board, National High Field Magnet Lab
- Fellow, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011 (ISMRM)
- Gold Medal Award, World Molecular Imaging Society, 2013 (WMIS)
- Gold Medal Award, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2015 (ISMRM)
- Fellow, World Molecular Imaging Society, 2015 (WMIS)
- "Gadolinium Chelates as NMR Contrast Agents", U.S. Patent 4,639,365 Filed: Oct. 18, 1984 lssued: Jan 27, 1987.
- "Triazamacrocyclic NMR Contrast Agents and Methods for Their Use", U.S. Patent 4,983,376 Filed: Dec. 28, 1988 Issued: Jan. 8, 1991.
- "Zeolite-Enclosed Transition and Rare Earth Metal lons as Contrast Agents for the Gastrointestinal Tract", K. Balkus, A.D. Sherry & S. Young, U.S. Patent 5,122,363 Filed: Dec. 7, 1990 Issued: Jun. 16, 1992.
- "Method of Determining Sources of Acetyl-CoA Under Nonsteady-State Conditions", with C.R. Malloy & F.M.H. Jeffrey, U.S. Patent 5,413,917 Filed: July 18, 1990 Issued: May 9, 1995.
- "NMR Contrast Agents and Methods For Their Use", U.S. Patent 4,983,376 Filed: Dec. 28, 1988 Issued: January 8, 1991.
- "Using Polyazamacrocyclic Compounds for Intracellular Measurement of Metal lons Using MRS", A.D. Sherry, I. Lazar, E. Brucher & R. Ramasamy, U.S. Patent 5,188,816 Filed: November 26, 1991 lssued: February 23, 1993.
- "Polyazamacrocycles for Complexation of Metal 1ons", A.D. Sherry, 1. Lazar, E. Brucher & R. Ramasamy, U.S. Patent 5,342,606 Filed: November 19, 1990 Issued: Aug. 30, 1994.
- "Synthesis if Polyazarnacrocyles with More Than One Type of Side-Chain Chelating Group (MRI methods)", A.D. Sherry & J. van Westrenen, U.S. Patent 5,316,757 Filed: December 13, 1991 Issued: May 31, 1994.
- "Synthesis if Polyazamacrocyles with More Than One Type of Side-Chain Chelating Group (Synthetic method, composition)", A.D. Sherry & J. van Westrenen, U.S. Patent 5,428,155 Filed: May 27, 1994 lssued: June 27, 1995.
- "Carboxamide Moditied Polyamine Chelators and Radioactive Complexes Thereof for Conjugation to Antibodies", W.J. Kruper, Jr., W.A. Fordyce & A.D. Sherry, U.S. Patent 5,310,535 Filed: Apr. 24, 1992 Issued: May 10, 1994.
- "Alkyl Phosphonate Polyazamacrocyclic Chelates for MR1", A.D. Sherry & G. Kiefer, U.S. Patent 5,362,476 Filed: July 13, 1992; Issued: Nov. 8, 1994.
- "Molecular Sieve-Enclosed Transition and Rare Earth Metal Ions as Contrast Agents for the Gastrointestinal Tract", S. Young, K. Balkus, & A.D. Sherry, U.S. Patent 5,429,814 Filed: December 7, 1990. Issued: July 4, 1995.
- "13C Isotopomer Analysis in lntact Tissues using {l3C}Homonuclear Decoup1ing", A.D. Sherry, C.R. Malloy, & P Zhao, U.S. Patent 5,597,548. Filed: 7/3/95. Issued: 1/28/97.
- "Po1yazamacrocyclic Compounds for Complexation of Metal Ions", A.D. Sherry, 1. Lazar, E. Bnrcher & R. Ramasamy, European Patent Issued, 10/23/96.
- "Polyazamacrocyclic Compounds for Complexation of Metal 1ons", A.D. Sherry & G.E. Kiefer, European Patent Issued, 11/21/97.
- "Phosphorylated Polyazamacrocyclic Compounds for Complexation of Metal 1ons", A.D. Sherry & G.E. Kiefer, U.S. Patent 5,630,997. Filed: 11/8/94 1ssued: May 20, 1997.
- "Molecular Sieve-Enclosed Transition and Rare Earth Metal lons as Contrast Agents for the Gastrointestinal Tract", S. Young, K. Balkus, & A.D. Sherry, Japanese Patent lssued: November 7, 1997.
- "Molecular Sieve-Enclosed Transition and Rare Earth Metal Ions as Contrast Agents for the Gastrointestinal Tract", S. Young, K. Balkus, & A.D. Sherry, Singapore Patent 9607688-0 Issued: November 14, 1997.
- "Determination of Intracellular Sodium and Potassium Ions by NMR°±, A.D. Sherry, C.R. Malloy & N. Bansal, U.S. Patent 5,951,473. Filed: 5/24/94; Issued: 9/14/99.
- "Methods for Determining Gluconeogenesis, Anapleurosis, and Pyruvate Recycling", J. Jones, A.D. Sherry, F.M.H. Jeffrey, G.L. Cottam & C.R. Malloy, U.S. Patent 6,329,208. Filed: July 16, 1998; Issued: December 11, 2001.
- "Polyazamacrocyclofluoromonoalkylphosphonic Acids and Their Complexes for use as Contrast Agents", A.D. Sherry & G.E. Kiefer, European Patent Issued, 10/27/98.
- "Carboxamide Modified Polyamine Chelators and Radioactive Complexes Thereof for Conjugation to Antibodies", W.J. Kruper, Jr., W.A. Fordyce & A.D. Sherry, U.S. Patent 5,739,322. Filed: Apr. 13, 1995 Issued: April 14, 1998.
- "pH Sensitive MRI Contrast Agents", A.D. Sherry, S. Zhang & K. Wu, U.S. Patent 6,746,662. Filed: Feb. 9, 2000; lssued Jun. 8, 2004.
- "Paramagnetic Metal ion-based Macrocyclic Magnetization Transfer (MT) Contrast Agents and Method of Use", A.D. Sherry, S. Zhang & K. Wu, U.S. Patent 6,875,419, Filed: Nov. 20, 2001, Issued: April 5, 2005.
- "Measurement of Gluconeogenesis and Intermediary Metabolism Using Stable lsotopes", J. Jones, A.D. Sherry, C.R. Malloy, US Patent 7,256,047, lssued: Aug 14, 2007.
- "Improved Process for Making a Chelating Agent for Labeling Biomolecules using Preformed Active Esters", Z. Kovacs, DS Mudigonda & AD Sherry, U.S. Patent 6,838,557, Filed: Nov 2002, lssued: Jan 4, 2005.
- "Preformed Carboxylated Active Ester for Labeling Biomolecules", Z. Kovacs, DS Mudigonda & AD Sherry, U.S. Patent 6,852,854, Filed Nov 2002, Issued: Feb 8, 2005.
- "Process for making a chelating agent for labeling biomolecules using preformed active esters", Z. Kovacs, DS Mudigonda & AD Sherry, U.S. Patent 6,838,557, Filed Nov. 2002, Issued: Jan 4, 2005.
- "Lactate Dehydrogenase as a Novel Target and Reagent for Diabetes Therapy", Christopher Newgard, Mette Jensen, A. Dean Sherry & Shawn Burgess, UTSD: 0984. Filed: January 21, 2003.
- "Selection of Coordination Geometry to Adjust Water Exchange Rates of Paramagnetic Metal lon-Based Macrocyclic Contrast Agents", AD Sherry, M Woods & Z Kovacs, US Patent Filed: July 2003.
- "Bifunctional polyazamacrocyclic chelating agents", Z. Kovaks, Garry E Kiefer, Corinne Bensimon, A. Dean Sherry, Gyula Tirsco, PCT 1nt. Appl, WO 2007104135 (2007).
News Articles
Magnetic Imaging Researchers Work Recognized

Sherry began his career at UT Dallas in 1972. His expertise includes developing new types of imaging agents and using imaging to gain insight into human metabolism. Sherry holds the Cecil H. and Ida Green Distinguished Chair in Systems Biology, and has a joint appointment at UT Southwestern Medical Center as a professor of radiology and director of the Advanced Imaging Research Center. “It’s exciting to be recognized by my peers,” Sherry said. “I’ve been involved with this organization for several years now, and I was honored by the award.”
Dr. Dean Sherry Earns Accolades from International Organization

Sherry is a pioneer in the development and use of molecules that can be used as tracers in the body to study physiology and diagnose disease. Such molecules are used in conjunction with MRI to allow researchers and physicians to visualize tumors in the body or track biological processes, including metabolism.
Dr. A. Dean Sherry Appointed Director Of Advanced Imaging Research Center

Housed in the new Bill and Rita Clements Advanced Medical Imaging Building, the center is expected to foster strong collaborative research programs in the imaging sciences involving basic scientists, engineers and clinicians at the three University of Texas System institutions in the Dallas-Fort Worth area – UT Southwestern, UTD and The University of Texas at Arlington.
MRI Pioneer Receives International Honor for Career Achievements
Dr. Dean Sherry, professor of chemistry and holder of the Cecil H. and Ida Green Distinguished Chair in Systems Biology at UT Dallas, recently received the Gold Medal Award from the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) for his career-long research contributions to the field of nuclear magnetic resonance.One of UT Dallas’ most distinguished faculty members, Sherry is a pioneer in the development and use of molecules that can be used as tracers in the body to study physiology and diagnose disease. Used in conjunction with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), such molecules allow researchers and physicians to visualize tumors in the body or track biological processes.
Two UTD Researchers Win Grants Worth $300,000

The two scientists - both from UTD's Department of Chemistry - each received three-year grants of $150,000. The grant recipients and the titles of their respective research are:
- Dr. A. Dean Sherry, professor of chemistry, "Lanthanide DOTA-tetraamide Complexes as Biological Sensors."
- Dr. Inga Holl Musselman, associate professor of chemistry, "Chemical Contrast in STM Images of Materials for Molecular Scale Sensors and Device Structures."