PhD - Management Information System
University of Melbourne - 2010

Shawn Alborz, PhD
Clinical Associate Professor - Management
Professional Preparation
EMBA - Business Administration
Peperdine University - 2001
Peperdine University - 2001
BS - Information Systems Management
University of San Francisco - 1999
University of San Francisco - 1999
Skuza, A., Woldu, H., Alborz, S., (2020). “A Managerial Perspective on Learning Organization – The Case of
Poland”. Proceedings of the 36th International Business Information Management Association Conference.
10375-10385, Granada, Spain.
Skuza, A., Woldu, H., Alborz, S., (2020). “Implications of Talent Definitions for Talent Management Practice”.
Proceedings of the 36th International Business Information Management Association Conference. 10369-10374,
Granada, Spain.
Woldu, H., Skuza, A., Alborz, S., (2019). “Analysis of Cultural Value Orientations and Dynamics of Mexican and
U.S. Individuals during Pre- and Post NAFTA Periods: Implications for Cross-Cultural Management and
Negotiation”. Academy of Business Research Conference, New Orleans.
Woldu, H., Skuza, A., Alborz, S., (2019). “HR Practices and Employee Learning Commitment: The Moderating
Effect of the Leader-Member Exchange”. Working paper.
Woldu, H., Alborz, S., Myneni, N., (2018). “An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of NAFTA on Economic
Growth on its Member Countries”. International Journal of Business and Economics Perspective. Accepted for
Woldu, H., Alborz, S., Myneni, N., (2018). “An Empirical Analysis the impact of NAFTA on economic growth
on its member countries”. International Academic of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Conference.
13 (1), Dallas.
Alborz, S., (2017). “Efficacy of Stakeholders’ Relationships on Project Success”. Working paper.
Woldu, H., Alborz, S., Chen, C., (2017). “The Impact of Great Economic Crises on the Cultural Value Changes of
Individuals: The Cases of China, India, Poland, and the United States”. International Journal of Cross Cultural
Management. Accepted for publication.
Woldu, H., Alborz, S., Chen, C., (2016). “Viewing Cultural Convergence and Divergence of Nations During
Abnormal Times: Cultural value changes during and after recent economic recessions and shocks”. International
Academic of Business and Public Administration Disciplines) Conference, Dallas. Received the “Best Paper”
Gong, H., Tate, M. Alborz, S., (2007). Managing the Outsourcing Marriage to Achieve Success. Proceedings of
the 40th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Hawaii.
Alborz, S., Seddon, P. B., & Scheepers, R. (2005). The Quality of Relationship in IT Outsourcing. Proceedings of
the 9th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Bangkok, Thailand.
Alborz, S., Seddon, P. B., & Scheepers, R. (2004). Impact of Configuration on IT Outsourcing Relationships.
Proceedings of the 10th Americas Conference on Information Systems, New York.
Alborz, S., Seddon, P. B., & Scheepers, R. (2003). A Model for Studying IT Outsourcing Relationships.
Proceedings of the 7th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Adelaide, Australia.
Alborz, S., What are the key factors influencing IT outsourcing relationships between client and supplier, as
perceived by different stakeholders. Doctoral Consortium, PACIS, Adelaide, Australia. July 2003. 2020 - Publication
Poland”. Proceedings of the 36th International Business Information Management Association Conference.
10375-10385, Granada, Spain.
Skuza, A., Woldu, H., Alborz, S., (2020). “Implications of Talent Definitions for Talent Management Practice”.
Proceedings of the 36th International Business Information Management Association Conference. 10369-10374,
Granada, Spain.
Woldu, H., Skuza, A., Alborz, S., (2019). “Analysis of Cultural Value Orientations and Dynamics of Mexican and
U.S. Individuals during Pre- and Post NAFTA Periods: Implications for Cross-Cultural Management and
Negotiation”. Academy of Business Research Conference, New Orleans.
Woldu, H., Skuza, A., Alborz, S., (2019). “HR Practices and Employee Learning Commitment: The Moderating
Effect of the Leader-Member Exchange”. Working paper.
Woldu, H., Alborz, S., Myneni, N., (2018). “An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of NAFTA on Economic
Growth on its Member Countries”. International Journal of Business and Economics Perspective. Accepted for
Woldu, H., Alborz, S., Myneni, N., (2018). “An Empirical Analysis the impact of NAFTA on economic growth
on its member countries”. International Academic of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Conference.
13 (1), Dallas.
Alborz, S., (2017). “Efficacy of Stakeholders’ Relationships on Project Success”. Working paper.
Woldu, H., Alborz, S., Chen, C., (2017). “The Impact of Great Economic Crises on the Cultural Value Changes of
Individuals: The Cases of China, India, Poland, and the United States”. International Journal of Cross Cultural
Management. Accepted for publication.
Woldu, H., Alborz, S., Chen, C., (2016). “Viewing Cultural Convergence and Divergence of Nations During
Abnormal Times: Cultural value changes during and after recent economic recessions and shocks”. International
Academic of Business and Public Administration Disciplines) Conference, Dallas. Received the “Best Paper”
Gong, H., Tate, M. Alborz, S., (2007). Managing the Outsourcing Marriage to Achieve Success. Proceedings of
the 40th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Hawaii.
Alborz, S., Seddon, P. B., & Scheepers, R. (2005). The Quality of Relationship in IT Outsourcing. Proceedings of
the 9th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Bangkok, Thailand.
Alborz, S., Seddon, P. B., & Scheepers, R. (2004). Impact of Configuration on IT Outsourcing Relationships.
Proceedings of the 10th Americas Conference on Information Systems, New York.
Alborz, S., Seddon, P. B., & Scheepers, R. (2003). A Model for Studying IT Outsourcing Relationships.
Proceedings of the 7th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Adelaide, Australia.
Alborz, S., What are the key factors influencing IT outsourcing relationships between client and supplier, as
perceived by different stakeholders. Doctoral Consortium, PACIS, Adelaide, Australia. July 2003. 2020 - Publication
Additional Information
Shawn Alborz
Over 15 years of experience in Information Technology.PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE
- IT Strategy Development
- Relationship Management
- IT Outsourcing/Offshoring
- Operation Management
- Program/Project Management
- Contract/Vendor Management
- Leadership Development
- Human Resource Management
- Process/Quality Improvement
2005 - 2008, HP, Senior Program Manager, BPO Product Management
1989 - 2001, HP, Various Roles (Team lead, Project/Program/Ops Manager)