Myron Salamon
Professor Emeritus - Physics
Professional Preparation
Ph. D. - Physics
University of California, Berkeley - 1966
University of California, Berkeley - 1966
B.S. - Physics
Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie-Mellon University) - 1961
Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie-Mellon University) - 1961
Research Areas
In 1966, Dr. Salamon joined the Department of Physics at the University of Illinois, one of the top-ranked physics departments in the United States.
During 1995-96, Salamon served as a distinguished visiting professor with the Japan Ministry of Education at Tsukuba University, and in 1996 was the Matthias Scholar at Los Alamos National Laboratory. From 2000-2006 he was the associate dean and director of the Experiment Station in Illinois' College of Engineering.
In 2006, he joined The University of Texas at Dallas as Dean of the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
Research Interests
Dr. Salamon is noted for his research in experimental condensed matter physics, phase transitions, superconductivity and the properties of magnetic materials.Publications
H. Yanagihara, and M. B. Salamon, RoIe of Topological Defects on Magnetotransport in CrO2, Journal of Physics C. (in press). ? - Publication
J. Hooper, M. H. Fang, M. Zhou, D. Forbes, N. Dang, Z. Q. Mao, C. M. Feng, Z. A. Xu, M. H. Yu, C. J. O'Connor, G. J. Xu, N. Anderson and M.. Salamon, Competing magnetic fluctuations in Sr3Ru2O7 probed by Ti doping. Physical Review B. 75,060403/1 -4 (2007). 2007 - Publication
E. E. M. Chia, M. B. Salamon, T. Park, H.-J. Kim, S.-I. Lee and H. Takeya, Observation of the spontaneous vortex phase in the weakly ferromagnetic superconductor ErNi2B2C: A penetration depth study. Europhysics Letters 73, 772-778 (2006). 2006 - Publication
Tuson Park, F. Ronning, H. Q. Yuan, M. B. Salamon, R. Movshovich, J. I. Sarrao and J. D. Thompson, Hidden Magnetism and Quantum Criticality in the Heavy Fermion Superconductor CeRh|n5. Nature 440, 65-68 (2006). 2006 - Publication
Pak Yuen Chan, Nigel Goldenfeld and Myron Salamon, CriticaI behavior of Griffiths ferromagnets, Physical Review Letters 97, 137201 (2006). 2006 - Publication
H.Q. Yuan, D.F. Agterberg, N. Hayashi, P. Badica, D. Vandervelde, K. Togano, M. Sigrist, and M. B. Salamon, S-Wave Spin-Triplet Order in Superconductors without Inversion Symmetry: Li2Pd3B and Li2Pt3B, Physical Review Letters 97, 017006/1 -4 (2006). 2006 - Publication
J. Tao, D. Niebieskikwiat, M. B. Salamon and J. M. Zuo, Lamellar phase separation and dynamic competition in La0.23Ca0.77MnO3 Physical Review Letters 94, 147206/1 -4 (2005). 2005 - Publication
J. S. Kim, D. J. Mixson, T. Jones, B. Andrake, G. R. Stewart, V. Craciun, W. Acree, H. Q. Yuan, D. Vandervelde, and M. B. Salamon, Spurious Second Transition in the Heavy Fermion Superconductor CePt3Si, Physical Review B 71, 212505/1-3 (2005). 2005 - Publication
The University of Texas at Dallas [2006–2011]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2006–2011]
Associate Dean
University of Illinois [2000–2006]
University of Illinois [2000–2006]
University of Illinois [1984–1991]
University of Illinois [1984–1991]
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [1974–Present]
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [1974–Present]
Associate Professor
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [1972–1974]
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [1972–1974]
Assistant Professor
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [1966–1972]
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [1966–1972]
CoIossal Magnetoresistance
2000–2000 CoIossal Magnetoresistance Physics Seminar, Georgia Institute of TechnologyLow Temperature Penetration Depth in Unconventional Superconductors,
2000–2000 Low Temperature Penetration Depth in Unconventional Superconductors, Pohang Superconductivity Center, Pohang, KoreaAnomalous Hall Effect and Phase Changes in CMR Manganites,
2000–2000 Anomalous Hall Effect and Phase Changes in CMR Manganites, International Workshop on Phase Control of Correlated Electron Systems, Kansai Science City, JapanColossaI Magnetoresistance with Berries
2000–2000 ColossaI Magnetoresistance with Berries, Physics Seminar, Department of Physics, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, KoreaColossal Magnetoresistance (with Berries)
2000–2000 Colossal Magnetoresistance (with Berries) Physics Colloquium, University of DelawareNews Articles
University of Illinois Physicist Dr. Myron Salamon To Become Dean of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at The University of Texas at Dallas

"I was attracted to UTD by its drive to become a major public research university and, in particular, by NS&M’s pivotal role in achieving that goal,” Salamon said. “My aim is to make the school a model for 21st Century academic research and education. It will draw strength from traditional disciplines, but will attack scientific and technological problems and the training of young scientists from an integrated, cross-disciplinary perspective.”