Ph.D. - Electromagnetics
University of Michigan - 1999

Professional Preparation
M.S. - Electrical Engineering
University of Michigan - 1994
University of Michigan - 1994
B.S. - Electrical Engineering
Tuskegee University - 1992
Tuskegee University - 1992
Research Areas
Research Interests
- Enabling technologies for microwave and millimeter-wave passive circuits
- Accurate measurement and modeling of small value passive components
- Radio frequency, microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuit design
- MEMS simulation and characterization
- Metamaterial filter design
Soares, B., Caraway, D., Heffner, T., Lehmann, R., Mir, R., Aroor, S., Schlieter, D., and Henderson, R., "Compensated balun using broadside coupled lines,†2013 Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS) Proceedings, pp. 1-4, April 4-5, 2013. 2013 - Publication
Aroor, S., Henderson, R., "Considerations for the use of low-cost substrates for mm-wave packaging,†2013 Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS) Proceedings, pp. 1-4, April 4-5, 2013. 3rd Place Student Poster Contest 2013 - Publication
Pierce, R., Aroor, S., Blanchard, A., and Henderson, R., "Broadband millimeter wave modified aperture bowtie antenna in package,†2013 Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS) Proceedings, pp.1-4, April 4-5, 2013. 3rd Place Student Poster Contest 2013 - Publication
Shu, W., Shichijo, S., Henderson, R., Investigation of the de-embedding issue of CPWs on silicon substrates at high frequency, 2013 Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS) Proceedings, pp.1-4, April 4-5, 2013. 2013 - Publication
Islam, R., Henderson, R.M., Minimizing attenuation of coplanar waveguide on lossy silicon substrates up to 300 GHz, 2013 IEEE MTT-S International Microw. Symp. Digest (MTT), June 2-7, 2013. 2013 - Publication
Schlieter, D.B., Henderson, R.M., "High Q defected ground structures in grounded coplanar waveguide, IET Electronics Letters, Vol. 48, No. 11, pp. 635-636, 2012. 2012 - Publication
Bharatan, S., Petras, M., Henderson, R., Parmon, W., A Systematic Approach to the Design and Analysis of 1-D, Two-Port Metamaterial Lattices, presented at the 2006 MRS Fall Meeting, November 2006. 2006 - Publication
Petras, M., Bharatan, S., Henderson, R., Parmon, W., Design of Metamaterials/EBGs for Microwave Applications, Freescale TechX Symposium, June 2006, Freescale Internal. 2006 - Publication
Associate Professor
The University of Texas at Dallas [2007–Present]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2007–Present]
Research and Development Engineer IV
"Freescale Semiconductor, Inc." [2004–2007]
"Freescale Semiconductor, Inc." [2004–2007]
Senior Staff Engineer to Principal Staff Engineer
"Motorola, Inc." [1999–2004]
"Motorola, Inc." [1999–2004]
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Michigan [1993–1998]
University of Michigan [1993–1998]
Integrated Passives for Commercial Wireless Applications
2005–2005Additional Information
Honors and Awards
- IEEE Phoenix Section Engineer of the Year, 2002
News Articles
Researchers Win Nearly $1 Million in Defense Grants for Equipment

Each year researchers throughout the country compete in the Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) for funds for instrumentation needed to carry out high-quality, cutting-edge research of interest to U.S. defense.
Last year, Dr. Kenneth O, professor of electrical engineering and director of TxACE, and Dr. Rashaunda Henderson, assistant professor of electrical engineering and a TxACE member, successfully competed against more than 500 researchers to receive funding. The measurement systems are expected to be available for use this fall.
ECS Professors Selected to Share Innovative Teaching Ideas
Two professors from the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science were selected to participate in the National Academy of Engineering’s Frontiers of Engineering EducationSymposium last month in Irvine, Calif.The academy chose 73 engineering educators to share ideas and learn from best practices. The attendees, nominated by NAE members or university deans, were recognized for developing and implementing innovative educational approaches in engineering. The fifth-annual symposium focused on online learning, including MOOCs (massive open online courses), gaming and flipped classrooms.