Ph.D. - Business Administration
University of Kentucky - 1997
Professional Preparation
MBA - Business Administration
Grambling State University - 1993
Grambling State University - 1993
B.S. - Business Administration
Louisiana Tech University - 1991
Louisiana Tech University - 1991
Does Race Matter for Firm Performance? Investigating Non-Linear Relationships. With With K. Ismail, and B.P.S. Murthi. Strategic Management Journal. Forthcoming. forthcoming - Publication
Ismail, K., Richard, Orlando C., & Taylor, E. (forthcoming). Key determinants and outcomesrelated to relationship conflict in supervisor-subordinate dyads: A subordinate
perspective. International Journal of Conflict Management. forthcoming - Publication
Zoogah, D., Vora, D., Richard, Orlando C. & Peng, M. (2011). Strategic alliance team diversity,
coordination and effectiveness. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22
(3): 510-529. 2011 - Publication
Ismail, K., Richard, Orlando C., & Taylor, E. (forthcoming). Key determinants and outcomes
related to relationship conflict in supervisor-subordinate dyads: A subordinate perspective. International Journal of Conflict Management. 2011 - Publication
Goce, A., Richard, Orlando C., Ferrier, W., & Shaw. J. 2010. Racial diversity, competitive
aggressiveness and firm performance: A moderated mediation model. Academy of
Management Best Paper Proceedings. Montreal, Canada 2010 - Publication
Ismail, K., Ford, D., & Richard, Orlando C. (2010). Networking building behaviour of U.S. and
Central Eurasian Leaders: Role of institutional background and individual factors. Eurasian
Journal of Business and Economics, 3(6): 1-26. 2010 - Publication
Goce, A., Richard, Orlando C., Ferrier, W., & Shaw. J. 2010. Racial diversity, competitive
aggressiveness and firm performance: A moderated mediation model. Academy of
Management Best Paper Proceedings. Montreal, Canada 2010 - Publication
Richard, Orlando C., Ismail, Kiran, Bhuian, Shahid, & Taylor, Edward 2009. Mentoring in
supervisor-subordinate dyads: antecedents, consequences, and test of a mediation model of
mentorship. Journal of Business Research, 62(11): 818-825. 2009 - Publication
Associate Professor
University of Texas at Dallas [2005–Present]
University of Texas at Dallas [2005–Present]
Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Dallas [2000–2005]
University of Texas at Dallas [2000–2005]
Assistant Professor
Louisiana Tech University [1997–2000]
Louisiana Tech University [1997–2000]
Teaching Assistant
University of Kentucky [1995–1997]
University of Kentucky [1995–1997]
University of Kentucky [1995–2018]
University of Kentucky [1995–2018]
Teaching/Research Assistant
Grambling State University [1992–1993]
Grambling State University [1992–1993]
Additional Information
Classes Taught
- Research Methods (Doctoral)
- Human Resource Management (UG and MBA)
- Organizational Behavior (UG and MBA and Doctoral)
- Compensation (UG)
- Principles of Management (UG)
- Professional Guidance (UG)
Research Proposals Funded
- Best Paper in Gender and Diversity Division, 2004 ($500)
- MIT Sloan Foundation Grant to Diversity Research Network (Wrote Grant), 1999 ($297,643)
- Best Paper Based on a Dissertation Award, Gender and Diversity Division, 1998 ($150)
- Louisiana Tech University Summer Research Grant, 1998 ($850)
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Post-Doctoral Grant, 1997 ($6,500)
- GE Faculty to the Future Grant, 1997 ($5,500)
- Harvey Wilson/SHRM Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant, 1996 ($2,500)
- Carol Martin Gatton College of Business Research Grant, 1996 ($800)
- Lyman T. Johnson Academic Fellow, 1994-1997 ($18,000)
- Croatian Distinguished Research Fellow, Summer 1995 ($2,000)
Dissertation committees- Dissertation Committee Chair, 2010: Hao Chen
- Dissertation Committee Member, 2005: Kiran Ismail
- Dissertation Committee Member, 2005: Mine Ozer
- Dissertation Committee Member, 2005: Ekin Alakent
- Dissertation Committee Member, 2004: Nancy Kucinski
- Dissertation Committee Member, 2003: Kwadwo Brobbey
- Dissertation Co-Advisor, completed 2003: Amy McMillan
- Dissertation Committee Member, 2003: M. Alix Valenti
- Dissertation Committee Member, 2000: Tami Knotts
- Dissertation Co-Advisor, 2000: Jeffrey Snell
- Judicial Affairs Officer, May 2010 to present
- Faculty Senate, June 2010 to present
- Management Faculty of Color Conference Co-Chair, University of Texas at Dallas, June 2009
- Faculty Mentoring Committee: 2009 to current
- External reviewer for Dr. Rob DelCampo ’s tenure at Univ. of New Mexico, November 2009
- External reviewer for Dr. Alison Cook’s tenure at Utah State University, October 2009
- Chair of Examining Committee for Augustine Ejike Ene’s Dissertation at UTD: October 2009
- Panel: Multicultural & Social Justice Living Learning Communities, faculty panel: Sept 2009
- Board Member--- Academy of Management Review: 2005 to 2008
- Outside Reviewer for Charles F. Williams’ Dissertation at UTD: June 2007
- Faculty Advisor of Minority Doctoral Student Association: 2005 to 2007
- Diversity Coordinator and Recruiter for School of Management: 2000 to current
- Ph.D. in International Management Program Coordinator: 2001 to 2005
- Search Committee Member for Director of External Relations: 1998
- Faculty Advisor: Society for Human Resource Management, 1998
- Faculty Search Committee: 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005
- Speaker for Career Day at Dallas Student Detention Center, 2003
News Articles
Study Sheds Light on Factors Affecting Employees' Commitment
As it becomes increasingly common for older workers to report to younger supervisors, a new study from the Naveen Jindal School of Management at UT Dallas examined how disparities in experience and education influence subordinates’ commitment to their organizations.Dr. Orlando Richard, associate professor of organizations, strategy and international management, found that status incongruence — which occurs when a subordinate is older or has more education, work experience and/or organizational tenure than their supervisor — negatively affected transformational leaders’ ability to foster attachment to the organization among their subordinates. The study was published in the journal Personnel Psychology.
Jindal School Team Furthers Cuba Connection with Conference Trip

UT Dallas faculty stopped by Cuba recently to find out.
Diversity at the Top May Boost the Bottom Line
Racial diversity at a corporation’s top ranks may be good for business, according to new research conducted by a School of Management professor.Results from Dr. Orlando Richard’s study suggest that racial diversity at the top may enhance a company’s performance because such companies initiate more aggressive sales and marketing strategies.
Richard is a professor of organizations, strategy and international management at UT Dallas. He and co-authors Goce Andrevski of Queens University, Walter Ferrier of the University of Kentucky and Jason Shaw of the University of Minnesota surveyed the competitive actions of 115 Fortune 1,000 companies during a three-year period for their study.
Management Study Examines How Abusive Supervision Affects Workers

Abusive supervision is a problem that prevails over multiple organizations, regardless of location or industry, said O. Dorian Boncoeur, a doctoral student in international management studies and co-author of the paper. Existing literature has shown how it affects employees’ performance and commitment, but how employees respond to and cope with abusive supervision is less understood.