Professional Preparation
National University of Cuyo - 1976
National University of Cuyo - 1973
National University of Cordoba - 1970
Research Areas
Research Areas
Auciello is directing several basic and applied research programs on different fields, namely:
1) Science and technology of multi-component oxide thin films and application to devices (ferroelectric memories, nanoscale CMOS devices, photovoltaic energy generation / storage devices, high-frequency devices, piezoelectric thin films for MEMS/NEMS devices (sensors and actuators);
2) Fundamental and applied science and technology of nanocarbon thin films: i) Novel ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) film, developed and patented by Auciello and colleagues ar Argonne National Lab, and application to multifunctional devices (RF MEMS/NEMS, electron field emitters, implantable biomedical devices (artificial retina to restore sight to people blinded by retina degeneration), biosensors, mechanical pump seals). The UNCD film technology is now commercialized by Advanced Diamond Technologies, a Company founded by Auciello and colleagues and spun-off from Argonne in 2003 (profitable in 2014), and Original Biomedical Implants (OBI-USA, 2013-present) & OBI-México (2016-present) founded by Auciello and colleagues; ii) Science and Technology of graphene films.
3) R&D for Integration of multifunctional oxide and nanocarbon films for new generatioin of high-tech, micro/nanoelectronics and medical devices.
U Texas-Dallas [2013–Present]
Argonne Nat.Lab [2010–2012]
Argonne Nat.Lab [1996–2010]
Additional Information
Professional Activities
Scienific Societies Positions- Elected Vice President (2012), President (2013), and Past President (2014) of the Materials Research Society (MRS)
- Elected Councilor of the MRS (2000-2003)
- Co-Chair International Relations Committee (MRS-USA) (2003-2010)
- Associate Editor, Applied Physics Letters (2000-present)
- Associate Editor, Integrated Ferroelectrics (1997-present)
- Member Editorial Board, Vacuum (1994-2010)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Materials Research (MRS-USA) (2002-2010)
- Member Editorial Board, MRS Bulletin 1998.
- Member of the first annual MRS Bulletin organizing board (MRS, 1998).
- Editor Book Series (Academic Press): "Science and Technology of Multifunctional Thin Films",O. Auciello and R. Ramesh (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003-present.
- Editor Book Series (Academic Press): "Plasma-Materials Interaction", O. Auciello and D.L. Flamm (Eds.), Academic Press, 1988-1996.
- Books Edited: 19
- Permanent Co-Chair of the International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities (2004-present)
- 2010 Named Argonne Distinguished Fellow
- 2009 Elected Fellow of the Materials Research Society
- Elected Fellow of the AAAS
- R&D Editors’ Choice Top 100 Award selected among all 100 Awards given in 2009, for development of an artificial retina to restore sight to people blinded by retina degeneration
- R&D 100 Award, for development of an artificial retina to restore sight to people blinded by retina degeneration
- 2008 University of Chicago Distinguished Performance Award
- R&D 100 Award (2008): for breakthrough commercialization of ultrananocrystalline diamond-coated mechanical pump seals
- 2007 Prof. “Honoris Causa” of National University of Cordoba-Argentina
- 2006 Federal Laboratory Consortium Award: for breakthrough transfer of ultra-nanocrystallilne diamond film technology from a national laboratory to the market
- 2003 Hispanic Engineering National Achievement Award R&D 100 Award (2003): for development of large area ultrananocrystalline diamond UNCD)/IPLAS technology developed
- 2000 International Symposium of Integrated Ferroelectrics Outstanding Achievement Award
- 1998 Materials Research Society Recognition, for outstanding contributions to the MRS as one of the first three members of the MRS Bulletin Volume Organizer Team (1998).
- 1997 DOE-BES Award, for Significant Implication for Department of Energy Related Technologies.
- Argonne National Laboratory Year Award, for outstanding research on ferroelectric thin films and coatings for field emission devices.
- 1995 R. Bunshah Award (American Vacuum Society), for work on "In Situ, Real-Time Characterization of Film Growth Processes Using a Novel Time-of-Flight Ion Beam Surface Analysis Technique"
News Articles
Lab-Grown Diamonds Could Give Medical Implants New Shine
(2014) KERA (associated to National Public Radio) broadcast on January 8, 2014 (8:20 and 6:20 pm): For the past decade, UTD professor Orlando Auciello has been obsessed with growing diamonds. But instead of trying to create the biggest gem possible, he’s been trying to craft the thinnest possible layer of diamond. This thin coating could advance everything from hip implants to hydraulic pumpsArgonne a ray of hope in fight to restore sight; The quest to restore partial vision to those blinded by disease is being advanced with the use of a microscopic crystalline substance
(2003) Argonne a ray of hope in fight to restore sight; The quest to restore partial vision to those blinded by disease is being advanced with the use of a microscopic crystalline substance Dr. Auciello makes mayor contribution to the deveopment of an artifical retina to restore partial sight to people blind by retinitis picmentosa.Argonne a ray of hope in fight to restore sight ; The quest to restore partial vision to those blinded by disease is being advanced with the use of a microscopic crystalline substance
(2002) The Artificial Retina Project funded by DOE-BER Division was selected at the #1 Science Achievement for DOE in 2002. This Project and our role in it was featured is several press releases and newspapers. The work at Argonne by Dr. Auciello's group contributes to the DOE program, which is a ray of hope in fight to restore sight; The quest to restore partial vision to those blinded by disease is being advanced with the use of a microscopic crystalline substance(ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) coating to encapsulate a microchip imllantable inside the eye to restore partial vision to people blind by retinitis picmentosaMaterials Scientist's Research Contributes To Invention Recognized by Time Magazine

The Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System restores partial vision to people blind from eye diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa and macular degeneration. It earned recognition as one of the 25 Best Inventions of the Year 2013 in the Nov. 25 edition of Time. It is one of five inventions featured in the accompanying video available on the magazine’s website.
The device was developed by a group of researchers from five national laboratories, four universities and Second Sight Medical Products. Dr. Orlando Auciello, an endowed chair professor of materials science and engineering and bioengineering in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, was part of the team from Argonne National Laboratory that worked on the device.