Ph.D. - Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization
Carnegie Mellon University, Graduate School of Industrial Administration - 1997

Milind Dawande
Ashbel Smith Professor
Professor - Management
Professional Preparation
M.S. - Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization
Carnegie-Mellon University - 1995
Carnegie-Mellon University - 1995
M.S. - Mathematics
University of Louisiana, LA - 1993
University of Louisiana, LA - 1993
B.Tech - Computer Science
Birla Institute of Technology and Science - 1991
Birla Institute of Technology and Science - 1991
Research Areas
Research Interests
Theory: Discrete Optimization, Linear and Integer Programming; Polyhedral Theory; Combinatorial Optimization; Logic-based Optimization Methods. Applications: Robotics; Discrete Optimization Models in Manufacturing and Operations; Network Design; Mathematical Programming Models in E-commerce.
Optimal Software Reuse in Incremental Software Development: A Transfer Pricing Approach (with Y. Ceran, D. Liu, and V. Mookerjee) Management Science (to appear). forthcoming - Publication
Scheduling a Two-State Flowshop under a Makespan Constraint. With S. Gavirneni and R. Rachamadugu. Mathematical and Computer Modeling. Forthcoming. forthcoming - Publication
Efficient Distribution of Water Between Head-Reach and Tail-End Farms in Developing Countries (with M. Mehrotra, S. Gavirneni, and V. Mookerjee) Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (to appear). forthcoming - Publication
Short-Range Order Processing at Blockbuster (with C. Chung, D. Rajamani, C. Sriskandarajah), Interfaces (to appear). Finalist, INFORMS 2010 Wagner Prize for Excellence in OR Practice forthcoming - Publication
Forecast and Rolling Horizons under Demand Substitution and Production Changeovers: Analysis and Insights (with A. Bardhan, Y. Mu, S. Gavirneni, and S. Sethi) IIE Transactions Vol. 45, 323-340, 2013. 2013 - Publication
Structural Search and Optimization in Social Networks (with Y. Zhu, V. Mookerjee, and C. Sriskandarajah) INFORMS Journal on Computing Vol. 24, No. 4, 611-623, 2012. 2012 - Publication
Pricing and Logistics Decisions for a Service Provider in the Cash Supply Chain (with M. Mehrotra, V. Mookerjee, and C. Sriskandarajah) Production and Operations Management Vol. 21, No. 5, 954-974, 2012. 2012 - Publication
Balancing Perfectly Periodic Service Schedules: An Application from Recycling and Waste Management (with O. Kazan, C. Sriskandarajah, and K. Stecke) Naval Research Logistics Vol. 59, No. 2, 160-171, 2012. 2012 - Publication
Joint Appointment
University of Texas at Dallas [2006–Present]
University of Texas at Dallas [2006–Present]
Associate Professor (with tenure)
University of Texas at Dallas [2003–Present]
University of Texas at Dallas [2003–Present]
Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Dallas [2000–2003]
University of Texas at Dallas [2000–2003]
Research Staff Member
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, NY [1999–2000]
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, NY [1999–2000]
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, NY [1997–1999]
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, NY [1997–1999]
Additional Information
An Ehicient Method for Designing Slabs for Production from an Order Book, Joint with J. Kalagnanam, H. S. Lee and M. Trumbo. US Patent No. 6321132 B1, Nov. 20, 2001.
Invited Presentations
- Commonality Problems in Graphs: Applications and Algorithms, Northwestern University, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, May 2007 (forthcoming).
- Discrete Forecast Horizons: Analysis and Computation, Tutorial, 18"‘ Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, Dallas, TX, June 2007 (forthcoming).
- Computing Forecast Horizons: An Integer Programming Approach, Workshop on Mixed Integer Programming, University of Miami, June 2006.
- Throughput Optimization in Robotic Cells, Kenan-Flagler School of Business, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, October 2006.
- Throughput Optimization in Robotic Cells, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, July 2004; Institute of Management, Bangalore, December 2003.
- Computational Methods for Large Scale Integer Programs, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, University of Minnesota, October 2002.
- Scheduling Constant—Travel Time Robotic Cells: Throughput Maximization, POMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2002.
- lnference—Based Sensitivity Analysis for Mixed-Integer/Linear Programming, Department of Industrial and Management Engg., Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 2001.
- Effective Heuristics for Multi-product Shipment Models, INFORMS National Meeting, San Antonio, 2000.
- The Multiple Knapsack Problem with Color Constraints, INFORMS National Meeting, Cincinnati, 1999.
- Non-Standard Methods for Integer Programming Problems, Department of Computer Science, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1998.
- A Class of Hard Small Integer Programs, 6th IPCO conference, Houston, 1998.
- Inference-Based Sensitivity Analysis for Mixed Integer/Linear Programs, International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Laussane, Switzerland, 1997.
- Optimizing Gomory Cuts for Pure and Mixed Integer Programs, INFORMS National Meeting, New Orleans, (1995) and INFORMS National Meeting, Atlanta, 1996.
- OCTANE: A New Heuristic for 0-1 Programs, INFORMS National Meeting, Washington D.C., 1996.
- Combining and Strengthening Gomory Cuts, 4th IPCO conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1995.
University of Texas at Dallas
- 2006, Fall. Instructor, "Discrete Models in Operations Research", Doctoral Program, School of Management.
- 2006, Summer. Instructor, "Network FIows", Doctoral Program, School of Management.
- 2006, Summer. Instructor, "Operations Management", MBA Program, School of Management.
- 2006, Spring. Instructor, "Operations Management", MBA Program, School of Management.
- 2005, Fall. Instructor, "Discrete Models in Operations Research", Doctoral Program, School of Management.
- 2005, Spring. Instructor, "Operations Management", MBA Program, School of Management.
- 2004, Fall. Instructor, "Discrete Models in Operations Research", Doctoral Program, School of Management.
- 2004, Fall. Instructor, "Operations Management", Online MBA Program, School of Management.
- 2004, Fall. Instructor, "Logistics and Distribution", Masters Program, School of Management.
- 2004, Summer. Instructor, "Network Flows", Doctoral Program, School of Management.
- 2004, Spring. Instructor, "Introduction to Operations Research", Masters Program, School of Management.
- 2004, Spring. Instructor, "Operations Management Implementations in the Industry", Masters Program, School of Management.
- 2003, Fall. Instructor, "Logistics and Distribution", Masters Program, School of Management.
- 2003, Fall. Instructor, "Discrete Models in Operations Research", Doctoral Program, School of Management.
- 2003, Spring. Instructor, "Netvvork FIows", Doctoral Program, School of Management.
- 2003, Summer. Instructor, "Introduction to Operations Research", Masters Program, School of Management.
- 2003, Spring. Instructor, "Introduction to Operations Research", Masters Program, School of Management.
- 2002, Fall. Instructor, "Discrete Models in Operations Research", Doctoral Program, School of Management.
- 2002, Fall. Instructor, "Discrete Models in Operations Research", Doctoral Program, School of Management.
- 2002, Fall. Instructor, "Introduction to Operations Research", Masters Program, School of Management.
- 2002, Fall. Instructor, "Discrete Models in Operations Research", Doctoral Program, School of Management.
- 2002, Fall. Instructor, "lntroduction to Operations Research", Masters Program, School of Management.
- 2002, Spring. Instructor, "lntroduction to Operations Research", Masters Program, School of Management
- 2001, Fall. Instructor, "lntroduction to Operations Research", Masters Program, School of Management.
- 2001, Fall. Instructor, "Discrete Models in Operations Research", Doctoral Program, School of Management.
- 2001, Spring. Instructor, "Introduction to Operations Research", Masters Program, School of Management.
- 2000, Fall. Instructor, "Discrete Models in Operations Research", Doctoral Program, School of Management.
Carnegie Mellon University
- 1997, Summer. Instructor, “Production and Operations Management", Undergraduate Program, GSIA.
- 1996, Fall. Instructor, "Convex Analysis and Polyhedral Theory", Doctoral Program, GSIA.
1995-1997, Teaching assistant for several courses in the MBA and doctoral programs of the Graduate School of Industrial Administration (GSIA).
News Articles
Researchers Explore How Retail Drone Delivery May Change Logistics Networks

In a new study, recently published online in Production and Operations Management, three faculty members from the Naveen Jindal School of Management explored how drone delivery could change retail logistics networks. The paper focuses on the use of customer-facing delivery centers, also known as last-mile warehouses.
Dr. Milind Dawande, professor of operations management and one of the paper’s co-authors, said last-mile retail delivery via drones is being viewed as a truly disruptive technology. Retailers worldwide are pursuing approaches to enable faster delivery, and drones arguably represent the most encouraging technological innovation toward this goal, he said.