PhD - Business Administration
University of Washington - 1996

Mike Peng
O. P. Jindal Distinguished Chair
Professor of Organizations, Strategy and International Management
Professional Preparation
B.S. - Business Administration and Economics
Winona State University - 1991
Winona State University - 1991
Research Areas
- Global strategy, international business, competition in emerging economies, and institution-based view
- Strategic management, global business, international management, Asian business
An Institution-based View of Innovation Strategy. With Y. Lu, and E. Tsang. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. Forthcoming. forthcoming - Publication
Peng, Mike W., Seung-Hyun Lee, and Sungjin J. Hong (2014). Entrepreneurs as intermediaries. Journal of World Business (in press). PDF. 2014 - Publication
Stan, Ciprian, Mike W. Peng, and Garry D. Bruton (2014). Slack and the performance of state-owned enterprises. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (in press). 2014 - Publication
Yamakawa, Yasuhiro, Susanna Khavul, Mike W. Peng, and David Deeds (2014). Venturing from emerging economies. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (in press). 2014 - Publication
Yamakawa, Yasuhiro, Mike W. Peng, and David Deeds (2014). Rising from the ashes: Cognitive determinants of venture growth after entrepreneurial failure. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (in press). 2014 - Publication
Sauerwald, Steve, and Mike W. Peng (2013). Informal institutions, shareholder coalitions, and principal-principal conflicts. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (in press). 2013 - Publication
En Xie, Mike W. Peng, and Wenhong Zhao (2013). Uncertainties, resources, and supplier selection in an emerging economy. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (in press). 2013 - Publication
Li, Yuan, Haowen Chen, Yi Liu, and Mike W. Peng (2013). Managerial ties, organizational learning, and opportunity capture: A social capital perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (in press). 2013 - Publication
Professor of Global Strategy with tenure
The University of Texas at Dallas [2005–Present]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2005–Present]
Associate Professor of Management with tenure
The Ohio State University [2004–2005]
The Ohio State University [2004–2005]
Research Fellow
University of Michigan Business School [2004–Present]
University of Michigan Business School [2004–Present]
Assistant Professor of Management
The Ohio State University [1999–2004]
The Ohio State University [1999–2004]
Visiting Assistant Professor of International Business, Faculty of Business Administration
Chinese University of Hong Kong [1997–1998]
Chinese University of Hong Kong [1997–1998]
Assistant Professor of Management
University of Hawaii at Manoa [1995–1998]
University of Hawaii at Manoa [1995–1998]
Instructor of Management
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington [1992–1995]
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington [1992–1995]
Additional Information
Academy of Management (AOM)
- Program Chair in charge of the Junior Faculty Consortium for the International Management Division for the Atlanta meetings (2006)
- Editorial Board Member, Academy of Management Journal (2004-2007) and Academy of Management Review (2000-2002)
Asia Academy of Management (AAOM)
- Consulting Editor (January 2010-present) and Editor (2004-2006), Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Special Issue Editor for four special issues, Asia Pacific Journal of Management
- 2009-2011 for a special issue on managing corporate governance globally (Co-editors: Steve Globerman, Western Washington U., and Daniel Shapiro, Dean, Simon Fraser University, forthcoming in 2011)
- 2006-2008 for a special issue on knowledge management and innovation strategy (Co-editors: Yuan Lu, Chinese U. of Hong Kong, and Eric Tsang, UT Dallas, published as vol. 25 [3] in September 2008)
- 2006-2007 for a special issue on the 40th anniversary (published as vol. 24 [4] in December 2007)
- 2004-2006 for a special issue on Asian business groups and conglomerates (Co-editor: Andrew Delios, National U. of Singapore, published as vol. 23 [4] in December 2006)
Editor-in-Chief, Asia Pacific Journal of Management (September 2006-December 2009)—the first non-Asiabased Editor-in-Chief in the history of the Journal (since 1983)
- Assembled a world-class editorial team as Senior Editors: D. Ahlstrom (CUHK), G. Bruton (TCU), M. Carney (Concordia), D. Chan (SMU), S. Lam (HKU), C.M. Lau (CUHK), J. Mathews (Macquire), K. Meyer (Bath), E. Tsang (UTD), and C.S. Wong (CUHK)—appointing editors based in Australia, Canada, and the UK for the first time in the history of the Journal
- Recruited 20 senior scholars to join the Editorial Advisory Board: J. Barney (OSU), P. Beamish (Ivey), M. Chen (UVA), J. Child (Birmingham), A. Delios (NUS), G. Dess (UTD), C. Earley (NUS), C. Hill (Washington), M. Hitt (Texas A&M), R. Hoskisson (ASU), B. Kedia (Memphis), Y. Li (Xian Jiaotong), W. Mitchell (Duke), A. Rugman (IU), K. Singh (NUS), O. Shenkar (OSU), D. Tjosvold (Lingnan), A. Tsui (ASU), R. Tung (SFU), and E. Zajac (Northwestern)
- Attracted leading scholars to contribute: P. Beamish, C. Chen, X.-P. Chen, G. Dess, J. Dunning, A. Harzing, C. Hill, G. Hofstede, L. Keister, K. Law, M. Lieberman, J.T. Li, S. Makino, J. McGuire, S. Puffer, D. Ralston, A. Rugman (2 papers), R. Tung, M. Wright, and H. Yeung (excluding editors)
- Initiated the new Perspectives, Reviews, and Commentaries sections and a Best Paper Award
- Managed the growth that resulted in the doubling of manuscripts annually (167 in 2006 -> 350 in 2009)
- Successfully led APJM to be accepted by the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), August 2008
Academy of International Business (AIB)
- Guest Editor, Journal of International Business Studies (2007-2010) for a special issue on Asia and global business (Co-guest editors: Rabi Bhagat, U. of Memphis and Sea-Jin Chang, National U. of Singapore)
- Co-Chair, AIB/JIBS Research Frontiers Conference on “Asia and global business,” San Diego, Dec 2006 Special Departmental Editor, Journal of International Business Studies (2002-03) (Editor: A. Lewin, Duke)
Strategic Management Society (SMS)
First elected officer, Global Strategy Interest Group (2005–2008)
- Chair: 2007-2008 (launched a newsletter and managed the election process for the Cologne meeting in October 2008)
- Program Chair: 2006-2007 (managed the review process for the San Diego meeting in October 2007 and attended the planning meeting in Chicago in March 2007)
- Associate Program Chair: 2005-2006 (in charge of the Sunday preconference for the Vienna meeting in October 2006 and attended the planning meeting at Purdue in West Lafayette, March 2006)
- Co-Chair, SMS Special Conference on China Strategies, Shanghai, May 2007 (Co-Chairs: Haiyang Li, Rice U., Sam Park, Samsung, and Kouqing Li, SNAI)
- Member, Editorial Review Board, Strategic Management Journal (2005–present)
Member, (inaugural) Editorial Review Board, Global Strategy Journal (2010–present)
- Invited to present research at the launch conference in Chicago in July 2010
National and International Honors
- (Lifetime) Distinguished Scholar Award, Southwest Academy of Management (Dallas, March 2010; co-winners were Greg Dess and Mike Hitt)
- US Small Business Administration Award for the best Babson conference paper (coauthored with S. Lee and Y. Yamakawa) "exploring the importance of small businesses to the US economy or a public policy issue of importance to the entrepreneurial community" ($2,000), Babson Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, in June 2008 - Paper posted at SBA’s government website at
- (Lifetime) Scholarly Contribution Award, International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Nanjing, China, June 2006
- Expert, World Bank Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development in Russia, one of the six U.S. faculty experts invited to participate, co-sponsored by the Wharton School Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research, Washington, DC, December 6, 2002 (video conference simultaneous broadcast to the Wharton School in Philadelphia and the World Bank in Moscow with Russian scholars and officials participating)
- Honored in Who’s Who in America (56th edition, 2002 and 60th diamond edition, 2006)
- Finalist, coauthor on a paper (with M. Young, D. Ahlstrom, and G. Bruton) nominated for the All-Academy Carolyn Dexter Award for Contribution to International Management, Academy of Management, Denver, August 2002
- Honored in the Directory of Management Experts (Center for Studies in Management, Bowling Green, KY, 1997)
- Finalist, Top-Four Best Dissertation, Barry Richman Competition, Academy of Management, 1996
- Honored in Profiles in Business and Management (Harvard Business School Press, 1996)
- Best Reviewer Award, Business Policy and Strategy Division (The "Barney Doll" Award), Academy of Management, 1994
- Honored in Who’s Who among Students in American Universities (1991)
Institutional Honors
University of Texas at Dallas
- The university’s first ever Provost’s Distinguished Research Professorship (the position was specifically created to attract me to join the faculty), June 2005-present
Ohio State University
- Dean’s Distinguished Research Professorship (offered but turned down in March 2005)
- Received a letter of commendation from Ohio State President Karen Holbrook for my NSF CAREER Award (June 4, 2003)
Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Best Teaching Awards, Faculty of Business Administration, 1997-1998 and 1998-1999 (twice)
University of Hawaii
- Excellence in Research Award finalist, 1997
University of Washington
- Edna Benson Fellowship, 1994 ($4,500)
Winona State University
- Karen Sweetland Scholarship, 1990 ($4,000)
- Among the top 65 most cited management authors (among 4,000 authors) during 2000-04 (Podsakoff et al., 2008, Scholarly influence in the field of management (p. 698), Journal of Management, 34: 641-720)
Ranked among the most influential international business scholars (in terms of citations) among all three categories in IB research published during 1996-2006 tracked by D. Griffith, S. T. Cavusgil, & S. Xu, 2008, Emerging themes in international business research, Journal of International Business Studies, 39: 1220-1235.
- IB articles in JIBS (IB’s #1 journal): My 1999 JIBS article (with Y. Luo, #2.8) -> 7th most cited
- IB articles in AMJ, AMR, and SMJ: My 1996 AMR article (with P. Heath, #2.3) -> 9th most cited
- Influential IB books: My 2000 Sage book (#1.2) is among the top 9 most cited -> By alphabetical order, no numerical rankings among the top 10. The other 8 authors are: P. Dicken, J. Dunning, T. Friedman, G. Hofstede, P. Murmann, C. K. Prahalad, A. Rugman, and J. Stiglitz
- Ranked as the 7th most prolific contributor to the Journal of International Business Studies during 1996-2006 (by S. Xu, G. Yalcinkaya, & S. Seggie, 2008, Prolific authors and institutions in leading international business journals, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 25: 189-207).
- Ranked as the 3rd most prolific contributor to the China literature during 2000-2005 (by D. Quer, E. Claver, & L. Rienda, 2007, Business and management in China: A review of empirical research in leading international journals, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 24: 359-384).
- Ranked as one of the top 8 most prolific and most influential (by citations) scholars in global strategy during 1990-2000 (by M. Peng & J. Zhou, 2006, Most cited articles and authors in global strategy research, Journal of International Management, 12: 490-508)—the other 7 scholars are P. Beamish, J. Hagedoorn, J. Hennart, W. C. Kim, A. Madhok, A. Parkhe, and A. Yan.
- Ranked as one of the top 25 most prolific contributors to global strategic management research published during 1991-2000 (by J. Lu, 2003, The evolving contributions in international strategic management research, Journal of International Management, 9: 192-213)
- Yamakawa, Peng, and Deeds (2008 in ETP, #2.55) was the top five most downloaded paper in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice in 2008 (with 1,045 downloads)
- Peng (2003 in AMR, #2.25) was ranked by Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), which publishes the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), to be one of the “new hot papers” (based on citations) in the entire field of Economics and Business (other fields include Chemistry, Clinical Medicine, Computer Science, Immunology, Molecular Biology, Pharmacology, Physics, and Social Sciences (general), each has only one paper - see
- Peng, Au, and Wang (2001 in APJM, #2.15) was cited by the World Investment Report 2006: FDI From Developing and Transition Economies (New York and Geneva: United Nations/UNCTAD, p. 256).
- Peng and Luo (2000 in AMJ, #2.13) was found to be the most highly cited China paper by both SSCI and Google (by D. Quer, E. Claver, & L. Rienda, 2007, Business and management in China: A review of empirical research in leading international journals, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 24: 359-384)
Peng and Heath (1996 in AMR, #2.3) was ranked
- The 9th most cited IB article published in AMJ, AMR, and SMJ (1996-2006)—D. Griffith et al., 2008, Emerging themes in international business research, Journal of International Business Studies, 39: 1220-1235
- The single most highly cited article on Central and Eastern Europe published during 1986-2004—K. Meyer & M. Peng (2005). Probing theoretically into Central and Eastern Europe: Transactions, resources, and institutions. Journal of International Business Studies, 36 (6): 600-621.
- One of the top 8 most cited articles on Greater China published during 1984-99—J. T. Li & A. Tsui (2002). A citation analysis of management and organization research in the Chinese context: 1984-1999, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 19: 87-107.
- Received a Citation of Excellence Certificate with the Highest Quality Ratings from ANBAR Electronic Intelligence, UK (1998)
- Ranked as the most prolific contributor to the international business literature invoking a resource-based perspective published during 1991-2000 (by M. W. Peng, 2001, The resource-based view and international business, Journal of Management, 27: 803-829).
- Ranked as one of the top 8 contributors to the management and organizational literature on Greater China published during 1978-97 (by M. W. Peng, Y. Lu, O. Shenkar, and D. Wang, 2001, Treasures in the china house: A review of management and organizational research on Greater China, Journal of Business Research, 52: 95-100)
- Citations of my work are found in a major World Bank study requested by, and submitted to, the Chinese government in September 2000 as an input into the development of China’s 10th Five-Year Plan, see The World Bank (2001),
- China and the Knowledge Economy: Seizing the 21st Century (pp. 97 and 170).
News Articles
Global Strategy Prof's Paper is a Business Pace-Setter

Business Prof in Demand for Expertise on China
Continuing interest in China’s role in global business is fueling demand for the insights of a UT Dallas management faculty member who is an expert on the subject. Mike W. Peng began a series of high-profile speaking engagements over the weekend with a keynote address at the three-day conference on China at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Peng’s Harvard speech, “China Goes Global: Impact on Research and Practice,” will be followed by a similar address Oct. 8 at the Pacific Region Forum at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, B.C. The professor speaks later this month on China and Taiwan at the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base in Fort Worth. In the spring, he will discuss Asia’s ascent in global competition in a presentation at UT Dallas.Engineering, Business Professors Honored for Highly Cited Studies
Two professors from The University of Texas at Dallas were named to the 2016 list of Highly Cited Researchers from Clarivate Analytics, formerly the Intellectual Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters.Dr. Aria Nosratinia of the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science and Dr. Mike Peng of the Naveen Jindal School of Management are among the researchers recognized for having a significant global impact within their respective fields of study.
Report Salutes 2 Profs as Influential Management Scholars
A recent management study has ranked two UT Dallas Naveen Jindal School of Management professors as among the most influential scholars in their field.Dr. Gregory Dess and Dr. Mike Peng are among the most highly cited management scholars of the past three decades, according to the paper to be published soon in the journal Academy of Management Perspectives.
Professor Ranked Second-Most Influential Researcher in Fields
Dr. Mike Peng, O.P. Jindal Distinguished Chair in the Naveen Jindal School of Management, has been recognized as the second-most influential researcher in the fields of business and economics worldwide.Peng has the second-largest number of highly cited papers in the world, based on scholarly articles published between 2004 and 2015. Peng, who is tied with three other scholars, trailed only Dr. James J. Heckman, the 2000 Nobel laureate in economics.