Ph.D. - Industrial and Systems Engineering
University of Wisconsin at Madison - 2012

Professional Preparation
M.S. - Management Science & Engineering
Stanford University - 2005
Stanford University - 2005
B.S. - Industrial Engineering
Texas A&M University - 2003
Texas A&M University - 2003
Research Areas
Research Interests
- Algorithmic Decision Making
- Economics of Health Information/IT
- Healthcare Analytics
- Medical Decision Making
- Digital Vulnerabilities
- Healthcare Operations Management
Application Areas
- Health Information Exchanges
- Patient-Oriented Technologies
- Decisions in Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Transplantation
- Healthcare Payment and Delivery Reform
- Econometrics
- Markov Decision Processes
- Game Theory
- Machine Learning
Payment Mechanisms, Incentives for Adoption, and Value of Health Information Exchanges (HIEs)'' Ayvaci MUS, Cavusoglu H, Kim Y, Raghunathan S. MIS Quarterly 2019 - Publication
"The Impact of Health Information Exchanges on Emergency Department Length of Stay" Ayer T,Ayvaci MUS, Karaca Z, Vlachy J Production and Operations Management 28 (3), 740-758. 2019 - Publication
"When Algorithmic Predictions Use Human-Generated Data: A Bias-Aware Classification Algorithmfor Breast Cancer Diagnosis" Ahsen ME, Ayvaci MUS, Raghunathan S Information SystemsResearch 30 (1), 97-116 2019 - Publication
"Transplant Physician and Surgeon Compensation: How to Account for Non-billable andValue-Based Work" Giacoma T, Ayvaci MUS, Gaston R., Tanriover B, American Journal ofTransplantation 2019 - Publication
"Preference-Sensitive Management of Post-MammographyDecisions in Breast Cancer Diagnosis" Ayvaci MUS, Alagoz O, Ahsen ME, Burnside ES Production and Operations Management 27(12), 2313-2338 2018 - Publication
"Induction Regimen and Survival in Simultaneous Heart-Kidney Transplant Recipients" Ariyamuthu VK, Amin AA, Drazner MH, Araj F, Mammen PPA, Ayvaci MUS, Mete M, Ozay F,Ghanta M, Mohan S, Mohan P, Tanriover B The Journal of Heart and LungTransplantation, 37 (5), p. 587-595. 2018 - Publication
"Timing the Use of Breast Cancer Risk Information in Biopsy Decision Making" Ayvaci MUS,Ahsen ME, Raghunathan S, Gharibi Z Production and Operations Management, 26 (7), p.1333-1358 2017 - Publication
"Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Immunosuppression Therapy in Primary Deceased Donor RenalTransplantation" Gharibi Z, Ayvaci MUS, Hahsler M, Giacoma T., Gaston R., Tanriover B Transplantation 2016 - Publication
Best Paper Award - INFORMS eBusiness Section [2018]
Best Paper Award Runner Up - CHITA [2018]
Distinguished Service Award - Management Science [2017]
Best Young Researcher Award - CHITA/WHITE [2016]
Best Paper Award Finalist - INFORMS CIST [2015]
Best Paper Award Finalist - CHITA/WHITE [2015]
Best Student Paper Award - INFORMS Decision Analysis Society [2012]
Honorable Mention - Doing Good with Good OR Competition [2012]
Associate Professor
UT Dallas [2019–Present]
UT Dallas [2019–Present]
Visitin Assistant Professor
UT Austin [2017–2018]
UT Austin [2017–2018]
Assistant Professor
UT Dallas [2012–2019]
UT Dallas [2012–2019]
News Articles
Health Information Exchanges May Remedy Long Emergency Stays

Health information exchanges (HIEs) are technology platforms that ease the exchange of patient information between different health care providers and settings, including labs, hospitals, physician practices and pharmacies, said Dr. Mehmet Ayvaci, an assistant professor of information systems.