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Mark Thouin

Mark Thouin

Clinical Associate Professor - Management

Professional Preparation

Texas Tech University - 2007
George Mason University - 2004
Virginia Tech - 1992


MIS Case Book, Pearson Learning, Boston, MA, ISBN: 978-1269576185 2014 - Publication
Information Technology and its Impact on the Quality and Cost of Healthcare: A Study of U.S. Hospitals, Decision Support Systems, 55(2), pp. 438-449. 2013 - Publication
IT outsourcing and firm-level performance: A transaction cost perspective, Information & Management, 46(8), pp. 463-469. 2009 - Publication
Modeling and Simulation for Drug Discovery and Development: Current Practices and Opportunities for Advancement. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery. 3.6. (June 2008):591-593. 2008 - Publication
The Effect of Information Technology (IT) Investment on Firm-Level Performance in the Healthcare Industry. With E.W. Ford, and J.J.Hoffman. Health Care Management Review. 33.1. (January 2008): 60-68. 2008 - Publication
Information Technology Outsourcing and Firm-Level Performance: A Transaction Cost Perspective. The Academy of Management's Health Care Management Division. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: August, 2007. 2007 - Publication
Extending Customer Relationship Management to the Virtual Community: Organizational, Community and Social Factors effecting Activity in Product Oriented Virtual Communities. The Big XII Information Systems Research Symposium. Waco, Texas: April 1-2, 2006. 2006 - Publication
Social Networks as Moderators of Decision Task Performance. Pre-ICIS 2006 SIG-DSS Research Workshop. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: December 10, 2006. 2006 - Publication

Additional Information

Professional Organizations

Association for Information Systems (AIS)

News Articles

Information Technology and Management
Dr. Mark Thouin, director of the master's in information technology and management program, understands the importance of partnerships with tech companies. Two courses, Data Visualization and Business Data Warehousing, utilize a desktop data exploration platform from Tableau, a company that offers its software free to fulltime students worldwide.

“Our students oftentimes go above and beyond what’s required of them in the classroom to acquire new knowledge,” Thouin said. “They’re always looking to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to other situations and settings.”
Cultivating Relationships with Tech Companies Critical to Student Success
Digital business solutions — those tools and frameworks developed to incorporate analytics, cloud, mobile, social and software technologies into everyday enterprise — play an integral role in modern, technology-driven society and business. That reality makes cultivating partnerships with companies that develop those tools and apps critical for the Naveen Jindal School of Management. This semester, several faculty members and students have been busy working their industry contacts to create those connections.
Given the success of the Morris Hite Center-IBM Marketing Customer Insights Competition last May, MS in Marketing Program Director Alexander Edsel has maintained his relationship with IBM, securing an in-kind grant valued at $270,000 to distribute the Watson Analytics cloud-based data discovery platform to UT Dallas students.