M.F.A. - Fine Arts
University of Wisconsin Madison - 1985

Professional Preparation
B.A. - English
University of California, Berkeley - 1981
University of California, Berkeley - 1981
B.A. - Art
University of California-Bekerkeley - 1981
University of California-Bekerkeley - 1981
"Digita| Sorcery: Subversion and Enchantment," Photography Quarterly, Journal of the Center for Photography at Woodstock, #75, 1999, pp. 4-9, illus. 1999 - Publication
"Artist-Sorceress: Photography and Digital Metamorphosis," LEONARDO, Journal of The International Society for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology, vol. 28, no. 4, 1995, pp. 249-256, illustrations. 1995 - Publication
Activist Art: Style or Strategy? Circa, The Texas Based journal of Contemporary Art, Winter, 1994, pp. 8-11. 1994 - Publication
FEMINIST ISSUE(S), Editor, Dallas Artists Research and Exhibition (DARE) Newsletter,Winter 1993. 1993 - Publication
First Place Award, Third Annual Regional Juried Exhibition - Artspace 111, Fort Worth, Texas [2016]
Special Faculty Development Assignment (SFDA), - University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas [2014]
Best of Show Award, DIALOGUE: art.technology.imagery, - Montpelier Cultural Arts Center, Laurel, Maryland, [2004]
Special Faculty Development Assignment (SFDA), - University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas [2000]
North Texas Artist Award in Photography and New Genres - Moss Chumley Foundation, Dallas, Texas [1997]
Faculty Travel Grant - University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas [1995]
Individual Artists Fellowship: Visual Arts - Ohio Arts Council [1989]
Faculty Research Leave - The College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio [1988]
Regional Visual Arts Fellowship: Photography - Arts Midwest / National Endowment for the Arts [1987]
Professor, Visual and Performing Arts / Photography & Digital Media
University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas [2018–Present]
School of Arts and Humanities (joint appointment with the School of Art, Technology, and Emerging Communication)
University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas [2018–Present]
School of Arts and Humanities (joint appointment with the School of Art, Technology, and Emerging Communication)
Professor, Visual and Performing Arts / Photography & Digital Media
University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas [2009–2018]
School of Arts and Humanities
University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas [2009–2018]
School of Arts and Humanities
Associate Professor, Visual and Performing Arts / Photography
University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas [1994–2009]
School of Arts and Humanities
University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas [1994–2009]
School of Arts and Humanities
Assistant Professor, Visual and Performing Arts / Photography
University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas [1989–1994]
School of Arts and Humanities
University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas [1989–1994]
School of Arts and Humanities
Assistant Professor, Photography / Painting
The College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio [1985–1989]
Department of Art and Art History
The College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio [1985–1989]
Department of Art and Art History
Teaching Assistant, Design/Drawing/Art Survey
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin [1983–1985]
Department of Art
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin [1983–1985]
Department of Art
2019/05–2019/07 R02 Art Gallery Downtown, Dallas, Texas (solo exhibition)waste & want
2017/11–2017/12 Cedar Valley College Art Gallery, Lancaster, Texas (solo show / presented in conjunction with 2017 DCCCD Sustainability Summit)tangible/transparent/transport/trace
2016/12–2017/01 Bathhouse Cultural Center, Dallas, Texas (two person exhibition)Incorporated Waste
2016/07–2016/09 Box 13 Gallery, Houston, Texas (three-person exhibition)Material Transformation
2015/08–2015/09 Haggerty Art Gallery, University of Dallas, Irving, Texas (two person exhibition)Additional Information
- 2008 Panel: "Food for Art:The lm/Materiality of the Everyday," College Art Association National Conference, Dal|as,Texas
- 2007 Lecture, "More than just Montage: Photomontage in the Digital Era," Society of Photographic Education South Central Regional Conference, Arlington,Texas
- 2007 Artist’s Gallery Talk, "The lm/Materiality of the Everyday," THE ARTS Gallery, Collin College, Plano,Texas
- 2007 Lecture, "Photomontage after Photoshop," Visual Arts Society of Texas Denton,Texas
- 2007 Lecture, "Digital Photography: Beautiful or Sublime?" Women,Art and Technology Lecture Series, University of North Texas, Denton,Texas
- 2007 Artist’s Gallery Talk, 25th Annual Membership Exhibition, Houston Center for Photography, Houston,Texas
- 2006 Dallas Camera Club, "Photography Educators’ Panel Discussion," Dallas,Texa
- 2005 Presenter and Discussion Moderator:ART 21:Art in the Twentieth Century, premiere of PBS feature on contemporary art, University of Texas at Dallas
- 2005 Artist’s Lecture, “Domestic Clutter: Beautiful or Sublime?" Texas Tech University, Lubbock,Texas
- 2003 Artist’s Lecture, "Domestic Sight," University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson,Texas
- 2001 Panel Discussion Moderator: “SHELF-LIFE: Contemporary Still Life Photography," National Conference of the Society of Photographic Education, Savannah, Georgia
- 2000 Artist’s Lecture: "Toil and Troub|e," Austin College, Sherman,Texas
- 2000 Lecture: "Art and Mu|timedia," Austin College, Sherman,Texas
- 1999 Artist’s Lecture: North Texas United Nations Conference, University of Texas at Dallas
- 1998 Juror's Gallery Talk: Student Photo/Imaging Exhibition, Brazos Gallery, Richland, College, Da||as,Texas
- 1998 Curator: Women, Photography, and Related Technologies: an exhibition of women aft students representing universities in the Dallas/Fort Worth metrop|ex,Visua| Arts Gallery, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson,Texas Panel Moderator: panel discussion with participating university faculty
- 1998 Artist’s Lecture / Digital Imaging: Sixth Annual Computer Arts Festival, Richland College, DaI|as,Texas
- 1997 Gallery Talk:Visua| Arts Gallery, Texas Women’s University, Denton, Texas
- 1997 Curator: Women, Photography, and Related Technologies: an exhibition of women art students representing universities in the Dallas/Fort Worth metrop|ex,Visua| Arts Gallery, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson,Texas Panel Moderator: panel discussion with participating university faculty
- 1997 Artist’s Lecture: McKinney Avenue Contemporary, Dallas,Texas
- 1997 Honored Speaker in conjunction with Digital Decisions exhibition, Cincinnati Art Academy, Cincinnati, Ohio
- 1996 Panel Moderator and Co-organizer: Digital Photography Now, Friends of Photography,The Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas,Texas
- 1996 Gallery Talk: Beijing and Beyond: Women Artists Respond to the World Conference on Women,Visual Arts Gallery, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson,Texas
- 1995 Panel Discussion: "Report from Beijing, China," Dallas Women's Caucus for Art, Center for Community Cooperation, Dallas Texas
- 1995 Panel Chair: "Women Artists: Cameras and Computers," Non- Governmental Organization (NGO) Forum on Women, Huairou, China, held in conjunction with the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, China.
- 1993 Panel Discussion: "Postmodern Still Life," Women's Caucus for Art National Conference, Seattle,Washington
- 1995 Gallery Talk: Women & Their Work Gallery, Austin, Texas
- 1995 Visiting Artist: High-End Digital Imaging , Department, Collin County Community College, P|ano,Texas
- 1995 Presentation: Delegates from the Women's Caucus for Art, China National Academy of Fine Arts, Hangzhou, China.
- 1993 Gallery Talk: Cora Stafford Gallery, School ofVisua| Arts, University of North Texas, Denton,Texas
- 1993 Lecture:" Still Life, the Object and Postmodern Photography: notes on collecting culture,” Friends of Photography, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas,Texas
- 1993 Panel Discussion with critic Donald Kuspit (Dallas Artists Research and Exhibition) DARE Dialogues Part l: Dallas Museum ofArt, Dallas,Texas Part ll: Department ofArt, University of Texas-Arlington
- 1993 Panel Discussion: Postmodern Still Life, Women's Caucus for Art National Conference, Seattle,Washington
- 1992 Visiting Artist: Fine Arts Department, Brookhaven College, Farmer's Branch,Texas.
- 1992 Lecture: Images ofWomen in Photography, Dallas Women's Caucus for Art, Dallas Art lnstitute, Dallas,Texas
- 1992 Curator: Reconfigurations: A Feminist Approach (women photographers review the representation of women) Panel Discussion Moderator: The Body is the Territory,Visual Arts Gallery, University of Texas, Dallas
- 1991 Panel Discussion:Border Issues: Negotiations and Identity, CRCA Gallery, University of Texas, Arlington
- 1991 Panel Discussion: Subversive Intent /Art and Humor, (Symposium: No Laughing Matter) University of North Texas, Denton,Texas
- 1991 Panel Discussion: Women andthe Power of Myth, Women's Herstory Seminar and Celebration, Center for Community Cooperation, Dallas,Texas
- 1991 Forum: Anti-Art: Censorship: john HouchinlMari|yn Waligore, University of Texas, Dallas
- 1990 Artists' Lecture: Robin Germany, Kenda North, Marilyn Waligore, Women by Women Exhibition,Al|en Street Gallery, Dallas,Texas
- 1990 Forum: The Image Asserts, "'l Was Here” University ofTexas-Dallas
- 1989 Visiting Artist: Department of Art,Washington State University, Pu|Iman,Washington
- 1988 Visiting Artist: University of Tu|sa,TuIsa, Oklahoma
- 1987 Visiting Artist: Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana
- 1985 Visiting Artist:Whitman Co||ege,Walla Walla,Washington
- 2007 25th Annual Membership Exhibition, Houston Center for Photography, Houston,Texas
- 2007 Photo Review Competition web exhibition: Two http://www.photoreview.org
- 2006 The Art of Digital Show, Lyceum Theater Gallery, San Diego, California
- 2006 19th September Competition,A|exandria Museum of Art,A|exandria, Louisiana
- 2006 Hecho en Dallas, Made in Dallas, Latino Cultural Center, Dallas,Texas
- 2006 Assistance League of Houston Celebrates Texas Art 2006,Wi||iams Tower, Houston,Texas
- 2005 Digital Art Competition, Beecher Center for Art and Technology. Butler Institute of Art,Youngstown, Ohio
- 2005 7 Art Gallery, SIGGRAPH 05, Los Angeles Convention Center, California -work selected for Traveling Art Show in Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- 2005 Intimate Floral, Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, Colorado
- 2005 4th Photography Image Biennial Exhibition, East Carolina University, Wellington B. Gray Gallery, School of Art and Design, East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina
- 2004 Best of Show Award, DIALOGUE: art.technology.imagery, Montpelier Cultural Arts Center, Laurel, Maryland
- 2002 Visions International Competition,Waco Art Center,Waco,Texas
- 2002 Deus Ex Machina On-Line Photography Exhibit, Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois Online. |nternet.April 24, 2002.Avai|able.
- 2001 Juror’s Choice: 2001 Members’ Show, Women & Their Work,Austin, Texas
- 2001 Annual Art in the Metrop|ex,J.M. Moudy Exhibition Hall,Texas Christian University, Fort Worth,Texas
- 2001 Bi-Annual juried Exhibition, McKinney Avenue Contemporary, Dallas, Texas
- 2000 Artwired International, O'Kane Gallery, University of Houston Downtown,
- 2000 Assistance League of Houston Celebrates Texas Art 2000,Wi|liams Tower, Houston,Texas
- 1999 ARTSITE,TechnOasis, Siggraph 99, Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA
- 1998 6th Annual New York Digital Salon,Visua| Arts Museum, School ofVisual Arts, New York, NewYork Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, SpainTriennale di Milano, Milan, Italy Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Sala de Expositiones CAM,A|icante, Spain
- 1998 Juror's Award, 16th Annual Art in the Metroplex, J.M. Moudy Exhibition Hall,Texas Christian University, Fort Worth,Texas
- 1998 What’s So Funny?: National Works on Paper Biennial, Marsh Art Gallery, University of Richmond, Richmond,Virginia (work selected for travelling exhibition in Virginia through 2001, sponsored by the Virginia Museum of the Arts, Richmond,Virginia)
- 1996 International Photography and Digital Image Exhibition, Wellington B. Gray Gallery, East Carolina University, School ofArt, jenkins Fine Art Center, Greenville, North Carolina
- 1995 Traditional Techniques: Contemporary Prints, California Society of Printmakers juried Exhibition, Stanwood Ga||ery,The Hamlin School, San Francisco, California.
- 1993 Juror's Excellence Award: Current Works I993, 9th Annual luried Competition, Society for Contemporary Photography, Leedy VoulkosArt Center, Kansas City, Missouri.
- 1993 Juror's Special Recognition Award; National Exposure II: A.R.C.,Artists / Residents of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
- 1993 Purchase Award: Southern Small Works Exhibition, Loyola, University, New Orleans, Louisiana
- 1993 Critic's Choice, D-Art Visual Art Center, Dallas,Texas
- 1992 Art in the Metroplex, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth,Texas
- 1992 PhotoNationaI, Michigan Friends of Photography, Siena Heights College,Adrian, Michigan; Henry Ford Community College, Dearborn, Michigan; Oakland Community College, Royal Oak, Michigan.
- 1992 7th Annual Main Street Fine Arts Exhibition, Continental Plaza Building, Fort Worth,Texas
- 1991 Critic's Choice, D-Art Visual Art Center, Da||as,Texas
- 1991 Expanding Visions:Women of the Metroplex, Dallas Women's Caucus for Art, City Hall, Dallas,Texas
- 1991 Under Southwestern Skies, 1991 Biennial of Contemporary Art, Sangre de Cristo Arts Center, Pueblo, Colorado
- 1991 Alternatives 9l, Seigfred Gallery, Ohio University-Athens
- 1991 National Exposure:A National juried Photography Exhibition, A.R.C. Gallery, Chicago, Illinois.
- 1990-1 Bright Visions:The Making of Myth, Rahr-West Art Museum, Manitowoc; App|eton Gallery ofArts, AppIeton; Charles Allis Art Museum, Milwaukee,Wisconsin.
- 1990-1 Let the Work Speak for ltself,Art Museum, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois; Northern Illinois University Gallery, Chicago, Illinois.
- 1989 Bridging the Gap, Women's Caucus for Art National juried Exhibition of Photography, San Francisco Women Artists Gallery, San Francisco, California.
- 1988 Juror's Award Signs of Life. 8th Annual Midwest Photographers Competition, Artlink Contemporary Artspace, Fort Wayne, Indiana
- 1987 Purchase Award The Print Club's 63rd Annual International Exhibition, Part ll: Photographs, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- 1987 New Photographics '87, Central Washington University, E||ensburg,Washington.
- 1987 Selected Photographs '87,The Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- 1987 California Society of Printmakers 7lst Annual Membership Exhibition, Euphrat Gallery, De Anza College, Cupertino.
- 1987 Regionaljuried Photography Exhibition,Toledo Friends of Photography, Toledo, Ohio
- 1986 Tri-State Photo File, Cincinnati Art Academy, Cincinnati, Ohio.
- 1985 Contemporary Photoworks ||l,Albuquerque United Artists, New Mexico
- 1984 Wisconsin Biennial, Madison Art Center,Wisconsin
- 1984 Light Sensitive V,Thomas Center Galleries, Florida State University, Gainsville, Florida
- 1984 Spring Selections: Wisconsin, Cudahy Gallery ofWisconsin Art--Milwaukee Art Museum, MiIwaukee,Wisconsin.
- 1984-6 Prints U.S.A. California Society of Printmakers Overseas Exhibition: World Print Council Gallery, San Francisco, California National Gallery, Bangkok,Thai|and Malmo Konsthall, Malmo Sweden
- 1983 Best of Show Award Men and Women in the Arts V||,West Bend Gallery, West Bend,Wisconsin
- 1982-4 Contemporary California Prints, California Society of Printmakers juried Exhibition, San jose Museum of Art, San jose, California—traveling exhibition.
- Marisa Cadena-Smith, "Everyday Objects Get New Look," Dallas Morning News, Neighborsgo, Plano, September 22, 2007, p. 7, Richardson, September 29, 2007, p. 18, illus.
- Misty Dean, "Line Drawings Stand Out Amid Works of Co|or," Dallas Morning News, Online (july 22,2006) http://www.da||asnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/city/mesguite/stories/DN- mescross 22eas.ART.East.Edition I .2267ab
- Mike Daniel, "Distance & Trace at UTD," Dallas Morning News, Guide, March 24, 2006, 32.
- Joseph Ciaglia, Introduction to Digital Photography, Upper Saddle River, New jersey: Prentice-Hall, 2005, illus, p. 99.
- _____ , Translation Review, No. 67, 2004 (cover image)
- Michael Paglia, "Artbeat," Westword,April 22-28, 2004.
- Mike Daniel, "Mari|yn Waligore at UTD,"Dallas Morning News, Guide, p. 52, january 24, 2003, illus.
- _____ ,Arts Calendar, Austin Chronicle, December 2l, 200l, illus. p. 70.
- Erina Duganne, " juror’s Choice:The 200l Member’s Show," Austin Chronicle, December 7, 200I, p. 81.
- Mike Daniel, "juried Show at the Mac," Dallas Morning News, Guide, p. 52, May 18, 2001, i||us..
- Peggy Heinkel-Wolfe, "Exhibit exemplifies the digital age in art," Arlington Star- Telegram, p. 9F, March 17, 200l, illus.
- Rafael Sierra, "La revolucion digital mueve ya el arte al ritmo del siglo XX|," Diario del Navegante, Online. Internet. Sept. 25, 1999. Available. http://elpublico.com/navegante/diario/99/enero/09/salondigi.htm
- ____ , "Schoo| of Visual Arts: Seventh Annual New York Digital Sa|on," Time Out New York, Issue I64: November 12—19, 1998, Online. Internet. Sept. 25, 1999. Available. illus. IO http://metrobeatdb.iconnet.net/timeoutny2/to/picks/164sva.html
- Artist’s Statement, "Vanitas, 1997" Special Issue and Catalog: Sixth Annual New York Digital Salon (November 9-28, 1998, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY) LEONARDO journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology, 31.S (1998): 443, 477, illus.
- ____ "Sixth Annual New York Digital Sa|on," Visual Arts Museum, School of the Visual Arts, New York, NY. Online. Internet. Nov. 9, 1998. Available www2.sva.edu/salon.
- Newman, David, "Code and Image: The Work of Robin Dru Germany and Marilyn Waligore," Online. Internet. Available Feb. I6, 1998. http://rampages.onramp.net/~dnewman/c0deimag.htm.
- Irvine, Madeline, "Artist distorts traditional imag es," Austin-American Statesman, D9,January 1, I1996, illus.
- Platt, Susan, "Searching for equality through art," The Dallas Morning News, 4C, October 4, 1995.
- Cowdrick, Charles, "Engendered," Pitch Weekly, October 14, 1993, p. 30, illus.
- Levy,Rebecca, "Gender: Fact or Fiction," The Austin Chronicle, NovemberI3, 1992, vol. XII, no. 11, p. 20,p. 1, illus.
- Oleson, J.R., "Show tries to break gender barriers," Austin American- Statesman, Saturday, November 21, I992.
- Austin American-Statesman (Weekend Guide) October 31, 1992, p. 2, illus.
- Kutner, Janet, "Artists explore using the written word as art." The Dallas Morning News, IC, 3C, November 30, 1991.
- Medlin, Kayoko, "Texas Contemporary," Asahi Camera,Tokyo, Japan, March 1991, p. 134-135.
- Littlefield, Kinney, "Marilyn Wa|igore's Overlooked Messages," Dallas Life Magazine in the DallasMorning News, October 21, 1990, pp 18-21, illus.
- Jarmusch,Ann, "Critic's Choice:Women by Women," Dallas Times Herald, L-1,ApriI 1, 1990, illus.
- New Art Examiner, October 1988, and Dialogue, November / December 1988, insert: Arts Midwest/National Endowment for the Arts Regional Visual Arts Fellowships, 1987-88, illus.
- Auer, james "Photography Dominates at West Bend," Milwaukee journal, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, May 4, 1983.
News Articles
Legacy of Photomontage: Engineering The Photograph Opens March 16 at UT Dallas
Marilyn Waligore, an associate professor in the School of Arts and Humanities at The University of Texas at Dallas, will serve as curator of the exhibit Legacy of Photomontage: Engineering the Photograph, on display in the main gallery of the university’s Visual Arts Building from March 16 to April 13.The exhibition, which is free and open to the public, will feature works by several artists, including Yoon Cho, Enrique Fernández Cervantes, Carolina Kile, Stephen Marc and Gordon Young. These contemporary artists expand upon the practice of photomontage, which involves making a picture by assembling pieces of photographs, often in combination with other types of graphic material. Photomontage was “invented” by the Berlin Dada artists who, according to Dadaist Raoul Hausmann, thought of themselves as engineers seeking “to construct and assemble” their works.
New Exhibition of Digital Photographs, Domestic Sight, to Open at UTD Jan. 17

Domestic Sight will open with a reception in the Main Gallery of the Visual Arts Building on Friday, Jan. 17, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. A free artist's lecture is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 3, at 12:30 p.m. in Room AS 1.105 of the same building.
Identities Exhibit to Look Beyond Portraiture

A reception is scheduled for 6:30 to 9 p.m. Feb. 1. The exhibition, curated by associate professor Marilyn Waligore, is free and open to the public and runs through March 7.
Waligore selected more than 20 works from the Comer Collection for the exhibition.
New UT Dallas Exhibition, Second Look, Explores References to Time in Photography, Digital Media
RICHARDSON, Texas (Jan. 28, 2004) - The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) will host Second Look, an exhibition curated by acclaimed artist and UTD Associate Professor Marilyn Waligore, in the Main Gallery of the Visual Arts Building from March 19 to April 15. This new exhibition explores references to time -- such as duration, series, sequence and narrative -- in photography and digital media.Texas artists participating in the exhibition include Kathy Lovas and Martin Menocal of Dallas, Terri Cummings of Fort Worth and Huntsville area artists James Paster, Michael Henderson and Tony Shipp.