Ph.D. - Statistics
Florida State University - 1976
Professional Preparation
M.S. - Statistics
Florida State University - 1972
Florida State University - 1972
B.A. - Physics
Florida State University - 1969
Florida State University - 1969
Research Areas
- Biostatistics
- Environmental Statistics and Remote Sensing
- Robust Multivariate Statistics
- Statistical Computing
- Applied Probability
Allen, H. J., W.T. Waller, J.H. Kennedy, K.L. Dickson, M.F. Acevedo and L.P. Ammann. 2001. Real-Time Whole Organisms Biomonitoring-Deployment, Status, and Future. AWRA, Annual Spring Speciality Conference Proceedings. Warwick, J .J . [Ed] Water Quality Monitoring and Modeling. AWRA., Middleburg, VA. TPS-01-1 284pp. 2006 - Publication
Kennedy, J.H., L.P. Ammann, L.P., W.T. Waller. 2001. Some Statistical Problems Associated with Biologial Assessment - Implications and Solutions. AWRA. Annual Spring Speciality Conference Proceedings. Warwick, J .J. [Ed] Water Quality Monitoring and Modeling. AWRA, Middleburg, VA. TPS-01-1 284pp. 2001 - Publication
Hemming, J.H., W.T. Waller, L.P. Ammann. 2001. Assessment of wastewater effluent estrogenicity using the vitellogenin biomarker in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Texas Journal of Science, 53 4:335-344. 2001 - Publication
Kennedy, J.H., L.P. Ammann, W.T. Waller, J .E. Warren, A.J. Hosner. S.H. Cairns, P.C. Johnson, and R.L. Graney. 1999. Using statistical power to optimize sensitivity of analysis of variance designs for microcosms and mesocosms. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 18: 113-117. 1999 - Publication
Ammann, L.P., Merritt, M., Sagalowsky, A., and Nurenberg, P. Peak-Finding Partial Least Squares for the Analysis of 1H NMR Spectra, to appear 2006, Journal of Chemometrics 1996 - Publication
Dickson, K.L., W.T. Waller, J .H. Kennedy, L.P. Ammann, R. Guimi, and T.J. Norberg-King. 1996. Relationships Between Effluent Toxicity, Ambient Toxicity, and Receiving System Impacts: Trinity River Dechlorination Case Study. D.R. Grothe, K.L. Dickson, D.K. Reed-Judkins editors. Chapter 10 in: Whole Effluent toxicity testing: an evaluation of methods and prediction of receiving system impacts. SETAC Pellston Workshop on Whole Effluent Toxicity; 1995 Sep 16-25; Pellston, MI. Pensacola FL: SETAC Pr. 340p. This paper is a chapter in a peer-reviewed book. 1996 - Publication
Waller, W.T., L.P. Ammann, W.J. Birge, K.L. Dickson, P.B. Dorn, N.E. LeBlanc, D.I. Mount, B.R. Parkhurst, H.R. Preston, S.C. Schirnmel, A. Spacie, and G.B.Thursby. 1996. Predicting Instream Effects from Wet Tests. D.R Grothe, K.L. Dickson, D.K. Reed-Judkins editors. Chapter 9 in: Whole Effluent toxicity testing: an evaluation of methods and prediction of receiving system impacts. SETAC Pellston Workshop on Whole Effluent Toxicity; 1995 Sep 16-25; Pellston, MI. Pensacola FL: SETAC Pr. 340p. This paper is a chapter in a peer-reviewed book. 1996 - Publication
Predicting Instream Effects from Wet Tests. D.R. Grothe, K.L. Dickson, D.K. Reed-Judkins editors. Chapter 9 in; Whole Effluent toxicity testing: an evaluation of methods and prediction of receiving system impacts. SETAC Pellston Workshop on Whole Effluent Toxicity; 1995 Sep 16-25; Pellston, MI.Pensacola FL:SETAC Pr. 340p. This paper is a chapter in a peer-reviewed book. 1995 - Publication
Associate Program Head
University of Texas at Dallas [2000–Present]
University of Texas at Dallas [2000–Present]
Associate Professor
University of Texas at Dallas [1990–1988]
University of Texas at Dallas [1990–1988]
Full Professor
University of Texas at Dallas [1988–Present]
University of Texas at Dallas [1988–Present]
Associate Dean
University of Texas at Dallas [1985–1986]
University of Texas at Dallas [1985–1986]
Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Dallas [1975–1980]
University of Texas at Dallas [1975–1980]
Power, Sample Size, and Taxonomic Su_ciency for Measures of Impact in Aquatic Systems
1995–1995 Ammann, L.P., W.T. Waller, J.H. Kennedy, K.L. Dickson. F.L. Mayer, and M. Lewis. Power, Sample Size, and Taxonomic Sufficiency for Measures of Impact in Aquatic Systems, report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Gulf Breeze, FL.Development and Evaluation of Diagnostic Indicators of Ecological Condition of Gulf of Mexico Bayous-Bayou Chico Statistical Summary and Assessment Framework
2018–2018 Waller, W.T., M.F. Acevedo, J.H. Kennedy, K.L. Dickson, S.H. Caims, L. P. Ammann, W. Walker, D. Burke, F.L. Mayer, and M.A. Lewis. 1999. Development and Evaluation of Diagnostic Indicators of Ecological Condition of Gulf of Mexico Bayous-Bayou Chico Statistical Summary and Assessment Framework. To be published as EPA 600 series document. Final Report.Ground Based Remote Sensing Techniques Integrated with Close Range, Oblique Derived 3-D Digital Models of Jackfork Turbidites, Big Rock Quarry, Arkansas
2002–2003 Ground Based Remote Sensing Techniques Integrated with Close Range, Oblique Derived 3-D Digital Models of Jackfork Turbidites, Big Rock Quarry, Arkansas, Olariu M. I., Xu X., Abdel-Salam M.G., Ammann P.L., Aiken C.L. V., Geological Society of America, DenverPower Comparison of Principal Response Durves and ANOVA Methods
2018–2018 Ammann, L.P., W.T. Waller and J .H. Kennedy. 2001. Power Comparison of Principal Response Durves and ANOVA Methods. Presented at 22nd Annual SETAC Meeting, Baltimore, MdStatistical Analysis of Multiple Depletion Sampling
1999–1999 Amrnann, L.P. and Kennedy, J., Statistical Analysis of Multiple Depletion Sampling. Presented at the 20th Annual SETAC Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.Additional Information
- American Statistical Association
- Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- Associate Program Head, Mathematical Sciences
- Mathematical Sciences: Chairperson, Computer committee
- Mathematical Sciences: Chairperson, Planning committee
- Mathematical Sciences: Seminar committee
- Mathematical Sciences: Statistics textbook committee
- Mathematical Sciences: Search committee
- G. Thompson (Graduated Summer, 1987)
- R. Feistel (Graduated December, 1990)
- M. Qin (Graduated August, 1991)
- D. Sang (Graduated May, 1992)
- H. Zhang (Graduated August, 2005)
- I. Kshattry (Expected graduation August, 2006)
News Articles
What are the Odds? Statistics Prof Photographs Rare Bird

Two years later, that stranger’s identity is not only known, it’s also been shared with millions of people thanks to a popular TV game show.
Ammann, who has been a faculty member in the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics since 1975, is an avid nature photographer. In 2011, he spotted a female northern cardinal at a bird feeder at his home in Dallas.