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Klaus Truemper

Klaus Truemper

Professor Emeritus - Computer Science

Prof. Truemper started in Operations Research in 1973, and then moved to Artificial Intelligence in 1985. Since 2015, he has explored how modern brain science helps us improve various aspects of life. He is also involved in aircraft design/operation and aviation safety.


Research Areas

Artificial Intelligence
Book Artificial Intelligence: Why AI Projects Succeed or Fail by K. Truemper. Summary of book

Book Design of Logic-based Intelligent Systems by K. Truemper. Summary of book

Applications of Brain Science
Book Magic, Error, and Terror: How Models in Our Brain Succeed and Fail by K.Truemper. Summary of book

Book Wittgenstein and Brain Science: Understanding the World by K. Truemper. Summary of book

Book Subconscious Blunders: A 21st Century Epidemic by K. Truemper. Summary of book

Book Matroid Decomposition (revised edition) by K. Truemper. Summary of book

Book Effective Logic Computation (revised edition) by K. Truemper. Summary of book

Book Key Concepts of Mathematics: An Easy Introduction by K. Truemper. Summary of book

Book The Construction of Mathematics by K. Truemper. Summary of book

Book The Daring Invention of Logarithm Tables: How Jost Bürgi, John Napier, and Henry Briggs Simplified Arithmetic and Started the Computing Revolution by K. Truemper. Summary of book

German edition: Die wagemutige Erfindung der Logarithmentafeln: Wie Jost Bürgi, John Napier und Henry Briggs das Rechnen revolutionierten by K. Truemper

Book Berlin 1945: Surviving the Collapse by F. Hülster (author); K. Truemper (editor and translator). Summary of book

Book Introduction to Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by F. Hülster; I. and K. Truemper (editors and translators). Summary of book

German edition: Einführung in Wittgensteins Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by F. Hülster; I. and K. Truemper (editors). Summary of book

Book Lessons from Piloting for 45 Years by K. Truemper contributes to aviation safety. Summary of book

Two blogs by K. Truemper: 
Leibniz System: Development Tool for Logic-Based Intelligent Systems.
Author: K. Truemper

Combinatorial Matrix Recognition Library offers various algorithms for classifying combinatorial matrices.
  • Rolf van der Hulst (graphicness, network matrices)
  • Henk Kraaij (balancedness)
  • Klaus Truemper (total unimodularity, regularity, complement total unimodularity)
  • Matthias Walter (maintainer)

News Articles

Distinguished Lecture Investigates Nature of Mathematics
Distinguished Lecture Investigates Nature of Mathematics Dr. Klaus Truemper, professor emeritus of computer science, recently delivered an Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Distinguished Lecture.

Truemper’s talk, “Wittgenstein's Philosophy and the Creation Versus Discovery Question of Mathematics” explored whether the field of mathematics was created by man, or something innate in the world which was discovered.
“There is a profound philosophical question: Where do all the results of mathematics theory come from?” Truemper asked. “Are they already present in some hidden, possibly metaphysical location and then discovered by inquisitive minds? Or, are they created in the same way that engineers design various machines for energy conversion, production of goods or transportation?”