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Professional Preparation
Ph.D. - History University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - 2008
M.A. - History University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - 2004
B.A. - Plan II Interdisciplinary Honors University of Texas at Austin - 2002
Research Areas
Dr. Hill studies African American Christian internationalism during most of the Jim Crow era (the 1890s through the 1950s). She focuses on the activities of Southern Presbyterian missionaries and the social advocacy of Y.W.C.A. and Y.M.C.A. leaders.
A Higher Mission: The Careersof Alonzo and Althea Brown Edmiston in Central Africa. New Directions in Southern History series (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, Oct. 2020). - book
"The Belebele Blood of Christ: African Parishioners’ Influence on Worship Practices at the American Presbyterian Congo Mission," Journal of Presbyterian History (Winter 2021) 2021 - publications
Review of The Black Christ by Kelly Brown Douglas, in the Reading Religion website (published by the American Academy of Religion) 2020 - book review
"Maria Fearing: Domestic Adventurer," chapter in Alabama Women: Their Lives and Times, ed. bySusan Youngblood Ashmore and Lisa Lindquist Dorr 2017 - chapter in an edited volume
"Anti-Slavery Work by the American Women of the Presbyterian Congo Mission," chapter in Faith and Slavery in the Presbyterian Diaspora, ed. by William Harrison Taylor and Peter C. Messer 2016 - chapter in an edited volume
Six Entries in the Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States: Althea Brown Edmiston; Charles Colcock Jones, Jr. ; Catherine Wood Marshall; Hiram Rhoades Revels; Benjamin Tucker Tanner; and Henry McNeal Turner. 2016 - encyclopedia entries
The President's Teaching Excellence Award Nomination - University of Texas at Dallas [2020]
Victor Worsfold Outstanding Teaching Award - School of Arts and Humanities, The University of Texas at Dallas [2018]
Excellence in Teaching Award - The National Society of Leadership and Success, Del Mar College chapter [2013]
Member, International Connections Comittee American Academy of Religion [2020–2023]
2013/01–2016/01This series of seminars and conference presentations prepared twenty four faculty members to develop "globalized curriculum capable of illuminating the nation’s place in the world and their own place in the nation." The program was sponsored by the American Historical Association and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Calvin College Seminars: "The Power of Race in American Religion"
2010/06–2012/07Dr. Michael O. Emerson (North Park University) hosted three annual seminars to encourage historical and sociological research on the roles of segregation and racial prejudice in American Christianity.
2019/09–2019/09This two-day, statewide conference was designed for anyone who teaches college-level introductory history courses whether in high schools, community colleges, or four-year universities, and others with an interest in the courses. The speakers and participants explored disciplinary goals and approaches to teaching and learning history at the college introductory level; shared experiences in each of the course topics; discussed the state policy context that sustains them as a graduation requirement for every student at a public college or university in Texas; and considered the challenges and opportunities for high-quality student learning in the state's expanding dual-enrollment programs.
2020/02–2020/02An invited lecture for the Center for Texas Studies (Texas Christian University) and the Fort Worth Public Library
“Connections Between Imperialism and Missionary Activity”
2020/01–2020/01Part of an American Historical Association roundtable presentation for the forthcoming book, Understanding and Teaching Religion in U.S. History
"Texas Y.M.C.A. Women and Definitions of Racial Justice as Citizenship, 1939-1960"
2020/01–2020/01A presentation for the American Society of Church History conference
"Texas Chapters of the African American YMCA and the Early 20th Century Home Missions Movement"
2019/10–2019/10A presentation for the East Texas Historical Association conference
"Y.W.C.A. Responses to Racist Violence Against African American Urban Migrants, 1945 to 1955"
2019/10–2019/10A presentation for the Association for the Study of African American Life and History conference
Additional Information
Dr. Hill's headshot is courtesy of C.S. Preston Photography.
Virtual Book Launch: A Higher Mission
The School of Arts and Humanities hosted a virtual interview about my first book, A Higher Mission. It was moderated by Dr. John Guthrie (UTD Physics, 1989), the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Roswell, NM. The recording is available here:
"Early Twentieth Century African American Professionalism and World Christianity"
"Our Family:" Archival Research With Descendants of African American Missionaries
A Presbyterian Historical Society video based on my April 2018 meeting with five of the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Althea Brown and Alonzo Edmiston:
Advanced Placement U.S. History Exam Scoring
Each summer, I work with a team of three to eight instructors to create rubric examples and sample sets based on one Advanced Placement essay question. These examples are used to score at least 3,000 exams per year. I also serve as a guest lecturer for the U.T.D. Advanced Placement Summer Institute.
Center for Asian Studies Faculty Affiliate, School of Arts and Humanities
Instructional Improvement Award
$1,560 - The Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Texas at Dallas [2019/05–2019/09]
An award to help plan the 2019 Texas Conference on Introductory History Courses with the American Historical Association
Bridging Cultures at Community Colleges: American History, Atlantic and Pacific
About $2500 in travel expenses, academic resources, and conference registration fees - American Historical Association and the National Endowment for the Humanities [2013/01–2016/01]
A travel and seminar grant to promote innovation in introductory-level U.S. History instruction with a global perspective.
Humanities Texas Mini-Grant
$835 - Humanities Texas, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities [2019/09–2019/09]
This grant was awarded in support of the fifth annualTexas Teaching Conference for Introductory History Courses.