Master of Arts in Teaching - Science/Mathematics Education
UT Dallas - 1993
Professional Preparation
Bachelor of Science - Zoology
Texas A&M University - 1991
Texas A&M University - 1991
Donaldson, K., York, M. K., Gavitt, C., and Gagnon, R. (2020). A tale of two PBI programs. In J. Goodell & S. Koç (Eds.), Preparing STEM teachers: A replication model. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. 2020 - publications
Lessons Learned from Going Global: Infusing Classroom-based Global Collaboration (CBGC) into STEM Pre-Service Teacher Preparation (2019). M. Kate York, Rebecca Hite, and Katherine Donaldson Innovations in Science Teacher Education (2019), 4(4) 2019 - publications
Outstanding Master Teacher Award - UTeach STEM Educators Association [2021]
News Articles
UTeach Dallas Associate Director Earns National Honor

UTeach Dallas Gets Grant To Help Multiply Number of STEM Teachers

UTeach Students Go Extra Mile Online for Future Employers

UTeach Dallas Project Spawns Partnership with Texas Parks and Wildlife

Beyond 100K
2014/08Beyond100K unites leading STEM organizations to co-develop and implement solutions that will end the STEM teacher shortage by 2043, especially for those most excluded from STEM opportunities.
UTeach STEM Educators Association
2016/08USEA is dedicated to maintaining and strengthening the connections between UTeach partner programs across the country and to supporting UTeach alumni in long-term careers as successful STEM teachers.