Julia Evans
Research Interests: The neurobiology of language and cognitive processing, implicit learning and memory in children with developmental language disorder (DLD)
Research Areas
Research Interests
The neurobiology of language and cognitive processing, implicit learning and memory in children with developmental language disorder (DLD)Publications
More publications - publications
Consistency of a Nonword Repetition Task to Discriminate children with and without Developmental Language Disorder in Catalan-Spanish and European Portuguese speaking children. 2021 - Journal Article
Tracking changes in frontal lobe hemodynamic response in individual adults with Developmental Language Disorder following HD tDCS enhanced phonological working memory training: An fNIRS feasibility study. 2020 - Journal Article
Word Frequency is Associated with Cognitive Effort During Verbal Working Memory: A Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) Study. 2019 - Journal Article
Cognitive Predictors of Spoken Word Recognition in Children with and without Developmental Language Disorders. 2018 - Journal Article
Atypical right hemisphere specialization for object representations in an adolescent with specific language impairment. 2014 - Journal Article