PH.D. - Rhetoric (Political Discourse, Media)
Texas Woman's University - 2010

Janet Johnson
Associate Professor of Instruction
JO 3.544
Media Rhetoric
Janet Johnson, Ph.D LinkedIn Profile
JO 3.544
Media Rhetoric
Janet Johnson, Ph.D LinkedIn Profile
Professional Preparation
M.A. - Journalism (Media Studies)
University of North Texas - 2004
University of North Texas - 2004
B.A. - Broadcast Communication
University of Texas at Arlington - 1995
University of Texas at Arlington - 1995
Research Areas
Political Rhetoric
Social Media
Media Studies
Political Communication
Political Media
Democrats get your story straight! Democrats have to master their storytelling techniques to counteract Trump
2019 - publications
2019 - publications
Twitter Bites and Romney: Examining the Rhetorical Situation of the 2012 Presidential Election in 140 Characters 2012 - publications
Associate Professor of Instruction
The Bass School of Arts, Humanities and Technology [2024–Present]
The Bass School of Arts, Humanities and Technology [2024–Present]
Assistant Professor of Instruction
The Bass School of Arts, Humanities and Technology [2021–Present]
Communication Studies
The Bass School of Arts, Humanities and Technology [2021–Present]
Communication Studies
School of Arts and Humanities [2019–2021]
School of Arts and Humanities [2019–2021]
Clinical Assistant Professor
School of Arts and Humanities and School of Arts, Technology and Emerging Communication [2010–2017]
Communication and EMAC
School of Arts and Humanities and School of Arts, Technology and Emerging Communication [2010–2017]
Communication and EMAC
Senior Lecturer
School of Arts and Humanities [2006–2010]
School of Arts and Humanities [2006–2010]
Review Board
The Journal of Social Media in Society [2012–Present]
The Journal of Social Media in Society [2012–Present]
Edward R. Murrow Program for Journalists – New and Traditional Broadcast Media: A Regional Project for the Western Hemisphere
2024/05 A half-day interactive workshop on the importance of fact-checking for traditional and social media; the impacts of mis-and dis-information in the digital space and beyond; and effective tools for cultivating a reliable news source.
Presentation prepared for the International Visitor Leadership Program
The United States Department of State
Civic engagement, digital citizenship, dis/misinformation; an overview of the class, Ethics in New Media, Technology, and Communication
2024/02 Countering Disinformation and Malign InfluencePresentation prepared for the International Visitor Leadership Program
The United States Department of State
Media Literacy: How to combat mis(dis)information in Kosovo
2024/02 Balkan Disinformation Summit 2024Political Rhetoric and Social Media
2023/05 Deepening Young Political Leaders' Understanding of U.S. Foreign Policy ObjectivesMedia in the political process, especially how social media is changing political rhetoric
2023/02 Young Politicians: The Future of Indian DemocracyPresentation prepared for the International Visitor Leadership Program
The United States Department of State