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Janet Johnson

Janet Johnson

Associate Professor of Instruction

Professional Preparation

PH.D. - Rhetoric (Political Discourse, Media)
Texas Woman's University - 2010
M.A. - Journalism (Media Studies)
University of North Texas - 2004
B.A. - Broadcast Communication
University of Texas at Arlington - 1995

Research Areas

Political Rhetoric
Social Media
Media Studies
Political Communication
Political Media


Political Rhetoric, Social Media, and American Presidential Campaigns  2021 - Book external link to publication
Thanks to Social Media, we are in a truth crisis  2019 - publications external link to publication
Democrats get your story straight! Democrats have to master their storytelling techniques to counteract Trump

2019 - publications external link to publication
Twitter Bites and Romney: Examining the Rhetorical Situation of the 2012 Presidential Election in 140 Characters 2012 - publications external link to publication


Associate Professor of Instruction
The Bass School of Arts, Humanities and Technology [2024–Present]
Assistant Professor of Instruction
The Bass School of Arts, Humanities and Technology [2021–Present]
Communication Studies
School of Arts and Humanities [2019–2021]
Clinical Assistant Professor
School of Arts and Humanities and School of Arts, Technology and Emerging Communication [2010–2017]
Communication and EMAC
Senior Lecturer
School of Arts and Humanities [2006–2010]
Review Board
The Journal of Social Media in Society [2012–Present]


Edward R. Murrow Program for Journalists – New and Traditional Broadcast Media: A Regional Project for the Western Hemisphere
2024/05 A half-day interactive workshop on the importance of fact-
checking for traditional and social media; the impacts of mis-and dis-information in the digital space and beyond; and effective tools for cultivating a reliable news source.

Presentation prepared for the International Visitor Leadership Program 
The United States Department of State
Civic engagement, digital citizenship, dis/misinformation; an overview of the class, Ethics in New Media, Technology, and Communication
2024/02 Countering Disinformation and Malign Influence
Presentation prepared for the International Visitor Leadership Program 
The United States Department of State
Media Literacy: How to combat mis(dis)information in Kosovo
2024/02 Balkan Disinformation Summit 2024 
Political Rhetoric and Social Media
2023/05 Deepening Young Political Leaders' Understanding of U.S. Foreign Policy Objectives 
Media in the political process, especially how social media is changing political rhetoric
2023/02 Young Politicians: The Future of Indian Democracy 

Presentation prepared for the International Visitor Leadership Program 
The United States Department of State

News Articles

Joy of Missing Out
How to avoid false information over social media
Twitter imposes new election limits
Experts say 'doomscrolling' can cause anxiety, depression


Student Media Operating Board
Educational Technology Committee


"Innovating the Communication Core Curriculum: A Simulated Experiential-Learning Opportunity for Professional and Technical Writing Students through a Collaborative Faculty Initiative from The University of Texas at Dallas and The University of Texas at Arlington."
$12,000 - UT System []
Dr. Christina Montgomery, Dr. Estee Beck, Dr. Melissa-Hernandez-Katz, and Dr. Carie King and I Funding for ECS 3390 Professional and Technical Communication