PhD - Cognitive, Social Psychology, Communication
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - 1987

James Honeycutt
LSU Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Lecturer I - Management
Senior Managing Co-Editor; Imagination, Cognition, and Personality
Organizational Behavior, Coaching, and Consulting
Academia EDU articles
LSU Biography
Professional Preparation
MS - Communication/Research Methodology
Purdue University - 1981
Purdue University - 1981
BS - Communication
University of Texas at Austin - 1979
University of Texas at Austin - 1979
Research Areas
Coaching framework strategies
Based on Robert Hick's foursquare coaching framework of support and challenge for action and thought to encouarage clients how to have better professional outcomes at work and homeConflict resolution
Strategies for effective conflict management in work and professional livesImagined Interactions
How people use imagined interactions to relieve conversations while rehearsing for upcoming ones. We relive and anticipate daily interactions with others. Six functions are performed: conflict management, catharsis, relational maintenance, compensation, self-understanding, rehearsalEmotional intelligence
We examine prototypical emotions of sadness, happiness, fear, anger, surprise and disgust and these interact with daily activites in the organizational setting.Personality
I examine how the BIG 5 personality traits (OCEAN-Opennes, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuoroticism) interact with other variables (e.g., conflict resolution strategies, mental health, daily functioning, COVID19 compliance);
National Communication Association, Top Article of the Year Award - National Communication Association [2016]
Excellence in Service Learning Award - LSU [2015]
Outstanding Scholar Award - Southern States Communication Association [2013]
Distinguished Professor - LSU [2012]
BASF Professor of Excellence Award for scholarly achievements and dedication to excellence at LSU. - BASF [2012]
LSU Rainmaker Award - LSU [2011]
Synergist Award for outstanding research - International Listening Association [2009]
LSU Outstanding Service Award - LSU [1999]
Phi Kappa Phi Faculty Award - LSU [1989]
Organizational Behavior, Coaching, and Consulting; Executive Education [2019–Present]
Organizational Behavior, Coaching, and Consulting; Executive Education [2019–Present]
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
LSU [–Present]
LSU [–Present]
Distinguished Professor
LSU [2012–2019]
LSU [2012–2019]
LSU [2001–2012]
LSU [2001–2012]
Visiting Professor
University of California, Santa Barbara [1998–1998]
University of California, Santa Barbara [1998–1998]
Associate Professor
LSU [1991–1997]
LSU [1991–1997]
Assistant Professor
LSU [1986–1991]
LSU [1986–1991]
Teaching and Research Assistant
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign [1981–1985]
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign [1981–1985]
Teaching and Research Assistant
Purdue University [1979–1981]
Purdue University [1979–1981]
Use of the foursquare framework to improve executive and leadership coaching outcomes
2022/02 Along with co-authors Larry Norton and Robert Hicks;Purpose and objectives: Little is known about the how the executive coaching process is used to optimize coaching outcomes. We aim to explore the how the use of a structured coaching framework elements will create more effective within-session client/coach dyadic interactions leading to more effective coaching outcomes.
Tips for Analyzing and Resolving Conflict
2021/10 A guest lecture for Saturday Science Audience on how to argueImagined Interaction Theory
Imagined interaction theory is discussedImagined Interaction
From a former wikipedia site, the history and research on imagined interactions is discussed by a robotic voiceNews Articles
Coaching and consulting for conflict resolution in personal and workplace settingsStatistical Consulting
Provide consultation for statistical design, survey construction, quantitative data analysisAffiliations
2021/08Lecturer in Organizational Behavior, Coaching, and Consulting in Executive Education, The University of Texas at Dallas
LSU Distinguished Professor Emeritus
2019/01Louisiana State University
LSU Distinguished Professor
2012/03–2021/01Louisiana State University
LSU Professor
2001/04–2012/08Louisiana State University
Visiting Professor
1998/01–1998/08Visiting Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara
Associate Professor
1991/04–1997/04Louisiana State University
Assistant Professor
1986/01–1991/04Louisiana State University
Teaching and Research Assistant
1981/08–1985/12University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Teaching and Research Assistant
1979/08–1981/05Purdue University