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Sandhya Gavva

Sandhya Gavva

Associate Professor of Instruction - Chemistry and Biochemistry

Professional Preparation

Research Associate
University of Texas at Dallas - 1994
Postdoctoral Associate
University of North Texas - 1989
Ph.D. - Biochemistry
University of North Texas - 1988
M.S. - Organic Chemistry
Osmania University - 1979
B.S. - Biology and Chemistry
Osmania University - 1977

Research Areas

Research Specialization
  • Enzyme mechanisms
  • Tissue metabolism


Radford, B.N., Fina, M., Benjamin, J. I., Moreadith, W.R., Graves, H.K., Zhao, P., Gavva, S., Wiethoff, A., Sherry, A.D., Malloy, R.M. and Williams, R. S.: Cardioprotective Effects of 70- kDa Heat Shock Pprotein in Trasgenic Mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA, 93, 2339-2342 (1996) 1996 - Publication
Karsten, W.E., Gavva, S.R., Park, S.H. and Cook, P.F.: Metal Ion Activator Effects on Intrinsic Isotope Effects for Hydride Trasfer and Decarboxylation in the Reaction Catalysed by the NAD - Malic Enzyme from Ascaris Suum. Biochemistry, 34, 3253- 3260 (1995) 1995 - Publication
Gavva, S.R, Weithoff, A.J., Zhao, P., Malloy, C.R.and Sherry, A.D.: A UC Isotopomer NMR Method for Monitoriong Incomplete B-Oxidation of Fatty Acids in Intact Tissue. Biochemical Journal, 303, 847- 853 (1994) 1994 - Publication
Sherry, A.D., Sumegi, B., Miller, B., Cottam, L.G., Gavva, S.R... Jones, J.G. and Malloy, C.R.: Orientation - Conserved Transfer of Symmetric Krebs Cycle Intermediates in Mammalian Tissues. Biochemistry, 33, 6268- 6275 (1994) 1991 - Publication
Gavva, S.R., Harris, B.G., Weiss, P.M. and Cook, P.M.: Modification of a Thiol at the Active site of the Ascaris suum NAD- Malic Enzyme Results in Changes in the Rate-Determining Steps for Oxidative Decarboxylation of L-Malate. Biochemistry 30, 5764 - 5769 (1991) 1991 - Publication
Weiss, P.M., Gavva, S.R., Harris, B.G., Urbauer, J.L., Cleland, W.W.and Cook, P.F.: Mutiple Isotope effects with Alternate Dinucleotide Substrates as a Probe of the Malic Enzyme Reaction. Biochemistry 30, 5755- 5763(1991) 1991 - Publication
Bhatnagar, A., Das, B., Gavva, S.R., Cook, P.F., and Srivastava, S.K.: The Kinetic Mechanism of Human Placental Aldose Reductase and Aldehyde Reductase II. Arch Biochem Biophys. 261, 264 - 274(1988) 1988 - Publication