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Robert Rennaker

Robert Rennaker

Texas Instruments Distinguished Chair in Bioengineering
Associate Director, Texas Biomedical Device Center
CEO Xnerve Medical, VP Engineering and Innovation Konan Medical USA

Research Interests: Development of targeted plasticity therapy to treat neurological conditions.


Professional Preparation

Ph.D. - Bioengineering
Arizona State University - 2002
M.S. - Bioengineering
Arizona State University - 2001
B.S.E. - Bioengineering
Arizona State University - 1997

Research Areas

Research Interests
Dr. Rennaker's research focuses on the development of technologies to prevent, detect and treat neurological injury and disease.  


Cecil H and Ida Green Professor In System Biology - UT Dallas [2013]
The University of Oklahoma Presidential Associates Professorship - University of Oklahoma [2009]
University of Oklahoma Alumni Teaching Award - University of Oklahoma [2007]
Tom J. Love Outstanding Teacher Award - University of Oklahoma [2003]
Whitaker Ph.D. Fellow - Whitaker Foundation [1998]
Kuwait Liberation Medal - USMC [1992]
Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal - USMC [1992]
Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal - USMC [1991]
Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal - USMC [1991]
National Defense Medal - USMC [1991]


Full Professor
The University of Texas at Dallas [2014–2020]
Department Chair
The University of Texas at Dallas [2013–2019]
Full Professor
The University of Texas at Dallas; Neuroscience [2013–2020]
Associate Director
Texas Biomedical Device Center [2012–2020]

Additional Information

  •  Whitaker Ph.D. Fellowship, Arizona State University 1998
  •  Tom J. Love Outstanding Professor, Unlverslty of Oklahoma, 2003
  •  Alumni Teaching Award, University of Oklahoma, 2007
  •  Presidential Professorship, The University of Oklahoma Presidential Associates 2009
  • Texas Instruments Distinguished Chair in Bioengineering at UT Dallas 2015
Personal Statement
 Dr. Rennaker graduated high school in 1988 and then served in the United States Marine Corps for 5 years. During that time, Dr. Rennaker participated in Operation Sharp Edge in Liberia, Desert Shield/Storm in Kuwait, and Provide Comfort in Yugoslavia. Following his honorable discharge, Dr. Rennaker received his BSE (1997), MS (1999) and Ph.D. (2002) in Biomedical Engineering from Arizona State University. Dr. Rennaker is a Full professor with appointment in Neuroscience.   Dr. Rennaker is the Associate Director of the Texas Biomedical Device Center and Chair of the Bioengineering Department.