Michelle Aldridge
Professor of Instruction
Program Head, Speech-Language Pathology MS and Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences BS
Research Interests: Autism Spectrum Disorders, pediatric motor speech disorders, and speech sound disorders
Professional Preparation
Ph.D. - Human Development and Communication Sciences
University of Texas at Dallas - 1997
University of Texas at Dallas - 1997
M.S. - Communication Disorders
University of Texas at Dallas - 1995
University of Texas at Dallas - 1995
B.S. - Psychology
Texas Woman's University - 1992
Texas Woman's University - 1992
Research Areas
Research Interests
My primary research interest concerns the early development of communication skills in typically and atypically developing children. One area of focus is speech perception abilities of newborn infants and the organization of speech at birth. My second area of major interest includes language and cognitive development of very young children with autism.
Aldridge, M.A., Stillman, R.D., & Bower, T.G.R. (2001). Newborn categorization of vowel-like sounds. Developmental Science, 4, 220-232. 2001 - Publication
Hernandez, T., Aldridge, M.A., & Bower, T.G.R. (2000). Structural and experiential factors in newborns' speech preferences. Developmental Science, 3, 46-49. 2000 - Publication
Aldridge, M.A., Stone, K., Sweeney, M., & Bower, T.G.R. (2000). Preverbal children with autism understand the intentions of others. Developmental Science, 3, 294-301. 2000 - Publication
Aldridge, M.A., Braga, E., Walton, G., & Bower, T.G.R. (1999). The intermodal representation of speech in newborns. Developmental Science, 2(1) 42-46. 1999 - Publication
Clinical Lecture/ Research Scientist
The University of Texas at Dallas [1996–Present]
The University of Texas at Dallas [1996–Present]
Graduate Teaching/ Research Assistant
The University of Texas at Dallas [1992–1995]
The University of Texas at Dallas [1992–1995]
Vowel preferences in human newborns.
1996–1996 Aldridge, M.A., and Bower, T.G.R. (1996). Poster presented at 1996 conference of the American Speech-Language Heanng Association (ASHA), Seattle, WA.Prototype preference and magnets effects in newborns: Evidence for an innate component.
1994–1994 Aldridge, M.A. (1994). Poster presented at the 128th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), Austin, TX.Generalization in the vowel space.
1995–1995 Aldridge, M.A. (1995). Poster presented at the 129th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), Washington, D.C.Hot spots in the newborn vowel space.
1995–1995 Aldridge, M.A., & Bower, T.G.R. (1995). Poster presented at the 130th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), St. Louis, MO.Infant music preferences.
2000–2000 Flohr, J., Atkins, D., Bower, T.G.R., & Aldridge, M.A. (2000).Poster presented at the meeting of the Texas Association for Music Education.Additional Information
- Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language Hearing Association
- Licensed by Texas Board of Examiners in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
Awards/ Grants
- 1999 Callier Excellence in Education (4K)
- Follow-Up study of Children in the Preverbal Program