Ph.D. - Operations Research
Cornell University - 2000

Professional Preparation
M.S. - Management Science
University of Waterloo - 1995
University of Waterloo - 1995
B.S. - Industrial Engineering
Bilkent University - 1993
Bilkent University - 1993
Research Areas
Research Areas
Capacity and inventory management, transshipments, partially observed inventories, cargo overbooking, information security, forecasting.
Industry Areas
- Semiconductor manufacturing. White papers: 1) Operations planning. 2) Demand forecating and capacity planning.
- Distribution Sytems and Retail.
- Cargo airlines.
- Global Supply Chains. CSCMP Global Perspectives Turkey. Entire document is available here.
Analysis of Product Rollover Strategies in the Presence of Strategic Customers. (C. Liang and S.P. Sethi).
To appear in Management Science. forthcoming - Publication
Optimal Transshipments and Reassignments under Periodic or Cyclic Holding Cost Accounting. (with N. mez and K.Stecke).
Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol.64, 2013: 1517-1539. 2013 - Publication
An Incomplete Inventory Information Model with Shrinkage and Observed Sales. (with A. Bensoussan, M. Li and S.P. Sethi).
Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes. Vol.85, No.4, 2013: 589-603. 2013 - Publication
Optimal overbooking limits for a two-dimensional cargo problem. (with L. Moussawi).
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, Vol.11, No.4, 2012: 453-476. 2012 - Publication
Multiple In-Cycle Transshipments with Positive Delivery Times. (with N. mez and K.Stecke).
Production and Operations Management, Vol.21, No2, 2012: 378-395. 2012 - Publication
In-Season Transshipments among Competitive Retailers. (with N. mez and K.Stecke).
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Vol.14, No.2, 2012: 290-300. 2012 - Publication
Contracting and Coordination under Asymmetric Production Cost Information. (with Q. Feng, X. Gan and S.P. Sethi).
Production and Operations Management, Vol.21, No2, 2012: 345-360. 2012 - Publication
Average Cost Optimality in Inventory Models with Dynamic Information Delays. (with A. Bensoussan, S.P. Sethi, M. Wang and H. Zhang).
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.56, No.12, 2011: 2869-2882. 2011 - Publication
Associate Professor
University of Texas at Dallas [2006–Present]
University of Texas at Dallas [2006–Present]
Visiting Professor
Fu Jen University, Taiwan [2004–2004]
Fu Jen University, Taiwan [2004–2004]
Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Dallas [2000–2006]
University of Texas at Dallas [2000–2006]
Cornell University [1999–1999]
Cornell University [1999–1999]
IBM Watson Research Center, NY [1996–1996]
IBM Watson Research Center, NY [1996–1996]
Research and Teaching Assistant
Cornell University [1995–2000]
Cornell University [1995–2000]
Research and Teaching Assistant
University of Waterloo [1993–1995]
University of Waterloo [1993–1995]
Machine purchasing strategies under demand-and technology-driven uncertainties.
2000–2000 Presented at Columbia University (February 2000), University of Michigan (March 2000), Northwestern University (March 2000), Texas A&M University (April 2000) and [BM Watson Research Center (April 2000).Using demonstration for product promotions.
2002–2002 Informs San Jose Conference, CaliforniaTwo dimensional cargo overbooking models.
2004–2004 M. Cakanyildirim and S. Luo, Denver Informs Conference.Optimal ordering policies for inventory problems with dynamic information delays.
2006–2006 A. Bensoussan, M. Cakanyildirim and S. Sethi. Euro XXI, Reykjavik.Machine Capacity Expansion Models.
2001–2001 Presented at Motorola, AustinAdditional Information
- Wickham Skinner Early Career Research Award given by Production and Operations Management Society in 2005.
- Outstanding Industry Contributor, given by the Center for Intelligent Supply Networks in August 2004.
Best paper in Scheduling and Logistics in 2001-2002 by HE Transactions for "SeDFAM: Semiconductor demand forecast accuracy model".
Industrial Engagements - Advising
- 2006 April-June Lennox on Demand forecast errors at Iowa A/C plant
- 2006 J an-Present Blueline/Rediform
- 2003 Fall-Present. Sabre, Dallas on cargo overbooking.
- 2002-2003 Motorola, Austin on operations planning and forecasting.
1998-2000 Semiconductor Research Cooperation on forecasting and capacity management (as a Ph.D. student).
- Serving in N. Comez’s Ph.D. thesis committee.
- Chaired Dr. L. Moussawi’s Ph.D. Thesis. Currently Assistant Professor at the American University of Beirut.
- Served in Dr. A. Feng’s PhD thesis committee. Currently Assistant Professor at University of Texas at Austin.
- Served in Dr. J. Zhou’s Pl1D thesis committee. Currently Assistant Professor at University of North Carolina, Charlotte.
- Served in Dr. H. Ogut’s PhD thesis committee. Currently Assistant Professor at TOBB Economy and Technology University, Turkey.
- Co-chaired with Prof. Sethi Dr. S.Luo’s Ph.D. Thesis. Currently with Bank One in Virginia.
- Served in X. Gan’s PhD thesis committee. Currently Assistant Professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- Co-chaired with Prof Raghunathan Mr. Xiohang Yue’s Ph.D. Thesis. Currently Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
- Evaluated Mr. Yao Li’s thesis (Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) in the capacity of external committee member with Prof. Chelliah Sriskandaraj ah in Jan 2002.
- Served in Prof Subodha Kumar’s (currently at University of Washington) Ph.D. committee in Jul 2001.
News Articles
Jindal Professors' Work on Inventory Management Keeps Adding Up
Inventory inaccuracy is common for many businesses. While cash registers track incoming orders and outgoing sales, inaccuracy arises because of unrecorded issues including spoilage, damage and theft.Three professors in the Naveen Jindal School of Management have researched inventory management for more than 10 years, and, in their latest study, published in the January issue of Production and Operations Management, they developed a new mathematical model to apply to inventory problems.
Dr. Suresh Sethi, Eugene McDermott Chair of operations management, said the study of inventory management has been around for more than 100 years. It involves knowing the inventory, considering the demand and determining how much to order to have the best outcome.
Three Researchers Win $200,000 NSF Grant To Study Risk, Decision Making Related to Inventory Stocks
RICHARDSON, Texas (Sept. 19, 2005) – Three researchers in the School of Management at The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) have been awarded a $200,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to study risk and decision making as they relate to uncertainties in inventory stocks, a major issue in product supply chains.Principal researchers for the study are Dr. Alain Bensoussan; Dr. Metin Cakanyildirim and Dr. Suresh Sethi, Ashbel Smith Professor of Operations Management. The three professors are affiliated with two of the School of Management’s research centers, the Center for Intelligent Supply Networks (C4ISN) and the International Center for Decision and Risk Analysis (ICDRiA). Dr. Bensoussan is ICDRiA’s director, and Dr. Sethi is C4ISN’s director.