Ph.D. - Physics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - 2010

Professional Preparation
B.S. - Physics
National Taiwan University - 2001
National Taiwan University - 2001
Research Areas
My research interest
I study theoretical condensed-matter / atomic-molecular-optical physics, with particular interest in superconductivity and superfluidity in novel quantum systems. Current research involves 1) spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates and degenerate Fermi gases, 2) topological superconductors with Majorana fermions, 3) transport in superconducting heterostructures, 4) unconventional pairing in Fermi superfluids, 5) quantum emulation with optical lattices, and 6) continuous matrix product state algorithm.Publications
⦁ Charge transport spectra in superconductor-InAs/GaSb-superconductor heterostructures, K. Sun, Z.-q. Bao, W. Yu, S. D. Hawkins, J. F. Klem, W. Pan, and X. Shi, 2022 - Nanotechnology 33, 085703 (2022)
⦁ Vortex-antivortex physics in shell-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates, K. Padavić, K. Sun, C. Lannert, and S. Vishveshwara, 2020 - Phys. Rev. A 102, 043305 (2020)
⦁ Experimental realization of a long-lived striped Bose-Einstein condensate induced by momentum-space hopping, T. M. Bersano, J. Hou, S. Mossman, V. Gokhroo, X.-W. Luo, K. Sun, C. Zhang, and P. Engels, 2019 - Phys. Rev. A 99, 051602(R) (2019)
⦁ Momentum Space Josephson Effects, J. Hou, X.-W. Luo, K. Sun, T. Bersano, V. Gokhroo, S. Mossman, P. Engels, and C. Zhang, 2018 - Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 120401 (2018)
⦁ Time-reversal-invariant spin-orbit-coupled bilayer Bose-Einstein Condensates, M. Maisberger, L.-C. Wang, K. Sun, Y. Xu, and C. Zhang, 2018 - Phys. Rev. A 97, 053624 (2018)
⦁ Superfluid-Quasicrystal in a Bose-Einstein Condensate, J. Hou, H. Hu, K. Sun, and C. Zhang, 2018 - Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 060407 (2018)
⦁ Static and Dynamic Properties of Shell-shaped Condensates, K. Sun, K. Padavić, F. Yang, C. Lannert, and S. Vishveshwara, 2018 - Phys. Rev. A 98, 013609 (2018)
⦁ Momentum-space Aharonov-Bohm interferometry in Rashba spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates, J. Hou, X.-W. Luo, K. Sun, and C. Zhang, 2018 - EPL 123, 10005 (2018)
Associate Professor of Instruction
The University of Texas at Dallas [2022–Present]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2022–Present]
Assistant Professor of Instruction
The University of Texas at Dallas [2016–2022]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2016–2022]
Postdoctoral Fellow
The University of Texas at Dallas [2014–2015]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2014–2015]
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Cincinnati [2010–2014]
University of Cincinnati [2010–2014]