Ph.D. - Industrial Engineering
Purdue University - 1981
Professional Preparation
M.S. - Industrial Engineering
Purdue University - 1977
Purdue University - 1977
M.S. - Applied Mathematics
Purdue University - 1974
Purdue University - 1974
B.S. - Mathematics
Boston State College - 1972
Boston State College - 1972
“Operational Role of Retail Bundling and Its Implications in a Supply Chain”, with Qingning Cao, Xianjun Geng, and Jun Zhang, Production and Operations Management, forthcoming, 2019. 2019 - Publication
“Mitigating Disruptions in a Multi-echelon Supply Chain Using Adaptive Ordering”, with Thomas Schmitt, Sanjay Kumar, Fred Glover, and Mark A. Ehlen, Omega, Vol. 68, pp. 185-198 (April 2017).Selected as the Best Paper Award for 2017 for Omega (March 2018). 2018 - Publication
“Lessons from Seru Production on Manufacturing Competitively in a High Cost Environment,” with Yong Yin, Morgan Swink, and Ikou Kaku Journal of Operations Management, Vols. 49-51, pp. 67-76 (March 2017).Selected as the Jack Meredith Best Paper Award Honorable Mention for JOM (August 2018). 2018 - Publication
“The Evolution of Production Systems from Industry 2.0 through Industry 4.0”, with Yong Yin and Dongni Li, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 56, Issue 1-2, pp. 848-861 (January 2018). 2018 - Publication
Applications of Quality Competitiveness Index Methodology for Strategic Advantage. With Ashok Kumar and Jaideep Motwani. International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management. May 2017. 2017 - Publication
“Robot and Machine Scheduling with State-dependent Part Input Sequencing in Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, with Yumin He and Milton Smith, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 54, No. 12, pp. 6736-6746 (December 2016). 2016 - Publication
“When Does a Retailer’s Advance Selling Capability Benefit a Manufacturer, the Retailer, or Both?”, with Xuying Zhao and Zhan Pang, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 25, Issue 6, pp. 1073-1087 (June 2016). 2016 - Publication
“Enhancing Competitiveness Using the Mass Customization and Personalization Effectiveness Index Improvement Process,” with Ashok Kumar, James Sanford, and Frank T. Pillar, Operations Management Education Review, Vol. 9 (2015). 2015 - Publication
Appointed Member of the President’s Advisory Board of the Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, since March 2004; Advisory Board Meeting, October 17-18, 2005. -
Elected Vice President, Sections and Societies of INFORMS (January 2003-December 2004). -
Who's Who in Finance and Industry, 29th Edition, 1996/1997 and 31st Edition, 2000/2001 -
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship, Bonn, 1989-1990 -
Scholarship Award, Schools of Engineering, Purdue University, 1980 -
Bachelor of Science Degree, with Honors and magna cum laude -
Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society -
Sigma Delta Epsilon Honor Society -
Alpha Pi Mu Honor Society -
Selected as POMS Fellow - [2017]
Naveen Jindal School Advisory Council Chair
University of Texas at Dallas [2018–Present]
University of Texas at Dallas [2018–Present]
Professor of Operations Management
University of Texas at Dallas [2018–Present]
University of Texas at Dallas [2018–Present]
Ashbel Smith Professor of Operations Management
University of Texas at Dallas [2006–2018]
University of Texas at Dallas [2006–2018]
Guest Professor
Northwestern Polytechnical University [2013–Present]
Xi’an, China
Northwestern Polytechnical University [2013–Present]
Xi’an, China
Professor of Operations Management
University of Texas at Dallas [2002–2006]
University of Texas at Dallas [2002–2006]
Adjunct Professor
University of South Australia [1999–Present]
University of South Australia [1999–Present]
Visiting Professor
Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Technical University of Budapest [1997–1997]
Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Technical University of Budapest [1997–1997]
Visiting Professor
Universiteit Groningen, The Netherlands [1997–1997]
Universiteit Groningen, The Netherlands [1997–1997]
Visiting Professor
Chinese University of Hong Kong [1996–1996]
Chinese University of Hong Kong [1996–1996]
Jack D. Sparks/Whirlpool Corporation Research Professor
University of Michigan Business School [1995–1997]
University of Michigan Business School [1995–1997]
- Speakerin the DISTINGUISHED LECTURE SERIES, Beijing Institute of Technology (January 17, 2019).
- Workshop Speaker, Seru Production and Industry 4.0, Kyoto, Japan (December 5-7, 2017).
- Keynote Speaker, 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management & Control, Troyes, France (June 28-30, 2016).
- Workshop Speaker, Foreseeing 2016’s Emerging Technologies, Markets and Business, Institute for Information Industry, Taipei, Taiwan (December 16, 2015).
- Keynote Speaker, Forum of Management Science and Engineering, Dalian, China (December 17-19, 2014).
- Keynote Speaker and Honorary Conference Chair, Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications, Kunming, China (December 21-23, 2013).
- Keynote Speaker and Member of the International Advisory Committee, International Conference on Practice and Research in Management, Agra, India (February 18-20, 2011).
- Program Chair, Cluster Chair, Session Chair, and Invited Speaker, (3 papers) INFORMS National Meeting, Seattle, WA (November 4-7, 2007).
- General Chair, Track Chair, Session Chair, and Invited Speaker, (3 papers) POMS Conference, Dallas, TX (May 4-7, 2007).
- Keynote Speaker, International Symposium on Scheduling, Tokyo, Japan (July 18-20, 2006).
- Keynote Speaker, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, Shanghai, China (June 21-23, 2006)
- Distinguished Plenary Speaker, EURO Conference on Continuous Optimization in Industry, Pécs, Hungary (June 28-July 1, 2005).
- Session Chair and Invited Speaker, (3 papers) INFORMS Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA (November 5-8, 2006).
- Invited Speaker, IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, Shanghai, China (June 21-23, 2006).
- Invited Speaker, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Hong Kong (June 25-28, 2006).
- Invited Speaker, PICMET Conference, Portland, Oregon (July 31-August 4, 2005).
- Invited Speaker, INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (November 13-16, 2005).
- Invited Speaker, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Denver, CO (October 24-27, 2004).
- Invited Speaker, European Applied Business Research Conference, Venice, Italy (June 9-13, 2003)
- Keynote Speaker and Guest of Honor, Global Conference on Flexible Systems Management, New Delhi, India (December 17-20, 2000).
- Keynote Speaker, International Symposium on Decision Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin (June 12-14, 1998).
- Invited Speaker, Tenth Meeting of the European Chapter on Combinational Optimization, Tenerife, Spain (May 14-17, 1997).
- Invited Speaker, Fourth ELAVIO (Escuela Latinoamericana de Verano de Investigacion Operativa), Montevideo, Uruguay (February 17-22, 1997)
- Invited Speaker, UNESCO International Conference on Technology Management: University/Industry/Government Collaboration, Istanbul, Turkey (June 24-26, 1996).
- Session Chair and Speaker, Fourteenth IFORS International Conference, Vancouver, B.C. (July 8-12, 1996).
- Tutorial, XVII National Operational Research and Industrial Engineering Conference,
- Ankara, Turkey (July 9-12, 1995).
- Keynote Speaker, Conference on New Directions in Simulation for Manufacturing and Communications, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan (August 1-2, 1994).
- Invited Speaker, EURO XIII/OR 36 Conference, Glasgow, Scotland (July 19-22, 1994).
- Invited Speaker, AIRO '93, Designing Innovations in Industrial Logistics, Capri, Italy (September 29-October 1, 1993).
- Session Chair and Speaker, ICSSSE '93, The 2nd International Conference on Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Beijing, P.R. China (August 24-27, 1993).
- Session Chair and Speaker, XIII IFORS '93 World Conference on Operations Research, Lisbon, Portugal (July 12-16, 1993).
- Invited Speaker, “Single Machine Scheduling with Finite Tool Capacity and Small Lot Size Multi-Item Manufacturing,” with Moshe Dror, Moshe Kaspi, and François Soumis, 2nd Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Los Angeles (May 26-27, 1993).
- Plenary Speaker, IMACS/SICE International Symposium on Robotics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems '92, Kobe, Japan (September 16-20, 1992).
- Plenary Speaker, AIRO '90, Models and Methods for Decision Support, Sorrento, Italy (October 3-5, 1990).
- Session Chair and Speaker, Twelfth IFORS International Conference, Athens, Greece (June 25-29, 1990).
- Plenary Speaker, Optimization Days, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada (May 3-4, 1990).
- Program Committee Member, Session Chair, and Speaker, Modeling the Innovation Conference, Rome, Italy (March 21-23, 1990).
- Plenary Speaker and Proceedings paper, Second Intelligent Factory Automation Symposium, Osaka, Japan (July 19-21, 1989).
- Session Chair and Speaker, EURO X, Beograd, Yugoslavia (June 26-30, 1989).
- Speaker, School on Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Applications, Erice, Sicily (June 20-30, 1989).
- Speaker and Proceedings paper, SME Machining Systems, The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), Indianapolis, IN (May 23-24, 1989).
- Program Committee, Panel Member, Speaker, and Proceedings paper, Third International Conference on Expert Systems and the Leading Edge in Production Planning and Control, Hilton Head, SC (May 21-24, 1989).
- Plenary Speaker, Panel Member, and Session Chair, Seventh Biennial Convention of South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation, New Delhi, India (November 28-December 1, 1988).
- Research Tutorial, “Flexible Manufacturing”, EURO IX/TIMS XXVIII Meeting, Paris, France (July 5-8, 1988).
- “Manufacturing, Production, and Operations Management Panel of Journal Editors”, Joint National ORSA/TIMS Meeting, St. Louis, MO (October 25-28, 1987).
- “Design and Operating Issues of Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, National Congress in Systems Engineering, Santiago, Chile (August 3-7, 1987).
- “FMS Production Planning and Control Problems” and “Design of FMSs”, Seminars presented at the International Conference on Expert Systems and the Leading Edge in Production Planning and Control, Charleston, SC (May 11-13, 1987).
- “Formulation and Solution Procedures for Part Type Selection Considering Due-Dates Using a Flexible Approach to Short-Term FMS Production Planning”, with Ilyong Kim, presented at the Joint National TIMS/ORSA Meeting, New Orleans, LA (May 4-6, 1987).
- “Stochastic Models of Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, with J. George Shanthikumar, presented at the TIMS XXVII Meeting, Gold Coast City, Queensland, Australia (July 20-23, 1986).
- “Scheduling Against Due Dates in Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, with Ram Rachamadugu, presented at the Joint National TIMS/ORSA Meeting, Boston MA (April 29 - May 1, 1985).
- “Mathematical Models Used to Solve Design, Planning, and Scheduling Problems of Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, presented at the ORSA/TIMS Applied Probability Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia (January 7-9, 1985).
- Panel Member, “Research Perspectives for Productivity Improvement at the Strategic Level”, Joint National TIMS/ORSA Meeting, San Francisco, CA (May 13-16, 1984).
- “A Petri Net Formulation of a Flexible Manufacturing System”, with Didier Dubois and Suresh P. Sethi, presented at the Joint National ORSA/TIMS Meeting, Orlando, FL (November 6-9, 1983).
- “Production Planning in Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, presented at the Joint Fifth European Congress on Operations Research/Twenty-fifth Meeting of The Institute of Management Sciences (EURO V/TIMS XXV), Lausanne, Switzerland (July 11-14, 1982).
- “The Optimality of Unbalanced Workloads and Machine Group Sizes for Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, presented at the Joint National TIMS/ORSA Meeting, Detroit, Michigan (April 18-21, 1982).
- “Linearized Nonlinear MIP Formulations for Loading a Flexible Manufacturing System”, presented at the Joint National ORSA/TIMS Meeting, Houston, Texas (October 11-14, 1981).
- “Alternative Objective Functions for Workload Allocation”, presented at the Joint National CORS/TIMS/ORSA Meeting, Toronto, Ontario Canada (May 3-6, 1981).
- “Optimal Allocation of Work in Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, presented at the Joint National ORSA/TIMS Meeting, Colorado Springs, Colorado (November 10-12, 1980).
- “Set-up Problems for a Computerized Manufacturing System”, presented at the Joint National TIMS/ORSA Meeting, Washington, D.C. (May 4-7, 1980).
- “The Loading Problem for a Computerized Manufacturing System”, presented at the Joint National TIMS/ORSA Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana (April 30 - May 2, 1979).
- “Experimental Investigation of a Computerized Manufacturing System”, presented at the Joint National ORSA/TIMS Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia (November 7-9, 1977).
Seminars on various aspects of production planning for flexible manufacturing systems presented at: Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, The University of Michigan (November, 1981); Ford Motor Company, Dearborn MI (February, 1982); INRIA, LeChesnay Cedex, France (June, 1982); Centre d’Études et de Recherche de Toulouse and Laboratoire d'Automatique et d'Analyse des Systémes, both in Toulouse, France (July, 1982); Daimler-Benz AG, Stuttgart, Germany (August 20, 1982); Department of Production Economics, Linköping Institute of Technology, Linköping, Sweden (August30, 1982); The University of Rochester, Rochester, NY (May 18, 1983); Imperial College of London (July 4, 1983); Loughborough University of Technology, Loughborough, UK (July 5, 1983); University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy (July 14, 1983); Carnegie-Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA (January 25, 1984); National
Bureau of Standards, Washington D.C. (February 27, 1984); University of North (Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC (March 2, 1984); Politechnika Poznanska, Poland June, 1984); PolitechnikaWarszawska, Poland (June 1984); VÚOSO, Prague, Czechoslovakia (July, 1984); IBM, Madrid, Spain (July 9, 1984); Université de Bordeaux, France (July 16, 1984), Caterpillar Tractor Company, Peoria, IL (September 4, 1984), University of Wisconsin, Madison WI (September 5, 1984); Centre d’Études et de Recherches de Toulouse (October 10-11, 1984); Technical University of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Canada (December 20, 1984); Ford Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan (March 20, 1985); Pratt & Whitney, Hartford, Connecticut (April 18, 1985); General Motors,Warren, Michigan (April 24, 1985); Bain and Company, London, U.K. (June 19, 1985) University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba (January 23, 1986); General Electric, Schenectady, New York (May 6, 1986); McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (March 13, 1987); University of Colorado, Boulder (March 26, 1987); Three FMS Seminars at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on CIM, Istanbul, Turkey (August 30-September 12, 1987); Two FMS Seminars at the Advanced School on O.R. Models in Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Udine, Italy (October 5-9, 1987); COMAU, Torino, Italy (November 6, 9, and 13, 1987); Centre
de’Éstudes et de Recherches de Toulouse (January 4, 1988); Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
Switzerland (February 5, 1988); Symposium on Automated Manufacturing Systems, Rennsalear Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY (August 29-30, 1988); SEARCC-88', New Delhi, India (November 28-December 1, 1988); Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (November 25, 1988); Northwestern University, Evanston, IL (February 24, 1989); Ohio State University, Columbus, OH (March 3, 1989); IBM, Yorktown Heights, NY (March 10, 1989); Harvard Business School, Boston, MA (March 23, 1989); SUNY, Buffalo, NY (April 24, 1989); University of Washington, Seattle (May 12, 1989); University of Osaka Prefecture (July 20, 1989); Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto (July 28, 1989); Waseda University, Tokyo (August 4, 1989); Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel (November 28 and December 6, 1989); University of Twente Enschede, The Netherlands (February 7, 1990); Fraunhofer Institut, Stuttgart, W. Germany (March 2-3, 1990); University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom (March 14, 1990); Università degli Studi di Venezia, Venice, Italy (March 29, 1990); Ecole Centrale de Paris, France (April 5, 1990); European Business School, Rheingau, W. Germany (April 25, 1990); Universität der Bundeswehr, Hamburg (June 5, 1990); Politechnika Posnanska, Poznan (June 11, 1990); Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (July 6, 1990); University of Toronto (October 11, 1991); George Mason University, Washington, D. C. (October 21, 1991); Portland State University, Portland, OR (December 6, 1991); École Polytechnique de Montréal (January 9, 1992); University of Michigan, Mechanical Engineering (January 30, 1992); GERAD, Montréal (February 4, 1992); UCLA, Los Angeles (March 20, 1992); University of Toledo (March 27, 1992); University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands (May, 1992); University of Groningen, The Netherlands (May, 1992); Universität der Bundeswehr, Hamburg (June, 1992); University of Vaasa, Vaasa, Finland (July 4, 1992); Nippon Denso, Nagoya, Japan (September 15, 1992); University of Southern California, Los Angeles (January 15, 1993); University of Southern California, Los Angeles (June 22, 1993); Universidad de Sevilla, Spain (July 19, 1993); Chongqing Automotive Engine Plant, Chongqing, China (August 16, 1993); Dong Feng Motor Industry Plant, Shiyan, China (August 19, 1993); Universitá degli Studi di Trieste, Italy (September 26, 1993); Ohio State University, Columbus (November 12, 1993); Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton (December 10, 1993); University of Toledo (October 6, 1995); Purdue University (April 26, 1996); KAIST, Seoul, Korea (May 14, 1996); George Mason University, Fairfax (October 11, 1996); Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin (November 11, 15, and 20, 1996), PontificiaUniversidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (February 7, 24, and 25, 1997); City University of Hong Kong (March 12, 1997); Universiteit Groningen, The Netherlands (April 8, 1997); Technical University of Budapest (April 23, 1997); Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (April 28 and 30, 1997); University of Texas at Dallas (February 9, 1998); University of Minnesota (February 25, 1998); University of Michigan, ERC on RMS 1.2 Project (March 17, 1998); University of Michigan Business School (February 15, 2002); University of Texas at Dallas (February 22, 2002); Universiteit Groningen, The Netherlands (June 16, 2005); Texas A&M, College Station, TX (February 27, 2006); Chinese University of Hong Kong (June 30, 2006); University of Washington, Seattle (January 12, 2007); Hong Kong Polytechnic University (March 7, 2007); Cass Business School, London (April 12, 2007); University of Bath, England (April 16, 2007); University of Nottingham, England (April 19, 2007); University of Strathclyde, Scotland (April 23, 2007); University College Galway, Ireland (April 24,2007), University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana (November 30, 2007); Bilkent University, Ankara (March 14, 2008); Singapore Management University, Singapore (February 26, 2009); University of Groningen (April 21, 2010); IIT Bombay (February 4, 2011); IIT Kharagpur (February 10, 2011); IIT Kanpur (February 14, 2011); University of North Carolina - Charlotte (April 8, 2011); University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (September 2, 2011); University Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro
(October 14 & 19, 2011); Kobe University, Japan (October 28, 2011); Sophia University, Japan (November 7, 2011); National Taiwan University, Taipei (December 20, 2011); Politecnico di Milano (March 22 & 23, 2012); Politecnico di Torino (April 2, 2012); HEC Paris (May 4, 2012); University of Lausanne (May 7, 2012); University of Groningen (May 15, 2012); University of Warwick (May 18, 2012); University of Oregon, Eugene, OR (November 30, 2012); Simon Fraser University, Vancouver (January 25, 2013); Singapore University of Technology and Design (March 22, 2013); Supply Chain Leadership Council, University of Texas at Dallas (April 3, 2013); Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China (December 17, 2013); Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, China (March 19, 2014); Northeastern University, Shenyang, China (March 24, 2014); Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (May 23, 2014); Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, China (December 18, 2014); Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China (December 24, 2014); Purdue University (April 3, 2015); Institute for Information Industry, Taipei, Taiwan (December 16, 2015); Northeastern University, Shenyang, China (March 22, 2017); Doshisha University (December 5, 2017); University of Michigan (January 19, 2018); Beijing Institute of Technology (February 26, 2018); Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China (April 13, 2018); Northeastern University, Shenyang, China (December 28, 2018); Beijing Institute of Technology (January 17, 2019).
Additional Information
- Selected as POMS Fellow (2017).
- Awarded the Purdue University Outstanding Industrial Engineer Award (April 27, 2017).
- Elected Member of the Board of Directors of POMS (Production and Operations Management Society) (May 2014-May 2016).
- Awarded the Boston State College “Education for Service” Award (December 3, 2015).
- Selected as a 2014 Purdue University Distinguished Woman Scholar.
- Awarded the INFORMS WORMS Award for the Advancement of Women in OR/MS (2013).
- Selected as INFORMS Fellow (2009).
- Awarded the INFORMS Kimball Medal “for distinguished service to the Institute and to the profession of OR/MS” (2008).
- Awarded the INFORMS MSOM 2007 Distinguished Service Award (2007).
- Elected Member of the Board of Directors of POMS (Production and Operations Management Society) (April 2006 - April 2008).
- Appointed Member of the President’s Advisory Board of the Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, since March 2004; Advisory Board Meeting, October17-18, 2005.
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas (2004).
- INFORMS has noted the following paper as “one of the 50 most influential papers from the journal Management Science over the last half century” in 2004: “Formulation and Solution of Nonlinear Integer Production Planning Problems for Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, Management Science, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 273-288 (March 1983).
- Elected Vice President, Sections and Societies of INFORMS (January 2003-December 2004).
- Elected Member of the Board of INFORMS (Institute of Operations Research and Management Sciences) (January 1999-December 2001).
- Honorary Lifetime Member of the Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management, since October 2000.
- Invited Member of the Board of MHT (Management of Health Sciences and Technology) since March 1999.
- Honored Member, Strathmore’s Who’s Who Registry, 1999 – 2000.
- ,International Who’s Who of Professional and Business Women, 6th, 7th, and 8th Editions, (1999, 2000, and 2001).
- International Professional and Business Women’s Hall of Fame, 6th and 7th Editions, (1999 and 2000).
- Tauber Manufacturing Institute, Faculty Fellow, 1997-2001
- Who's Who in the World, 14th Edition, 1997
- Who's Who in Finance and Industry, 29th Edition, 1996/1997 and 31st Edition, 2000/2001
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship, Bonn, 1989-1990
- Scholarship Award, Schools of Engineering, Purdue University, 1980
- Bachelor of Science Degree, with Honors and magna cum laude
- Scholarship Award, Boston State College, 1972
- Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society
- Sigma Delta Epsilon Honor Society
- Alpha Pi Mu Honor Society
- Editorial Board, Industrial Engineering and Strategic Management, since March 2019.
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operational Research, since December 2018.
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, since April 2018.
- Editorial Board, Journal of Analytics, since February 2018.
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Production Research, since August 2016.
- Editorial Board, Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services, since May 2015.
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Engineering Analysis, Simulation and Additive Manufacturing, since December 2017.
- Editorial Board, Research in Logistics & Production, since December 2011.
- Editorial Review Board, Production and Operations Management, since April 2010.
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, since March 2009.
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems, since November 2008.
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, since May 2008.
- Editorial Board, International Transactions in Operational Research, since April 2008.
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, since March 2008.
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise, since June 2007.
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, since February 2007.
- Editor-in-Chief, Operations Management Education Review, since October 2002.
- Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, since August 1986.
- Associate Editor, Production and Operations Management, since July 2003.
- Editorial Board, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, since October 2000.
- Editorial Board, Annals of Operations Research, since November 2001.
- Consulting Board, Cognitive Processing, the International Quarterly of Cognitive Science, since December 1999.
- Associate Editor, Decision Sciences (August 2002-January 2005).
- Senior Editor, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (1995-2003).
- Editorial Board, Journal of Manufacturing Systems (1988-2002).
- Editorial Board, Annals of Operations Research, Volumes on “Mathematics of Industrial Systems”, since March 1993.
- Editorial and Review Board, Technology and Operations Review, since April 1994.
- International Advisory Board, International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, since September 1994.
- Editorial Advisory Board, Group Technology/Cellular Manufacturing: A State-of-the- Art Synthesis of Research and Practice, since August 1996.
- Editorial Review Board, Journal of Operations Management, since December 1990.
- Special Departmental Editor, Management Science, for a focused issue on flexible manufacturing, Vol. 34, No. 10, October, 1988.
- Area Editor, Journal of Production and Operations Management, since September, 1989.
- Series Editor, CIMware Limited, since March 1990.
- Associate Editor, INFORS, since June 1, 1987.
- Associate Editor, Large Scale Systems, since July 1, 1988.
- Associate Editor, Automated Manufacturing Systems issues of the Annals of Operations Research, 1990.
- Associate Editor, Manufacturing Issues of Large Scale Systems, 1987, (since 1985).
- Editor (with Rajan Suri), Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 3, 1985; also Vol. 15, 1988.
- Faculty Advisor, INFORMS UTD Student Chapter, September 2012 - present
- Area Coordinator, Operations Management, June 2004 - June 2006.
- Member, CQ – Committee on Qualifications of Academic Personnel, September 2007 to present.
- Member, Committee on Faculty Mentoring, April 2004 – present; Vice Chair (September 2008 – August 2009).
- Member, Committee for the Support of Diversity and Equity, September 2009-present.
- Member, Core Committee for the Support of Women and Minorities, for 2005-2006.
- Member, Strategic Planning, September 2007 – present.
- Member, Personnel Review, September 2008 – present.
- Member, Faculty Washington Advisory Group Response Committee, June 2004 – August 2006.
- Member, School of Social Sciences Program Review Committee, March 2004 – August 2005.
- Member, Committee on Educational Policy, September 2003 – August 2006.
- Member, School Peer Review Committee, September 2002 – August 2008.
- Member, Academic Policy & Planning, September 2002 – August 2006; September 2008 – September 2018.
- Member, Organizations, Strategy & International Management Search Committee, September 2003 – August 2004.
- Member, Steering Committee, September 2002 – August 2006.
- Member, Information Resources Policy & Planning Advisory Committee, September 2002 – January 2003.
- Member, Operations Management Search Committee, September 2002 to present.
- Member, several ad hoc committees for tenure and/or promotion, since September 2003.
- Chair and elected member, Strategic Planning Committee, 2000-2002.
- Member, Community Values and Standards Committee, 2001-2002.
- Member, Admissions, Academic Services, and Career Development Advisory Committee, 1999-2001.
- Member, Research and Publications Committee, 1993-1999.
- Member, Doctoral Studies Committee, 1992-1995.
- Member, Facilities Committee, 1995-1996.
- Chair, OM Faculty Search Committee, 1992-1996 and 1997-2002.
- Ran the OM Seminar Series, 1984-1995.
- Ran the OM Brown Bag Seminar Series, 1992-1995.
- OM area Ph.D. Faculty Advisor, 1992-1995.
- Chair, OM Ph.D. Applicant Admissions Committee, 1992-1995.
- Member, OM Ph.D. Applicant Admissions Committee, 1995-1996.
News Articles
Group Honors Operations Management Researcher

Operations Management Prof Honored by Peers
Dr. Kathryn E. Stecke, Ashbel Smith Professor of Operations Management at the UT Dallas School of Management, has been chosen to receive the Kimball Medal from the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). INFORMS awards the Kimball Medal each year to recognize distinguished service to both the organization and the profession of operations research and the management sciences. Long an active member of , Stecke has chaired national and international meetings for the organization. She served two terms on the INFORMS Board of Directors, first from 1999 to 2001 and again from 2003 to 2005 when she was vice president of INFORMS’ sections and societies. INFORMS has also recognized her research, naming her paper, “Formulation and Solution of Nonlinear Integer Production Planning Problems for Flexible Manufacturing Systems,” as “one of the 50 most influential papers” published in the society’s journal Management Science during the last half century.Study: Manufacturing Method May Help Keep Work in High-Cost Areas

Dr. Kathryn Stecke, Ashbel Smith Professor of operations management, recently studied a production system called seru that is used by the electronics industry that creates an exception to this trend.
Jindal Prof Honored for Supporting Women in Operations Management

Dr. Stecke, Ashbel Smith Professor of Operations Management at the Jindal School, received the 2013 Women in Operations Research and Management Sciences (WORMS) Award for the Advancement of Women in OR/MS from the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, (INFORMS). The WORMS Award recognizes a professor each year who has helped promote the professional development and recognition of women in the OR/MS field within their own institutions and professional organizations.
Ph.D Committees
Dr. Mohammed Berrada, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France (1984). Dr. Narayan Raman, The University of Michigan, Graduate School of Business Administration, Operations Management (1988). Dr. Yeong-Dae Kim, The University of Michigan, Industrial and Operations Engineering (1988). Dr. Ilyong Kim, The University of Michigan, Graduate School of Business Administration, Operations Management (1990) (Chair). Dr. Moonkee Min, The University of Michigan, Graduate School of Business Administration, Computer and Information Systems (1990).Dr. Anil Kumar Agrawal, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Industrial and Management Engineering Programme, Kanpur, India (1992). Dr. Thiruvengadam Ravi, McMaster University, Mechanical Engineering (1994).PH.D.
Dr. Harriet Black Nembhard, The University of Michigan, Industrial and Operations Engineering (1994). Dr. Jonghwa Kim, The University of Michigan, Industrial and Operations Engineering (1995). Dr. Walid Raif Abillama, The University of Michigan, Industrial and Operations Engineering (1995). Dr. Matthew Keblis, The University of Michigan, Industrial and Operations Engineering (1996). Dr. Gopal Krishna Nayak, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Industrial Engineering and Management, Kharagpur, India (1996). Dr. Thomas W. Weber, The University of Michigan, Mechanical Engineering (1997). Dr. B. V. Chowdary, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Mechanical Engineering, New Delhi, India (1998). Dr. A. B. Gupta, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Patalia, India (1999). Dr. Neeraj Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Industrial and Management Engineering, Kanpur, India (2000). Dr. Rod Parker, The University of Michigan, Individual Program (2001) (Chair). Dr. David E. Benson, The University of Michigan, Industrial and Operations Engineering (2001). Dr. Sittiporn Pimsakul, The University of Michigan, Program in Manufacturing (2002). Dr. Simon P. Walsh, Swinburne University of Technology, Industrial Research Institute, Australia (2004). Dr. Sanjeewa Naranpanawe, University of Texas at Dallas, Operations Management (2005). Dr. Windy Yin, University of Texas at Dallas, Operations Management (2005). Dr. Sirong Luo, University of Texas at Dallas, Operations Management (2005). Dr. Sanjeev Mishra, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Industrial and Management Engineering, Kanpur, India (2005). Dr. Lama Moussawi, University of Texas at Dallas, Operations Management (2006). Dr. Xuying Zhao, University of Texas at Dallas, Operations Management (2007) (Chair).
Dr. Nagihan Comez, University of Texas at Dallas, Operations Management (2007) (Chair). Dr. Sachin Jayaswal, University of Waterloo (2009). Dr. Gokcen Arkali, University of Texas at Dallas, Operations Management (2009). Dr. Sanjay Kumar, University of Texas at Dallas, Operations Management (2009) (Chair). Dr. Qingning Cao, University of Texas at Dallas, Operations Management (2013) (Chair). Dr. Osman Kazan, University of Texas at Dallas, Operations Management (2013) (Chair). Dr. Jingyun Li, University of Texas at Dallas, Operations Management (2015). Dr. Ilhan Emre Ertan, University of Texas at Dallas, Operations Management (2017) (Chair). Duc Vu, University of Texas at Dallas, Operations Management (current Ph.D. student) (Chair). Simon John, University of Texas at Dallas, Operations Management (current Ph.D. student) (Chair). Bee Hoon Ng, University of South Australia, International Graduate School of Management (current Ph.D. student) (Chair). Vijay Kumar, Visvesvaraiah Technological University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bangalore, India (current Ph.D. student). Jitendar Khatri, Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, India (current Ph.D. student).
Grants Received
Research Grant from the William Davidson Institute for “Managing Operations of Manufacturing Facilities in Transient Economies”, with Tamás Koltai, $11,760 (April 1999-March 2001). Faculty Fellow, Tauber Manufacturing Institute, with S. Jack Hu, $120,000 (1997-2001). Research Grant from General Motors Corporation, “Assessment of Machining System Integration,” with Izak Duenyas, $16,039 (June-September 1995). Research Grant from the Japan Technology Management Program (May 1994). Research Grants from the Center for International Business Education (January 1994 and January 1992). Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship, Bonn (December 1989-August 1990). NSF Initiation Grant ECS-8406407 (August 1984-January 1987). Research Grants from Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan (January 1982); renewed (January 1983); renewed again (January 1984). Summer Research Grants from the University of Michigan School of Business (1982-2001).Affiliations
- The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
- Program Chair, INFORMS International Meeting, Taipei (June 26-30, 2018).
- Member of the Program Committee, MSOM Conference, Dallas, TX (July 1-3, 2018).
- Chair of the INFORMS Fellows Selection Committee (2017).
- Member and Cohort Chair of the INFORMS Fellows Selection Committee (2015-2017).
- Member of the INFORMS Fellows Selection Organizing Committee (2015-2017).
- Memberof the INFORMS WORMS Award Selection Committee (2014-2015).
- Cluster Chair, Session Chair, and Speaker, INFORMS National Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (November 1-4, 2015).
- Chair, INFORMS WORMS Award Selection Committee (2013-2014).
- Panelist, “Time Management and Work-Life Balance”, Inaugural New Faculty Colloquium, INFORMS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA (November 7-12, 2014).
- Cluster Chair, Session Chair, and Speaker, EURO - INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Rome, Italy (July 1-4, 2013).
- Cluster Chair, Session Chair, and Speaker, INFORMS International Meeting, Beijing, China (June 24-27, 2012).
- Member of the INFORMS Fellows Selection Organizing Committee (2010-2012).
- Cluster Chair and Session Chair, ALIO/INFORMS International Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina (June 6-9, 2010).
- Cluster Chair of Two Clusters, Session Chair twice, and Speaker, INFORMS National Meeting, San Diego, CA (October 11-14, 2009).
- Editorial Review Board and Session Chair, MSOM Conference, MIT, Cambridge, MA (June 28-July 1, 2009).
- Cluster Chair, Session Chair, and Speaker, INFORMS National Meeting, Washington D.C. (October 12-15, 2008).
- Member of the Program Committee and Speaker, INFORMS Southwest Regional Conference, College Station, TX (April 18-19, 2008).
- Editorial Review Board, MSOM Conference 2008.
- Program Chair, INFORMS National Meeting, Seattle, WA (October, 2007).
- Member of the INFORMS Nominating Committee (2006-2007).
- Session Chair and Speaker, INFORMS National Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA (October 2006).
- Cluster Chair, Session Chair, and Speaker, FMS Sessions, INFORMS International Meeting, Hong Kong (June 25-28, 2006).
- Plenary Chair of the INFORMS Organizing Committee, New Orleans, LA (October 19-21, 2005)
- Member of the INFORMS Subdivisions Council (January 2005-December 2010).
- Member of the INFORMS Sections/Societies Committee (January 2005-December 2010).
- Vice President, Sections and Societies, of INFORMS (January 2003-December 2004).
- Chair of the INFORMS Subdivisions Council (January 2004-December 2004).
- Chair of the INFORMS Sections/Societies Committee (January 2003-December 2004).
- Cluster Chair and Session Chair, FMS Sessions and Tutorial, CORS/INFORMS Joint Meeting, Banff, Canada (May 16-19, 2004).
- Vice Chair of the INFORMS Subdivisions Council (January 2003-December 2003).
- Cluster Chair and Session Chair, FMS Sessions, INFORMS International Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey (July 6-10, 2003).
- Cluster Chair and Session Chair, FMS Sessions, INFORMS National Meeting, San Jose, CA (November 17-20, 2002).
- General Chair, INFORMS International Meeting, Maui, Hawaii (June 17-20, 2001).
- Cluster Chair, FMS Sessions, INFORMS National Meeting, Miami, FL (November, 2001).
- Cluster Chair and Session Chair, FMS Sessions, INFORMS National Meeting, San Antonio, TX (November 5-8, 2000).
- Cluster Chair and Session Chair, FMS Sessions, INFORMS-KORMS International Meeting, Seoul, Korea (June, 2000).
- Cluster Chair and Session Chair, FMS Sessions, INFORMS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT (May 21-25, 2000).
- Member of the Board of Directors of INFORMS (January 1999-December 2001).
- Member of the INFORMS Subdivisions Committee, (January 1999-December 2001).
- Member of the Section/Society Subcommittee of INFORMS, (January 1999-December 2001).
- Member of the MSOM(journal and editor) Review Committee (1999-2000).
- Cluster Chair, FMS Sessions, and Session Chair, INFORMS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (November 7-10, 1999).
- Cluster Chair, FMS Sessions, Session Chair, and Author, INFORMS National Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio (May 2-5, 1999).
- Cluster Chair, FMS Sessions, Session Chair, and Author, INFORMS National Meeting, Seattle, Washington (October 25-28, 1998).
- Cluster Chair, FMS Sessions, Panel Member, Session Chair, and Author, INFORMS/ORSIS International Meeting, Tel Aviv, Israel (June 28-July 1, 1998).
- Cluster Chair, FMS, Sessions, Session Chair, and Speaker, INFORMS/CORS National Meeting, Montréal, Canada (April 26-29, 1998).
- Member of the MSOM Nominating Committee, 1997-1998.
- Cluster Chair, FMS Sessions, Session Chair, INFORMS National Meeting Dallas, TX (October 26-29, 1997).
- Cluster Chair, FMS Sessions, Session Chair, INFORMS National Meeting, San Diego, CA (May 4-7, 1997).
- Program Chair, INFORMS (ORSA/TIMS) National Meeting, New Orleans, LA (October 29-November 1, 1995).
- Cluster Chair, all FMS Sessions, Session Chair, and Speaker, International INFORMS (TIMS) XXXIII Meeting, Singapore (June 25-28, 1995).
- Operations Research Society of America (ORSA)
- Member of the ORSA Nominating Committee, 1989-1990.
- Secretary/Treasurer of the ORSA Computer Science Technical Section, 1983-1984.
- Member of the ORSA Student Affairs Committee, 1982-1983.
- Panel Chairperson, ''Careers in OR/MS--A Student/Practitioner/ Faculty Discussion, or, Life after the Ph.D.”, Joint National TIMS/ORSA Meeting Chicago, IL (April 24-27, 1983).
- The Institute of Management Sciences (TIMS)
- Program Committee Member (Co-chair, Invited Sessions) and Cluster Chair, all FMS Sessions, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Detroit, MI (October 23-26, 1994).
- Session Chair and Speaker, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Phoenix, AZ (October 31-November 3, 1993).
- Cluster Chair, Session Chairperson, and Speaker, Joint International Meeting, EURO XII/TIMS XXXI, Helsinki, Finland (June 29-July, 1992).
- Session Chair and Speaker, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Anaheim, CA (November 3-6, 1991).
- Cluster Chair, Session Chairperson, and Speaker, Joint International Meeting, TIMS XXX-SOBRAPO XXIII, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (July 15-17, 1991).
- Cluster Chair and Session Chairperson, various FMS sessions and chairing 3 sessions, Joint National ORSA/TIMS Meeting, New York City (October 16-18, 1989).
- Program Chairperson (with Rajan Suri), Third ORSA/TIMS Conference on Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Operational Research Models and Applications, M.I.T., Cambridge MA, August 14-16, 1989; Editor of the Proceedings, published by Elsevier Science Publishers B.B., Amsterdam (1989).
- Session Chair and Speaker, Twenty-Ninth International Meeting of TIMS, Osaka, Japan (July 23-26, 1989).
- Session Chair and Speaker, Joint National CORS/TIMS/ORSA Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia (May 8-10, 1989).
- Cluster Chair and Session Chairperson, various FMS sessions, Twenty-Eighth International Meeting of The Institute of Management Science (EURO IX/TIMS XXVIII), Paris, France (July 5-8, 1988).
- Session Chairperson, various FMS sessions, Joint National TIMS/ORSA Meeting, Washington, D.C. (April 25-27, 1988).
- Session Chairperson, FMS, Joint National ORSA/TIMS Meeting, St. Louis, MO (October 25-28, 1987).
- Cluster Chair and Session Chairperson, various FMS sessions, Joint National TIMS/ORSA Meeting, New Orleans, LA (May 4-6, 1987).
- Session Chairperson, “FMS Problems and Models”, Joint National ORSA/ TIMS Meeting, Miami Beach, FL (October 27-29, 1986).
- Program Chairperson (with Rajan Suri), Second ORSA/TIMS Conference on Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Operations Research Models and Applications, Ann Arbor, MI, August 12-15, 1986; Editor of the Proceedings published by Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam (1986).
- Cluster Chair and Session Chairperson, “Flexible Manufacturing Systems” sessions, Twenty-Seventh International Meeting of The Institute of Management Science (TIMS XXVII), Gold Coast City, Queensland, Australia (July 20-23, 1986).
- Cluster Chair and Chairperson of four sessions on Flexible Manufacturing, Joint National TIMS/ORSA Meeting, Los Angeles, CA (April 14-16, 1986).
- Session Chairperson, “Flexible Manufacturing Applications of Queueing Networks”, Queueing Networks and Their Applications Conference, New Brunswick, NJ (January 7-9, 1987).
- Session Chairperson, “Planning and Control Models of Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, Joint National ORSA/TIMS Meeting, Atlanta, GA (November 4-6, 1985).
- Program Chairperson (with Rajan Suri), First ORSA/TIMS Special Interest Conference on Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Operations Research Models and Applications, Ann Arbor, Ml (August 15-17, 1984).
- Session Chairperson, “Planning and Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems I”, “II”, Joint National ORSA/TIMS Meeting, Dallas, TX (November 25-28, 1984).
- Coordinator of all sessions on Automated Manufacturing; chairing those on “Modeling and Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, Joint National TIMS/ORSA Meeting, San Francisco, CA (May 13-16, 1984).
- Session Chairperson, “Planning and Control Problems of Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, Joint National ORSA/TIMS Meeting, Orlando, FL (November 6-9, 1983).
- Session Chairperson, “Planning and Control Models of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 1”, “-II”, and “-III”, Joint National TIMS/ORSA Meeting, Chicago, IL (April 24-27, 1983).
- Session Chairperson, “Production Planning and Control in Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, “Production Planning I”, and “Queueing Networks”, Joint National TIMS/ORSA Meeting, Detroit, MI (April 18-21, 1982).
- Session Chairperson, “Production Planning”, Joint National ORSA/TIMS Meeting, Houston, TX (October 11-14, 1981).
- Session Chairperson, “Production Planning and Computerized Manufacturing Systems”, Joint National CORS/TIMS/ORSA Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (May 3-6, 1981).
- Session Chairperson, “Production Scheduling”, Joint National TIMS/ORSA Meeting, Washington, D.C. (May 4-7, 1980).
- Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)
- Track Chair, Session Chair, and Speaker, POM-30, Washington, D.C. (May 2-6, 2019).
- Track Chair, Session Chair, and Speaker, POM-29, Houston, TX (May 4-7, 2018).
- International Advisory Committee, POMS International Conference, Sydney, Australia (December 12-14, 2017).
- Selected as POMS Fellow (2017).
- Track Chair, Session Chair, Panel Member, and Speaker, POM-28, Seattle, WA (May 5-8, 2017).
- Member, Scientific Committee for the 5th World Conference on P&OM, Havana, Cuba (September 6-10, 2016).
- Speaker (2 papers), POM-26, Washington, D.C. (May 8-11, 2015).
- Panelist and Speaker, POM-25, Atlanta, GA (May 9-12, 2014).
- Speaker(4 papers), POM-24, Denver, CO (May 3-6, 2013).
- Speaker(4 papers), POM-23, Chicago, IL (April 20-23, 2012).
- Track Chair, Session Chair, and Speaker, POM-22, Reno, NV (April 29-May 2, 2011).
- Track Chair (2 tracks), Session Chair, and Speaker, POM-20, Orlando, FL (May 1-4, 2009).
- Program Committee, POM-19, La Jolla, CA (May 9-12, 2008).
- General Chair, POM-18, Dallas, TX (May 4-7, 2007).
- Session Chair and Invited Speaker, (3 Papers) POM-17, Boston, MA (April 28-May 1, 2006).
- Track Chairand Session Chair, FMS Sessions, 16th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, Chicago, IL (April 29-May 2, 2005).
- Program Committee, POM-7, Indianapolis, IN (March 30-April 2, 1996). Invited Session Chair, “Teaching Manufacturing.”
- Program Committee, POM-4, Boston, MA (October 3-6, 1993).
- Program Committee, POM-3, Orlando, FL (October, 1992).
- Program Committee (and Track Chair, Session Chair, and Author), POM-2, New York City (November 10-13, 1991).
- Stream Organizer and Session Chair, “Operations/Marketing Interface”, 30th EURO Conference, Dublin, Ireland (June 23-26, 2019).
- Stream Organizer and Session Chair, “Operations/Marketing Interface”, 29th EURO Conference, Valencia, Spain (July 8-11, 2018).
- Stream Organizer and Session Chair, “Operations/Marketing Interface”, EURO Conference, Poznan, Poland (July 3-6, 2016).
- Stream Organizer and Session Chair, “Operations/Marketing Interface”, EURO Conference, Glasgow, Scotland (July 12-15, 2015).
- Stream Organizer and Session Chair, “Operations/Marketing Interface”, EURO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Rome, Italy (July 1-4, 2013).
- Stream Organizer and Session Chair, “Operations/Marketing Interface”, EURO Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania (July 8-11, 2012).
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
- Computer and Automated Systems Association of SME (CASA)
- Senior Member, since 1994
- Speaker, SME Machining Systems Clinic, Indianapolis, IN (May 23-24, 1989).
- Regular Member, since 1985
- American Institute for Decision Sciences (AIDS/DSI)
- Member, International Advisory Group, 10th European Decision Sciences Conference (EDSI 2019), Nottingham, UK (June 2-5, 2019).
- Member, Professional Development Committee (2018 - 2019).
- Program Chair, DSI Meeting, Washington, D.C. (November 18-21, 2017).
- Associate Editor, Decision Sciences journal (August 2002-January 2005 and May 2010-Present).
- Panelist, “Advancing Women Leadership in Supply Chain and Operations Management”, DSI Meeting, Washington, D.C. (November 18-21, 2017).
- Member, DSI Programs and Meetings Committee (2016 - 2018).
- Member, DSI Publications Committee (June 2016 - present).
- Panelist, “Research Opportunities”, Mid-Career Faculty Development Consortium, DSI Meeting, Seattle, WA (November 20-24, 2015).
- Panelist, “Career Planning Breakout Session”, Mid-Career Faculty Development Consortium, DSI Meeting, Seattle, WA (November 20-24, 2015).
- Member, DSI Conference Fundraising Committee, since 2015.
- Panelist, “Research Opportunities”, Mid-Career Faculty Development Consortium, DSI Meeting, Tampa, FL (November 21-25, 2014).
- Panelist, “Career Planning Breakout Session”, Mid-Career Faculty Development Consortium, DSI Meeting, Tampa, FL (November 21-25, 2014).
- Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Conference Organization and Activities, since 2014.
- Judge, in the 2013 Elwood S. Buffa Doctoral Dissertation Competition, DSI Meeting, Baltimore (November 2013).
- Judge, in the 2011 Elwood S. Buffa Doctoral Dissertation Competition, DSI Meeting, Boston (November 2011).
- Program Committee, Track Chair, and Session Chair, DSI Meeting, New Orleans (November 2010).
- Invited Speaker, DSI Meeting, San Francisco, CA (November 10-13, 2005).
- Invited Speaker, DSI Meeting, Boston, MA (November 20-23, 2004).
- Session Chairperson, DSI Meeting, Honolulu (November 20-22, 1994).
- Session Chairperson, “FMS Scheduling”, DSI Meeting, Las Vegas, NV (November 21-23, 1988).
- “Design and Operating Problems of Flexible Manufacturing”, paper presented at the DSI Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii (November 23-26, 1986).
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- Chairperson of the “Manufacturing Systems Optimization” area of the Production System Optimization Technical Committee of the ASME, 1984 to 1987.
- IFAC TC 5.2 -- Manufacturing Modelling for Management and Control, since 2012.
- Institute Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), Member of the International Program Committee of IFIP WG 5.7, since 1985.
- Program Chair,Member of the Program Committee, Member of the International Scientific Committee, APMS 2019, Austin, TX (September 1-5, 2019).
- Member of the International Advisory Committee, APMS 2018: Smart Production Management, Seoul, Korea (August 26-30, 2018).
- Member of the International Scientific Committee, APMS 2017: Path to Intelligent, Collaborative and Sustainable Manufacturing, Hamburg, Germany (September 3-7, 2017).
- Member of the International Scientific Committee, APMS 2016: Production Management Initiatives for a Sustainable World, Iguassu Falls, Brazil (September 3-7, 2016).
- Member of the International Scientific Committee, APMS 2015: Innovative Production Management Towards Sustainable Growth, Tokyo, Japan (September 5-9, 2015).
- Member of the International Scientific Committee, APMS 2014: Innovative and Knowledge-based Production Management in a Global-Local World, Ajaccio, France (September 20-24, 2014).
- Member of the International Scientific Committee, APMS 2013: Sustainable Production and Service Supply Chains, Penn State University, College State, PA (September 9-12, 2013).
- Member of the International Scientific Committee, APMS 2012: Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services, Rhodes, Greece (September 23-26, 2012).
- Member of the International Program Committee, APMS 2011: Value Networks: Innovation, Technologies and Networks, Stavanger, Norway (September 26-28, 2011).
- Member of the International Scientific Committee, APMS 2010: Competitive and Sustainable Manufacturing, Products and Services, Cernobbia, Como, Italy (October 11-13, 2010).
- Member of the International Program Committee, APMS 2009: Production Management Systems, Bordeaux, France (September 19-23, 2009).
- Member of the Programme Committee, APMS 2008: Innovations in Networks, Espoo, Finland (September 14-17, 2008).
- Member of the Program Committee, APMS 2007: Integrating Systems and Strategies in Production Management, Linköping, Sweden (September 17-19, 2007).
- Member of the Technical Programme Committee, APMS 2006: Lean Business Systems and Beyond, Wroclaw, Poland (September 18-20, 2006).
- Member of the International Program Committee, International Working Conference on Strategic Manufacturing, Aalborg, Denmark (August 26-29, 2001).
- Member of the International Program Committee, IFIP WG 5.7 International Working Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Logistics and Production Management, Tromso, Norway (June 28-30, 2000).
- Member of the International Program Committee, Seventh International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems--APMS ’99, Global Production Management, Berlin, Germany (September 6-10, 1999).
- Member of the International Programme Committee, IFIP Working Group 5.7 Conference, Troon, Scotland (August 26-28, 1998).
- Member of the International Programme Committee, Organizing the Extended Enterprise, Ascona, Switzerland (September 15-18, 1997).
- Member of the International Program Committee and Session Chair, Sixth International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems--APMS '96, Kyoto, Japan (November 4-6, 1996).
- Member of the International Program Committee and Session Chair, Managing Concurrent Manufacturing to Improve Industrial Performance, Seattle, Washington (September 11-15, 1995).
- Member of the International Program Committee, Re-engineering the Enterprise, Galway, Ireland (April 20-21, 1995).
- Member of the Program Committee, Benchmarking--Theory and Practice, Trondheim, Norway (June 16-18, 1994).
- Member of the International Program Committee, Evaluation of Production Management Methods, Porto Alegre/Gramado, Brazil (March 21-24, 1994).
- Member of the International Program Committee and Speaker, Conference on Knowledge Based Hybrid Systems in Engineering and Manufacturing, Budapest, Hungary (April 20-22, 1993).
- Member of the International Program Committee, Integration in Production Management Systems, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (August 24-27, 1992).
- Member of the International Program Committee, New Approaches Towards “One-of-a-Kind” Production, Bremen, Germany (November 12-14, 1991).
- Member of the International Program Committee, International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, Espoo, Finland (August 20-22, 1990).
- Member of the Program Committee, Conference on Design, Implementation, and Operations of Databases for Production Management, Barcelona, Spain (May 10-12, 1989).
- Member of the Program Committee, Conference on Knowledge Based Production Management Systems, Galway, Ireland (August 23-25, 1988).
- Distinguished International Advisor, Foundation for Advancement of Environment and Human Wellness, New Delhi, India, since May 2019.
- Other Conference Program Committees:
- Member of the Scientific Committee, 7th International Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Tehran, Iran (December 4-5, 2019).
- Member of the International Program Committee, 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modeling, Management and Control (MIM), Berlin (August 28-30, 2019).
- Member of the Program Committee, Fourteenth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, Rome, Italy (June 30-July 4, 2019).
- Member of the Advisory Board, 25th Annual EurOMA Conference, Budapest, Hungary (June 24-26, 2018).
- Member of the Program Committee, Thirteenth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, Venice, Italy (June 24-28, 2018).
- Member of the Steering Committee, Member of the International Program Committee, and IFORS Representative, 16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Bergamo, Italy (June 11-13, 2018).
- Member of the Advisory Board, International Case Study Conference, Katra, India (December 11-13, 2017).
- Member of the Scientific Committee, 1st International Conference on Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services, Zakopane, Poland (September 26-30, 2017).
- Honorary Member of the Editorial Board, UEMCON: Disruptive Technology and Disruptive Innovation, Bangkok, Thailand (August 16-18, 2017).
- Member of the Program Committee, Twelfth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, Nice, France (July 23-27, 2017).
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, Rapid Manufacturing 2017, The New Forest, UK (July 11-13, 2017).
- Member of the International Program Committee, 8th International Symposium on Scheduling 2017, Nagoya, Japan (June 23-25, 2017).
- Member of the Program Committee, Eleventh International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, Barcelona, Spain (November 13-17, 2016).
- Member of the International Program Committee, 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modeling, Management & Control, Troyes, France (June 28-30, 2016).
- Member of the Technical Committee, International Conference on Design, Materials, and Manufacturing (ICDMM 2016), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (March 25-27, 2016).
- Member of the International Advisory Committee, World Conference on Futuristic Trends in Research and Innovation for Social Welfare, Coimbatore, India (February 29-March 1, 2016).
- Member of the International Advisory Committee, E-business and Supply Chain Competitiveness Conference, IIT Kharagpur, India (February 12-14, 2016).
- Member of the Technical Program Committee, Tenth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, St. Julians, Malta (October 11-16, 2015).
- Member of the Program Committee, 7th International Symposium on Scheduling 2015, Kobe, Japan (July 4-6, 2015).
- Member of the International Program Committee and Steering Committee and Plenary Session Chair and Session Chair, 15th IFAC/IEEE/IFIP/IFORS Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2015), Ottawa, Canada (May 11-13, 2015).
- Member of the Program Committee, Stream Chair, Session Chair IFORS XX, Barcelona, Spain (July 13-18, 2014).
- Member of the Organizing Committee, International Symposium on Flexible Automation, Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan (July 14-16, 2014).
- Member of the Program Committee, Ninth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, Seville, Spain (June 22-26, 2014).
- Member of the Technical Program Committee, International Conference on Public Administration, Hong Kong (March 14-16, 2014).
- Member of the International Program Committee, International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2014), Loire Valley, France (March 6-8, 2014).
- Honorary Chair, Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications, Kunming, China (December 21-23, 2013).
- Member of the International Advisory Committee, 4th International IT Summit Confluence, Uttar Pradesh, India (September 26-27, 2013).
- Member of the International Program Committee, International Symposium on Scheduling 2013, Tokyo, Japan (July 18-20, 2013).
- Member of the International Program Committee, International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2013), Barcelona, Spain (February 16-18, 2013).
- Member of the Program Committee, PICMET 2012, Vancouver, BC, Canada (July 29-August 2, 2012).
- Member of the Program Committee, Seventh International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, Venice, Italy (June 24-29, 2012).
- Member of the Program Committee, International Symposium on Flexible Automation, St. Louis, Missouri (June 18-20, 2012).
- Member of the International Program Committee, International Conference on
Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2012), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal (February 4-6, 2012). - Member of the Program Committee, IFORS XIX, Melbourne, Australia (July 10-15, 2011).
- Member of the International Program Committee, International Symposium on Scheduling 2011, Osaka, Japan (July 2-4, 2011).
- Member of the Program Committee, International Symposium on Flexible Automation, Tokyo, Japan (July 12-14, 2010).
- Member of the Technical Program Committee, 2009 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Hong Kong (December 8-11, 2009).
- Member of the International Advisory Committee, Ninth Global Conference on Flexible Systems Management, Mumbai, India (November 12-14, 2009).
- Member of the International Program Committee, International Symposium on Scheduling, Nagoya, Japan (July 4-6, 2009).
- Member of the International Advisory Committee, Symposium on Group Technology and Cellular Manufacturing, Kitakyushu, Japan (February 16-18, 2009).
- Member of the International Advisory Board, International Congress on Pervasive Computing and Management, New Delhi, India (December 12-14, 2008).
- Member of the Technical Program Committee, 2008 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore (December 8-11, 2008).
- Member of the Program Committee, PICMET ’08, Cape Town, South Africa (July 27-31, 2008).
- Member of the Program Committee, International Symposium on Flexible Automation, Atlanta, Georgia (June 23-26, 2008).
- Member of the International Advisory Committee, Eighth Global Conference on Flexible Systems Management, Hoboken, New Jersey (June 14-16, 2008).
- Member of the Senior Program Committee, Third International Conference on Interoperability of Enterprise Systems and Applications, Berlin, Germany (March 25-28, 2008).
- Member of the Program Committee, 2007 World Congress on Mass Customization & Personalization, MIT, Boston, Massachusetts (October 7-10, 2007).
- Member of the Program Committee, PICMET ’07, (Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology), Portland, Oregon (August 5-9, 2007).
- Member of the Organizing Committee, Decision and Risk Analysis Conference, Richardson, Texas (May 21-22, 2007).
- Member of the International Program Committee, International Symposium on Scheduling, Tokyo, Japan (July 18-20, 2006).
- Member of the Program Committee, International Symposium on Flexible Automation, Osaka, Japan (July 10-12, 2006).
- Member of the Program Committee, Third International Conference on Group Technology/Cellular Manufacturing, Groningen, The Netherlands (July 3-5, 2006).
- Member of the Program Committee, 2nd International Conference on Mass Customization, Grand Rapids, Michigan (September 27-28, 2006).
- General Chair, International Conference on Management Sciences: Optimization Models and Applications, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas (May 20-22, 2006).
- Member of the Program Committee, PICMET ’05 (Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology), Portland, Oregon (July 31-August 4, 2005).
- Member of the Program Committee, IFORS XVII, Honolulu, Hawaii (July 11-15, 2005).
- Member of the Program Committee, International Symposium on Manufacturing and Applications - ISOMA 2004, Seville, Spain (June 28-July 2, 2004).
- Member of the Program Committee Session Chair, Panel Member, PICMET ’03 (Portland, International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology), Portland, Oregon (July 20-24, 2003).
- Member of the Program Committee, 2002 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, Hiroshima, Japan (July 15-17, 2002).
- Member of the Program Committee, International Symposium on Scheduling 2002, Hamanako, Japan (June 4-6, 2002).
- The International Programme Committee, IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Assembly and Disassembly, Gramado, Brazil (November 4-7, 2001).
- Member of the Program Committee, PICMET ’01 (Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology), Portland, Oregon (July 29-August 2, 2001).
- Chair of the Program Committee, International Symposium on Information Science Innovations in Intelligent Automated Manufacturing, Dubai, U.A.E. (March 20-23, 2001).
- Member of the International Program Committee, International Conference on Information Technology for Business Management in the 16th World Computer Congress 2000, Beijing, China (August 21-25, 2000).
- Member of the Program Committee, 2000 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, Ann Arbor, Michigan (July 23-26, 2000).
- Member of the Technical Committee, Group Technology/Cellular Manufacturing Symposium, San Juan, Puerto Rico (March 27-29, 2000).
- Member of the Program Committee, PICMET ’99 (Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology), Portland, Oregon (July 25-29, 1999).
- Member of the International Program Committee, Second International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management, Ahmedabad, India (January 3-6, 1999).
- Member of the Scientific Committee, 3rd International Industrial Engineering Conference, Montréal, Canada (May 26-28, 1999).
- Member of the Program Committee, International Conference on Agile, Intelligent, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, RPI, Troy, New York (October 7-9, 1998).
- Member of the Program Committee, Session Chair, and Author, 1998 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, Ohtsu, Japan (July 13-15, 1998).
- Member of the Program Committee and Session Chair, PICMET '97 (Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology), Portland, Oregon (July 27-31, 1997).
- Member of the Scientific Committee, Productivity in a World Without Borders, Montréal, Canada (October 18-20, 1995).
- Member of the International Programme Committee, Intelligent Scheduling of Robots and FMS, Holon, Israel (July 2, 1995).
- Member of the International Program Committee and Plenary Speaker, IMACS/SICE International Symposium on Robotics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems '92, Kobe, Japan (September 16-20, 1992).
- Member of the International Program Committee and Session Chairperson, Modeling the Innovation Conference, Rome, Italy (March 21-23, 1990).
- Member of the Program Committee, The Third International Conference on Expert Systems and the Leading Edge in Production and Operations Management, Hilton Head Island, SC (May 21-24, 1989).
- Member of the Program Committee, Simulation in Manufacturing, SIM-4, London, UK (November 1-3, 1988).
- Member of the Technical Committee, Second International Conference on Expert Systems and the Leading Edge in Production Planning and Control, Charleston, SC (May 3-5, 1988).
- Member of the International Program Committee, Third International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS 87), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (August 11-14, 1987).
- Member of the Program Committee, The International Conference on Expert Systems and the Leading Edge in Production Planning and Control, Charleston, SC (May 10-13, 1987).
- Member of the Program Committee, 1987 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Raleigh, NC (March 30-April 2, 1987).
- Member of the Program Committee and Session Chair, 1986 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, CA (April 7-10, 1986); Chaired two FMS sessions.
- Member of the Program Committee, Production Systems Conference, INRIA, Rocquencourt, France (April 23-26, 1984).
- Cluster Chair and Session Chair, FMS Sessions, IFORS XVII, Honolulu, Hawaii (July 11-15, 2005).
Panel Member, CIRP 3rd International Conference on Reconfigurable Manufacturing, Ann Arbor, MI (May 10-12, 2005). - Cluster Chair and Session Chair, FMS Sessions, IFORS ’99, 15th World Conference on Operational Research, Beijing, China (August 16-20, 1999).
- Other Conference Activities:
- Session Chairperson, “Scheduling”, APMS-COMPCONTROL 85 Conference, Budapest, Hungary (August 27-30, 1985).
- Session Chairperson, “Highly Automated Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, 8th International Conference on Production Research, Stuttgart, W. Germany (August 20-22, 1985).
- Session Chairperson, “Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, The ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference, Boston, MA (August 4-8, 1985).
- Session Chairperson, “Production Planning and Control of Manufacturing Systems--Part II”, The 23rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, NV (December 12-14, 1984).
- Session Chairperson, “Use of Simulation to Analyze Problems of Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, 1984 Winter Simulation Conference, Dallas, TX (November 28-30, 1984).
- Session Chairperson, “Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, Seventh International Conference on Production Research, Windsor, Ontario, Canada (August 22-24, 1983).
- International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Member of the Technical Committee on “Manufacturing Modeling, Management and Control (M3C) (since February 1994).
- Faculty Advisor, INFORMS UTD Student Chapter, September 2012 - present
- Area Coordinator, Operations Management, June 2004 - June 2006.
- Member, CQ-Committee on Qualifications of Academic Personnel, September 2007 - September 2009
- Member, Committee on Faculty Mentoring, April 2004 - present; Vice Chair (September 2008 - August 2009 and September 2010 - August 2011)
- Member, Committee for the Support of Diversity and Equity, September 2009 - present
- Member, Core Committee for the Support of Women and Minorities, for 2005 - 2006
- Member, Research and Ph.D. Committee, September 2018 - present
- Member, Strategic Planning Committee, September 2007 - September 2018
- Member, Personnel Review, September 2008 - present
- Member, Faculty Washington Advisory Group Response Committee, June 2004 - August 2006.
- Member, School of Social Sciences Program Review Committee, March 2004 - August 2005.
- Member, Committee on Educational Policy, September 2003 - August 2006.
- Member, School Peer Review Committee, September 2002 - August 2008.
- Member, Academic Policy & Planning, September 2002 - August 2006; September 2008 - September 2018.
- Member, Organizations, Strategy & International Management Search Committee, September 2003 - August 2004.
- Member, Steering Committee, September 2002 - August 2006.
- Member, Information Resources Policy & Planning Advisory Committee, September 2002 - January 2003.
- Member, Operations Management Search Committee, September 2002 to present.
- Member, several ad hoc committees for tenure and/or promotion, since September 2003
- Chair and elected member, Strategic Planning Committee, 2000-2002.
- Member, Community Values and Standards Committee, 2001-2002.
- Member, Admissions, Academic Services, and Career Development Advisory Committee, 1999-2001.
- Member, Research and Publications Committee, 1993-1999.
- Member, Doctoral Studies Committee, 1992-1995.
- Member, Facilities Committee, 1995-1996.
- Chair, OM Faculty Search Committee, 1992-1996 and 1997-2002.
- Ran the OM Seminar Series, 1984-1995.
- Ran the OM Brown Bag Seminar Series, 1992-1995.
- OM area Ph.D. Faculty Advisor, 1992-1995.
- Chair, OM Ph.D. Applicant Admissions Committee, 1992-1995.
- Member, OM Ph.D. Applicant Admissions Committee, 1995-1996.