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Kevin Sweet

Kevin Sweet

Assistant Professor — Design & Interactive Arts: Immersive Experience
ATC 1.915

Professional Preparation

PhD - Emergent Technologies and Media Art Practices
University of Colorado Boulder - 2022
MFA - Film/Video
Massachusetts College of Art and Design - 2012
BA - Film Studies
Keene State College - 2009

Additional Information

Kevin Sweet is a hybrid artist-researcher whose practice centers the possibility for social transformation through creative play at intersections of art, science, and technology.

Examples include Sound Planetarium (2023), which brought together artists and astrophysicists to imagine how we can use sonification and virtual environments to explore physical realities that our bodies cannot sense or perceive, and RISE San Luis (2020-2022) which addressed systemic issues and inequity in the experience of K-12 students in San Luis, Colorado, through infrastructure-building and creating a student-centered and place-based digital art curriculum.

For more information about his research & exhibitions, please see
