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Justin Ruths

Justin Ruths

Assistant Professor - Mechanical Engineering

Professional Preparation

Ph.D. - Systems Science and Applied Mathematics
Washington University in Saint Louis (WUSTL) - 2011
M.S. - Electrical Engineering
Washington University in Saint Louis - 2008
M.S. - Mechanical Engineering
Columbia University - 2006
B.S. - Physics
Rice University - 2004


G. Sabaliauskaite, G.S. Ng, J. Ruths, A. Mathur. Comparison of Corrupted Sensor Data Detection Methods in Detecting Stealthy Attacks on Cyber-Physical Systems. 22nd IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC), 2017. 2017 - Publication
G. Sabaliauskaite, G.S. Ng, J. Ruths, A. Mathur. Empirical Assessment of Corrupt Sensor Data Detection Methods in a Robot. IEEE International Workshop on Dependable Software and Applications, Atlanta, 2016. 2016 - Publication
C. Murguia, J. Ruths. Characterization of a CUSUM Model-Based Sensor Attack Detector. 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Las Vegas, 2016. 2016 - Publication
D. Urbina, J. Giraldo, A. Cardenas, N. Tippenhauer, J. Valente, M. Faisal, J. Ruths, R. Candell, H. Sandberg. Limiting the Impact of Stealthy Attacks on Industrial Control Systems. 23rd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCA), Vienna, 2016. 2016 - Publication
C. Murguia, J. Ruths. CUSUM and Chi-Squared Attack Detection of Compromised Sensors. IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (CDC), Buenos Aires, 2016. 2016 - Publication
J. Ruths, S. Ghosh, B. Ghosh. Optimal Tracking of Version and Vergence Eye Movements in Human Binocular Control. European Control Conference, Aalborg, 2016. 2016 - Publication
B. Mannot, J. Ruths. Sensitivity of Network Controllability to Weight-Based Edge Thresholding. 7th Workshop on Complex Networks (CompleNet), Dijon, 2016. 2016 - Publication
S. Ghosh, J. Ruths. Structural Control of Single-Input Rank One Bilinear Systems. Automatica, vol. 64, pp. 8-17, 2016. 2016 - Publication


Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Dallas [2016–Present]
Assistant Professor
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) [2011–2016]

Additional Information

Talks (invited')

Winter Workshop*, Complexity Institute at Nanyang Technological University, Mar 2016

Mechanical Engineering*, University of Houston, Feb 2016

Mechanical Engineering*, University of Texas at Dallas, Jan 2016

Research Group, MIT, May 2015

Controls Group, Harvard University, May 2015

Electrical Engineering, Rice University, May 2015

Control, Dynamics, and Systems Seminar, University of Colorado, May 2015

European Conference on Complex Systems*, Lucca, September 2014

Institute of High Performance Computing*, A*STAR, Singapore, July 2014

Control & Signal Processing Seminar*, University of Melbourne, June 2014

Biomedical Engineering Seminar*, University of Melbourne, June 2014

International Conference on Computational Science, Cairns, June 2014

Winter Workshop*, Complexity Institute at Nanyang Technological University, Feb 2014

Novel Technologies for Neurology Workshop, Nanyang Technological University, May 2012

Barbados Workshop on Control in Biological Systems*, McGill Univ. Bellairs Research Institute, April 2012

Chemistry*, Technische Universität München, Jan. 2010

Professional Activities & Leadership

Co-organizer of workshop: Paradigms for Control in Social Systems
Held at the International Conference on Computational Science 2015

Session co-chair at the Conference on Decision and Control 2014, SIAM Control and Its Applications 2013

PC Member              International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2016); Conference on Complex Systems (CCS 2016)

Reviewer                  Conferences:  CDC, ACC, ECC, MSC, etc

IEEE TAC, TCNS, TCAS, TNNLS; Automatica; System & Control Letters
Science; Nature Reviews; Physical Review; Nature Communications
Physica; Scientific Reports; PLOS One; Entropy; Journal of the Franklin Institute


2015 – Present         Carlos Murguia, Postdoctoral Fellow                                    [cyber-physical security]

2015    Fall               Jairo Giraldo, Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow                           [cyber-physical security]

2015 – Present         Giorgio Sartor, PhD student, IBM internship                     [network control & traffic]

2015 – 2016             Jijju Thomas, Research Assistant  [robustness of network control & optimal control]

2014 – Present         Sibo Song, PhD student (ISTD)                                        [classification of networks]

2014 – 2015             Barnabe Monnot, PhD student                    [effect of thresholding in network control]

2014 – 2015             Deven Parekh, co-supervised MS at McGill Univ.    [robustness of network control]

2014                         Rajnish Sharma                                                          [computational optimal control]
                                 Employed by McKinsey & Company (Shanghai)

2013 – 2016            Supratim Ghosh, Postdoctoral Fellow                [network control & bilinear systems]

2013 – 2014             Nikhil Jain, SUTD-MIT Dual-Degree MS Program  [robustness of network control]
                                 Employed by Amazon126 (Sunnyvale, CA)

2012    Summer        Kimberly Toy, MIT Undergraduate Exchange Program [material conductivity models]