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Ill Ryu

Ill Ryu

Assistant Professor - Mechanical Engineering

Professional Preparation

Ph.D. - Materials Science and Engineering with Minor in Mechanical Engineering
Stanford University - 2013
M.S. - Materials Science and Engineering
Stanford University - 2013
M.S. - Materials Science and Engineering
Seoul National University - 2005
B.S. - Materials Science and Engineering
Seoul National University - 2005


Ill Ryu, Wei Cai, William D. Nix, Huajian Gao, Stochastic behaviors in plastic deformation of face-centered cubic micropillars governed by surface nucleation and truncated source operation, Acta Materialia, 95, 176-183 (2015). 2015 - Publication
Seok Woo Lee, Hyun-Wook Lee, Ill Ryu, Huajian Gao, William D. Nix, Yi Cui, Kinetics and fracture resistance of lithiated silicon nanostructure pairs controlled by their mechanical interaction, Nature Communications, 6, 7533 (2015). 2015 - Publication
Seok Woo Lee, Ill Ryu, William D. Nix, Yi Cui, Fracture of Crystalline Germanium during Electrochemical Lithium Insertion, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2, 15-19 (2015). 2015 - Publication
Xingcheng Xiao, Weidong Zhou, Youngnam Kim, Ill Ryu, Meng Gu, Chongmin Wang, Gao Liu, Zhongyi Liu, Huajian Gao, Regulated Breathing Effect of Silicon Negative Electrode for Dramatically Enhanced Performance of Li-Ion Battery, Advanced Functional Materials, 25, 1426-1433 (2015). 2015 - Publication
Ill Ryu, Wei Cai, William D. Nix, Huajian Gao, Anisotropic size dependent plasticity in FCC micropillars under, Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials (JOM). 1-8 (2015), Invited paper. 2015 - Publication
Yusuke Matsuda, Ill Ryu, Sean W. King, Reinhold H. Dauskardt, Toughening Thin Film Structures by Ceramic-Like Amorphous Silicon Carbide Layers, Small , 10, 253257 (2014). 2014 - Publication
Ill Ryu, Seok Woo Lee, Yi Cui, William D. Nix, Microscopic model for fracture of crystalline Si nanopillars during lithiation, Journal of Power Source, 255, 274-282 (2014). 2014 - Publication
Seok-Woo Lee, Yintong Cheng, Ill Ryu, Julia R. Greer, "Cold-temperature deformation of nano-sized tungsten and niobium as revealed by in-situ nano-mechanical experiments", Science China Technological Sciences, 57, 652-662 (2014), Invited paper, Highlighted as a cover page of journal, Featured as an editor's selection in National Science Review of China. 2014 - Publication


Postdoctoral Researcher
Brown University [2013–2016]
Graduate Research Assistant
Stanford University [2008–2013]
Digital Simulation Engineer
Renault Samsung Motors [2007–2008]
Graduate Research Assistant
Seoul National University [2005–2007]


Three-dimensional dislocation dynamic simulations in BCC metal micro-pillars
2018–2018 Ill Ryu, Wei Cai, William D. Nix, Three-dimensional dislocation dynamic simulations in BCC metal micro-pillars, Dislocations 2012, Budapest, Hungary (2012): Poster presentation.
Size Dependent Fracture and Plasticity in Nanostructures
2013–2018 Ill Ryu, Size Dependent Fracture and Plasticity in Nanostructures", Department of Material Science and Engineering Seminar, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (2013): Oral presentation (Invited).
Microscopic model for Fracture of Crystalline Si-NWs for Li Ion Batteries
2018–2018 Ill Ryu, Seokwoo Lee, Yi Cu, William D. Nix, Microscopic model for Fracture of Crystalline Si-NWs for Li Ion Batteries", The 13th International Conference on Fracture, Beijing, China (2013) : Oral presentation, Selected as Outstanding presentation on ICF13 as a young scientist.
Three-dimensional dislocation dynamic simulations in BCC metal micro-pillars
2018–2018 Ill Ryu, Christopher R. Weinberger, William D. Nix, Wei Cai, Three-dimensional dislocation dynamic simulations in BCC metal micro-pillars, TMS meeting, Orlando, USA (2012): Oral presentation.
Size dependent fracture of Si-NWs subjected to lithiation/ delithiation
2018–2018 Ill Ryu, William D. Nix, Size dependent fracture of Si-NWs subjected to lithiation/ delithiation", TMS meeting, San Diego, USA (2011): Oral presentation.

Additional Information

Awards and Fellowships
  • Grant support, The Schöntal Symposium on Dislocation-based Plasticity, Germany, Feb. 28, 2016 
  • Hyundai Global top talent forumBest Presentation Awards (San Francisco, USA), Aug. 23, 2014 
  • Outstanding Presentation Awards by young Researchers in ICF13 (Beijing, China), June 21, 2013
  • NSF fellowship - NSF summer institute (Northwestern University, USA), March 12, 2010 
  • Honor fellowship (Sinyang cultural foundation and Seoul National University, Korea), 1998~2003 
Teaching Experience

Brown University (Providence, RI)

  • Lecturer, Title of course: Advanced Engineering Mechanics (Spring 2016) 

Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA)

  • Teaching Assistant and guest Lecturer for graduate courses 
  • Title of courses:
    • Mechanical Properties of Thin Films (Winter 2013),
    • Statistical Mechanics (Winter 2011), Microstructure and Mechanical Properties (Fall 2011), 
    • Imperfections in Crystalline Materials (Spring 2010) 

Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea) 

  • Teaching Assistant and guest Lecturer for undergraduate courses 
  • Title of courses: Engineering Mathematics (Fall 2005), Mechanics in Materials (Spring 2005) 

Barrington Christian Academy- (RI, USA) 

  • High school teacher for AP Calculus, AP Chemistry (Fall 2014~ Spring 2016) 
Society Memberships and Editorial and Professional Activities
  • Membership in MRS (Material Research Society), TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Material Society) and SES (Society of Engineering Science)
  • Journal peer review activities: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, International, Journal of Solids and Structures, Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Nano Letters, Proceedings of the royal society A 
  • Conference session chair
    • Dynamic Probing of Microstructure Evolution in Nanostructured Materials — Size Effect and Fracture/Fatigue Studies, TMS meeting, Orlando, USA (2015) 
    • Lithium ion batteries: When Chemistry meets Mechanics, Society of Engineering and Science conference, Brown University, RI, USA (2013)