Doctor of Business Administration
Harvard University - 1972

Professional Preparation
Ph.D. - Business Administration
Harvard University - 1967
Harvard University - 1967
University of Western Ontario - 1967
University of Western Ontario - 1967
BS - Electrical Engineering
University of Alberta - 1962
University of Alberta - 1962
BSc - Engineering
Royal Military College of Canada - 1961
Royal Military College of Canada - 1961
The Enron/Andersen Collapse. Ongoing Implications for Executive MBA Programs. Journal of Executive Education. 1.2. (2002): 1-5. 2002 - Publication
"The Enron/Andersen Collapse: Ongoing Implications for Executive MBA Programs", Journal of Executive Education, 2002, Vol.1, Issue 2, Fall 2002 2002 - Publication
"The Vietnam Venture", Management, Vol. 4, No. 1, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2000. 2000 - Publication
"Review of Charles Handy's `The Age of Unreason' ", The Dallas Business Journal. April 16, 1993. 1993 - Publication
"International Cash Management and Foreign Exchange Exposure Management, Separate but Interlocking Concepts", The International Essays for Business Decision Makers, Vol. v., M. Winchester (ed.), Dallas, Center for International Business, 1981. 1981 - Publication
"Target Marketing Considerations When Conducting Seminars for Dentists", Texas Dental Journal, November 1980 (with G. Vaughann, J. Steiber). 1980 - Publication
Strategies for Organization and Management, M. Brown and B. McCool (eds.), Aspen Systems, 1980. 1980 - Publication
"Continuing Education Preferences for U.S. Dentists", Paper, National Conference on Developing
Market Consciousness in Continuing Health Education, sponsored by University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, 1979, (with G. Vaughann, J. Steiber). Published in P.S. Be Market Wise, UTHSCSA, October l979. 1979 - Publication
College Master
University of Texas at Dallas [1990–1991]
University of Texas at Dallas [1990–1991]
Administrative Senior Lecturer
University of Texas at Dallas [1989–1990]
University of Texas at Dallas [1989–1990]
Southern Methodist University [1980–1981]
Southern Methodist University [1980–1981]
Associate Professor of Finance
University of Tennessee [1974–1980]
University of Tennessee [1974–1980]
Invited Lectures and Panels
2018–2018 WItness before Canadian Parliamentary Committee. Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Standing Committee on Regional Developmern, House of Commons, Ottawa, Queen's Printer, May, 23, 1972. Invited Presentation: "The Role of the Chief Financial Officer and Enterprise Transformation" delivered to Financial executives Forum Program "Transforming the Enterprise In Turbulent Times", Dallas, Tx, May 23, 2006. Invited Speaker: "Program Customization to Achieve Personal and Career Transformation", 2004 Conference of the Executive MBA Council, November 1, 2004. San Francisco, California. Program Chair and Panelist, MIT Enterprise Forum session, "Chiaro Networks: Surviving and Thriving In the Current High-Tech Mark tplace", UT Dalfas, October 31,2003. Pan list on "Flnancla. Reporting and Corporate Governance", Texas Symposium Series: Contemporary Challenges Facing the Accounting Profession, November 15,2002, University of Texas at Dallas. Invited Speaker: "Implications of Enron-Andersen et al. for Executive MBA Programs", 2002 Conference of the executive MBA Council, October 15,2002, Keystone, Colorado. ''The Executive MBA Program: Structure and Philosophy", Dallas Institute for Urban Leadership, May 21, 2002, Dallas, Texas. Invited Speaker, "Trends in the International Dimensions of EMBA Programs", 2000 Conference of the Executive MBA CounCil, October 24, 2000. Newport Beach, California. Invited Speaker, "Product Line Extensions to Executive MBA Programs", 1999 Conference of the Executive MBA Council, October 26, 1999. Orlando, Florida. Invited Speaker, "Extending the Learning Process Out of the Classroom: Reality, Necessity rOo . We Wait and See?", with B. Belliveau, 1998 Conference of the Executive MBA Council, October 13, 1998. Phoenix, Arizona. Invited Speaker, "High Tech Industries In the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex", Simon Fraser University Business Executives Group, March 23, 1998. Dallas, Texas. Invited Keynote Speaker at Japanese*American Conference on Economic Recovery from Hanshin* AwaJi Earthquake. T opic:" Corporate Risk Management in the United States". Sponsored by Hyogo Prefecture and Kobe University. Kobe, Japan. April 22, 1996. Invited Speaker, Dallas Treasury Management Association, Topic: "Opportunities in Financial Management", October, 1995 and October, 1996. Invited Speaker on Effectiveness of Government Incentive Programs at Conference sponsored by Manitoba Economic Development Board and Department of Industry and Commerce,Winnipeg,1975. Invited Speaker as part of Industry~overnment Policy RelatJons Lecture Serin, School of Public Administration, Carleton University, Ottawa, 1972. Invited Speaker on Government Policy, Canadian Economic Policy Committee, Private Planning Ass elation of Canada, 1972. Invited Speaker on Government POlicy, Public Affairs Council, U.S.A., Montreal Conference, 1972.Additional Information
Doctoral Thesis Supervision
- Doctoral Committee for Jay Reimer, University of North Texas, March 2005~2006.
- Doctoral Committee for Larry Chasteen, "Dynamics of Cluster Formation and Growth: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Synthesis", July 2002 - December 2003.
- Outside Chair of Ph.D. Final Oral Examination of Chuanjin Li, Erik Johnson School of Engineering and Computer Science, July 7th, 2006, "Efficient Pattern Discovery in Multi-Attribute Motion Streams".
- Outsid Chair of Ph.D. Final Oral Examination of Lyn McKinnon, School of Human Oev Iopm nt, July 16,2001. "Working M rnory Dual Task Processing In Children With Traumatic Baln Injury".
Masters Thesis Supervision
- Jason Durst, September - December 2006, "Evaluation of Cellulosic Ethanol Technologies and Possible Commercialization Opportunities Available".
- Murungan Sachlthanandam, September - December 2006, "Dalla. Metroplex Venture Capital Investment Report"
- Srilakshlml Nagolu, July-December 2004, JSUltra WideBand Technology for China nOWire" In conunctlon with Genesis Campus VC finn.
- Solomon Solomon, July-December 2004, "Ultra WldeBad Technology for China nOWIre" In c njunctionwithGenesisCampusVCfinn.
- Fabio Leoni, July-December 2004, "Caf6 Florio - Business Plan".
- Xiao Hu, July-December 2004, "July-December 2004, "UTD Nano-Lighting Venture Market Research",
- In conjunction with Genesis Campus VC finn. Chla-Wel Chou, July-December 2004, "UTD Nano-Llghtlng Venture Market Research", In conjunction
- with Genesis Campus VC finn.
- Victor Penciu, January-May 2004, " Venture Capital: Current State of Bu.lne•• in Dalla. Mark t".
- Gary G. Young, January-May, "The Changing Face of Venture Capital".
- Scott Paul, "Changing Nature of Venture Capital and Private Equity Capital", September-December,
- 2003. Horia Pltulescu, "Migration to a Single Currency", January-March 2000. R d Abels, "Trinity Hospitals, Inc.", January-August, 1999. Na ir H. Syed, "Price Inflation", September-December 1998. Chris Garoosi,"Swiss Banking", September-December, 1997.
Conference Leadership
- C -Chair Regional Meeting of Executive MBA Council, June 19, 2005 DaliaBIRlchardson, Texas.
- Chair, Regional Meeting of Executive MBA Council, June 12, 1999. University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas.
- Organized two-day International conference In October, 1998, for U.S. and Japanese business professionals. "Strategic Alliances: The Art of Doing BUSiness with Japan". Attracted notable speakers, 200 partiCipants including 20 people living in Japan
- Attended Pro-Ed Conference on Management and Executive Programs, November 18-22, 2000, Phoenix, Arizona.
- Attended Annual Conference, Project Management Institute, September 9-12,2000, Houston, T exas.
- Attended Conference on Techno-Business, Japan Export Trade Association, March 15, 2000, Richardson, Texas.
- Att ndad Annual Conference, Project Management Institute, Oct ber 9-12,1999, Philad Iphia, P nnsylvania.
- Attended"C nferenceontheEuro",FederalReserveBankofDallas,March25,1999,Dallas, T exas.
- Attended Conference on DOing Business with Japan, Japan Export Trade Organization. November 13,1998, Dallas. Texas.
- Member of program committee. referee of papers. and session chairman for Financial Manag ment Association, various years 1975·1978.
- P.....nt.r and/or diacunant at meetings of East.m, South.m, and Southwestern Financ Associations, Financial Management Association, TIMS/ORSA, Academy of Management, AmerIcan InstituteofDeeisionSciences. LocalarrangementscommitteeforAlliedSocialSciencesAssociation. Allin varioua years 1975·1978.
News Articles
Interim Executive MBA Program Director Appointed

Executive MBA Program Starts Year with New Leadership

Pamela Foster Brady has returned to the Jindal School as the new program director after graduating from the Executive MBA Class of 2011.
“The UT Dallas Executive MBA program was transformational for me,” said Foster Brady, who had been a vice president at Atkins (formerly PBS&J) in Dallas. She was searching, she said, “for an opportunity that would allow me to build upon my strengths in managing, marketing and business development, and to stretch in strategic leadership. I am very passionate about the Executive MBA program, and it seems like a natural fit.”