Carol Cokely
Research Interests: Clinical education, academic program development, community engagement, and adult auditory rehabilitation
Professional Preparation
Indiana University - 1994
Northwestern University - 1982
Queens College - 1980
Research Areas
Teaching and Research Interests
Dr. Cokely teaches courses in adult aural rehabilitation and research methods, coordinates the AuD independent-research requirement, and directs independent-research projects. She developed Teaching Clinics in Audiology as a result of her interest in clinical teaching methods. Teaching Clinics during the first three semesters occur along side standard rotations and are designed to provide first-year AuD students direct access to evaluation and counseling methods in a forum that fosters critical thinking and independence. All on-campus and off-site clinic rotations, including full-time, year-long externships during students' fourth year in the Program are coordinated by Dr. Cokely. Each year, she co-directs the Summer Intensive Aural Rehabilitation Conference (SIARC), a five-day program that brings state of the art rehabilitation techniques to adults with hearing loss and their families and provides an excellent learning forum for graduate students. Dr. Cokely directs UTD's collection of speech perception data for normal controls for a multicenter grant, "Childhood Development after Cochlear Implantation."
University of Texas at Dallas/Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Dallas, Texas [2001–Present]
Baylor University [1997–1999]
Baylor University [1994–1999]
Indiana University [1989–1992]
Northwestern University [1985–1988]
Auditory brainstem response in patients with dizziness
1988–1988 Cokely, C.G. and Cokely, J.A., Invited paper presented at the Symposium on Dizziness, Vertigo, and Unsteadiness: Developments in Diagnosis and Treatment, Chicago, IL.Neuroaudiologic findings for a patient with acquired immune deficiency syndrome
1986–1986 Geltman, C.L., Schupbach, J., Hart, C.W. and Coppleson, L.W., Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Detroit, MI. ASHA 28, 76.ABR findings in various tumor populations
1987–1987 Schupach, J., Geltman, C.L. and Hart, C.W. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA. ASHA 29, 189.Neurotologic correlates of the dynamic CT scan
1986–1986 Hart, C.W., Valvassori, G., Schupbach, J. and Geltman, C.L., Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Irish Otolaryngologic Society, Belfast, Ireland.Central auditory processing in the elderly: Fact or Fiction?
1991–1991 Humes, L.E., Christopherson, L., and Cokely, C.G., Paper presented at the Symposium on Central Auditory Processing, Buffalo, N.Y.Additional Information
- Viking Hills PTA President, 1996 - 1998
- Viking Hills PTA Board Member, 1993 - 1999
- Viking Hills Math and Reading Tutor, Waco, Texas 1996 - 1999
- Waco Chapter Hadassah, Breast Screening Education at Waco High Schools, 1996 - 1998
- Waco ISD Middle School Restructuring Task Force, 1998 - 1999
- Denton High School Booster Club
- Leukemia/Lymphoma Foundation Volunteer
- AIDS Care Team Ministry, St. Jerome Catholic Church, Waco Texas, 1994 - 1999
- KCTF Auction Volunteer, Waco, Texas, 1996 - present
- Lake Air Little League, Softball Coach, 1995
- Lions Club Hearing Aid Program Volunteer, Waco, Texas, 1994 - present
- North Waco Neighborhood Association, Board Member 1995 - 1998
- Tennyson Middle School PTA President, 1999-2000
- UIL Creative Writing Team, Viking Hills Elementary, Coach, 1997 - 1999
- Chair, Callier Center/UTD Focus Group: Aural (Re)habilitation, 2004
- Member, University of Texas at Dallas AuD Curriculum Committee, 2003- present
- Member, University of Texas at Dallas AuD Admissions Committee, 2002-present
- Coordinator, Callier Center/UTD Audiology Bridging Forums, 2001- 2002-present
- Member, University of Texas at Dallas AuD Comprehensive Examination Committee, 2002-present
- Judge, The Naman, Howell, Smith & Lea Client Counseling Competition, Baylor University School of Law, Waco, TX, 1994 - 2001
News Articles
Audiologists Help Set the Stage for Better Theater Sound Experience

For Dallas Summer Musicals, this meant creating a new listening experience with some innovative thinking and an unusual combination of theater technicians, electrical engineers and two UT Dallas audiologists.