Yun Chiu
Erik Jonsson Distinguished Professor
Professor - Electrical Engineering
Professional Preparation
University of California at Berkeley - 2004
University of California at Berkeley - 2004
M.S. - EE
University of California at Los Angeles - 1997
University of California at Los Angeles - 1997
B.S. - Physics
University of Science and Technology of China - 1993
University of Science and Technology of China - 1993
Research Areas
Adapting Analog Integrated Circuits
Professor Chiu's research is focused on the design of energy-efficient, highly integrated analog-digital interface ICs, encompassing data converters (ADC and DAC), RF transceivers, on-chip beamformers, RF power amplifiers, power electronics, and bioelectronic interfaces. Particularly, his recent research thrust is to develop adaptive signal processing algorithms and post-fabrication error correction techniques to address high-performance analog, mixed-signal, and RF IC implementation challenges in nano-scale silicon (and future) fabrication technologies.
From 1997 and 1999, Dr. Chiu was employed as a senior staff member at the CondorVision Technology Inc. (later PixArt Technology Inc.), Fremont, CA, in charge of developing analog and mixed-mode circuits for CMOS digital imaging products. He was with the Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC) at UC Berkeley between 1999 to 2004, working on low-power, low-voltage CMOS data converter circuits. In 2004, Dr. Chiu joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as an assistant professor, where he received the tenure offer in 2010. He is now an Erik Jonsson Distinguished Professor with the Texas Analog Center of Excellence (TxACE) and the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Texas at Dallas. He is also a member of the TxACE executive committee. Dr. Chiu was a recipient of the Regents' Fellowship, Intel Fellowship, Cal View Teaching Fellow Award at Berkeley, two awards from the Ministry of Education of China, and the Agilent Foundation Award. In addition, he received the Jack Kilby Award from the 2005 International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) and the 2009 ISSCC/DAC Student Design Contest Award. He was an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, and has served on the technical program committees of several solid-state circuits conferences including the Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) and Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (ASSCC). He is an IEEE senior member and holds two U.S. patents.Honors and Awards
- (2010) Erik Jonsson Distinguished Professor, UTD
- (2009) Agilent Foundation Award
- (2009) The 46th ISSCC/DAC Student Design Contest Award
- (2006) Chunhui Award, Ministry of Education of China
- (2005) Jack Kilby Award, International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC)
- (2004) Achievement Award, Ministry of Education of China
- (2003) Cal View Teaching Fellow Award, UC Berkeley
- (2001) Intel Foundation Fellowship
- (1999) Regents’ Fellowship, EECS Department, UC Berkeley
- (1994) Foreign Scholar Award, Physics Department, UCLA
H. Xu, D. Gong, and Y. Chiu, A comparative study of amplitude and timing estimation in experimental particle physics using Monte Carlo simulation, Journal of Modern Physics, Vol. 4, No. 5B, pp. 42-47, May 2013. 2013 - Publication
(Invited) Y. Chiu, W. Liu, P. Huang, F. Kacani, G. Wang, B. Elies, and Y. Zhou, Digital calibration of SAR ADC, in 10th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, SampTA13, Bremen, Germany, 2013. 2013 - Publication
H. Xu, D. Gong, and Y. Chiu, A comparative study of amplitude and timing estimation in experimental particle physics using Monte Carlo simulation, in 2013 Spring International Conference on Advances in Physics (CAP-S), Wuhan, China, 2013. 2013 - Publication
B. Xu and Y. Chiu, Background calibration of time-interleaved ADC using direct derivative information, in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS13, Beijing, China, 2013. 2013 - Publication
(Invited) Y. Zhou and Y. Chiu, Digital calibration of inter-stage nonlinear errors in pipelined SAR ADC, in IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS13), Columbus, OH, 2013. 2013 - Publication
G. Wang and Y. Chiu, Fast FPGA emulation of background-calibrated SAR ADC with internal redundancy dithering, in IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, CICC13, San Jose, CA, 2013. 2013 - Publication
H. Xu, Y. Chiu, and D. Gong, A linear optimal filtering approach for pileup noise removal in high-rate liquid ionization calorimeters, to appear in 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS13), Seoul, S. Korea, 2013. 2013 - Publication
W. Liu and Y. Chiu, “Time-interleaved analog-to-digital conversion with online adaptive equalization,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 2012 - Publication