Professional Preparation
University of Arizona - 1976
University of Washington - 1970
University of Washington - 1965
Research Areas
Research Interests
Potential fields applied to tectonics, resources (hydrocarbons, minerals, geothermal), and geotechnical and environmental problems. Emphasis on gravity including developing new digital gravity data acquisition methodology for higher accuracy and resolution applications (including developing terrain mapping techniques with reflectorless laser rangefinders for inner zone terrain corrections); hydrocarbon reservoir management by gravity in a test on the North Slope of Alaska. Development of gravity and magnetic data bases of Mexico and Ecuador.
Global Positioning System (GPS) applications to geophysics and geology. Emphasis on rapid survey techniques and special attention to the problem of using GPS ellipsoid heights for land surveys. Applied in-house geoid modeling to corrections to heights in geosciences applications. Building a centimeter accuracy geoid model for the Texas Gulf Coast with UT-Austin and Texas A&M tied to tidal gauges for coastal hazard studies and mapping of sea level.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applied to geology and geophysics. Built GIS geologic databases of Venezuela, China, and Ecuador and multi-layer GIS databases of Mexico
Developing new digital data acquisition (mapping) techniques using field computers, GPS, GIS and reflectorless laser rangefinders in which both high resolution terrain and specific geologic feature (bedding, faults, etc.) mapping is carried out. Development of real time geological analysis (such as stratigraphic thicknesses, strikes and dips) in the field.
Texas Society of Professional Surveyors [2004–2004]
2004 AAPG Convention, Richardson, TX [2004–2004]
Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho [2003–2003]
Seminar (1 day) ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co. [2003–2003]
State of Texas [2003–Present]
San Diego State University, Mesa, California [2003–2003]
Norsk Hydro ASA, Bergen, Norway [2000–2000]
Seminar (1 day) ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co. [2000–2000]
Geological Society of America Short Course, Reno, NV [2000–2000]
Geological Society of America Short Course, Denver, CO [1999–1999]
Additional Information
Publishted Maps
- Bouguer gravity anomaly map of Southeastern Arizona, with R. E. West and J. S. Sumner. State of Arizona Oil & Gas Conservation Commission, 1:500,000, 1973.
- Composite aeromagnetic anomaly map of Yuma and vicinity, with R. Wetterauer and M. F. de la Fuente. Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, 1:500,000, 1974.
- Residual Bouguer gravity anomaly map of Arizona. University of Arizona, 1:1,000,000, 1976.
- Free-air gravity anomaly map of Arizona, 1975, Arizona Geological Society Digest, v. 10, Tectonic Digest, 1:1,000,000, 1976.
- Residual Bouguer gravity anomaly map of Northern New Mexico, with report, with WA Laughlin and F.B. West. Los Alamos National Lab. Report LA-6737-UC11, 1:500,000, 1977.
- Residual Bouguer gravity anomaly map of New Mexico, with WA Laughlin and F.B. West, LA-7466-19AP-UC-11, Los Alamos National Labs., 1:500,000, 1978.
- Complete residual Bouguer gravity anomaly map of Arizona (IGSN71), with J. Lysonski, J. S. Schmidt, and J. S. Sumner. Laboratory of Geophysics, University of Arizona, 1:1,000,000, 1980.
- Complete residual Bouguer gravity anomaly map series of Arizona with J. Lysonski and J. S. Sumner, Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology, State of Arizona (23 maps), 1981.
- Complete Bouguer gravity anomaly maps of the Socorro 1x2 degree quadrangle, New Mexico, with WD Kennedy and M. E. Ander, Los Alamos National Labs., LA-8679-MAP, 1981.
- Bouguer Gravity Atlas of Texas, Clovis Sheet, 1:250,000, with G. R. Keller, Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, 1985.
- Bouguer Gravity Atlas of Texas, Brownfield Sheet, 1:250,000, with G. R. Keller, Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, TX, 1986.
- Bouguer Gravity Atlas of Texas, Big Spring Sheet, Scale 1:250,000, with G. R. Keller, Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, TX, 1986.
- Bouguer Gravity Atlas of Texas, Hobbs Sheet, scale 1:250,000, with G. R. Keller, Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, TX, 1986.
- Bouguer Gravity Atlas of Texas, Plainview Sheet, scale Bouguer Gravity Atlas with G. R. Keller, Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, TX, 1986.
- Gravity Anomaly Map of North America, scale 1:5,000,000, Geological Society of America, in press, 1987, (editorial committee).
- Gravity Anomaly Map of Mexico, scale 3,000,000, with M. F. de la Fuente, C. L. V. Aiken and M. Mena, Director General Geografia, Mexico, DF, 1991.
- Bouguer gravity anomaly map of Northern Mexico, scale 1:3,000,000, with R. W. Schellhorn and M. F. de la Fuente, in Guidebook on Stratigraphy, Tectonics and Resources of Parts of Sierra
- Madre Occidental Province, Mexico (K. Clark, Hoffer, P. Goodell and J. Hoffer, eds.). Guidebook for 1988 Field Conference, El Paso Geological Society Feb. 24-28, 1988.
- Gravity Anomalies of Gulf and Peninsular Province of Californias, with R. W. Schellhorn, C. L. V. Aiken, M. F. de la Fuente, R. Couch and G. Ness, in Gulf and Peninsular of Californias, Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Memoir. scale 1:1,000,000, Plate 4, 1991.
- Gravity Field of Colombia, Eastern Panama and Adjacent areas, with J. Kellogg, V. Godley, G. P. Woollard, C. Ropain, A. Bermudez and C. L. V. Aiken, Geol. Soc. of America Map and Chart Series MCH-070, 2 sheets with text, 1:1,500,000 (free-air, Bouguer) (color), 1991.
- Cartas Gravimetricas de la Republica Mexicana:
- 1. Carta de Anomalia de Bouguer, with M. F. de La Fuente, M. Mena and C. L. V. Aiken,
- 2. Carta de Anomalia de Aire Libre, with M. F. de la Fuente, C. L. V. Aiken and M. Mena,
- 3. Carta de Anomalia Residual Isostatica, with M. F. de la Fuente, C. L. V. Aiken, M. Mena and R. W. Simpson, Direccion General de Geografia del Instituto Nacional Estadistica y Geografic e Informatica, 3 sheets, 1:300,000, 1992.
- Gravity Anomaly Map of southern Central America, with T. Stallings, C. L. V. Aiken and J. Kellogg, in Geologic and Tectonic Development of the Caribbean Plate Boundary in Southern Central America (P. Mann, ed.), Geol. Soc. Amer. Special Paper, in press.
- Cartas Gravimetricas de la Republica Mexicana:
- 1. Carta de Anomalia de Bouguer, with M. F. de La Fuente, M. Mena and C. L. V. Aiken,
- 2. Carta de Anomalia de Aire Libre, with M. F. de la Fuente, C. L. V. Aiken and M. Mena,
- 3. Carta de Anomalia Residual Isostatica, with M. F. de la Fuente, C. L. V. Aiken, M. Mena and R. W. Simpson,
- Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Geologia y Instituto de Geofisica, 3 sheets, 1:300,000, (new map version) 1994.
C. Aiken and X. Xu (co-inventors), 2003, Method and Appartus for 3D Feature MappingScreen Credit
Category 7: End of the WorldCarlos Aiken and Xueming Xu, special effects modeling; Mt. Rushmore scenes and special effects
CBS TV mini series, Los Angeles, CA (November, 2005)
News Articles
Geoscientist Joins Team Studying Massive Sinkhole