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Andrew Eagle

Andrew Eagle

Assistant Professor

Our lab examines memory in addiction and depression. We use innovative approaches, including fiber photometry, optogenetics, mouse models of drug self-administration, calcium imaging, and electrophysiology to identify neuronal circuit that underlie neuropsychiatric disease.

BSB 10.570
Eagle Neuro Lab
Curriculum Vitae

Currently accepting undergraduate and graduate students


Research Areas

Neuronal Circuits
Some neurons have axons that extend to other brain regions, thus sending critical information across the brain. We examine the function of these circuits in order to gain a better understanding of the basic neurobiology, as well as understanding how these circuits are remodeled in neuropsychiatric disease.


Role of lateral entorhinal cortex projections to nucleus accumbens in motivated behavior
We seek to understand how lateral entorhinal cortex neurons that send projections to the nucleus accumbens are involved in the formation of memories that underlie drug seeking.
Cocaine regulation of endoplasmic reticulum calcium in ventral hippocampus neurons
We have identified that cocaine upregulates and ER chaperone protein, calreticulin, in ventral hippocampus neurons. We are now using ex vivo calcium imaging to specifically look at how cocaine affects ER function, including ER calcium storage and release, as well ER stress.