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Mohammad Hooshyar

Mohammad Hooshyar

Professor Emeritus

Professional Preparation

Ph.D. - Mathematical Physics
Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind., U.S.A. - 1970
B.S. - Physics
Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind., U.S.A. - 1964

Research Areas

Research Interests

My research interests have been primarily in the areas of integral and differential equations and their applications to problems in physical sciences and engineering. More specifically, I work in the areas of scattering theory, inverse scattering theory, and wave propagation.

The problem of interest is the recovery of the property of the inhomogeneous medium from the far field wave propagation data. Such a problem appears in may applied fields, such as quantum mechanics, geophysical exploration, medical imaging and electromagnetic soundings, where the direct measurement of the property under consideration is not achievable. Therefore an indirect (inverse) method is used to deduce information about the problem.

Because of its wide reaching applications, exact and approximate mathematical methods to study such inverse problems and their numerical implementations have been of special interest to me. A problem of great interest has been the development of a practical non iterative inversion method for the three dimensional acoustic medium.This problem has been an ongoing research endeavor for me and some of my Ph.D. students.

My recent interests have also included application of inverse scattering theory and wavelets to science and engineering problems and also to investigate the possibility of applications of these theories in human perception such as hearing and / or image recognition.

The other very important area which I have always found to be very challenging and rewarding is developing effective and innovative methods to teach and present new and / or standard educational materials to students in such a way as to motivate and excite their imaginations, induce creative thinking and help them reach their potentials.

In order to further facilitate the realization of such goals, more effective use of computers, other technical tools, and innovative educational methods in presenting course materials are also planned to be explored and implemented.


Energy-Density Functional Approach to Fission-Cluster and AIpha- Radioactivity. M. Haque, and I. Reichstein, M.A. Hooshyar and F. B. Malik, Condensed Matter Theories 2007 - Publication
Shape and Impedance Recovery of Obstacles from Electromagnetic Scattering Data. M. A. Hooshyar and L.V. Lasater, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 48, 596-600 (2006). 2006 - Publication
Nuclear Fission and Cluster Radioactivity: An Energy-Density Functional Approach. M.A. Hooshyar, I. Reichstein and F.B. Malik, Springer Verlag, New York (2005). 2005 - Publication
The Method of Lines and Electromagnetic Scattering for Line Sources M.A. Hooshyar and L.V. Lasater, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 41, 286-290 (2004). 2004 - Publication
An Inverse Problem of Normal Incidence TE Plane-Wave Scattering and the Method of Lines. M.A. Hooshyar, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 35, 486-491(2002). 2002 - Publication
An Inverse Problem of Electromagnetic Scattering and the Method of Lines. M.A. Hooshyar, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 29, 420-426 (2001). 2001 - Publication
A semi-Classical Approximation for Two-Dimensional Scattering by Non-Separable Potentials. M.A. Hooshyar and M. Razavy, Nuovo Cimento 75B, 65-77 (1983). 2000 - Publication
Variational principles and the One-dimensional profile reconstruction. M. A. Hooshyar, J. Optical Soc. Am. 15, 1867-1876 (1998). 1998 - Publication


30 Years of Service Award - [2015]
30 Years of Service Award - [2015]


The University of Texas at Dallas [1988–Present]
Professor (Tenured)
The University of Texas at Dallas [1987–Present]
Associate Professor ( Tenured)
The University of Texas at Dallas [1983–1987]
Research Scientist
The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada [1980–1983]
Professor (Tenured)
Pahlavi University, Shiraz, Iran [1979–1980]
Visiting Associate Professor
Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A. [1976–1977]
Associate Professor (Tenured)
Pahlavi University, Shiraz, Iran [1973–1979]
Assistant Professor
Arya-Meher University, Tehran, Iran [1972–1973]
Assistant Professor
Pahlavi University, Shiraz, Iran [1971–1972]
Postdoctoral Fellow
Maryland University, College Park, Maryland, U.S.A. [1970–1971]

Additional Information

Membership in Honorary and Scientific Societies
  • American Mathematical Society, Acoustical Society of America and Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Professional Consulting
  • 1984 - 1999 ARCO Oil and Gas Company, Dallas, Texas
Reviewed Manuscripts For
  • Inverse Problems
  • Geophysics
  • Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
  • Linear Algebra and its Applications
  • Canadian Journal of Physics
  • International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration
  • Journal of the Optical Society of America


Organized Research
$24,000 - State of Texas Minigrant [1987–1988]