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Professional Preparation
Ph.D. - Computer Science University of Saarlandes - 1978
M.S. - Computer Science University of Saarlandes - 1977
Research Areas
Research Interests
Computational complexity theory
Automata and formal languages
Communications networks and protocols
Parallel computation
Software metrics
“Minimum Edge Interference in Wireless Sensor Networks”, (with Trac Nguyen, Nhat Lam, and Jason Bolla) Proc. of 5th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6221, 2010. 2010 - Publication
“Minimum Total Node Interference in Wireless Sensor Networks”, (with Nhat Lam and Trac Nguyen) Proc. of 2nd International ICST Conference on Ad Hoc Networks, Victoria, Canada, 2010. 2010 - Publication
“Minimum Data Aggregation Schedule in Wireless Sensor Networks”, (with Min An, Nhat Lam, and Trac Nguyen) Proc. of 2nd ISCA International Conference on Sensor Networks and Applications, 2010. 2010 - Publication
"On Deciding Readiness and Failure Equivalences for Processes", (with Lu Tian), to appear in Information and Computation. 2009 - Publication
"Deciding Branching Bisimilarity of Normed Context-Free Processes Is in Sigma(2)", (with D. Caucal and L. Tian), Information and Computation 118, pp. 306-315, 1995. 1995 - Publication
"On Deciding Readiness and Failure Equivalences for Processes", (with Lu Tian), Information and Computation 117, pp. 193-205, 1995. 1995 - Publication
"On Deciding Some Equivalences for Concurrent Processes", (with Lu
Tian), RAIRO Theoretical Informatics and Applications 27, pp. 51-71,
1994. 1994 - Publication
"A note on the Complexity of Deciding Bisimilarity of Normed Unary Processes", (with Lu Tian), Theoretical Computer Science 131, pp. 441-448, 1994. 1994 - Publication
Head of the Computer Science Department The University of Texas at Dallas [1997–2009]
Professor The University of Texas at Dallas [1991–Present]
Associate Professor The University of Texas at Dallas [1986–1991]
Assistant Professor Iowa State University [1983–1986]
Visiting Assistant Professor University of Chicago [1982–1983]
Additional Information
Personal Statement
Professor Huynh received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Saarland (Germany) in 1977 and 1978, respectively, where he remained as a postdoctoral research associate until 1982. From 1982 to 1983 he was a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago. He then spent three years as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Iowa State University before joining the Computer Science faculty at the University of Texas at Dallas as an Associate Professor in 1986. Dr. Huynh was promoted to Full Professor in 1991. From 1997 through 2009 he served as Head of the Computer Science Department, which grew significantly during his tenure and has been one of the top five computer science degree producers in the nation in the last several years. Professor Huynh is currently an Associate Dean in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science. He has been a member of the Advisory Board of the Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics since 1996.