Professional Preparation
Academy of Economics,Poland - 1986
Academy of Economics, Poznan, Poland - 1981
Research Areas
Research Interests
Research in comparative cultural studies, measuring national and organizational cultures. Analysis of East European human resources in cultural perspectives. Determining the emphasis of Dallas-based international corporations on training programs. International trade and foreign direct investment.
Teaching International Business, International Marketing, Comparative Management methods Global Economics, Area Studies: East Europe, Far East: China and Area studies: South Africa as well as teaching MBA Global Online courses: International Marketing Management and Comparative Management Methods.
Organizing seminars on trade and Investment in Africa and East Europe and study tours to East European, Far East: China and African countries and Participating in International Conferences.
St. Petersburg Technical University, St. Petersburg, Russia [1995–1995]
University of Texas at Dallas [1993–Present]
University of Texas at Dallas [1993–1993]
Richland College, Dallas [1989–1992]
Academy of Economics, Poznan, Poland [1986–1988]
Additional Information
Courses Taught
- Graduate: Comparative Management Methods, International Marketing Management, Global Economy, Area Study: East Europe, Area Studies: Africa and Comparative Economic Policies
- Undergraduate: International Business, International Marketing, Macro and Microeconomics, and Human Resource Management
National and International Professional Activities
- World Business Congress
- Academy of International Business Southwest Conference
- Eastern Academy of Management International Conference
- Academy of Management
- Asian Academy of Management
- British Academy of Management
- EAF International Conference-Western Michigan University
- East Forum Biannual Conference
- International Human Resources Management
- Poznan (Poland) Academy of Economics
- Southwest Business Symposium Conference
- Texas Conference on Organization
- The Society for Advancement of Management
Service for the University
- Proposed and Presented to the OSIM and Undergraduate Committee the Idea of Creating Undergraduate International Business Concentration. The Project Has Been Supported by Committee and OSIM Faculty Members Unanimously.
- Attends Regularly, Research Presentation Seminars Conducted by Outside Researchers, Job Candidates And Invited Professors in OSIM Area.
- Volunteers in the Evaluation of All Junior Job Applicants in the School of Management. Coordinator of Foreign Study Trips for the School Of Management, 2000-Present.
- Co-chair of Committee of Student Life, University of Texas at Dallas, (2000-present)
- Coordinator of Foreign Study Trips, School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas, 2000-present
- Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Member for the School of Management at University of Texas at Dallas (1994-Present)
- Advisory Committee member for African Students Union, University of Texas at Dallas, 2000- present
- Presented a paper titled “How the African National Cultures Fit with that of the United States: The Influence of Culture on Doing Business in Africa”, Global Business Conference, Greater Dallas Chamber, September 29, 2000
- Developed Two Curricula for MBA Online Program Courses, School of Management, UTD, Spring, 2000 and 2001
- Developed and Proposed a New Curriculum for UG in the School of Management International Human Resource Management/Cross-Cultural Management (1999)
- Developed a New Curriculum, East European Studies: Area Study--Poland in the School of Management, 1999
- Managed to Establish Cooperative Activities between UTD School of Management and Academy of Economics, Poznan, Poland and School of Business, Prague which Include Overseas Study Tour Programs and Collaborative Research.
- Presented a Paper under the title "Countries That Belong to a Specific Region Show Cultural Similarities, but Convergence Exists among the Culture of Certain Specific Groups of People across Regions", School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas, April, 1999
- Regional Coordinator of the 1999 Annual Conference of the National Association of African- American Studies, Houston, 1999
- Presented a paper on Business Opportunities for Greater-Dallas Chamber Members, World Trade Center, December, 1998
- Helped organize a Seminar on "Trade and Investment Opportunities in Ethiopia", Greater Dallas Chamber at the World Trade Center, December, 1998
- Gave a lecture on "How Culture Affects Business Practice" for MBA Students and Professors at the School of Marketing, Poznan, Poland, June 29, 1998
- Organizes and leads a study tour to the Southern African countries
- Primary and Secondary Reader: Honor’s Thesis (1994-present)
- Independent Studies Supervisor (1994-present)
- Lecture on Global Perspectives for freshman UTD students (1993-present)
- Participates in the orientation and recruitment of potential candidates among high school students for the School of Management at UTD (1994--present)
- Russian-American School of Management Studies Committee Member (1994-1996)
News Articles
Prof's Human Resource Paper Wins Recognition