William Griffin
Associate Professor of Instruction - Geosciences
Professional Preparation
Ph.D. - Geoscience
University of Texas at Dallas - 2008
University of Texas at Dallas - 2008
B.Sc. - Geoscience
University of Texas at Dallas - 2003
University of Texas at Dallas - 2003
B.B.A. - Business Administration
University of North Texas - 1985
University of North Texas - 1985
Research Areas
Dissertation Subject
Geochemical and geochronologic investigation of the Balcones lgneous Province of Texas - a Late Cretaceous continental intraplate rmdersaturated alkaline igneous belt along the Mesoproterozoic central southern margin of North America. My investigation included field mapping, geochemical characterization (rare—earth and trace element, major element, mineral chemistry, radiogenic isotope (Sr, Nd, Pb)), and geochronologic characterization (U/Pb and 4°Ar/39Ar) to understand the magrnatic sources, processes, timing, duration, and spatial extent of the province. My research interests include magmatic mechanisms as they relate to continental scale tectonics (especially intraplate volcanism), isotope geochemistry and geochronology.
Griffin, W.R., Stem, R.J., Manton, W.I., Leyboume, M.l., and Bergman, S.C., 2008, Cretaceous Extensional Focusing of FOZO and FOZO-HIMU Derived Melts in the Balcones Igneous Province, Texas, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 40, No. 3, p. 12. 2008 - Publication
Breyer, J. A., Busbey, A. B., III, Hanson, R. E., and Bettis, K. E., Griffin, W. R., Hargrove, U. S. and Bergman, S.C., 2007, Evidence for Late Cretaceous volcanism in Trans-Pecos Texas, Journal of Geology, vol. 1 15, p. 243-251. 2007 - Publication
Hargrove, U.S., Stern, R.J., Griilin, W.R., Johnson, P.R., Abdelsalam, MG., 2006, From island arc to craton: Timescales of crustal formation along the Neoproterozoic Bi'r Umq suture zone, Kingdom of Saudia Arabia, Technical report SGS-TR-2006-6 1427 H 2006 G, Saudi Geological Survey. 2006 - Publication
Hanson, R.E., Befus, K.S., Breyer, J.S., Busbey, A.B., Griffin, W.R., Hargrove, U.S., Lehman, T.M., 2006, Volcanology, geochronology, and stratigraphic framework of Upper Cretaceous basaltic maar deposits in the Big Bend area of West Texas, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 38, No. 7, p.564. 2006 - Publication
Breyer, J. A., Busbey, A.B., Hanson, R.E., Griffin, W. R., Hargrove, U. S., and Bergman, S. C., 2005, New evidence for late cretaceous volcanic activity in Trans-Pecos Texas, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 37, No. 3, p. 11. 2005 - Publication
Griffin, W. R, F oland, K. A., Bergman, S. C., and Leyboume, M. I., 2005, New geochemical and geochronologic constraints on the Balcones Igneous Province, Texas, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 37, No. 3, p. 9. 2005 - Publication
Griffin, W. R., Bergman, S. C., and Leyboume, M. I., 2005, Testing magmatic emplacement mechanisms in the Balcones Igneous Province of Texas, AGU Chapman Conference: The Great Plume Debate. 2005 - Publication
Griffin, R., Bergman, S.C., and Leyboume, M., 2004, Geochemical and geochronologic analyses from the Balcones Igneous Province of Texas: Evaluating petrogenetic and emplacement hypotheses, Earthscope Science for Mid-America conference. 2004 - Publication
50-Years of Service - The University of Texas at Dallas [2015]
Additional Information
Conferences Attended
- GSA South Central Section meeting 2002.
- GSA South Central Section meeting 2004.
- International Basement and Tectonics Association, 2004.
- Earth Scope Mid-America Conference, 2004.
- MAC Physical Volcanology Short Course, 2004.
- MYRES I, 2004.
- GSA Penrose Conference, 2004, Mass Redistribution in Continental Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems.
- GSA South Central Section meeting 2005.
- AGU Chapman Conference, 2005, The Great Plume Debate.
- GSA South Central Section meeting, 2008.
Field Experience
Extensive field work in Balcones Igneous Province of Texas, mapping and collecting samples for dissertationresearch; investigation of physical volcanology and volcanic stratigraphy in the Davis Mountains of Trans-Pecos
Texas; reservoir characterization of the Wall Creek member of the Frontier formation, Powder River basin,
Wyoming; leader of GSA Section Meeting Field Trip through project area in BIP, experience in organizing field
trips; numerous field trips as student, teaching assistant and instructor.
Instrumentation Experience
User USGS SHRIMP-RG; user IEOL 5600LV SEM; user JEOL JXA-733 Superprobe; user JEOL T300 SEM;extensive operation of a Perkin Elmer Elan 6100 DRC ICP-MS; extensive operation of a Perkin Elmer Optima 3300
DV ICP-OES; extensive operation of Finnigan MAT 261 TIMS.