Professional Preparation
Texas A&M University - 1999
University of Tehran, Iran - 1993
University of Tehran, Iran - 1991
Research Areas
Babak Fahimi
Dr. Fahimi is a research leader in the adjustable speed motor drives, power electronic based systems, and electrified transportation research area. He has over 20 years of industrial and academic experience in conceptualization, development, and analysis of various electromechanical actuators, energy harvesters, and sensors. He has introduced several key technologies that are in use or being pursued by industries. These include:
- Multi-port power electronic interface (MPEI) for effective harvest, storage, and management of energy within a hybrid micro grid.
- Double stator Switched Reluctance Motor Technology for electric propulsion of electrified transportation.
- Position sensorless control of SRM and PMSM drives.
- Fault tolerant operation of adjustable speed PMSM drives.
- Elimination of acoustic noise and vibration using multi-physics modeling techniques.
- Optimal magnetic design of electromechanical energy converters.
- Optimal design of power electronic converters for micro harveters of energy harvesters.
Dr. Fahimi's research can be found in the form of over 190 peer reviewed journal and conference articles, 4 issued patents (7 more pending), several book chapters and technical reports.
He has supervised 8 PhD and 14 M.S. thesis to completion. His former students are all industrial and academic leaders (three assistant professors).
University of Texas at Dallas [2010–Present]
University Texas at Arlington [2008–2010]
University of Texas at Arlington [2004–2008]
University of Missouri-Rolla [2002–2004]
Electro Standards Laboratories Inc. [2000–2002]
Texas A&M University [1999–2000]
Texas A&M University [1995–1999]
RWTH Aachen [1993–1995]
Additional Information
Professional Society Memberships and Services
- Chairman, Power Electronics committee of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2011-2013.
- Member of AdCom in IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2010-2012.
- Chair, 2009 International Future Energy Challenge, IEEE-PELS.
- Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE).
- Organizer, 2007 International Future Energy Challenge, Topic-B, Integrated Starter/Alternator, IEEE-PELS.
- Chairman, Electric machines and drives committee of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
- Chairman of the standards subcommittee in IEEE Industry applications electric machinery committee.
- Editor in Chief, IEEE PELS newsletter, 2012- present.
- Editor, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion.
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
- Associate Editor, Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers.
- Member of the editorial board for international journal of electric power systems and components.
- NSF Panelist for proposal review, Power Systems and power electronics, and SBIR 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012.
- Member of Society of automotive engineers (SAE).
- Member of the steering committee of IEEE-VPP conference, 2008-2010.
- Chairman of the steering committee, IEEE-APEC 2011.
- Member of the steering committee, IEEE-IEMDC 2008-2012.
Honors and Awards
- Keynote speaker at IEEE-ESARS 2012, Bologna, Italy, October 2012.
- Technical Program Chair, Inaugural IEEE International Transportation Electrification Conference and Exposition, Detroit, MI, June 18-20, 2012.
- Plenary speaker at IEEE Applied Power Electronic Conference and Expo, Orlando, February 2012.
- Keynote speaker at IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Chicago, September 2011.
- Recipient of the Fulbright Scholarship for Summer 2011(at RWTH –Aachen, Institute for electric machines).
- Distinguished speaker in IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, 2011-2013.
- Guest editor for the special section of IEEE P&E Magazine on Electrification, July 2011. This issue has won the APEX Grand Prize.
- Recipient of Ralph Teetor Educational Award from Society of Automotive Engineers, April 2008.
- Keynote speaker at IEEE International conference on electric machines and systems (ICEMS), South Korea, October 8-11, 2007.
- Keynote speaker “ Monitoring and fault diagnosis of DC-DC multistage converter for hybrid electric vehicles”, IEEE SDEMPED 2005, International symposium on diagnostics for electric machines, power electronics, and drives, Vienna, Austria, 7-9 September 2005.
- Recipient of the 2nd prize paper from IEEE-IAS Transactions, in 2006.
- General Chairman of 2010 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), Palm Springs, CA.
- General Chairman for IEEE Vehicle power and propulsion conference in 2007, Arlington, TX.
- Technical Program Chair for IEEE-APEC in 2009, Washington, DC.
- Technical Program Chair for IEEE International Conference on Electric Machines and Drives (IEMDC), 2005, San Antonio, TX.
- Guest Editor, Special section of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics on switched reluctance machines.
- Guest Editor, Special issue of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics on adjustable speed motor drives.
- Guest Editor, Special issue of IEEE Transactions of Vehicular Technology on electromechanical energy converters in automotive applications.
- Recipient of the Office of Naval Research young investigator award, 2004.
- Recipient of the IEEE Richard M. Bass outstanding young power electronics investigator award from IEEE Power Electronics society, 2003.
- Recipient of a 2 years DAAD (German academic exchange program) fellowship(1993-1995).
- Listed in Marquis Who’s who 2005 and 2006 in engineering and science.
- Listed in Marquis Who’s who 2006 in engineering education. Society of automotive engineers, Member service award.4
- Graduation with the highest distinction in BSEE, and MSEE at University of Tehran, Iran, 1991 and 1993 respectively.
Courses Taught/Developed
- EE205 (Electromechanics), undergraduate course at UMR, Fall 2003, Spring 2003.
- EE305 (Electric drives), Undergraduate/graduate course at UMR, Fall 2002.
- EE401 (Automotive electronics, New), Graduate course at UMR, Spring 2003.
- EE401 (CAD in electric machinery and lab, New), Graduate course at UMR, Spring 2004.
- EE5309 (Power electronics engineering, New), Graduate course at UTA, Fall 2004.
- EE 5315 (DSP Microprocessors), Graduate course at UTA, Fall 2005.
- EE 5309 (Electric Drive Control, New), Graduate course at UTA, Fall 2005.
- EE3310 (Microprocessors), Undergraduate course at UTA, Fall 2006.
- EE 4348(Power Electronics Capstone Design Project), Undergraduate course at UTA, Fall 2006.
- EE5309 (Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles, New), Graduate course at UTA, Spring 2007.
- EE5309 (Renewable Energy Sources, New), in collaboration with Dr. Lee and Dr. Tao, Graduate course at UTA, Fall 2007.
- EE5309 (Sustainable Energy Sources, New), Graduate course at UTA, Fall 2008.
News Articles
New Device Could Give Boost to Renewable Energy

Jonsson School Electrical Engineering Professor Elected IEEE Fellow

Fahimi has been teaching and conducting research in the power electronics area for almost 20 years.
“This is a unique honor for me and our power group,” he said. “I am especially honored that IEEE has acknowledged my contributions at this stage of my career.”
Lab Shows Powerful, Possible Next Step in Electric Motors at Summi

The DOE’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) program hosts an annual summit in Washington, D.C., for researchers, entrepreneurs, investors, corporate executives and government officials to share transformational research funded through the program.
Jonsson School Team Demonstrates Renewable Power of Liquid Metal

The researchers detailed the project in the October print edition of Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments.
“Heat is an abundant renewable energy source,” said Dr. Babak Fahimi, Distinguished Chair in Engineering and professor of electrical engineering in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science. “In data centers, for example, we spend a lot of time getting rid of the heat by using chillers and air conditioning. Our work focuses on recycling that heat back to electricity.”