Ph.D. - Mechanical Engineering
Southern Methodist University - 1996
Professional Preparation
M.S. - Mechanical Engineering
Southern Methodist University - 1993
Southern Methodist University - 1993
Research Areas
Thermal Fluids SciencesMDI
Manufacturing and Design InnovationEducation
Projects in teaching in person and onlinePublications
Wang, X., Fadda, D., Godinez, J., Lee, J., and You, S.M. (2020), “Capillary evaporation of water from aluminum high-temperature conductive microporous coating,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 153. 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2020.119660. 2020 - publications
Godinez, J., Fadda, D., Lee, J., and You, S.M., 2019, “Development of a stable Boehmite layer on aluminum surfaces for improved pool boiling heat transfer in water,” Applied Thermal Engineering, 156 (2019) 541–549. 2019 - publications
Godinez, J., Fadda, D., Lee, J., and You, S.M., 2019, “Enhancement of pool boiling heat transfer in water on aluminum surface with high temperature conductive microporous coating,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 132 (2019) 772–781. 2019 - publications
Rios, O. and Fadda, D., 2019, “Using Computer Simulations in a Freshman Mechanical Engineering Course to Make Informed Design Decisions,” 126th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 15 - 19, 2019, Tampa, Florida, USA 2019 - publications
Fadda, D. and Rios, O., 2019, “Online Computer Aided Design Class,” 126th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 15 - 19, 2019, Tampa, Florida, USA 2019 - publications
Fadda, D. and Vinay, R., 2019, “Teaching Computer Aided Design Online,” Proceedings of the ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, The University of Texas at Tyler, March 10-12, Tyler, Texas, USA. 2019 - publications
Mohammadi, N., Fadda, D., Lee, J., and You, S. M., 2018, “Effects of surface wettability on pool boiling of water using super-polished silicon surfaces,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127 (2018) 1128–1137. 2018 - publications
Fadda, D. and Rios. O., 2018, “Introduction to Heat Transfer in a First-Year Mechanical Engineering Course,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 24-27, 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, USA 2018 - publications
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Texas - Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors
Certificate of Achievement for Exemplary Faculty Contributions - UTD [2018]
Engineer of the Year - ASME North Texas Section [2016]
President’s Award - Peerless [2012]
The ASME Prime Movers Award - ASME [2007]
Best Paper Award - ASME Power, Atlanta, Georgia [2006]
Employee of the Year - Peerless [2001]
Young Engineer of the Year - ASME North Texas Section [2000]
Young Engineer of the Year - ASME Petroleum Division [1998]
Outstanding Graduate Student Award - SMU [1996]
Additional Information
MECH 3305
Computer Aided DesignMECH 1100
Introduction to mechanical engineering IMECH 1208
Introduction to mechanical engineering IINews Articles
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