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Euel Elliott

Professor of Political Science, Public Policy and Political Economy

Professional Preparation

Ph.D. - Political Science
Duke University - 1987
M.A. - Political Science
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - 1982
M.A. - Psychology
Radford University - 1976
B.A. - Economics and Political Science
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - 1973

Research Areas

Research Areas
My research interests are rather broad and varied.  Much of my focus over the course of my career lies in the area of what are called complex adaptive systems (CAS).  CAS refer, in the case of social sciences, to systems that have multiple interacting components and exhibit complex nonlinear behaviors that can be difficult to predict.  The most recent example of my research is seen in the edited volume with colleague Douglas Kiel entitled Complexity in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: Theory, Method, Application (2021).  This contribution is the latest in a line of research in this area going back to the early 1990s.  Other related methodological and epistemological aspects of this research include questions involving computability issues involving CAS and the possible utility of non0standard logics in evaluating such systems.
Related areas of interest, much of which fit within the CAS framework, involve questions surrounding the interplay of political and economic dynamics and institutions.  Prior research has included examining the dynamics of election outcomes, public opinion, the role of technological change in shaping political outcomes and public policy, and other areas.  I am especially interested in how social media shapes political attitudes and behavior and how social media influences and shapes cultural conflict.
Other areas of research include criminal justice policy and attitudes toward what is often referred to as criminal justice reforms, and also whether such reforms have had an impact on crime and criminality.  One possible project I am exploring with colleagues would examine voter attitudes in select jurisdictions toward "progressive" prosecutors and district attorneys.
While not a comprehensive narrative of my research areas, the above captures in broad terms most of my academic interests.  I consider myself intellectually curious and envision other possible avenues for research in the coming years.


Books [Other:  Non-academic]

Aurora of the 25th Century (science-science fiction for young adolescents: forthcoming).


Books Edited or Co-edited:



Complex Systems in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: Theory, Method and Application.

Euel Elliott and L. Douglas Kiel

Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press (2021).


 Texas Yesterday and Today: Readings in Texas Politics and Public Policy

Euel Elliott and Doug Goodman (eds.)

Austin, TX: Great River Learning Publishers (revised edition 2021; first edition 2017).


 Nonlinear Dynamics, Complexity and Public Policy

Euel Elliott and L. Douglas Kiel

Connack, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (2000).


 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences: Foundations and Applications

L. Douglas Kiel and Euel Elliott eds.

Ann Arbor:  University of Michigan Press, (1996).



Articles in Refereed Journals:



Harrington, James, Euel Elliott and John McCaskill. A Willingness to Learn: Elder Attitudes Toward Technology. Journal of International Transportation Studies (forthcoming).



Successful Resource Seeking Strategies: An Agent Based Model of Budgetary Competition 

McCaskill, John, L. Douglas Kiel, Euel Elliott, and James Herrington

International Journal of Social Science, Education, and Humanities (2019) Online


 The Limits of Knowledge and the Climate Change Debate.

Brian J.L. Berry, Jayshree Bihari, and Euel Elliott 

Cato Journal (2016) 36: 589-610.


 Green Politics: Voter Tradeoffs on the Economy and the Environment.

Harold Clarke, Euel Elliott and Marianne Stewart

Political Research Methods (August 2015 On-Line).


 Innovation, Complex Systems and Computation:  Technological Space and Speculations on the Future.

Troy Camplin and Euel Elliott

Studies in Emergent Order (2014): 184-206.


 Economic Rhythms, Maslow Windows, and the New Space Frontier.

Kruti Dholakia, Euel Elliott and Bruce Cordell

Space Policy. 282 [2012]: 291-298.


 Decision-Making, Risk and Uncertainty: An Analysis of Climate Change.

Kruti Dholakia and Euel Elliott

Cato Journal 32 [2012]: 539-556.


 The Next Frontier:  Commercialization of the Lunar Surface and Consumer Space 

Lin, Wei, Dholakia, Kruti and Elliott, Euel 

Journal of British Interplanetary Science [2010] 63:63-60.


 The Left, Latin America and Implications for the United States: Recent Tendencies ad Future Prospects for Democratic Capitalization 

Elliott, Euel and Labastida, Maria-Elena  

Air and Space Power [2010] 22: 3-23.


 Political Science Computing: A Review of Recent Trends in Computer Evolution and Political Science Research.

Euel Elliott, Karl Ho and Jennifer Holmes

Journal of Information Technology and Politics [2009] 34:515-535.


 The State of the Castle: An Overview of Recent Trends in State Castle Doctrine Legislation and Public Policy

Denise Boots, Euel Elliott and Jayshree Bihari

Criminal Justice Review [2009] 6:166-175.


 The 2004 General Election: Texas

Gregory Thielemann and Euel Elliott

American Politics Research (Summer 2005) 26: 225-243.

 Beyond Gratz and Grutter: Prospects for Affirmative Action in the Aftermath of the Michigan Decision

Euel Elliott and Andrew Ewoh

Review of Policy Research (Fall 2005) 22: 541-553.


 Gender and The Political Economy of Presidential Approval

Mike Ault, Harold D. Clarke, Marianne Stewart and Euel Elliott

British Journal of Political Science (February 2005): 35:31-51.


 A Complex Systems Approach for Developing Public Policy Toward Terrorism: An Agent-Based Approach

Euel Elliott and L. Douglas Kiel

Chaos, Solutions and Fractals (2004) 20: 63-68.


 “A Spatial Analysis of County-level Outcomes in U.S. Presidential Elections: 1988-2000”

Jeong Dai Kim, Euel Elliott and Ding Ming Wang 

Electoral Studies (November 2003). 22:741-761.


 “The Dimensions of Government Inaction on Smoking Policy: A Comparative Study of the United States and Korea”

Song June Kim and Euel Elliott

Korean Social Science Journal (2002) 29.


 “Separation of Powers and Democratic Equity in the 2000 Presidential Election” 

Andrew Ewoh, Euel Elliott and James Guseh  

Public Integrity (2004) 4.


 “The Evolution of an Issue:  The Rise and Decline of Affirmative Action”

Euel Elliott and Andrew Ewoh

Policy Studies Review17:212-237, June 2000.


 “Long-Wave Economic Cycles, Techno-Economic Paradigms, and the Pattern of Reform in American Public Administration” 

L. Douglas Kiel and Euel Elliott

Administration and Society 30: 616-639, December 1999.


 “State Corporate Taxation and Business Power: A Pooled Analysis”  

Andrew Ewoh and Euel Elliott

Southeastern Political Review, Vol. 26, 181-200, March 1998.


 “End of an Era?  Affirmative Action and Reaction in the 1990's”  

Andrew Ewoh and Euel Elliott

Review of Public Personnel Administration, Vol. 17, 38-51, Fall 1997. 


 “Political and Economic Determinants of Individuals Support for Environmental Spending”

Euel Elliott, Barry J. Seldon, and James L. Regens

Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 51, 15-28, September 1997.


 “Modeling the Compliance Costs of Environmental Regulation” 

Barry J. Seldon, James L. Regens, and Euel Elliott

Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol.19, 683-696, December 1997.


 “An Application of Chaos Theory to the Presidential Nomination Process”

Paul Henri Gurian, Euel Elliott, and Daniel Everett

Behavioral Science, Vol. 41, 271-289, October 1996.


 “The Yield Curve as an Electoral Bellwether”

Paul Henri Gurian, Euel Elliott, and Daniel Everett

Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 51, 281-294, March 1996.


 “Exploring Variation in Public Support for Environmental Protection”

Euel Elliott, James L. Regens, and Barry J. Seldon

Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 76, 41-52, March 1995.


 “Long Swings in American Inequality: The Kuznets Conjecture Revisited”

Brian J.L. Berry, Edward J. Harpham and Euel Elliott.

Papers in Regional Science, Vol. 6, 122-140, Winter 1995.


 “Schattschneider Revisited: Senate Voting on the Smoot-Hawley Tariff”

Richard Thomas Cupitt and Euel Elliott.

Economics and Politics, Vol. 6, 187-200, November 1994.

Reprinted in Kingsley E. Haynes, Kenneth J. Button and Peter Nijkamp, eds. Regional Dynamics Cheltenham Edward Elgor (1996).


 “The Effect of EPA Enforcement Funding on Private-Sector Pollution Control Investment”

Barry Seldon, Euel Elliott, James L. Regens, and Charles G. Hunter

Applied Economics Vol. 26, 949-955, December 1994.


 “Riding the Long Wave: Macroeconomics, the Presidency, and Clinton's Dilemma”

Brian J.L. Berry, Edward J. Harpham, and Euel Elliott  

Business in the Contemporary World, Vol. 6, 122-140, Winter 1994.


 “A Utility Function Analysis of Competing Models of Party Support:  Key Assumptions Reconsidered”

Harold D. Clarke, Euel Elliott, and Barry Seldon

Journal of Theoretical Politics, Vol. 6, 289-306, July 1994.


 “Corporate PAC Contributions and Rent Provision in Senate Elections”

James L. Regens, Ronald Keith Gaddie, and Euel Elliott

Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 75, 152-165, March 1994.


 “Member Attributes and Corporate Contributions to U.S. Senators: Do Environmental Compliance Costs Matter?”

James L. Regens, Ronald Keith Gaddie, and Euel Elliott

Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 26, 331-342, June 1993. 


 “Budgets as Dynamic Systems: Change, Variation, Time and Budgetary Heuristics”

L. Douglas Kiel and Euel Elliott

Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Vol. 2, 139-156, April 1992.


 An Analysis of Statutory Development: The Correlates of State Activity in Product Liability Legislation”

Euel Elliott and Susette Talarico

Policy Studies Review, Vol. 10, 61-78, Spring/Summer 1992.


 “Demographic and Organizational Influences on Racial/Ethnic Integration in Federal Agencies"  

Edward Kellough and Euel Elliott

Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 73, 1-11, March 1992.


  “Political and Economic Influences on Private-Sector Pollution Control Costs" 

James L. Regens and Euel Elliott

Western Political Quarterly, Vol. 45, 113-124, February 1992.


 “Regulatory Costs, Committee Jurisdiction, and Corporate PAC Contributions”

James L. Regens, Euel Elliott, and Ronald Keith Gaddie.

Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 72, 751-760, December 1991.


 “Domestic Issue Ideology and Activist Style: A Note on 1980 Republican Convention Delegates”

Harold D. Clarke, Euel Elliott, and Thomas Roback

Journal of Politics, Vol. 53, 519-534, May 1991.


 “Minor Party Support in State Legislative Elections”

Euel Elliott, Gerard Gryski, and Bruce Reed

State and Local Government Review, Vol. 22, 123-131, 1991.


 “Political Influences on Monetary Policy, 1914-84”

Euel Elliott and Paul Whiteley

Governance, Vol. 3, 367-393, October 1990.


 “The Votes-Seats Relationship in State Legislative Elections”

Gerard Gryski, Bruce Reed and Euel Elliott.

American Politics Quarterly, Vol. 18, 141-157, April 1990.


 “New Models of Presidential Approval: Carter, Reagan and Their Predecessors”

Harold D. Clarke and Euel Elliott

European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 5, 551-569, Fall 1989

Chapters Appearing in Edited Volumes or Invited Journal Articles: 


Anti-trust Policy and Blockchain Technology: An Exploration from the Complex Systems Perspective. 

McCaskill, John and Elliott, Euel, Harrington, James and Kiel, L. Douglas

The Stanford Journal of Computational Anti-trust (Forthcoming 2022).



Introduction: Complex Systems in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elliott, Euel and L. Douglas Kiel 

In Complex Systems in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: Theory, Method and Application (Euel Elliott and L. Douglas Kiel, Eds (2021): 1-30.

Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 


 Agent Based Modeling in the Social Sciences

Harrington, James, L. Douglas Kiel, John McCaskill, and Euel Elliott

Complex Systems in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: Theory, Method and Application (2021): 183-203. 

Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.



Brian Berry, Denis Dean and Euel Elliott

Jihadism on the Long-wave Clock 

Journal of Globalization Studies (2021) 10:126-137.



What if Texas Had Never Joined the Union?

Maria Labastida, Adrienne Gathman and Euel Elliott. Texas Yesterday and Today: Readings in Texas Politics and Public Policy. Euel Elliott and Doug Goodman, eds. Austin: Great River Learning (e-book): (revised 2021: appeared in 1st eds. 2017).



Friend, Foe or Something In-Between: Texas, the National Government and Federalism. Euel Elliott, Doug Goodman and Alisha Kim. Texas Yesterday and Today: Readings in Texas Politics and Public Policy(e-book) Euel Elliott and Doug Goodman, eds. Austin: Great River Learning: (revised 2021: appeared in 1st eds. 2017).



Sianan, Marcus and Euel Elliott.

Trends in Voting and Elections in Texas, 1836-2020

In Euel Elliott and Doug Goodman, eds. Texas Yesterday and Today: Readings in Texas Politics and Public Policy

Dubuque, IA: Great River Learning


 “Is Classical Logic Enough? Application of Nonstandard Logic to the Social Sciences" 

Denis J. Dean and Euel Elliott

The Limits of Mathematical Modelling in the Social Sciences: The Significance of Godel’s Incompleteness Phenomenon (2017: 183-206).

Singapore: World Scientific


 “Complex Systems, Decision Making and Computability: A Social Science Perspective" 

Denis J. Dean and Euel Elliott

The Limits of Mathematical Modelling in the Social Sciences: The Significance of Godel’s Incompleteness Phenomenon (2017: 159-182).

Singapore: World Scientific


 The Surprise that Transforms: Technological Innovation in the Next Kondratiev Cycle

Euel Elliott and Brian J.L. Berry

Social Evolution and History

15: 405-440.


 Economic Cycles and Take Off Presidencies Part Two

Euel Elliott and Brian J.L. Berry

Kondratiev Cycles and Political Change (volume 1)

p. 88-100.


 Sino – U.S. Comparative Analysis of Moral Hazard in Housing Policy
  China Blue Book of Real Estate. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. (2013). p. 284-303.


 Dealing with Financial Problems in Chinese Policy Based Housing

Elliott, Euel and Bei Chen

China Blue Book of Real Estate.  (2012). p. 141-155. 



Elliott, Euel. 

Electoral Studies.  (2011). 30:481-483. 


 Efforts to Control Housing Bubbles: What can China Learn from the U.S.

Chen, Bao, Elliott, Euel, and Dholakia, Kruti. 

The Annual Performance Report of the Development of China’s Real Estate. (2011). p. 288-302.


 Impact of Medical Malpractice Litigation on Physician Supply: Evidence from Mississippi.  

Roberts, Brandon, Elliott, Euel and Campbell, Randall

Public Policy Issues Research Trends (2010) 279-292. 


 Aspects of Financial Structure in Chinese Real Estate

Bao, Chen and Elliott, Euel

The Annual Report on the Development of China’s Real Estate (2010) 7:83-101.


 “Medical Malpractice Litigation as a Tax on the Supply-Side of the Medical Services Market”  

Roberts, Brandon and Elliott, Euel 

Handbook of Regional Economics (2010).



Efforts to Control Housing Bubbles: What can China Learn from the U.S.

Chen, Bao, Dholakia, Kruti and Elliott, Euel. 

The Annual Performance Report of the Development of China’s Real Estate. (2011). p. 288-302.


 “Medical Malpractice Litigation as a Tax on the Supply Side of the Services Market in the United States”

Brandon Roberts and Euel Elliott

Handbook of Regional Economics


 “Impact of Medical Malpractice Litigation on Physician Supply: Evidence from Mississippi”

Brandon Roberts and Euel Elliott

Public Policy Issues Research Trends (2009) 279-292. 


 “Agent-Based Modeling in the Social and Behavioral Sciences”

Euel Elliott and L. Douglas Kiel, 

Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology and Life Sciences 8: 121-130.


 “Complexity, Politics and Public Policy in Knowledge, Management, Organizational Intelligence, Learning and Complexity”

Euel Elliott and L. Douglas Kiel, ed., Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (November 2003, CD-Rom), UNESCO, EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK


 “Adaptive Agents, Intelligence, and Emergent Human Organization: Capturing Complexity through Agents-Based Modeling”  

Brian J. L. Berry, L. Douglas Kiel and Euel Elliott

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Colloquium Issue) 99: 7187-7188, 2002.


 “Exploring Cooperation and Competition Using Agent-Based Modeling”

Euel Elliott and L. Douglas Kiel

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Colloquium Issue) 99:  7193-7194, 2002.


 “Introduction: Nonlinear Dynamics, Complexity and Public Policy”

L. Douglas Kiel and Euel Elliott

In L. Douglas Kiel and Euel Elliott, eds. Nonlinear Dynamics, Complexity and Public Policy, Commack, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 1-12 (2000).


 “Nonlinear Dynamics, Complexity and Public Policy: Use, Misuse and Applicability”

Euel Elliott and L. Douglas Kiel  

In Raymond A. Eve, Mary E. Lee and Sara Horsfall, eds. 

Chaos, Complexity and Sociology, Beverly Hills: Sage, 64-78, 1997.



Euel Elliott and L. Douglas Kiel

In L. Douglas Kiel and Euel Elliott (eds.) 

Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences: Foundations and Applications  

University of Michigan Press, 1-18, 1996.


 “Exploring Nonlinear Dynamics with a Spreadsheet: A Graphical View of Chaos for Beginners”

L. Douglas Kiel and Euel Elliott

In L. Douglas Kiel and Euel Elliott (eds.) 

Chaos in the Social Sciences: Foundations and Applications. Ann Arbor:  University of Michigan Press, 19-30, 1996.


 “The White Knight Fades to Black: David Duke in the 1992 Presidential Campaign”

Euel Elliott and Gregory Thielemann

In John C. Kuzenski, Charles S. Bullock III, and Ronald Keith Gaddie, eds., David Duke and the Politics of Race in the South. Nashville: Vanderbilt Press, 146-160, 1995.


 “The Structure of Public Economic Evaluations: The United States, 1976-84”

Euel Elliott and Rose-Marie Zuk, In Harold D. Clarke, Marianne C. Stewart, and Gary Zuk (eds.) 

Economic Decline and Political Change: Canada, Great Britain, and the United States Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 173-194, 1989.

- publications


Senior Associate Dean
University of Texas at Dallas [2007–Present]
Associate Dean for Graduate Education
University of Texas at Dallas [2003–2005]
University of Texas at Dallas [1999–Present]
Director of Graduate Studies
University of Texas at Dallas [1998–2003]
Visiting Associate Professor
Southern Methodist University; Dallas, Texas [1996–1996]
Director of Master of Public Affairs (MPA) Program
University of Texas at Dallas [1996–1998]
Associate Professor
University of Texas at Dallas [1993–1999]
Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Dallas [1991–1993]
Assistant Professor
University of Georgia; Athens, Georgia [1988–1990]
Visiting Assistant Professor
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Blacksburg, Virginia [1987–1987]


Regional Influences on Congressional Support for Protectionism.
1990–1990 Richard Thomas Cupitt, Euel Elliott, and Stephanie Dubriel. Presented at the American Political Science Association Meeting, San Francisco, September 1-4, 1990.
The Correlates of State Tort Reform.
1990–1990 Euel Elliott and Susette Talarico. Presented at the Midwestern Political Science Association Meeting, Chicago, April 6-8, 1990.
Attitudes and New Social Movements: A Case Study of Operation Rescue.
1990–1990 Euel Elliott and Jerome Legge. Presented at the Political Parties and the Future of Democracy Conference, Denton, Texas, April 19-21, 1990.
Political and Business Cycle Effects on Private-Sector Pollution Control Costs.
1990–1990 James L. Regens and Euel Elliott. Presented at the Midwestern Political Science Association Meeting, Chicago, April 6-8, 1990.
Senate Member Attributes, Environmental Compliance Costs and Corporate PAC Contributions.
1990–1990 James L. Regens, Euel Elliott, and Ronald Keith Gaddie. Presented at the Southern Political Science Association Meeting, Atlanta, November 6-8, 1990.

Additional Information

Personal Statement
I am Professor of Public Policy and Political Economy, and Political Science, in the School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas.  I have taught at UT Dallas since 1991.  Prior to my employment by the University, I taught at Virginia Tech, the University of Oklahoma and the University of Georgia.  Regarding my educational background, I received my PHD. from Duke University in 1987; prior to that, I had matriculated at Virginia Tech and Radford university.
My research interests have tended to focus on the application of complex adaptive systems and nonlinear dynamics to understanding economic, political and social phenomena.  My research statement goes into somewhat greater detail regarding these concepts.  However, I do have a fairly wide range of research interests within that broad theoretical framework, and have published extensively addressing topics of public opinion, political support and a range of public policy issues. 
During my tenure at UT Dallas I have served in a number of administrative positions, including director of the Master of Public Affairs (MPA) program, and associate dean for both undergraduate and graduate studies within the School.  My last appointment was as associate dean for undergraduate studies, serving from 2013 to the end of 2019. 
I have taught at both the undergraduate and graduate level, with courses ranging from introductory classes in American and Texas government to undergraduate public policy and graduate courses in political institutions.  Additionally, I have supervised a number of dissertations (details available on this website) and served on a very large number of dissertation committees.

Professional Recognitions, Honors, Memberships: (Teaching, Research, Service)
  • Listed in Whos Who Among Teachers of the Southwest, 1993-1994
  • Graduate Tuition Scholarship, Duke University, Fall 1982-Spring 1984
  • Member, American Economic Association, 1994-Present
  • Member, American Political Science Association, 1986-Present
  • Member, Midwest Political Science Association, 1986-Present
  • Member, Southwestern Social Science Association, 1989-Present and Member, Executive Council, 1993-94
  • Member, Editorial Board, African Social Science Review, 1998-2002
  • Institutional Representative, National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA), 1996-1998
  • Institutional Representative, Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM), 1997-Present
  • American Journal of Political Science
  • American Political Science Review
  • Journal of Environmental Management
  • Social Science Quarterlya
  • Southeastern Political Review


Doctoral Advisement/Direction
Victoria Morales, "Three essays on racial disparities in STEM education participation," (degree expected 2023) Robert Moreau-"Can national-level institutions impact democratic transitions?  some evidence from the Arab spring?"  (2022)
Joseph Mauriello-"Accounting for the unaccountable: the internal auditor's role in curbing internal corruption" (2022)
Sara Johnson-"High speed rail in Texas: an analysis of public opinion and rural opposition" (2022)
Brett Cease-"Climate policy by subnational actors: examining efficacy and impact" (2019): co-chair with Jeff Dumas
Julie Haworth-"Impact of social networks on water conservation behavior in Plano, Texas" (2016)
Roy Robbins-"An inquiry into the effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement Upon Texas MSAs on the Texas-Mexico border" (2016)
Anna Roome-"An examination of the characteristics and determinants of at-risk and non at-risk students in a Texas independent school district" (2016): co-chair with Richard Scotch
Young-Joon Oh-"Agent-based modeling of the 2008-09 financial crisis and policy responses" (2015)
Cory Hendon-"Policy futures: a fiscal policy innovation for globally-integrated communities"(2014)
Bruce Lewis-"Translating political agendas into policy outcomes: a case study of the Reagan Administration"(2014)-co-chair with Don Arbuckle
Metta Alsobrook-"Assessment of student learning outcomes in a university setting: the case of the University of Texas at Dallas"(2010)
Jean McDonald-"Presidential State of the Union Addresses and policy cues"(2010)
Marion Mcgregor-Triano-"Jurisdictional control of conservative spine care: chiropractic versus medicine (2006)-co-chair with Douglas Kiel
Carlos Pena-"How do public universities survive in trying economic times? a case study of strategic alliances at the University of Texas at Dallas," (2006)
Brandon Roberts-"Medical malpractice effects of local litigation disposition on local medical costs and physician supply" (2005)
Apichart Prasert-"Political business cycles, government fiscal policy and macroeconomic performance: a case study of Thailand" (2002)-co-chair with Shiela de Amin Pineres
Thomas Tunstall-"Outsourcing as a firm governance mechanism: empirical study of information technology outsourcing determinants and performance, 1990-1999," (2000)-co-chair with Donald Hicks
Gregory Roof-"The political economy of alcohol: under-aged drinking on Texas college campuses," (1997)
Andrew Ewoh-"Institutional structure, campaign contributions and policy outcomes" (1993)

Dissertation Committee Member
Furkan Zagan, "Valence voting in the United States and Turkey: a comparative study, " (degree expected in 2023)

Prajakti Akarte, "Political institutions, structures and economic outcomes: a sub-national study of FDI in India," (2022) 

Kate Madufuro, "A review of the relationship between federal entrepreneurship programs and regional development: the youth enterprise with innovation (YouWin) program" (2022) 

Christine-Duckworth Millard -"Christianity in politics: churches, congregations and the role of minorities," (2021) 

John Taden-"Resource booms, manufacturing busts and cross-border spillover in post-colonial Africa" (2021) 

Iftekhairul Islam, "Task attributes, technological change and vulnerability of employment: a state-level investigation," (2021) 

Ogulsoltan Arazgeldiyeva, "Factors affecting the shingles vaccination rate in seniors: the shingles (Zostavax) and tetanus vaccination comparison,"  (2021) 

Vepa Rejepov, "Three essays on transitions of post-communist regimes," (2021) 

Cory Carr, "Are active labor market policies relieving youth unemployment in the EU?" (2020) 

Blake Hoffman, "Immigration enforcement and leader image: President Trump and support for ICE," (2020) 

Salma Mirza, "Consumer confidence index surveys: a new indicator for Pakistan," (2020) 

Jeanine Alpert, "Continued education for adults with intellectual disabilities: a phenomenological study of post-high school programming," (2020) 

Jasmine Latiolais, "Exogenous responses and endogenous recovery: how federal disaster relief affects disaster recovery," (2020) 

Ariel Arguelles, "Policy and politics: An evaluation of republican governors' rhetoric on the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion," (2019) 

Adrienne Gathman, "Divided plural executives: explaining the where, the why and do they even matter," (2019) 

Elisa Frazier Price, "Reexamining the "Constitutional Revolution" of 1937: revolution, evolution or restoration and the fall of economic due process," (2017) 

Shaivya Verma, "Seeking refuge: analysis of deterrence policies and formal rights,"(2017) 

Santoso Budiman, "The impact of investment decisions on ICT firms' financial and market performance," (2017) 

Yingyuan Zhang, "Chinese residential housing evaluation," (2017) 

Matthew McDonough, "Effect of military expenditures on technological competitiveness," (2017) 

Imrana Iqbal, "International law and nuclear non-proliferation applications to non-state actors,  (2017) 

Laura Bell, "Repercussions of terrorist assassination: a post-assassination institutional analysis," (2015) 

William Grover, "The efficacy of price controls to control wartime inflation," (2015) 

Ying Jia, "Venture capital in Chinese economic growth," (2015) 

Lokenathan Palanisamy, "Internal control, material weakness, market exchanges and audit firms, and firm performance," (2015) 

Brandon Seitzler, "National and religious identity and political cultures: Southern Baptist missionaries in Brazil," (2015) 

Barbara Kirby, "Neighborhood justices: non-lawyer judges, repeat players and institutional reform in Texas justice of the peace courts,"-supervisor: (2015) 

Osamah Almuayyad, "Effects of No Child Left behind on the performance of Texas high schools," (2015) 

Alexis Cass, "Financial knowledge, fringe banking and the near-poor," (2014) 

Elizabeth Norell, "Whither the center? political polarization in the United States," (2014) 

Weng Lu-Chung,"Political participation and democratic citizenship in a new democracy: Taiwan in comparative perspective," (2014) 

Iliyan Iliyev, "Energy policy and lobbying dynamics in the United States Senate," (2014) 

Nora Campos, "The path to earned income tax credit participation: are community coalitions beneficial?" (2014) 

Ayesha Hashmi, "Islamic finance in the United States:  adoption and adaptation," (2014) 

Jennifer Bridges, "Charter school heterogeneity and organizational ecology," 2014) 

Paul Miesse, "An evaluation and analysis of Medicare part D," (2014) 

Mia Ahlberg, "Values and development: associations between culture and global competitiveness," (2013) 

Christopher Boone, "Addressing challenges for building a sustainable informatics infrastructure for comparative effectiveness resource: a multi-case study approach," (2013) 

Duong Truong, "Public enterprises and economic performance: an examination of Vietnamese state-owned enterprises," (2013) 

John Connolly, "Political sophistication in contemporary Britain," (2013) 

James Latham, "The impact of conditional cash transferprograms on human capital accumulation," (2013) 

Yi-Bin Chang, "Personal value orientations and redistribution: why do people not support redistribution even if they are suffering from economic distress," (2013) 

Kara Sutton, "Socioeconomic, behavioral and health determinants of functional status decline and institutionalization," (2013) 

Olga Taylor, "Maternal social reproduction and Job Corps youth," (2013) 

Rubia de Rocha Valente, "Effects of racial discrimination on high school performance and college admission in Brazil," (2013) 

Malik Dulaney, "In the clouds: the implementation of cloud computing for higher education information technology and governance," (2013) 

Adriana Smith Phillips, "Theories of representation and policy implications for the Voting Rights Act of 1965," (2013) 

Maria Balderas, "Free and charitable clinics: the impact of care to under-marketed immigrants," (2013) 

Melinda Hicks, "Reducing disparities in the use of treatments for depression and other disorders: does site of care matter?" (2013) 

Kathryn Folkes, "Texas preschool education: analyzing policy and outcomes by way of historical narrative," (2013) 

Jekab Bilkis, "Efficiency of the welfare state: A DEA analysis,"(2013) 

Steve Conover, "U.S. middle class income stagnation 2000-2007: reality or illusion," (2013) 

Prachi Gupta, "Examining demand side and supply side electricity management,"(2012) 

John McCaskill, "Simulating the civilian-military relationship in the post-cold war era through use of agent-based modeling," (2012) 

Rubana Ahmed, "Access to credit by the poor: the role of peer-to-peer lending by not-for-profit organizations," (2012) 

Curtis McDowell, "Group perception, group conflict and political support," (2012) 

Joseph Darmoe, "Status, benefits and challenges of e-government in municipal government: an empirical study of e-government in Terrell, Texas," (2011) 

Hilary Eubariyo, "An historical analysis of federal policies involving health care fraud," (2011) 

Gilbert Gonzalez, "Teacher autonomy in light of managed instruction," (2011) 

Jesse Porter, "Sub-Saharan African immigrants in the United States: a normative inquiry into their assimilation" (2011) 

Robert Woerner, "The comparative advantage of the northern mental health model," (2011) 

Jeffrey Ayers, "Do neighborhood associations help sustain inner-ring suburban home property values?  an analysis of the Richardson, Texas market for single-family homes 2007-2010" (2011) 

Ping Chen, "Universities entrepreneurial performance: the role of agglomeration economics," (2011) 

Kathleen Ryan, "Pathways to the Texas House of Representatives: are you next," (2011) 

Terry Hockenbrough, "Weaving a net: the developmental process of a homeless coalition," (2011) 

Alexandro Alcaraz, "Has Irogresa-Opportunidades alleviated poverty in Mexico and affected Mexican domestic and international immigration?" (2011) 

Olulemi Olarewajyu, "Harnessing the sun: developing the capacity to sustain local solar systems," (2011) 

Carol Lanham, "High school drug addiction program effectiveness: the case of McKinney, Texas," (2011) 

Masaki Nakamoto, "policy toward foreign direct investment: domestic policy and institutional restraints across middle-income countries," (2010) 

Iyabode Ajiboye, "International technology transfer to less developed countries, firm characteristics and domestic investment climate: a mimic model," (2010) 

Narcisse Tiky VI, "The causes of corruption: explaining the high levels of corruption in developing countries,: (2010) 

Jeffrey Keyser, "Innovation, development fundamentals and patent life dynamics in U.S. industry, 1994-2006," (2010) 

Delaunia Comer-Hagans, "Disparities in dilated eye exams among adults with diabetes: an intersectional approach," (2010) 

Sarah Scott Thomas, "Why participate? the determinants of participation in the Texas "voluntary cleanup campaign in Dallas," (2010) 

Jo Anne Hughes, "A case study of the implementation of the reading first grant in a Dallas independent school district," (2010) 

Shawn Williams, "Examination of the impact of forward thinking institutions on political outcomes," (2010) 

Thomas Browning, "Three share plans: one local-level response to meeting the needs of the uninsured," (2009) 

Walter Casey III, "Explaining deficient approaches to the problems of gender and representation: three papers comparing and testing at multiple levels theories of representation from a gender perspective," (2009) 

Michael Greenberg, "A game of million: professional sports facilitiesand the agenda-setting process," (2009) 

Seokmin Kang, "Governing institutions as the determinant of U.S. foreign direct investment," (2009) 

Sai Loganathan, "Technical innovation in medical technology: the case of cardiac stents," (2009) 

Yavuz Akalin, "Essays on the role of international institutions in political stability and democracy," (2009) 

Augustine Ene, "Understanding the influence of personal and organizational values on turnover intentions of direct care employees in mental health and mental retardation facilities," (2009) 

Benjamin Gaddie, "Implementing local economic development capacity building programs: the case of Bulgaria," (2009) 

Maria-Elena Labastida, "Essays on policies that influence international factor mobility," (2009) 

Ahmed Kaikaus, "Urbanization and slum growth in developing countries: a cross-country study," (2009) 

Jimmy Lynn Verner, "A new look at minimum wage effects on employment," (2009) 

Habib Ozdemir, "Can a police department utilize organizational learning to improve its' capacity?  a case study of Arlington police departments' management model," (2009) 

Zeki Pamuk, "An analysis of employee self concepts, hierarchical positions and attitudes toward reorganization in a federal agency: a self-affirmation approach," (2009) 

Walter Borges, "Voter choice in referenda: cues and attitudes in direct democracy," (2008) 

Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn, "Subjective well-being, life satisfaction and happiness: determinants of values at the individual and societal levels," (2008) 

Alecia Beck Cobb, "Assessing the effectiveness of disciplinary education programs for secondary students in the Dallas independent school district," (2008) 

Bobby Praytor, "Water for the metroplex: an assessment of the planning and forecasting techniques of Dallas water utilities," (2008) 

Hansoo Kim, "Job mobility and pension participation," (2008) 

Carlos Mendiola, "Harvesting biotechnolgy ventures: modeling the probabilities for alternative liquidity events," (2008) 

Wei Lin, "The impact of federal research and development obligations on states' economies in the U.S.," (2008) 

Edith Krutilek, "The struggle to improve high school outcomes: a case study of the starting smart program," (2008) 

Stephen Kiser, "A geospatial approach to effects in the Texas economy," (2008) 

Gian Abutalebi, "Bounded rationality and police administration: the political economy of law enforcement procurement decisions," (2007) 

Susan Gail Balabina, "Volunteerism and changes in health outcomes," (2007) 

Ling-Chung Hung, "Market entry and market value: linking biotechnology innovation to value creation," (2007) 

Mark Dobeck, "Securities exchange de-mutualization and organizational change management: impact and implications for the Moscow Inter-bank Currency Exchange (MICEX)--(2006) 

David Duane Johnson, "A study of the effects of test-driven accountability and perception of principals in the Dallas Independent School District,"(2006) 

Farahnaaz Khakoo, "Development in sub-Saharan Africa: interpreting economic, political, social and institutional with disaggregated foreign assistance," (2006) 

Deadra Hayes-Whigham, "No homeless child left behind: implementation of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act," (2006) 

Thomas Wilson, "Texas charter schools and Texans who influenced public policy to achieve a common goal," (2006) 

Nicholas Valcik, "The protection of physical assets in research universities:  policies, procedures and improvement," (2006) 

Kimberly Holmes, "Impact of the Voting Rights Act on local governing body composition, 1968-present," (2005) 

Paul Iroghama, "Bandits or rulers? sources of perceived political corruption in sub-Saharan Africa," (2005) 

Flounsay Caver, "Policy punctuations, city government structures and budgetary changes in American cities," (2005) 

Mark Mitchell, "the effects of occupant and neighborhood factors on household modifications and repairs: implications of planning and evaluation of urban redevelopment programs," (2004) 

Sandra Core Duhe, "Capitalism, profitability and civil society: the political economy of corporate reputation," (2004) 

Orarat Asanarong, "Disaggregate analyses of Thailand's exports," (2005) 

Michiko Hayhurst, "The Plaza Agreement, official foreign exchange intervention and exchange rate policy in Japan 1985-2002: an analysis of leaning against the wind," (2004) 

Devon Herrick, "Patient power and the internet: web sites of non-profit advocacy organizations," (2003) 

Jeong Dai-Kim, "The environmental effect of NAFTA," (2002) 

Patricia Huesca-Dorantes Martin, "The emergence of multi-party competition in Mexican politics," (2001) 

Eun Mi Kim, "The U.S. Export Administration Act: Rationale and Role," (2001) 

Song June Kim, "Effects of excise taxes, health warnings and advertising bans on cigarette consumption," (2001) 

Rodolfo Hernandez-Guerrero, "The demographic transition in Costa Rica and Venezuela," (2001) 

Daniel Oney, "Benefit-cost analysis in Environmental Protection Agency rule making," (2001) 

Roxane DeLaurell, "Globalization of regulation: the United Nations convention on contracts for the international sale of goods," (2000) 

Yaw Hanson, "Air quality valuation from hedonic models: applications of recent estimation techniques," (2000) 

Stuart MacDonald, "The Texas and Oklahoma utilization statutes: an empirical analysis of effectiveness," (2000) 

Morris Stein, "The Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas: a case study in new institutional theory," (2000) 

Mark Frank, "The impact of rate-of return regulation on technological innovation," (2000) 

Ella Jean Bray, "The Perot paradox: citizen politics in a partisan world-an analyses at the grassroots," (1995) 

Chung Ron Pi, "Expression of culture in economic development," (1994) 

Hak-Min Kim, "Globalization of international financial markets: causes and consequences," (1994)


Private Property Rights, Coastal Preservation and the Texas Open Beaches Act
$38,627 - NOAA [2018–2004]
Campaign Quality Study
$15,000 - Annenberg School of Communication University of Pennsylvania [1998–1998]
Attitudes of Anti-abortion Activists
$1,200 - University of Georgia [1989–1989]